حديث عن مداهمة القرار الاتهامي للحكومة قبل انجاز بيانها الوزاري

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أكدت مصادر صحيفة "اللواء" ان القرار الاتهامي اصبح مسألة وقت وقد يداهم الحكومة قبل انجاز البيان، او ربما قبل نيل الثقة، لكن المصادر كانت حريصة على عدم التورط في جزم الموعد النهائي لصدور القرار.

وكان مدعي عام المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان، القاضي دانيال بلمار د قدم قرارا اتهاميا "معدلا"، وذلك بعد اضافة "عناصر أساسية جديدة".

واوضح مكتب بلمار ان قاضي الاجراءات التمهيدية دانيال فرانسين، سيعكف على درس القرار الاتهامي المعدل، ولضمان دراسة متأنية له "من المتوقع ان يتم الانتهاء من هذه العملية خلال الاشهر المقبلة".

وقال بلمار ان "الادلة التي يكشف عنها التحقيق الجاري هي وحدها التي توجه أي تعديل لقرار اتهامي أو ايداع أي قرارات اتهامية".

وكان القاضي دانيال بلمار اودع قاضي الاجراءات التمهيدية دانيال فرانسين قرارا اتهاميا "موسعا" في اذار الماضي.

قبل ذلك، سلم بلمار الى فرانسين في كانون الثاني الماضي قراره الاتهامي الاصلي في قضية التفجير الذي استهدف رئيس الوزراء اللبناني الأسبق رفيق الحريري وآخرين في 14 شباط 2005.

التعليقات 5
Default-user-icon Tonton (ضيف) 11:29 ,2011 حزيران 24

To those who give a damn, STL actually stands for Suck This Lollipop

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 11:49 ,2011 حزيران 24

From all the cabaret creatures in Lebanon these in STL are the most hillarious. There was an indictment on 11.3.2011.? Sure, as nasrallah smelled it right where it goes.. But than Assad became bad boy again, let's go to old plan of acusing Syria. together with resistance. Oh let's include Iranians also!!! But why stop there? It's all Putins fault!!! And that Hintao is suspicious!!! Let's not forget Chavez and of course whole assasination is devised by mastermind Fidel Castro. Let's BOMB IT ALL!!! NUKES!!! TERMONUKES!!!!

Default-user-icon Scrutiny (ضيف) 15:46 ,2011 حزيران 24

Adonis, and you claim all of this by knowing the intricacies of the STL?

It's futile to throw a tantrum based on rumors.

This whole article is by definition a rumor, it would be nice to know the source of these "so-called" reports that have been written for years, so that we could finally construct an opinion instead of being led like sheep.

Missing peace 16:26 ,2011 حزيران 24

to adonis : don t forget that orange face told that the syrians and their proxies were responsible for the murders that occured in lebanon not only in 2005 but many many others!

was the general lying?

Default-user-icon abul ees (ضيف) 20:31 ,2011 حزيران 24

to all the ostritches that are burrying their heads in the ground,it doesnt take Einstein to know who was behind the killings of Harriri and others,just like it doesnt take Einstein to know that Europe does exist on the map.Get your heads out of your $sses and smell the coffee.Days of Assad clan are gone, just like days of a state withinn the lebanese state will soon be gone.Together with the Assad clan,u tried to make Lebanon poor and mostly uneducated to rule us like Syria but couldnt.Remember whe Hrawi told the Lebanese why do you ALL want to become doctors and lawyers when u can learn a maslaha?It worked well with the Shias when they get sallaries just to belong to HA, and thats why a lot of them are selling pencils on the streets.Education is bi%ch, cause all it took was a camera phone and youtube to start these revolutions,no money, no arms, and no foreign interference.To the Arab youth:keep getting educated and sky is the limit. Soon all these ruthless heads of states will roll