مقتل شخص من طرابلس كان يقاتل إلى جانب المعارضة السورية في حلب

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قتل مواطن من طرابس كان يقاتل إلى جانب المعارضة السورية في حين ساد جو من الإحتقان في المدينة بعد العلم بالخبر.

وأفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" الجمعة أنه "سمع اطلاق نار في طرابلس اثناء صلاة الغائب على نفس احمد زكي منصور".

وأوضحت القناة أن منصور "قتل في حلب حيث كان يحارب الى جانب المعارضة السورية".

بدورها أكدت شبكة طرابلس الإخبارية أن إطلاق النار حصل "في شارع الراهبات". ونشرت صورة تظهر أناس متجمهرين وبعضهم يرفع الرايات السود.

ولاحقا أصيب الطفل مؤمن كحيل برصاصة طائشة بظهره في منطقة باب الحديد جراء الرصاص الذي اطلق اثناء تعليق صورة منصور، بحسب الـ"LBCI".

يذكر أنه منذ بدء الأزمة السورية قبل أكثر من عامين يذهب عدد من أبناء طرابلس للقتال إلى جانب المعارضة بمبادرة فردية وليس بأمر من تنظيم معين.

إلا أن مشايخ المنطقة كانت قد ردت أكثر من مرة على تدخل حزب الله بمقاتليه في سوريا بالدعوة للجهاد ضده.

يُذكر انه في 30 تشرين الثاني كشفت معلومات صحفية من السلطات السورية عن مقتل 21 شابا لبنانيا من طرابلس في كمين نصبته لهم القوات النظامية السورية في منطقة تلكلخ في حمص.

إلا أن لبنان تسلم على ثلاث دفعات ستة لبنانيين من طرابلس.

التعليقات 17
Thumb lebanon_first 20:31 ,2013 تموز 12

Poor fellow... poverty got him to take weapons and die for a foreign country...

Thumb lebanon_first 22:12 ,2013 تموز 12

above applies to dead HA fighters too.

Missing greatpierro 04:15 ,2013 تموز 13

yes and no. this guy went there because he was convinced that he should go there. While HA fighters are going there obeying orders coming from Iran.

Missing cowboymicho 18:53 ,2013 تموز 13

Man you're retarded. If you look at any study it shows that almost all terrorists come from middle to upperclass families and have some sort of post secondary education. Not the poor an uneducated you speak about. These are Muslim extremists.

Missing VINCENT 00:27 ,2013 تموز 14

Allah yerhamo. Why even have boarders and patriotism if religion does not have, or allow you to have one? This goes to all lost and delusional sheep of every faith, hezeb, sect, etc. Yalli baado, unless you don't drag the rest of us in another bloody civil war.

Thumb ado.australia 20:37 ,2013 تموز 12

wow, how this is news! maybe more news worthy is how MP Khaled al-Daher was quoted, "The video displayed by the army during the defense committee meeting was curtailed and containing no audio material and the army attacked Asir at Hizbullah's orders." followed by Mustaqbal bloc MP Bassem al-Shab "The army's videos show that the terrorist al-Asir initiated the attack against the army whose members were defending themselves."

Please arrest this instigator Khaled Daher already!

Thumb cedre 23:29 ,2013 تموز 12

whats the problem with sunnis going defending syrian civilians in qusayr or homs?

Missing samiam 00:26 ,2013 تموز 13

I don't mean to be heartless, but this man's allegiance was not to Lebanon as he made a choice of fighting in Syria and realized the consequence. This applies to ALL non syrians who are fighting in syria as well, and yes, this includes hizb iran.

Default-user-icon amir (ضيف) 01:01 ,2013 تموز 13

Poor Guy....they call him Martyr and add "with the permission on God ""
Martyr of what and for what......Tripoli is poor and people are hungry.....they just lost another manpower who could work and feed his family

Missing beirutbastard00 02:28 ,2013 تموز 14

If there was work n he could feed his family, he probably wouldn't have went in the first place.

Missing dcnzogh 02:14 ,2013 تموز 13

Send all of those who do not have Lebanon as priority ONE to fight; a path to peace for Lebanon.

Missing helicopter 02:26 ,2013 تموز 13

the1phoenix, I read most posts and the majority agree that HA and radical Islamists are fighting in Syria. The Islamists in small groups without a major umbrella over them while HA in large numbers and under the umbrella of Hezb leadership and in coordination with Baath and Iran.
We grew hair on our tongues (this is abou el-Abed speaking engleezi) asking that ALL (including Palestinians and HA) be disarmed and then the LAF will be able to control the situation and get hold of the small fish.

Thumb ado.australia 04:14 ,2013 تموز 13

Helicopter, Oqab Sakr was caught red handed, and proudly admitted to smuggling weapons to the Rebels 2 years ago! Who was providing the funds... Our Riyadhi brother from another mother... Saadadine (the defender) Hariri.

Default-user-icon Sigamundo Fyordaj (ضيف) 03:08 ,2013 تموز 13

I feel saddened and sorry about this news. My only consolation is that a good Sanni is a dead Sanni. Tripolitans, stock up on gas masks because the stench of Sannis, alive or dead, no difference, is just too much on your lungs.

Thumb LebCynic 03:38 ,2013 تموز 13

ila jhanam w be2s l masir.

Default-user-icon JayHawker (ضيف) 15:31 ,2013 تموز 13

As much as I condemn all kind of involvement in Syria from any lebanese person, I still think that HA, being the only militia operating freely in Lebanon, with a de-facto right to bear arms in order to resist Israel (that's what they say), and being a political party that is part of the government, is more to be condemned than anyone else for being involved so officially and proudly in Syria. At least they should have kept a low profile, as Hassouna did initially, in order to limit the tensions within Lebanon. Why would Sunni extremist or non-extremist parties exert any restraint now in their involvement in Syria now, apart from their fear of being killed or kidnapped in Lebanon itself.

Missing qawmi4ever 16:24 ,2013 تموز 13

What a shame ,one scum down more to follow.