بري: لا تغيير في جدول أعمال الجلسة النيابية الأربعاء
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اكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري انه "لا تغيير في جدول اعمال الجلسة النيابية غدا وفي حال عدم توافر النصاب فسأحدد موعد آخر"، مشيراً الى انه اي عريضة لا تلزمه بشيء وما تسرب عن 14 آذار كان للتشويش.
وشدد بري في حديث لقناة الـ"NBN" مساء الإثنين ان "التمثيل الشيعي لن يكون مشكلة وعندما ينتهي الرئيس سلام من التفاهم مع الاخرين سنكون من المسهلين".
وكان قد أكد بري في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" نشر الإثنين أنه " في حال عدم توافر النصاب المطلوب لعقد الجلسة العامة، فسيظل يحدد الموعد تلو الآخر حتى يوم القيامة"، مردفاً أنه " يعد صيغة او فتوى دستورية تتيح التمديد لقائد الجيش للعماد جان قهوجي".
وأشار بري ، الى أنه "يعد صيغة او فتوى دستورية تتيح التمديد لقائد الجيش للعماد جان قهوجي، في حال تعذر انعقاد الجلسة او تشكيل الحكومة حتى موعد انتهاء خدمته في ايلول المقبل".
ورأى في سياق منفصل أن "الإسراع في تشكيل الحكومة بات أمراً ملحاً لمعالجة العديد من الملفات المفتوحة"، مردفاً أن "الوضع الداخلي لم يعد يحتمل استمرار حالة الاهتراء والفراغ".
وأضاف أن "عدم تشكيل الحكومة سيكون بمثابة كارثة على الاستقرار المؤسساتي والمقاومة والوضع السني - الشيعي، وعلى الجميع المساهمة في حلحلة العقد"، مردفاً أنه "من جهته أبلغ "رئيس الحكومة المكلف أن تمثيل الطائفة الشيعية لن يكون مشكلة، وباستطاعته أن يطمئن لهذه الناحية، وعندما ينتهي من التفاهم مع الآخرين سيجدنا في انتظاره".
واعتبر بري أن "من يعطل الحكومة ليس "حزب الله" ولا "أمل" ولا رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون، بل فريق "14 آذار" الذي يطرح شروطاً تعجيزية، من قبيل المطالبة باستبعاد حزب الله عن الحكومة"، مشيراً إلى أن "مطلب الثلث الضامن لم يعد مطروحاً من قبلنا".
وكلف رئيس الحكومة المكلف تمام سلام تشكيل الحكومة العتيدة، بعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في 22 آذار الفائت، حيث يصرّ على أن تشكيل حكومة "مصلحة وطنية" يكون هو نفسه فيها الضامن الوحيد، واعداً أنه سيستقيل في حال استقال أي مكون من مكونات الحكومة.
من جانبها تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية، في حين أن 8 آذار تطالب بحكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".
وأشار سلام في تغريدة له عبر تويتر، الى أن "الحكومة باتت طلبا ملحا لا يحتمل التأخير، في ظل قلق اللبنانيين من الاوضاع الحالية، وخوفهم على مستقبل البلاد".
وفي ما خص الجلسة التشريعية المقررة الثلاثاء، أكد بري لـ"السفير"، أنه "ليس في صدد شطب فاصلة واحدة من جدول الأعمال"، مردفاً أن "المجلس يصبح عند انعقاده سيد نفسه، ويستطيع أن يتحكم بالجدول كما يشاء وأنا شخصياً أعارض حوالي 15 بنداً على جدول الأعمال، كما أن هناك العديد من المشاريع والاقتراحات التي يمكن ان ترد الى اللجان المشتركة لمزيد من الدرس".
وأوضح انه "في حال عدم توافر النصاب المطلوب لعقد جلسة الغد، فسيحدد موعداً جديداً، وسأظل أحدد الموعد تلو الآخر حتى يوم القيامة".
يُذكر، أن بري أرجأ مطلع الشهر، الجلسة العامة الى 16-17-18 تموز الجاري لعدم اكتمال النصاب بعد مقاطعة قوى 14 آذار وميقاتي، مطالبين بحصر جدول الاعمال ببند التمديد لقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي (الذي تنتهي ولايته في ايلول المقبل لبلوغه السن القانونية للتقاعد)، وقاطعها تكتل "التعيير والاصلاح" رفضاً للتمديد.

Aywah.. a Constitutional fatwa, than a constitutional sharia eh lesh la2?
Like I said before since our political leaders are divided across religious sectarian lines why don't we have religious priests do the politics them selves it would be MUCH easier and less people to pay in the public sector!

“constitutional fatwa”... can this get any stranger... Berri you have lost your mind!

I want to thank Naharnet for restoring my account as it was. I respect your professionalism. Perhaps, suspending my account was erroneously done. Thank you:)

I don't get much stimulating, meaningful exchange of ideas from Flamethrower. But then again, one of the most important rights a government or society avails to its citizens is the "freedom of speech", even for stupid remarks. See, I understand this very well, but I also acknowledge the fact that for every rule there is an exception, and, sometimes, there are exceptions to the original exception. So, I would not have an issue with banning this guy Flamethrower (by the way is he Lebanese or Persian?) from Naharnet just because I like to engage in meaning full discussion, educate myself and improve the quality of this forum. Surely, we don't want to be distracted by someone who has nothing worthy to offer to a meaningful topic, especially if it is being done to sabotage, hinder or derail this open forum.

RFT I can not see why the moderators would have a reason to suspend, your comments are never over the line.

I agree general_puppet with your comments. Strange... I have seen horrible and disgusting comments and usernames, but no action was taken against them. There are a few well known posters who write nothing but derogatory remarks and plaster this blog with offensive comments and they still post day after day.

lol @justice; are you referring to flamethrower and his numerous others. I just saw him posting on another article with more dashes and points to his name. I think he was banned.

Banning FT serves only one purpose: to silence any opinion from the pro FPM/HA side. if FT posts something that crosses the line in Naharnet's view, who not just deleting his comment? Why the outright banning? We are rightly quick in criticizing HA for silencing all descending opinions. What Naharnet is doing here is essentially the same. If we are not given the opportunity to debate and try to make our opponents understand our point of view, how are we going to move forward? Do you people really want a forum where everybody agrees and competes for the most thumbs up?

I also urge Naharnet to inform us on its policy and guidelines concerning our participation on this forum. Naharnet should spell out a set of rules applicable to All and evenly enforced.

@jabal: Maybe you and I read different posts of this guy. His posts are always filled with personal attacks on other posters who do not share his point of view. Sorry, that is not called debate. He refers to others in very specific adjectives, and most of his posts do not add value. If he gets more than 1 down vote, he complains the world is against him. I have never seen him carry on with a debate free of insults. Again, that is my opinion, and I respect yours.

Flamethrower: Let me get this right.... So, for fear of being suspended again, you would have resorted to insults once more to show me what you think of my opinion? You just proved my point above, thank you!

constitutional fatwa! and they say m8 are not sectarian!
they want us to start getting used to such terms in politics until they declare this country to be run the shia way

Somebody should tell this bozo that we're not all Muslims in this country.

Walla walla! Would his excellence the estez kindly expand on that? What is the mechanism of a constitutional fatwa? Who would issue it? How would it be given power of law if not passed in Parliament? How could a fatwa, an Islamic religious edict, have legal weight on Jean Qahawaji who happens to be Maronite? We are on an uncontrolled slippery slope to take our status of banana republic to a class in itself.

Weapons tallk and B.S walks.
They have done hundred unconstitutional acts before (without calling them fatwas). Anyone opposed is a traitor working for the Zionist/American project. Think about it and you will realize it really is not much different than fatwas.
Only difference is that the Istez is trying his sense of humor.

Brother the1phoenix ,it is always a pleasure reading your comments.

A Parliament, and a Speaker whose mandate has already ended are now worried that they may not be able to overcome a civil service regulation that requires mandatory retirement at a. Retain age??? This is beyond the sublimely ridiculous. If Parliament can flaunt the institution and extend itself, why can't the Army Chief just self extend his term too?? Since when does the law or the constitution matter to these clowns.
Berri wants to call a special session, a right clear.y reserved to the President and PM, but one that cannot be exercised by a resigned government.

The Constitutional prescription is to first approve a government, if an expired Parliament can do that, and then have the new government appoint the Army Chief's successor, dissolve Parliament and start over.
But, no Government until Hezbollah is guaranteed a veto power in the Council of Ministers. And where in the Constitution is there provision that a party must be represented in the Government, much less exercise veto power in it?? This is a country without rules, without laws, it is no wonder that it is not respected by any regional or international power. It's own political class has no respect for its own Constitution.

A military takeover followed by the house arrest of all politicians? by all means! Now how would the military put Hassan Nasrallah under house arrest?

Berri to Seek for 'Constitutional Fatwa' to Extend Qahwaji's Term.......
If you think about it this is a very clever way of seeming to care about the army highest post not being vacated, all the while he refuses to amend the agenda or allow a special parliamentary session to be held for the purpose of extending his term constitutionally.
Finally if he can extend his term with a fatwa, does it not mean that he can also bring him down. Does it make Qahwaji so gratdeful and so vunerable to the Istez (the political arm of HA)? Is that one of their possible ways to slowly and surely gain control of the army?
Snakes is what they are.

Well said. I would initially opt for strong and meaningful grass root effort to change the status quo and give it some time. If that does not work, then, yes, we need to overhaul the system by force.