محامي سماحة يطلب إخلاء سبيله: جريمته اقتصرت على التخطيط
Read this story in Englishقدم صخر الهاشم، محامي الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، طلباً الى قلم المحكمة العسكرية بتخلية سبيل موكله، معتبراً أن جريمته اقتصرت على التخطيط.
وفي حديث الى الـLBCI، من أمام المحكمة العسكرية، قال صخر أن جريمة سماحة "لم يسقط فيها نقطة دم بل اقتصرت على مجرد تخطيطات".
وطالب بإخلاء سبيله بعد مرور سنة على توقيفه.
وأكّد الهاشم أنه اذا لم توافق المحكمة على الطلب فسيميّز القرار اذا كان هناك اسباب تمييزية محقة والا فسيتقدم بطلب جديد.
يُذكر أن المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة، ارجأت في حزيران الفائت الى كانون الاول، الجلسة الاولى لمحاكمة سماحة بتهمة المشاركة في مخطط نقل متفجرات واستهداف شخصيات ومناطق لبنانية بتنسيق مع مسؤولين سوريين.
وجاء قرار المحكمة آنذاك، بسبب غياب رئيس جهاز الامن الوطني السوري اللواء علي مملوك المتهم في القضية عن الجلسة.
وفي 20 شباط، صدر قرار اتهامي في حق سماحة ومملوك "في قضية نقل متفجرات من سوريا الى لبنان بنية تفجيرها وقتل شخصيات سياسية لبنانية ورجال دين ومسلحين سوريين ومهربين" على الحدود بين سوريا ولبنان.
وطلب القرار عقوبة الاعدام للمتهمين.
وسماحة موقوف منذ آب الماضي بعد ان ضبطت القوى الامنية المتفجرات التي كانت ستستخدم في المخطط في سيارته.
واصدر القضاء اللبناني في الرابع من شباط مذكرة توقيف غيابية في حق علي مملوك وارسل الى السلطات السورية اوراقا رسمية لتبليغه. الا انه لم يتلق اي رد.
there was no bloodshed thanks to the soul of General Wissam el Hassan this Lebanese Knight who offered his life to unveil for the first time in Lebanese modern history Bachar/Mamlouk/Adnan/Samaha the traitor
walla lli sta7o meto !
so they should have let him proceed with his plans and kill innocent people so that he could be charged !
I think the same lawyer Shaker Hashem should represent those recently arrested with nusra fatigues and call for their release since there was no bloodshed involved!
Taqiya Thrower, you are a joke.
Samaha is guilty for sure, but he is just a pawn, or delivery boy. The Assad regime is the guilty party, and your support for them is sickening.
Read what? That you are in favor of convicting the patsy messenger boy?
Let's not be vague, which is your specialty. Samaha's confessions admit that the orders came from Assad. Tell me specifically if you condemn Assad for this, and whether he should be put on trial. Or are you going to pretend that Samaha acted on his own?
I expect another vague, non-committing reply from you.
Yes of course, avoid the issue as usual. Let me spell it out for you again....
Tell me specifically if you condemn Assad for this, and whether he should be put on trial??
Remind me to never use that lawyer if I ever need one. Possession of explosives with the proven intent to use goes beyond just intent Mr. Lawyer Jacko. Geez! If Samaha is released I am leaving the country for good.
Mabrouk !!!! 17 votes FT !
So happy for you :) This shows that when you say something intelligent, you get UPVOTES.
Did you vote yourself up with 17 accounts or ask some friends ? I don't think so... I believe you truely earned them.
This shows how your conspiracy theory against Naharnet "Moderators" (LOL) is full of crap !!!!
Mabrouk and +1 from me ... you're at 18 now !
'Lack of Bloodshed' this is the most absurd defense line I have ever heard from a lawyer. I think they should jail his lawyer for his stupidity…
What his lawyer is advocating is that if someone is caught for a crime he is about to commit but is caught before the crime, he should be let free because the crime he intended to commit was caught before hand.
Only those whose crimes have been committed but have not been caught should be sent to jail.
What is the name of his attorney? He should be awarded a medal.
I also have +1's your comment, but I do have one question for you and I know now you feel like you are being cornered but bare with me.
Samaha acquired the bombs and the instructions from key figures in the Syrian Assad Regime, if you agree that we should convict HIM and HIS lawyer what should we do about the Syrian regime? Surely you know that this is most likely not the first time they did this nor the last time, such an elaborate evil scheme to plant seeds of sectarianism in Lebanon couldn't have been the 1st time they thought or executed such a crime.
His lawyer is an idiot. Since he got caught before anyone get killed, he should be released so he might succeed the second time. Then he can be guilty.
Yea release him to be hanged it wont spell blood as well, along with his lawyer and his lawyer's father who has done more than samaha undercover and who is a better spy and more loyal dog than samaha
(Jamil el sayyed)