منصور يتخوّف من "كيفية تفسير" القرار الاوروبي ضد حزب الله
Read this story in Englishاعرب وزير الخارجية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور عن تخوّفه من أن يتم تفسير قرار الاتحاد الاوروبي ضد حزب الله وفق وجهة نظر كل دولة اوروبية.
وقال في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الاربعاء، أن الخوف هو من أن "تفسّر كلّ دولة أوروبية القرار على هواها ومن خلال وجهة نظرها السياسية"، موضحة أن هذا الأمر قد ينعكس على عمل الجمعيات وإصدار التأشيرات وتنقل الأشخاص والتحويلات المالية.
وتساءل عن "المعيار الذي سيتّخذه الاتحاد الأوروبي للتفريق بين جناح عسكري وآخر سياسي؟".
الى ذلك، توقع منصور أ، يستمر قرار الاتحاد الاوروبي بإدراج الجناح العسكري لـ"حزب الله" على لائحته للارهاب، الى أمد طويل، عازياً السبب الى "سياسات الاتحاد الأوروبي التي تخضع للوبي اليهودي". وتابع أن "القرار إسرائيلي وليس أوروبياً".
يُشار الى أن سفيرة الاتحاد الاوروبي انجيلينا ايخهورست، قد شددت في تصاريح صحافية، الثلاثاء، أ، الاتحاد يفرق بين الجناح العسكري والسياسي لـ"حزب الله"، معلنة عن الترحيب بأي حكومة لبنانية حتى ولو ضمّت "حزب الله".
وقرر وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي الاثنين ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، مؤكدين في الوقت نفسه انهم يريدون "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها الحزب .
ويستند قرار الوزراء الذي يمثل توافقا سياسيا ينبغي ترجمته قانونيا ليدخل حيز التنفيذ، الى "ادلة" على ضلوع جناح حزب الله العسكري في اعمال ارهابية وقعت على الاراضي الاوروبية، في اشارة الى اعتداء اوقع سبعة قتلى بينهم خمسة اسرائيليين في بورغاس ببلغاريا في 18 تموز 2012، والاعداد لهجمات ضد مصالح اسرائيلية في قبرص.
I voted you down only because on an English-language website, you should write in English. I am sure that Naharnet also has an Arabic website.
FYI, this site is bilingual. The Arabic version is still in Beta though. Try clicking the ع next to the EN at the top of the page if you don't believe me :)
The comments for both the English and Arabic versions are shared. So people are free to post their comments in either language. but I can tell you you're not missing on much wrt this comment ;)
That's it, a good approach to get the decision reversed..... insult them and tell them they are merely mailboxes for the Jewish lobby.
It will be interptreted as it should be: A terrorist organisation period! There is no other room for interpretation , expect through some hair splitting with brain split people like you!
they are terrorists and they are surprised when their actions lead to such result.
what do they expect?
each action has a reaction, and if I was a European country I would do the same.
The EU is using the Blacklisting of Hezbollah as a counterweight to the new sanctions they have placed on Israeli West Bank businesses. The EU has an eye on both the need of the US military and the growing effectiveness of the Boycott-Divest-Sanction movement. They have to side with the US on Hezbollah while demonizing Israel to protect their exports against sympathy boycotts.
Mansour talks about Israel disgracing the EU. Who in hell does he think he is? Isn't Hezbollah and its terroristic operations in Syria, Egypt, Bulgaria. etc. a disgrace to Lebanon?
So what the Foreign Minister is saying is that in the 28 EU countries they all translate the decision into their own language differently, and just to make sure he has had it translated into Arabic as he sees fit.
Mansour is truly a disgrace to the country he is supposed to represent. I blame Mikati for allowing this person to act as the FM of Hezbollah and Syria for the past two years.
Mansour of Kerbala. Please, don't even think of how our european capitals interpret our own laws. Thank-you, and god bless the resistance (the lambda Lebanese) against the terrorist militiamen incarnated by Hezbollah and their FPM stooges.
The big problem is - What happens when Someone donates $1000 to the political party Hizballah. A legal action.
Who is to stop this party, when the money reaches Lebanon from transferring it, even against the wishes of the donor, to the military branch.
So, donors from abroad, and maybe even inside Lebanon, will be very wary of donating money to the political party, and rightly so.
Phillipo, as Hezbollah stated : there is no Military Wing. It's all one party.
This means that both the political and military are one and the same: TERRORISTS.
If one is to donate to Hezbollah, he's donating to terrorists.
And to all others, stop blaming Israel. They are not powerful enough to get the EU to unanimously approve this.
He who does not deliver justice when he is strong, does not deserve it when he becomes weak.
He who does not deliver justice when they are strong, do not deserve it when they become weak.