دمشق: القرار الاوروبي تلبية للمطالب الاميركية والاسرائيلية ضد المقاومة
Read this story in Englishاستنكرت وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين السورية قرار وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي "ادراج الجناح العسكري ل"حزب الله" اللبناني على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية".
ولفتت الى ان "هذا القرار يشكل تلبية للمطالب الاميركية والاسرائيلية ضد حركة المقاومة فى لبنان وبقية الدول العربية ويشجع على العدوان والاحتلال".
وكان قد قرر وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي الاثنين ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، مؤكدين في الوقت نفسه انهم يريدون "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها الحزب.
ومنذ اشهر، كشف حزب الله عن مشاركته في القتال الى جانب قوات النظام السوري، حيث ساهمت مشاركة قواته الخاصة الى جانب القوات النظامية السورية بالسيطرة على مدينة القصير الاستراتيجية والمتاخمة للحدود اللبنانية في حزيران بعد ان كانت تحت سيطرة المعارضة المسلحة منذ عام.
وساهم هذا التدخل العسكري في الشؤون السورية في اقناع بعض الاوروبيين بالموافقة على ادراج الحزب على لائحة المنظمات الارهابية.
the USA and Israel has been asking the EU to place HA on the terror list for ages.. so your argument, HA's, and everyone else just putting the blame on someone else instead of themselves is null and void. the EU is made up of 28 countries, some of which are not very friendly to the USA. They had to unanimously vote to place them on said list. If ONE country refused, it would not pass. they must have some good reasons to do so then.
oh the jews took control of the banks the day before the black listing? the jews according to you have been in control for ages.. and have been asking for ages for the EU to do what they did and the EU refused. whats the change now, did their shares increase?
America will never blackmail the EU, most of them are allies and they do not want to change that. are you telling me the US govt had NOTHING on the EU prior to the snowden scandal? come on.. smell the roses.. not everything is a zionist conspiracy just like not everything is HA's fault.. as i said there are plenty of EU nations who are not friendly with the USA.. and had no reason to vote for the proposal except that HA did some nasty work in europe.
Dude, what do you consume to be able to have such brainless reasoning? How exactly is it that the Snowdengate benefits the U.S. versus the E.U.? If your backward logic always works that way, I can see why you might support such long-time hardened criminals like Hizb...
It's surprising that Israel allowed the EU to issue its directive restricting investment in the territories, given as Syria and FT claim, they control the EU. Needless to say, neither Israel nor the US control the EU countries. HA earned their place on teh EU terrorist list.
Australia, the USA, Canada, the EU, Thailand, Argentina and soon the GCC can't all be wrong????
Syria: EU's Decision on Hizbullah Was Made at American, Israeli Orders....................
HA needs to start copy writing their slogans.
Iranians, however, are prohibited from wearing ties in Iran because they contribute to the spreading of western culture, according to the website of the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khameini.
The practice stems from the 1979 Islamic revolution when the monarchy was overthrown and a unique Islamic republic was declared, in which religious clerics - headed by Ayatollah Khomeini - wielded ultimate political control.
Neckties - and bowties - were said to be decadent, un-Islamic and viewed as "symbols of the Cross" and the oppressive West.