الاتحاد الاوروبي يدرج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على لائحة المنظمات الارهابية
Read this story in Englishقرر وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي الاثنين ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، مؤكدين في الوقت نفسه انهم يريدون "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها الحزب.
وبذلك يصعد الاوروبيون اللهجة حيال حزب الله المشارك في النزاع السوري، لكنهم لم يذهبوا الى حد اعتبار كل حزب الله منظمة ارهابية على غرار الولايات المتحدة التي تعتبر انه من المستحيل التمييز بين الجناحين العسكري والسياسي للحزب.
واكد وزير الخارجية الهولندي فرانس تيمرمانس في بيان انه "من الجيد ان يقرر الاتحاد الاوروبي تسمية حزب الله بما هو فعلا: منظمة ارهابية". واضاف "اجتزنا مرحلة هامة اليوم بمعاقبة الجناح العسكري من خلال تجميد ارصدته وبلبلة تمويله وبالتالي الحد من قدرته على التحرك".
ويستند قرار الوزراء الذي يمثل توافقا سياسيا ينبغي ترجمته قانونيا ليدخل حيز التنفيذ، الى "ادلة" على ضلوع جناح حزب الله العسكري في اعمال ارهابية وقعت على الاراضي الاوروبية، في اشارة الى اعتداء اوقع سبعة قتلى بينهم خمسة اسرائيليين في بورغاس ببلغاريا في 18 تموز 2012.
ويشير الاوروبيون ايضا الى الاعداد لهجمات ضد مصالح اسرائيلية في قبرص.
وقال وزير الخارجية الفرنسي لوران فابيوس انه "بادراج حزب الله على لائحة الكيانات الارهابية، يقوم الاتحاد الاوروبي بمطابقة القانون على الوقائع".
واكد وزراء الخارجية الاوروبيون المجتمعون في بروكسل في الوقت نفسه عزمهم على "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها حزب الله الذي يلعب دورا اساسيا في هذا البلد.
وشددت وزيرة خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي كاثرين اشتون على تمسك الاوروبيين بلبنان "مستقر وآمن" رغم التداعيات السياسية والانسانية للنزاع السوري.
وسيؤدي ادراج حزب الله على لائحة المنظمات الارهابية الى تجميد اموال ومنع اشخاص من الحصول على تأشيرات دخول الى اوروبا.
لكن تطبيق القرار يبدو معقدا لانه "من الصعب جدا تحديد اعضاء الجناح العسكري"، على حد قول وضاح شرارة استاذ علم الاجتماع في الجامعة اللبنانية ومؤلف كتاب "دولة حزب الله" لوكالة فرانس برس.
واضاف "نعرف منهم ربما 20 شخصا لكنهم في الجهاز الامني وليس العسكري، وهو الاكثر فاعلية والاخطر لدى حزب الله".
وتابع ان "القيود ونقاط الالتباس في قرار الاتحاد الاوروبي تترك هامشا كبيرا لهذا الحزب بينما يستطيع التقدم دائما مقنعا ويملك بدائل كثيرة للتحرك".
وكان وزير الخارجية في حكومة تصريف الأعمال عدنان منصور قد اعتبر في حديث لصحيفة "السفير"، الإثنين، أن "هناك سياسيين لبنانيين عمدوا الى التواطؤ مع الاوروبيين وبعض السفراء الأجانب للدفع في اتجاه إدراج "حزب الله" على لائحة الإرهاب"، منبهاً الى ان "اتخاذ قرار في هذا الاتجاه سيعرض استقرار لبنان للخطر".
وكان منصور وجه رسائل الى 28 وزير خارجية دولة اوروبية يتمنى فيها "عملا بتوجيهات رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عدم ادراج حزب الله على لائحة الارهاب، نظرا لان الحزب هو مكون اساسي ورئيسي من مكونات الحياة السياسية اللبنانية وله تمثيل في البرلمان والحكومة".
وفي غضون ذلك، لم تخف مصادر رسمية معنية لـ"النهار" قلق "المراجع الرسمية من المؤشرات التي برزت في الايام الاخيرة لامكان تذليل تحفظات عدد قليل من الدول الاوروبية عن قرار ادراج الحزب ضمن المنظمات الارهابية"، متخوفة من ان "يؤدي القرار في حال اتخاذه الى التسبب بمزيد من الارباكات وخصوصا في عملية تأليف الحكومة، فضلاً عن مضاعفات على صعد مختلفة اخرى".
يذكر أن الخميس، كلفت رئاسة الجمهورية وزير الخارجية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور بالطلب من الإتحاد الأوروبي عدم وضع حزب الله على لائحته الدولية للإرهاب، وهو مكون أساسي من مكونات المجتمع اللبناني".
black listing hizbushaitan will lead to crippling their financial activities as well as their travels.
wishful thinking,they will terminate its funds and activities,by that not only the military wing is targeted,all of hizbocrap is targeted
Thank you to the EU for differentiating between the "political" and "military" wings of HA (Hussain Army). Unlike Al Qaeda , Hussain's Army has two wings, just like a bird: One that is political and includes Nassrallah, and his "loyalty" to the resistance parliamentary block, and another that is a ferocious military wing that flies Ayoub drones and fires Kafir I and Kafir II rockets. Bin Laden and Zawahri deserved to be on the terror list coz they were part of the "military" terrorist wing of Al Aqaeda. SHN ( God Bless Him) only speaks via video links and he always calls for dialogue.
They can't and won't include the political wing since, if they do, the rest of the country would be implicated. If you find links supported by clear and convincing evidence that the other side is aiding and abetting other terrorist organizations, let me or us know.
CIA & Mossad are intelligence apparatus controlled by their states and government!
Hezbhaballa is Rogue!
Congratulations to all sane Lebanese. Yes you have not been dreaming. A state within a state leads to terrorizing not only fellow Lebanese but other people on earth. Hizbullah, enjoy the same title as Al Qaeda.
What about the Military Wing of Al Meqdad? Lolol
What happened to these idiots? I guess busy fighting in Syria, maybe sending the special forces of Al Neqdad on critical missions...
if you don't care, why comment?
great first step into calling them for what they are instead of what they want people to believe.
I always equated Nusra and Salafists with HA ........ do not put words in my mouth please.
The article says: Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour asked Brussels not to blacklist Hizbullah on the grounds the group was an "essential component of Lebanese society."
Hizbullah as an "essential component of Lebanese society"? Sure, but not as an armed militia. Hizbullah is essential as a strictly political party for the simple reason that it has a constituency. People voted for Hizbullah and the party should further its policies in Parliament. We might not agree with its policies (I certainly don't), but democracy is democracy.
Hizbullah's military wing is bypassing and weakening the state, in addition to causing divisions and rancor in the country.
We don't need Hizbullah's guns. We have a national army. Let's focus on building up its capabilities. If military life appeals to Hizbullah's fighters, let them enlist in the LAF.
Which Lebanese masses do you refer to? HA/SSNP/PNO/and surrogate Palestinian factions (all of those listed have non-Lebanese agenda. So if you want purely Lebanese agenda, you need to reference leaders and parties that believe in the Lebanese State, and those definitely differ greatly from Iran's foreign policy.
I wonder now how the Hezb will be able to fly! Oh, the Hezb is not a bird? Oh, the Hezb cares not about spending vacations on the Riviera? Oh, the Hezb is not about taking photo shoots at the Tour Eiffel? Oh, March 14 hopeless hopefuls, have your orgasms stopped already?
Are you still using our English language and wearing our levis jeans!!?. Or using again our internet....why u do not stick to their culo, stop shaving , grow a filthy bear , smell like @@@##@#...and live a primitive life ...ah I forgot u can get yourself some chains and hit your forehead until you bleed...great culture ....time to eat Texas wings and drink monitor...adios la puta que te patio..
whatever makes you sleep better at night.
Lebanon depends on its service industry for its income. Now that means tourists coming in from the EU, GCC and the mediterranean who want to spend MONEY here. How does having a foreign policy like that of Iran serve that purpose? Being isolationist with a belligerent foreign policy does not serve this purpose--where do you want tourists to come from, Iran or Syria?
and to top things off, there are over 400,000 lebanese working in the gulf--if they get expelled, who will provide them with jobs and income--Iran. Seriously dude, populist rhetoric is worthless unless you are a member of the unwashed...
So does this mean there is non-military wing within HA? That's a new concept and I am sure HA are scratching their heads trying to figure this one out!
They are all armored to their teeth so does that mean all of HA is now a recognized terrorist group?
And please, i need 17 THUMBS down, or else i won't be able to sleep tonight.
Bunch of racists
I am sick from reading all these postings on Naharnet. What kind of level does our Lebanese youth have these days. Is all what they know is to bash at each other with no logic? Doesn't Naharnet have an edit0r that can monitor those disgusting postings, or has the paper gone down to that low level as well?
and what about the hizb iran killers who killed hariri and a bunch of other anti syrian politicians--you supporting them too?
hypocrisy--the nom de plume of M8.
If you saw us as lebanese, then we would be the strongest in the Middle East, untouchables together, we Lebanese (touch wood) are a rare bread, wherever we go we find success, Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Europe, smallah, but in our own country, we are like animals.
One day you will know what THE MILITARY WING of HA is worth to our country.
The lebanese army can't do shit, they lost over 20 men against Asir, Israeli warplanes are flying untop of our soil, but that doesnt ALERT you guys, soon they are gonna start stealing our gas, oil, there are already stealing our water.
It is UNACCEPTABLE, HA is the only one standing up for your rights, OUR rights, and yet, they are the problem? the terrorists?
If HA was to disappear (theoretically speaking), Lebanon will wake up to a rosy and fluffy future (assuming armed Palestinians and other armed HA cronies also disappear). The rest are lightly armed and the LAF will take care of them real quick.
You make a very good point. The majority of the other side also have dirty hands. The problems could be solved when people in Lebanon identify themselves as society unique to Lebanon instead of on religious lines.
They killed the man that gave them international cover and legitimacy, I am sure they are going to miss him now.
"Calling HA Iranians IS NEVER worst than calling Arab Collaborators ZIONISTS, etc." If I understand you correctly, assuming it is not worse, then you are admitting calling HA Iranians is bad on its own.
If I am correct, after the 2006 "alleged" war Israel proclaimed next time it attacks Hizballah, they will not spare the rest of Lebanese infrastructure. If there is a silver lining here, it seems like the E.U. and the U.S. is sending a clear message to Israel to stay clear from the rest of Lebanon. I think.
I am against HA arms and its blindness mindset to create a reason for other militias and fanatics to carry weapons as tit for tat. Bravo continue your state within a state operation then expect the president/prime minister and all Gov officials to defend you globally otherwise they are Zionists.
When it comes to punishing HA or any Lebanese group, then we all have a duty to stand by the Lebanese brethren against any other external foreigner. The Lebanese 30 yrs war taught us a lesson that we as Lebanese need to stick to one another because from Palestinian to Syrian/Iranian/Israeli/Americans all played us at some point and assisted one group against the other to their benefits.
Maybe, step by step... or should we say Wednesday after Wednesday after Wednesday the "ASSad" regime will continue to... well... umm... duh... gain more ground, NostraGabbyMarch14? I once knew an idiot who thought he was brilliant until he discovered the truth. I am not sure how many decades it took that idiot to get to that point. May Mar Charbel, the patron saint of Drs. Arteena Satleh, guide you. Until then, keep listening to the predictions of Dr. Arreet 7akeh, alla yer7amak ya bassel