عون يحذر من "حمام دم" إن لم يشعر الجميع بالخطر: سنذهب الى الحوار رغم انه بلا نتيجة

Read this story in English W460

أعلن رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون انه "على استعداد للذهاب الى طاولة الحوار التي يطالب بها رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، إلا انها من دون نتجية"، محذرا في الوقت عينه من"حمام دم في لبنان كالذي تشهده الدول العربية إن لم يشعر الجميع بالخطر الموجود".

وقال عون في حفل عشاء مساء اليوم الاحد: "نحن نعيش أزمة على مستوى الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية وعلى ستوى فراغ المؤسسات خصوصا الامنية منها"، معتبرا اننا "وصلنا الى هنا لان اصواتنا ليست اصوات حرة بل مرهونة لسياسات اقليمية ودولية، و لا احد يعبر عن موقف لبناني خالص".

ولفت الى أن "كل المؤسسات الاقتصادية تصرخ والمسؤولين غياب"، مضيفا: "اللذين في الحكومةمن الماضي الى الان لا يدرون انهم يرتكبون الجرائم نفسها، و لهذا نحن نريد التغيير".

وإذ أشار الى أننا "كلنا نعيش الازمة الامنية بدءا من الشمال والان في الجنوب"، اعرب عون عن رفضه "للجمود الموجود في النقابات والطلاب"، قائلا: "عدم التجاوب خطأ".

واوضح " لا احد له الحق ان يكون محايدا في مشكلة تمس وجوده ومستقبله وحياته"، مشددا على أنه "المطلوب ان يكون الجميع معنيا في كل الامور".

وقال: "الوطن بخطر بسبب التهرب المستمر من تحمل المسؤولية".

ولم يستبعد عون في كلمته من "خطر تفجير الوضع الامني"، معتبرا أنه "وارد ا ايضا، مذكرا أنه نبه "من دخول المسلحين الى لبنا بالكاد هويات البعض منهم معروفة".

وتابع: "سليمان يطالب بطاولة حوار، ونقول له نعم نذهب الى طاولة الحوار ، ولكن الحوار من 6 سنوات الى اليوم من دون نتيجة".

وحذر من انه "ان لم يشعر الجميع ان لبنان بخطر فحمام الدم الموجود في الدول العربية سيطال المهملين "، مضيفا:" وأنا اقول هكذا لأنبه لا لاخوف".

وخلص عون الى القول: "يجب علينا ان نسعى ، نحن نشبع ونموت جياع، ونعيش أحرار ونموت عبيد".

التعليقات 28
Thumb benzona 23:05 ,2013 تموز 20

Aoun said he'll participate in bloodbath.

He's already part of it....

Thumb loveandpeace 11:44 ,2013 تموز 21

He accused the current and past cabinet members of “committing crimes.”
“This is why we want change,” Aoun stated. ?????????????? Does he think he is Mao Zedong? Is he calling for auto-criticism?? Purges within his family?

Thumb condor 23:16 ,2013 تموز 20

“We have reached this stage because our votes are not free but are subject to regional and international politics,” he explained.

At least he admitted his vote is not free....gotta give him some respect.

Thumb benzona 23:22 ,2013 تموز 20

lol. Indeed, this former army man shot himself in the foot. 3abel el rass ;-)

Thumb general_puppet 23:25 ,2013 تموز 20

“We agree to participate in national dialogue sessions but for years, dialogue has never had a positive outcome”... that's the objective, talk and do nothing while Hizbullah does as it pleases.

Thumb condor 23:32 ,2013 تموز 20

you forgot to sign this time?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:43 ,2013 تموز 20

“No one represents a purely Lebanese political stance.”
One of the few things I agree with Aoun. As long as it includes him as well.
Not a single one of our politicians is working for our interest. We are still living horrifying levels of poverty. A majority of our people, and by that I mean ALL sects, live off under 1000 dollars a month, way under. In a country where you need 100 dollars to fill up your car that is ludicrous. The sheep who vote for the same set of politicians, be it M8 or M14, mustaqbal or HA. LF or fpm. In every election. You all deserve exactly what you are getting. You deserve not a penny more. You deserve not one wink of sleep wondering when the next flare up will come from. We have proved unworthy of a homeland. To hell with it. Partition us off between Syria and Israel. Maybe then things can go right for the "Lebanese".

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:43 ,2013 تموز 20

I don't care how many thumbs down I get. Or hatefull comments. We need a second great flood here in this beautiful country I insist on calling my home. To wipe out the politicians and the brain washed fleas running after them. tfeh 3ala Aoun. Tfeh 3ala Geagea. Tfeh 3ala Hariri. W tfeh 3ala nasrallah Berri jumblat franjieh arslan and anyone else I missed. Wlak tfeh 3ala hal sh3b il zbeleh.

Thumb justice 23:45 ,2013 تموز 20

i feel your pain

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:48 ,2013 تموز 20

And you will raise your kids to be just as idiotic if not more than you. Each and every one of you. You will teach your kids the same crap you are gobbling up with a shovel. Fada il sayid Hassan. BIL ro7 BIL dam mbifdeek ya Hariri. TA TA tat tat Taaaa general. Allah 2uwet hakim w bass. Allah yirzi2kon. But I'm sure you will turn Him down.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 23:57 ,2013 تموز 20

Justice, this is the tip of the iceberg in pain. It's people like us who have had enough of both sides of the spectrum that are Lebanon's only hope. But I fear it is a losing battle. We are outnumbered, out gunned, and WE the silent majority will have a hell of a time changing anything. But I love this country too much to give up. We need a new uprising where the goal is to put on trial and execute all these politicians for treason. With no exception.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 01:29 ,2013 تموز 21

Many will come out and say I have been biased towards M14 in my past posts. And to a certain degree I will admit it. Before anyone uses it against me. Do I lean more towards M14? Yes and a thousand times yes. Do I think M14 is "good"? No and a thousand times no. Maybe I do think they are the "lesser of the two evils". But I have had the privallage of NEVER voting in ANY parliamentary election or even municipal elections. I refuse to give my vote to either and I know a blank or a vote for an unknown independent would be a waste. So don't be limited in your reasoning.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 01:29 ,2013 تموز 21

I am against M8 with its ideology of constant warfare. That we are the last country still fighting the Israeli enemy. I am against M8 in raising the Syrian govt higher than the interests of Lebanon. I am against M8 (HA in particular) for being the last armed militia and glorifying their weapons. M14 are no saints. But their principals of having all weapons under the control of the state. Of raising up the state as the only guarantor of citizens. Are they the ones who will take us there? Absolutely not. But a journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 18:31 ,2013 تموز 21

Thank you coma and Phoenix. We should never lose hope. What we should lose is this automatic belief in what any of "our" politicians say. Free your mind my friends. And the country will follow.

Thumb beiruti 23:48 ,2013 تموز 20

His combover is getting more pronounced. This is another politician, like Nasrallah, making speeches, warning of dread consequences that are the product of his own hand. Why is there a vacuum in the institutions of the government?? Because you, Aoun, have milked the ministerial dray with hour GREED! And you have paralyzed it in pursuit of your own blind selfish agenda.

Thumb Elemental 23:56 ,2013 تموز 20

Funny how you say God bless GMA, yet the other day you referred to Christians as Cannibals, elaborate.

Thumb Elemental 00:16 ,2013 تموز 21

By far, the most blatently ignorant excuse I've ever heard. And me? a Zionist? Wow somebody didn't finish her education, look who's talking lol. Anyhow, I find your ignorance and pre-programmed conditioning amusing, yet sad at the same time.

Thumb primesuspect 02:28 ,2013 تموز 21

Mike Aoun is a trator to the nacion.... why would anyone care about wat he's got to say?

Missing helicopter 06:12 ,2013 تموز 21

You are clueless and unknowing that you are clueless. ........ you heart slasher and skull stabber.

Missing cedars 07:42 ,2013 تموز 21

Based on your reasoning, Who assassinated all the M14 figures? admit that Syria + executors=HA committed those crimes.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:30 ,2013 تموز 21

Hariri is the only one not to carry any weapons during our civil war. Shows how worthless your post is.

Thumb eli-g 16:43 ,2013 تموز 21

arzak I salute you on a beautiful post. It was a breath of fresh air this morning when I opened Naharnet to read the news and saw your post. Lebanon needs more people like you.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:26 ,2013 تموز 21

I thank you Eli. And Phoenix. I hope more and more people realize that both sides are taking us nowhere.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:25 ,2013 تموز 21

Temper temper. Seems like I struck a nerve. Do you have any documentation that points to Hariri arming ANY faction that will pay? Your words show you belong on the street. And will never leave it. First twats like you say he stole now he made his money through arms sales. How petty. How low. How typical. Next time you want to talk with that toungue go kiss your mother. She's used to it.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:35 ,2013 تموز 21

And for your incompetent understanding. To sell weapons you carry weapons. No arms dealer in the world goes to a "sale" armed with a feather duster.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:21 ,2013 تموز 21

Roar. I can bring up the Nassrallah put a red line to attacking them but I won't. I am not saying m14 are angels. But then again I do believe that they are slightly better than M8. Explanation: why should they or anyone else submit to HA and their arms? Lets not fool ourselves and say it like it is. Who has the power makes the rules. Why is HA above the state? Ok the people requested for trial by the STL were not handed over because they are a Zionist act. Lets assume that's true. What about they guy requested by the Lebanese judiciary. Why do they refuse to hand him over. Is the Lebanese judiciary also Zionist? My point being as long as there are weapons outside the states control you will have politicians sponsoring armed groups in an attempt to balance the playing field. Why are HA sponsoring saraya al muqawameh in Sidon? Isn't that an armed group also?
That being said I would love if you told me the name of the book. Will read it for sure.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 21:44 ,2013 تموز 21

Roar. As far as I have read and researched, yes the LAF "ran out" of ammunition. It was the USA who replenished the stock through numerous deliveries through Beirut airport. Again I am not denying m14 is sponsoring various militants and for the reason I stated above. You want HA to integrate with the army. And I respect that. The problem is HA does not want to. How do we move forward? And again I ask, the people wanted by the STL were not handed over because it is a Zionist conspiracy. No issues. Ill play along. What about the one wanted by the Lebanese judiciary in connection with the attempted assassination of butros harb? Thank you for the link and I will read it. But at the end of the day the problem lies in everyone is sponsored by someone.

Thumb zahle1 03:16 ,2013 تموز 22

I'm not always on the same page as Aoun, but the above statements from him are pretty accurate. +1 for Arzak's comment kamen!