سقوط قتيل وعدد من الجرحى في إشكال عائلي بعكار
Read this story in Englishقتل شخص واصيب عدد من الاشخاص، جراء اشكال عائلي بين عائلتي آل الشيخ وآل واكد في بلدة الحيصة في سهل عكار، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".
وأفادت الوكالة، الاحد، عن مقتل المواطن خيرالله الشيخ بضربة عصا على راسه وسقوط عدد من الجرحى، بخلاف عائلي بين عائلتي الشيخ وواكد في بلدة بلانة الحيصة في سهل عكار.
وأدى الاشكال الى تضارب بالعصي والسكاكين وتم احراق عدد من المنازل.
وقد نقلت جثة القتيل الى مستشفى رحال في عكار، في حين توجهت قوة من الجيش اللبناني الى هذه البلدة في محاولة لاعادة الهدوء.
It doesn't look HA style. The irony is the stick was more powerful than the machete.
This has nothing to do with HA. I understand why some folks want partition. This stuff does not happen as much in predominantly Christian areas. Focus on "as much". Also, although this did not have anything to do with HA; I understand why many folks on here would be suspicious, because they have been involved in many murders/assassinations of anti-Assad regime folk. We can't blame Israel for all of those things, maybe just a few. HA may be not as ruthless for a middle eastern militia in the Levant would typically be given the military strength and political clout they have. But, they have taken out enough anti-HA figures in Lebanon by the sword contrary to their establish mission and vision. The above article is not HA dirt.
I hate the useless arab leauge but this has nothing to do with that leauge. These families would be fighting regardless if lebanon was in the arab leauge or even in the european union lol.
How did the arab league do that exactly kanaan? That mentality existed before lebanon joined the arab league.
if HA wasnt armed, the sunnis in akkar wouldnt have felt the need to arm themselves with sticks and machetes. also, the latest reports from geha's crystal ball say that an HA voodoo ritual took possession of one of the families mind and made it engage in the fight.