إستطلاع لمؤسسة نروجية: لبنانيون كثيرون مستاؤون من وجود اللاجئين
Read this story in Englishيعبر لبنانيون كثيرون عن استيائهم تجاه اكثر من نصف مليون لاجىء سوري في لبنان، وفق استطلاع نشرته مؤسسة "فافو" النروجية إلا أن الواقع على الأرض مغاير ويستقبلونهم في بيوتهم.
ومن اصل 900 شخص شملهم الاستطلاع، قال 54% ان على لبنان الذي يعد اربعة ملايين نسمة ان يغلق حدوده في وجه اللاجئين السوريين الذين يقدر عددهم بنحو 600 الف.
وقال نحو 90% انهم يفضلون عدم ترك الحدود مفتوحة بلا اي قيود امام السوريين في حين ان لبنان هو البلد الوحيد المجاور الذي لم يفرض مثل هذه القيود.
كما أشار المستطلعون إلى انهم لا يثقون بالسوريين في حين قال 39% انهم لا يأمنون لهم، في البلد الذي عرف الوصاية السورية لنحو 30 عاما.
وافاد التقرير الذي اجري في ايار ان الاستياء ملموس اكثر على المستوى الاقتصادي والاجتماعي. اذ قال 82% من المستطلعين ان اللاجئين يحلون محل اللبنانيين في سوق العمل، فيما قال ثلاثة ارباعهم ان الازمة السورية ادت الى خفض الاجور.
واعتبر 66% ان اللاجئين يستهلكون مصادر الماء والكهرباء.
وعلى الصعيد الاجتماعي، قال 61% ان وجود جيران سوريين قربهم "يزعجهم" وقال 67% انهم ليسوا مستعدين لتقاسم الطعام معهم.
وقال 80% انهم يعارضون زواج فرد في العائلة من سوري او سورية، وابدى 53% انزعاجهم لفكرة وجود اطفال سوريين في مدرسة اولادهم.
كما قال نصف المستطلعين ان اللاجئين السوريين "يمثلون خطرا على الامن الوطني والاستقرار".
ومع وجود 12 مخيما للاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان، قال 70% من المستطلعين انهم يؤيدون انشاء مخيمات للاجئين السوريين كما هي الحال في تركيا والاردن.
ورغم الاستياء الذي تعبر عنه هذه الارقام، يستقبل العديد من اللبنانيين اللاجئين السوريين في بيوتهم كما تتولى جمعيات كثيرة تقديم المساعدات اليهم، وهو ما يشيد به مسؤولون دوليون ومنظمات دولية.
وينعكس النزاع في سوريا على لبنان الذي يشهد اعمال عنف على الحدود وتصاعد التوتر بين طوائفه.
ودعا مجلس الامن الدولي الاربعاء الى تقديم مساعدة استثنائية للبنان لمساعدته على مواجهة تدفق اللاجئين السوريين.
typical lebanese racism you SOB? We are welcoming in our land the syrians the sons of those soldiers who killed us during the civil war while lecturing us about stability while jordan, irak and turkey closed their borders.
We are the most humanitarian, the most decent people that can be. Put this in your small immigrant brain.
And yes we prefer to marry lebanese, enough problems in married couples to create new ones with dual nationality weddings.
Lebanon first Loooooooool. One morw time loooooool. We are the most humanitarian? What? The refugees have so far been helped by international or islamic charity and not by the lebanese state nor people. And what do you mean we prefer to marry lebanese? Almost every lebanese i know has multiple nationalities in their families. Its quite rare that lebanese prefer to marry another lebanese in my experience. Yes syrian soldiers killed us, but lebanese miltiamen killed us as well so dont mix battikh with batata. Refugees and soldiers are two diffirent things.
Tazafresh if ur people dont need lebanon and are helped by international organizations, let them move out of here and go to saudi. You are a non appreciative bloke who ransacks his host's house and doesn't even say thank you. Despicable entitlement attitude.
Ya mohammad-ca YES WE ARE RACIST AND WE ARE PROUD OF IT...just deal with it.
Do I need to remind you about your PLO friends how they paid us back in 1975 after we all opened our doors for them since 1948?
We learned our lessons from our "arab brothers" and never again will be fooled by them...now I hope this issue with the syrian refugees will be resolved soon and I dont mind prvoiding them humanitarian aids temporarily, but the minute they start carrying weapons and setting up check points all over the country then watch out for a re-run of Tal Al Zaatar!!!
"Sixty-seven percent -- or two in three polled -- said they are "uncomfortable sharing a meal with Syrians"
.... Amazing:)
Most syrians I know put their personal fork in the hommos plate and eat in a communal way which lebanese dont appreciate. We have different habits. Why is that a problem?
Racist fool. Trying to portray lebanese as civilized westerners and syrians as uncivilized barbarians. I swear to God, syrians are a much better and more noble people in general than what lebanese are. Nothing is more pathetic than a savage pretending he is civilized. If lebanese had been what fools like you try to portray it then there would be no need to constantly claim it as lebanese do. Rather it would be known which its not. Lebanese are racist, arrogant, hateful yet somehow fools like you wanna portray a fake image... ya habibeh. There is a reason to why so many lebanese married non-lebanese.
I'm guessing tazafresh is Syrian? ... I think this article is talking strictly about the Syrian refugees. I'm freinds with many Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians, etc... All of them know how to eat in a western fashion lol.
But if ur talking about bad cleanliness habits, it's an issue of poverty.
Exept for the khalijis, they like to eat with their hands in ur plate.... I hate that!
I think the article is very clear. the questions were about Syrians in general...and lebanon_first who and where are these "most Syrians that you know"...remember this: birds of a feather flock together...
No. Because Lebanon is a small country, already hosting too many refugees... Now add this, and were at a breaking point.
Also, I'm sure u didn't find lebanese kids all over Damascus begging for money, and selling flowers...
Wrong picture for the article.
We are not wary of this innocent looking child. We are wary of the Criminal elements coming in under the pretense of being refugees to perform horrible deeds against our citizens and to start sparks of unrest and war in Lebanon.
Naharnet should have the sense of matching titles with appropriate photos.
I bet the culture of Baath has more Lebanese dead on their hands than Lebanese refugees on their soil.
You Arabs make me laugh you will never reach the civility of the west. Even if you are the son of a king you are only the son of a barbarian.