الجيش يوقف مشتبها به بوضع عبوة المصنع التي استهدفت سيارة لحزب الله

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تمكنت قوة من الجيش اللبناني من توقيف مشتبهاً به بوضع العبوة التي استهدفت سيارة تابعة لـ"حزب الله" في منطقة المصنع الاسبوع الفائت.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الثلاثاء أن قوة من فرع مخابرات البقاع والجيش دهمت ليلاً أحد المنازل في بلدة مجدل عنجر، وقبضت على المشتبه به الذي زرع العبوة الناسفة.

ولفتت الى أن المشتبه به سوري الجنسية ومن مدينة الزبداني ويدعى ا.ح.

يُذكر أن انفجار العبوة آنذاك، والتي كانت مزروعة على جانب الطريق، أدى الى اصابة شخصين من ركاب السيارة.

كما يُشار الى أن عبوات ناسفة، استهدف مواكب لـ"حزب الله" في مجدل عنجر واوتستراد زحلة-كسارة، فضلاً عن انفجار سيارة مفخخة في مرأب للسيارات في بئر العبد، في 8 تموز الجاري، ما ادى الى سقوط أكثر من 50 جريحاً فضلاً عن الاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالمنطقة.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن مصادر مقرّبة من "حزب الله"، وصفت الانفجار بـ"العمل الجبان"، مشيرة الى أنه "لا يمكن تصنيفه في خانة الاختراق الامني لـ"حزب الله".

التعليقات 12
Missing Dimitry 13:56 ,2013 تموز 23

Now it sems that Hesballah is strongest force in Lebanon, even stronger than the country itself, as having basic position in most of institutions, just to keep them not working or be empty. It seems also that HA are going to fulfil the dream of the Orthodox from the North Lebanon of a "Great Syria" and soon lebanon would lose its soverignty!
Destroy HA structure and powers, otherwise forget Lebanon. The dream of Lebanese independance will soon end!

Missing Dimitry 13:56 ,2013 تموز 23

Now it sems that Hesballah is strongest force in Lebanon, even stronger than the country itself, as having basic position in most of institutions, just to keep them not working or be empty. It seems also that HA are going to fulfil the dream of the Orthodox from the North Lebanon of a "Great Syria" and soon lebanon would lose its soverignty!

Default-user-icon Dimitrov (ضيف) 13:58 ,2013 تموز 23

Now it sems that Hesballah is strongest force in Lebanon, even stronger than the country itself, as having basic position in most of institutions, just to keep them not working or be empty. It seems also that HA are going to fulfil the dream of the Orthodox from the North Lebanon of a "Great Syria" and soon lebanon would lose its soverignty!
Destroy HA structure and powers, otherwise forget Lebanon. The dream of Lebanese independance will soon end!

Thumb thepatriot 14:58 ,2013 تموز 23

Amazing! Amazing!!
This is like the only arrest our intelligence has made in the last decade... Ashraf el naas indeed!

Missing mohammad_ca 17:10 ,2013 تموز 23

God yekhdak

Missing cowboymicho 18:58 ,2013 تموز 23

Interesting how they found these guys so quickly but they can't catch who assassinated Toueini and Gemayel.

Missing un520 19:05 ,2013 تموز 23

...and if they by accident DO find someone linked with murdercases like Hariri and murder attempts like Harb then they are not allowed to talk with them...

Missing beirutbastard00 19:35 ,2013 تموز 23

Yea I agree, it's all out in the open now. This shows that we are capable of enforcing the law, but only when the will is there. How can a militia pass convoys full of gunmen through the crossing, no questions asked?

Missing beirutbastard00 19:36 ,2013 تموز 23

Lol go spam haaretz

Missing beirutbastard00 19:39 ,2013 تموز 23

What a coincidence! Certainly a lucky bunch those M8 guys!

Missing --karim_m3 19:41 ,2013 تموز 23

God bless the Lebanese army for arresting the February 14-linked foreign jihadist terrorists.

Missing beirutbastard00 19:41 ,2013 تموز 23

Great job LAF, it's nice to see criminals being pursued and caught... Now if you would plz continue your win streak, and follow the perpetrators seeking refuge in da7yi and b2a3.