مصادر 14 آذار تعلق على كلام نصرالله: كل الدلائل تحدد من هو الكلمة الفصل في الحكومة
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علقت مصادر في قوى 14 آذارعلى كلام الأمين العام للسيد حسن نصر الله، معتبرة أن "طريقة إسقاط حكومة الحريري بالانقلاب الذي حصل وبتعديل موعد الاستشارات النيابيّة الملزمة وبالقمصان السود، يؤكّد أن الطريقة التي حصل فيها التكليف وشكلت بها الحكومة ليست لبنانية إطلاقا".
وقالت المصادر لصحيفة " الجمهورية":"إن نفي نصر الله أن تكون الحكومة هي حكومة حزب الله هو نفي في معرض التأكيد"، لافتة الى أن "كل الظروف والدلائل تحدّد من هو صاحب الكلمة الفصل في هذه الحكومة، وهو لم يخف افتخاره بهذا الموضوع".
وأكدت المصادر أن "تكرار الاتهام بالارتباط بالخارج هو اتهام أصبح مملا ويعكس إفلاس الفريق الآخر في المضمون".
كما توقفت مصادر 14 آذار عند موضوع التجسس، ملاحظة أن ما "قاله نصر الله يناقض ما كان أعلنه في العام الماضي، بأن لا إمكانية لنفاذ أي شبكة تجسس الى داخل الحزب، ما يطرح علامات استفهام كبرى حول مدى الخرق وحجمه وآثاره".

March 14 or what is left of them , should stop rejecting , slaming or refusing what ever is proposed by the majority of the Lebanese , that is represented by the new government .
They should also stop their publicity campagne , that will lead them nowhere .
BTW , such publicity pannels cost money ! and who is paying for that " false " campagne ? In todays papers the major news is that the former PM Saad Hariri that is hiding in Paris at the Plaza Athénée hôtel , has huge personal debts in Lebanon , and the ammount is 1 billion 800 millions US dollars !! He owes that money to Lebanese banks ..... So who is paying for these publicity panels and campagne !?

Considering the stupidity of the now-defunct March 14, even an imbecile can push them around. Just look at their leader, Imbecile Saad. If their leader is an imbecile, then what does this tell you about them? Keep weeping, punks. We shall soon hear your screams from behind bars until you are silenced at the guillotine.

march 14 and march 8.. wahabies and farsis,two devils , enemies of bilad el arz,but with the near collapse of the regime in damascus which will be followed by the regime of seoud in najd and hijaz(called now saudi arabia)will take bilad el arz to freedom.
bilad el arz is prevailing,no doubt about it.

If people stop acting like sheep following so called leaders and start actually following principles and leaders who are always true to their principles, Lebanon would have been a peaceful nation with a strong government.
Look at us now and look at who represents us. Is that the image you want for Lebanon?
Shame on politicians who change their principles to suit their own agendas. And even more shame on people who follow blindly.

Le Phoenicien and Umberto - It is very sad to read your comments, no wonder your are deeply brainwashed. Poeple move forward and talk about 1 Lebanon, you are still easily and stupidly manipulated between 8 and 14 March. No wonder why Lebanon is still ages behind, it is because we still have a lot of people unfortunately who think like you. When people talk about Guillotine for a camp and other useless comments, you understand how much you lack education. 8 and 14 March are both driving the country to a dead end, but can you deny that the 8 March leader is not Ahmadinijad? or Bashar El Assad? Can you deny that? Can you confirm that 8 March dare to take a decision before the OK from Damascus or Tehran? How can you be proud to follow any Lebanese camp who are controlled by another country leader? It is crazy who you people are brainwashed...If we start talking about the harm that Hezbollah is creating in Lebanon, the list will never end

proud of being lebanes don t wait for answers from le phenicien or umberto, they have nothg to say except repeat the propaganda of el manar their favorit e tv!
they are stupid brainless and empty so don t waste your time!!
they are representative of the m8.....