توقيف حزبيين اثنين أطلقا النار على حاجز لقوى الأمن في كورنيش المزرعة
Read this story in Englishأطلقت عناصر حزبية عصر الجمعة النار على حاجز لقوى الأمن الداخلي في كورنيش المزرعة ببيروت ما أدى إلى جرح أحد المطلقين وتوقيف اثنين منهم.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، أن "حاجزا لقوى الامن الداخلي في كورنيش المزرعة عند محمصة الرفاعي يقوم بقمع مخالفات الزجاج الفوميه عن السيارات، اوقف سيارة مخالفة وباشر بازالة المخالفة، فحضرت سيارة اخرى ذات زجاج داكن وحاولت الاعتراض".
وأوضحت الوكالة أنه بعد ذلك "وصل شخصان على متن دراجة نارية وفتحا النار على عناصر الحاجز، ما اضطر عناصر الحاجز للرد على مصادر النار فاصيب المدعو محمد علي عبدالله قمح برجله ونقل الى المستشفى وتم توقيف رفيقه، فيما فرت السيارة المعترضة واوقفت السيارة الاولى".
و كانت قناة "الجديد"، أوضحت أن "المدعو حضر على متن دراجة نارية وذلك بعد قيام عناصر الحاجز بنزع "الفوميه" عن زجاج سيارة كانت تقودها سيدة يعتقد انها اتصلت بمطلق النار لمنع عناصر الحاجز من القيام بواجبهم".
وكشفت قناة الـ"LBCI" أن "شخصا من آل قمح هو من أطلق النار على عناصر الأمن".
وقالت إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5)، ان "الموقوف في الاشكال هو طلال قمح، وهو من اصحاب السوابق، وكان قد اطلق النار على ثكنة الحلو سابقا"، مشيرة الى أن "اتصالات على اعلى المستويات لمنع تفاعل الحادثة".
ولقد تم "نقل قمح الى المستشفى، ويسود حال من التوتر في المنطقة وانتشار مسلح لعناصر "حركة أمل".بحسب إذاعة جرس سكوب.
ولاحقا تجمع عدد من الشبان امام مستشفى نوفل مطالبين بإخراج عبدالله قمح ومنعتهم القوى الأمنية.
Shocking, unacceptable, and uncalled response by the Lebanese Armed Forces/ISF. Stopping the "struggler" Talal Qameh an innocent civilian falsely accused of previous crimes, driving a stolen car with 15 kgs of cocaine, and with a long history of "resisting" the enemies of Lebanon is nothing short of militia like behavior on the part of the ISF. The heavy deployment by "joumhour al mouqawame'", their "storming" of the hospital, and the high level of contacts that followed barely spared us a popular civil uprising. "We", the people of lebanon hereby demand to bring Ashraf Riffi back from retirement and hold him accountable. We demand he be tried by a court of the people!! Accountability does not simply apply when it suits you! tfeh……
ahraf el nas.... :)
a wanted man is the head of an amal office! that says a lot of the level of these militants.
If he is Amal guy, he will go through the revolving door. My nephew works for the ISF and he gets callls all the time to release Amal thugs. I was with him in the care few times when he would receive such calls, first hand witness.
I generally support Amal, but there is a red line in attacking the state. I hope they are all imprisoned. The law applies to all.
My question is, and I am by no means defending Assir, but the assiris who attacked the army could have been shot or arrested as well. Why was there an all out assault on his base? Why are they not attacking Berri's house because these thugs belong to him? This TQ guy is the head of an Amal branch. Not just some guy with an ak-47. Shouldn't the same standards be applied?
So by your reply you admit to double standard. And about those lawyers. Many offered their services pro bono to the people who were arbitrarily arrested. And we're not involved in the fighting. Bahiya called for lawyers to offer their services pro bono to the same people. Not the ones who fired a single bullet at the army. So back to the subject. How can we respect, and I have high regard for them before my words are twisted, the army or in this case the isf. when it does to one what it refuses to do to the next. If one group shot at any govt institution and they went after the leader automatically. Then Berri's house should be shelled to kingdom come. Would HA join in this assault?
what a shock--a member of amal acting that way. he won't stay in jail long though because their leader is the John Gotti of this country.
too bad we couldn't put him in jail first and then go after his minions...
Later on Friday, a security source told Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that an armed group tried to storm Beirut Hospital to liberate Qameh... more Glorious liberators at work :-)