بلغاريا تحدد هوية شريكين مفترضين لمنفذ الهجوم ضد الاسرائيليين في بورغاس
Read this story in Englishكشفت وزارة الداخلية البلغارية الخميس عن هوية شريكين مفترضين لمنفذ الهجوم على اسرائيليين في 18 تموز 2012 في بورغاس (شرق) الذي اوقع ستة قتلى، ونشرت صورا لهما على موقعها الالكتروني.
وبحسب الصورة التي نشرتها الوزارة يظهر ميلاد فرح (32 عاما) المعروف ايضا تحت اسم حسين حسين، وهو مواطن استرالي ذو بشرة داكنة وعينان عسليتان.
وبحسب الصور التي نشرتها وزارة الداخلية ايضا، يظهر حسن الحاج حسن (25 عاما) وهو مواطن كندي ذو بشرة فاتحة وعينان عسليتان تعلوهما رموش كثيفة.
والرجلان مطلوبان من قبل الشرطة البلغارية وقد يكونان، بحسب التحقيق الجاري، في لبنان.
والعناصر التي جمعها التحقيق حول الهجوم والصلات التي يقيمها الشريكان المفترضان لمنفذ الهجوم مع حزب الله اسهمت في قرار الاتحاد الاوروبي في 22 تموز بادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على لائحة الاتحاد الاوروبي للمنظمات الارهابية.
والشريكان المفترضان لمنفذ الهجوم كانا في بلغاريا من 28 حزيران الى 18 تموز 2012، وكانا يقيمان في فنادق واستاجرا سيارات بواسطة هويات مزورة تحت اسماء براين جيراميا جيمسون وجاك فيليب مارتن ورالف وليام ريكو، كما اوضحت وزارة الداخلية البلغارية في بيان.
وتدعو الوزارة البلغار الى تزويدها بكل المعلومات التي يمكن ان تكون في حوزتهم حول هذين الشخصين.
وكشفت بلغاريا في الخامس من شباط عن جنسية الشريكين المفترضين من دون ان تكشف عن هويتهما.
واعلنت صوفيا انذاك ان استراليا وكنديا يقيمان في لبنان يشتبه في انهما على علاقة بحزب الله وبانهما شريكان مفترضان في الهجوم الذي اوقع ستة قتلى - هم خمسة اسرائيليين وسائقهم البلغاري - ونحو ثلاثين جريحا امام مطار بورغاس.
ولا يزال التحقيق يتعثر حول تحديد هوية منفذ التفجير بينما في حوزة السلطات البصمات واثار الحمض الريبي النووي ورسم تقريبي له بثه الانتربول.
and hizbushaitan sheep will once more say: there is no eveidence. this is an Israeli..... bla bla bla.
hizbushaitan is an officially recognized terrorist organization and that is it.
NostraGeha, as you've confirmed, among pretty much everything that you confirm and which has proven to be... well... umm... duh... nothing but a big load of bull, there's indeed evidence, but the Bulgarians are... well... umm... duh... not sure about it. Now the Bulgarians are known to have the best jebneh bulghariyeh made of sheep milk, so there is a possibility that they could be hizbushaitan (bismil salib!) sheep that carry their fat in the sack on their behinds, without knowing it! I think you should bring that to their attention, perhaps then they can see the virtual reality that you live in! One expression I beg your elaboration on is "that is it" because it is not clear what the IT is that the IS is referred to by the THAT, so we can know what to expect from this "official" (perhaps you can also explain what official is, if you can find time) recognition. Thanks, Nostra.
Yeah; if anything, it's a shame that there has not been a single brave and honest Lebanese politician so far to have gone to the EU and requested this branding themself. After all, what do the Europeans know about just how much of a terrorist organization Hizb really are? Were any of the EU officials in Lebanon in December 2006 when, after all the Lebanese had for the most part fallen for the lie and supported Hizb in its war against Israel (which caused the most damages for all the rest of us who have nothing to do with Hizb; but still, as Lebanese we supported them naught withstanding), (cont'd below)
just when Lebanon most needed its tourism cash-cow to be able to get back enough money to repair the damages that the country incurred as a result of the Hizb thick-headedness vis-a-vis Israel (because Hizb only thinks about whether they would be beaten back or not; that over a thousand innocent Lebanese and foreign civilians should be killed as a result of their "adventures", that 15 years of taxpayers' renovation of the country's infrastructure should be wiped out within a few days - now why would an entity as caring about Lebanon as the Hizb think of that?); just when Lebanon was already in its most desperate means since 2000, what do Hizb do? Occupy Downtown. Tourism cash-cow raped and murdered, and Hizb-Iran puppies sat in the occupied downtown smoking arguilleh while the country's economy tipped over the brink and fell to Hell. Wallah 3afékon ya ashraf el nés! Wlik shu hil abadayét into!
who cares... everybody knew hizbullah is not as innocent as it claims... It is a big organization with its own intelligence agency, just like the mossad or CIA... only difference is Hizbullah targeted israeli civilians, not political figures, which makes them terrorists...
hey FT if you really believe what you are saying then you are nothing but an idiot .
hizbushaitan is an Iranian militia imposing its will on the Lebanese people. it is time they go.
I know it is not to your liking ft, but you had fun as long as it lasted. you follow this militia blindly, but you need to realize that the Lebanese people hate them and want them gone forever.
and believe me : that will happen. it will happen the same as for the Palestinians, the FL and the Syrians.
wether you like it or not.
Lawyer Antonis Georgiades noted that Yaacoub, who is Swedish and Lebanese, told a Cyprus court that he came to this country on business with no plan to harm anyone. But Yaacoub, 24, also admitted that an unidentified man in Lebanon, where Hezbollah is based, gave him the "mission" of recording flight arrivals and bus routes of Israeli tourists and checking out a hospital parking lot.
NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A man being tried on allegations he planned attacks on Israeli tourists in Cyprus has admitted being a member of the militant group Hezbollah and staking out locations that such visitors frequent, his lawyer said Wednesday.
I think he should hire lebanese lawyer Shaker Hashem who will ask for his immediate release since no bloodshed was involved.
If Hussain Hussain and Hassan Hassan are so innocent, why don`t they come forth and explain what they did on various resorts in Bulgaria at that time. They wont of course, they are probably on goverment pension in Iran since their cover was blown. That payroll is getting bigger all the time because of all the botched assasination and terror attempts. Well, at least Iran dont have to give residency to the Hariri murder suspects since they are allowed to roam free in Dahiye.
No, not enough said per se. Enough said to prejudice audiences against the Shiite sect and to help make all Shiites, including those who are vociferously against the Hizb, look like they have something to do with it, like they are automatically guilty just because one of their co-religionists committed a major fail. Enough for Hasan N. to be laughing in his rathole as he wrings his hands together awaiting more Shiites to be attacked and to be running to him (and to Hizb) asking for help, since this article only establishes enough overly-generalized sweeping prejudice, not the nature of the culprits. Not all Shiites sell their rage to the highest Iranian bidder.
Listen to yourself FT... so Bulgaria or Greece's opinion is irrelevant... which country's opinion is relevant to you ya FT... China and Russia... the Pinnacles of truth, justice, equality and freedom...
Only your silly opinion is relevant to yourself. Thanks for the entertainment.