حزب الله: القرارالأوروبي عدواني كُتب بحبر صهيوني ولن يُجنى منه سوى الخيبات
Read this story in Englishرفض حزب الله قرار دول الاتحاد الأوروبي وضع الجناح العسكري للحزب على لائحة الإرهاب مؤكدا أنه لن يؤدي إلا إلى الخسارة و"الخيبات" معتبرا أنه انصياع للبيت الأبيض والصهيونية.
ورأى الحزب في بيان مساء الإثنين "فيه قرارا عدوانيا ظالما لا يستند إلى أية مبررات أو أدلة".
كما أشار إلى "خضوع دول الاتحاد الأوروبي للضغوطات الأمريكية الصهيوني" معتبرا الأمر "منحى خطيرا في انصياع هذه الدول وإذعانها الكامل لإملاءات البيت الأبيض، بحيث يبدو القرار أنه قد كتب بأيد أمريكية وحبر صهيوني، فيما لم يكن مطلوبا من أوروبا سوى أن تمهر توقيعها بالموافقة".
أضاف " هذا القرار الظالم لا يعبر أبدا عن مصالح شعوب الاتحاد الأوروبي ويأتي على النقيض من قيمه وتطلعاته الداعمة لمبادئ الحرية والاستقلال، التي طالما تغنى بها".
وختم الحزب بيانه بالقول "إذا كانت دول الاتحاد الأوروبي تظن أنها بخضوعها لمنطق الابتزاز الأمريكي وإصدارها لهذا القرار تحجز لها موقعا في منطقتنا العربية والإسلامية، فإننا نؤكد لها أن واشنطن قد سبقتها إلى مثل هذا القرار ولم تجنِ منه سوى المزيد من الخسران والخيبات".
قرر وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي الاثنين ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، مؤكدين في الوقت نفسه انهم يريدون "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها الحزب.
ويستند قرار الوزراء الذي يمثل توافقا سياسيا ينبغي ترجمته قانونيا ليدخل حيز التنفيذ، الى "ادلة" على ضلوع جناح حزب الله العسكري في اعمال ارهابية وقعت على الاراضي الاوروبية، في اشارة الى اعتداء اوقع سبعة قتلى بينهم خمسة اسرائيليين في بورغاس ببلغاريا في 18 تموز 2012.
written by American hands and with Zionist ink.................
Does this statement appeal to the mind or the emotions of HA followers?
Tons of money from private European donators will still continue. Millions and millions. This doesn't change anything. It only adds more credibility and prestige to Hezbollah...
They're unstoppable :)
He had to as his assassination was planned with Iranian and Syrian ink and was to be executed by HA hands.
Tons of money from private European donators will still continue. Millions and millions. This doesn't change anything. It only adds more credibility and prestige to Hezbollah :)
Man can you shave at least once....gosh you stink like hell.. no wonder you wash all over to pray...
Before the EU decision all the demonstrations had only HA flags and posters of SHN, Assad and Khameni. Now after the decision all of a sudden they decided to carry a Lebanese flag in their demonstration.
HA does not miss an opportunity to hurt Lebanon and protect Assad/Khameni reputation.
LOL bigtime BS helicopter, just goes to show you invent stuff as you go :)
HA always upheld the Lebanese flag, and defended Lebanon's honor and security and territorial integrity and sovereignty while you whiners never did anything but whine.
Brought Iran to Lebanon and furthering the Iranian/religious agenda instead of Lebanese interests.
Both sides, yalla bye. One can stay in S.A. and the other one can go to Iran and leave Lebanon to the Lebanese people; those who want to maintain Lebanese identity, values, customs, etc. w/o religious bigotry and interference in daily life.
I would say at a minimum that HA enabled the Syrian regime specifically its intelligence in Lebanon to harass, target, and assassinate multiple anti-Assad figures in Lebanon over a long period.
Kharejkon btestehlo bedkon aktar sholakan badon yet3amalo ma3kon ka maleyki tawili 3ara2betkon mejermin se3ran erhabiyin katale kan lezem yoda3o lhezeb kolo meshbas jina7 l3askari
He is not my leader ........... my true leaders are mostly dead unfortunately (Bashir is one of them).
What I like about Rafic Harriri is that he put emphasis on education not guns. He was working on getting the Syrian army out of Lebanon resulting in his assassination. He did rebuild Beirut in a way that could not have been envisioned (even though it was also in financially corrupt ways). And he brought the Sunni sect from the fringes of fanaticism into the fold of the State and its institutions (HA did the opposite with the Shiites).
helicopter, you are 100% correct. One lived like a man and tried to move Lebanon forward the other lives underground and takes Lebanon backward.
same talk over and over, he said she said, u did , he did, never ending dispute , until when?
Very funny the Iranian militia "rejects the EU decision"... well that makes all the difference in the world :-)
How come you're not terrorized, NostraGabbyMarch14? Perhaps because you are confident that the "ASSad" regime has fallen just over 7,926 times since you stared predicting it in 2005 and shall continue to fall every Wednesday until you get carpal tunnel syndrome from excessive typing of whatever you hallucinate about? Perhaps then NostraAllouchti who has been away and busy fighting the falling regime that has been gaining ground at an unbelievable pace as all news outlets have been telling us in Persian ink and language will become your transcriber? Hey, gabbaguybo, do you know where you can buy some decency? Definitely not at Me'rab Hospital of Dr. Samir Abou Qtada.
Lets get real here. Anytime they fall to their own devices, it's a Zionist conspiracy. Grows old like FTs banter.
The EU as a bloc has been the least supportive bloc to Israel out of all Western countries - so much so that they are regularly criticized by Israel and their partners. The moment someone shows common sense we may as well call them either a 'Zionist' or 'terrorist' or 'm14'? Get a life.
'Hostile and Unjust'... coming from assasins, druglords, racists, extremists, terrorists, it's a joke!
Unfortunately, we all know what will happen.
The Political Wing of Hizballah will now set up branches all over the world to get finances for their operations. Perfectly legal.
The moment the money gets to Lebanese soil, the Political Wing will transfer the money to the Military Wing, and nothing will change, except that they will think they are pulling the wool over the eyes of the Western nations, who will then understand and ban the political wing as well.
lol, you have no idea where he is, so you fantasize about bunkers?
many journalists who met him said they met him in dahiyeh at higher levels of normal buildings :)
he also made several speeches in person, knowing the threat against him is F16 flying over, with all the weaponry of the region's strongest army waiting to lock him as a target, that's called cojones ;)
Hezbollah believes that Israel has the power to manipulate 28 individual countries into placing them on a terrorist list.
28 countries who can barely agree on anything. 28 countries incapable of a common internal policy. 28 countries who never agreed on foreign policy unanimously.
28 countries who have more political differences, backing and support than anywhere else on earth. From left wing extremists to right extremists...
If 28 countries unanimously agree on placing Hezbollah's "Military Wing" on the terror list, then it's because it's simply true.
Hezbollah is crazy and gives israel too much credit. Not everything is an Israeli conspiracy ... wake up !
Does it really make sense to blacklist the party's "military" wing? What exactly is its military wing and which is its political wing? Even the party itself admits it's all part of the same branch. The EU should either designate the entire party as a terrorist organization or none of it. Half-measures make them look like idiots.
"Using Zionist ink"? Wrong! It's using the Syrian blood that your Iranian Occupation Army (i.e., Hizb) has been spilling.