بيريز يدعو لادراج "حزب الله" ككل على لائحة الارهاب: تصنيفه سياسياً "نفاق"

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رأى الرئيس الاسرائيلي شيمون بيريز أن اعتبار "حزب الله" حزباً سياسياً ليس سوى "نفاق"، داعياً الى وضع الحزب ككل على لائحة الارهاب الدولية للاتحاد الاوروبي.

وفي حديث الى قناة "الحرة"، سئل بيريز عن مطالبة جهات إسرائيلية بتصنيف الاتحاد الأوروبي حزب الله بجناحيه العسكري والسياسي معا في قائمة المنظمات الإرهابية، فأجاب متسائلاً "أي حزب سياسي حزب الله؟".

ولفت الى أن "حزب الله" "يجلس في الحكومة ويرسل جنوده إلى سوريا دون إذن الحكومة اللبنانية".

واعتبر أن ادراج الجناح العسكري لـ"حزب الله" على لائحة الاتحاد الاوروبي للارهاب الدولي، "نفاق".

يُذكر أن الإتحاد الأوروبي أعلن رسميا، الخميس، ادراج "الجناح العسكري" لحزب الله على لائحة الإرهاب مؤكدا ما أن الدعم المادي للبنان لن يتغير والحوار سيتواصل مع الجميع.

وكان رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو قد رحب بقرار الاتحاد الاوروبي اعتبار حزب الله منظمة ارهابية، شاكراً قادة الدول الاوروبية. وقال: "بذلت اسرائيل جهودا كبيرة لتشرح لجميع دول الاتحاد ان حزب الله منظمة ارهابية تابعة للنظام الايراني ترتكب اعتداءات في كل انحاء العالم".

وتابع "في موازاة ذلك، يرتكب الاف الاعضاء في هذه المنظمة الارهابية يوميا جرائم حرب في سوريا ويشاركون في مجازر الى جانب قوات (الرئيس السوري) بشار الاسد".

الى ذلك، تابع بيريز متسائلاً ما اذا كان الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله رجل سياسة أم رجل عسكري، مشيراً الى أنه "عمليا هو أرسل جيشه ليحارب بجانب الأسد وليقتل مزيداً من السوريين".

وأعلن حزب الله على لسان أمينه العام، مشاركته في القتال الى جانب القوات النظامية السورية، داخل سوريا، وقد شيّع عدداً من المقاتلين الذين قضوا خلال "قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي" على حد اعلان الحزب.

التعليقات 27
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:27 ,2013 تموز 26

LOL @ Peres!!! Need I remind you that Our Islamic Secular Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) sacred right is "enshrined in International Law" under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter which provides for the right of countries to engage in self-defense, including collective self-defense, against an armed attack. Yes, HA is engaged in self-defense in Syria in a battle that was forced upon it by your Takfiri-Harriri-Hakimi Allies. Three million heart-eating cannibals were amassing at our northern borders ready to devour our little trendy country for no reason. So, we carried out a pre-emptive strike to liberate Lebanese-infested border villages and this liberation continues as we speak. Yes, some civilians were killed in the process here and there which you call massacres, but that is war and you know it. Now spare us your sermon! Tfehh....

Missing lebcan 16:52 ,2013 تموز 26

Israel and HA are equal hypocrites...
FT... Get it through your thick skull, HA does NOT represent most Lebanese... They are practicing self defense in Syria???!!! Sounds like Zionest talk to me... You guys hate each other and I hate both Israel and HA EQUALLY!!
Here is the correct formula. It is:

Thumb Senescence 18:26 ,2013 تموز 26

HA's as a supposed threat to stability will come and go, but the Israeli menace has always been the shadow of Lebanon. For you to say anything is more of a threat to Lebanon than Israel is an insult to all those subjected to the inhumanity of Israel, especially Lebanon and the Middle East as a whole.

Missing lebcan 16:54 ,2013 تموز 26

Both The Zionists and the Fake Muslims known as Hizbshitan... ARE THE SAME IN PRACTICE.

Thumb jcamerican 10:29 ,2013 تموز 26

I agree with him. That would cover whole Lebanon as a terrorist state. Who in Lebanon is not involved in Syria. Why stop there? Other countries are involved like KSA, Qatar, Iran etc.. As I said before, they are all terrorists, as soon they speak arabic.

Thumb condor 10:55 ,2013 تموز 26

Peres and Nassrallah are gold members of the international terrorists club.

Default-user-icon hafezz (ضيف) 12:53 ,2013 تموز 26

it is pure hipocrisy Mr. President coz even Hizbezzeb. is saying that he is one entity and doesnt have wings...
Hizbezzeb is a reknown international terrorist organization .

Missing phillipo 14:20 ,2013 تموز 26

And if we go to the holy Koran. In their many "Jihads" just how many "non believers" have Moslem massacred killed over last 1400 years ?

Thumb phoenician 15:59 ,2013 تموز 26

Settlement is different from terrorism,still wrong coz its illegal but its not murdereous.

Missing phillipo 17:39 ,2013 تموز 26

Just how many Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli settlers in the last, let's say 10 years, and then let's have a look at how many
Israeli women and children have been murdered by Palestinians during the same period.
When you have the correct answer to that, you'll see just how incorrect your comment is.

Thumb Senescence 18:31 ,2013 تموز 26

Phillipo, perhaps you should look into it instead of absorbing what fear mongering propaganda your government utters; take http://www.ifamericansknew.org/ as an example.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:20 ,2013 تموز 27

The only difference is that it's much much worse! It's mental terrorism in breaking a whole nation in to pieces, forcing them to be humiliated, generation after generation, taking their land and building on it while they watch! Bulldozing a farmers only means of lively hood, just so these subhumans can fulfill some prophesy!

A bomb goes off and kills people. And scares people. I've been living in Beirut since 2002, I know how it feels... But I have zero idea how it must feel for the Palestinians living like this!

Missing beirutbastard00 02:23 ,2013 تموز 27

Phillipo, every Israeli, man and woman, serve in the army. Exept for a very few for religious reasons.

Besides all being army, and heavily armed... They are settling on someone else's land! Are u retarded?

Missing phillipo 17:43 ,2013 تموز 26

"how will the EU be able to differentiate between Israel & Israeli settlements."
Very simple, everyone in Israel, just like all over Europe, knows where factories etc are situated because the address has to appear on the wrapping.
What exactly will these santions cause? As the factories will not be able to export their products, they will have to cut down on their work forces, and guess who will be fired first? You guessed right, the Palestinian workers. So the brilliant idea to boycott Israeli products from factories in the West Bank will only produce ---150,000 more unemployed Palestinians. If the worst come to the worst, the Israeli factories will simply relocate within the Green Line without their Palestinian workers.

Thumb Senescence 18:30 ,2013 تموز 26

So you're telling me these factories and such responsable for the illegal advancement of settlements into Palestinian land have complete autonomy from the Israeli government?

Missing beirutbastard00 02:12 ,2013 تموز 27

Hahahahahahaha oh wow! Phillipo, sir, you have outdone yourself! So let's follow your logic... If we boycott child labor goods, they will lose their jobs. Child labor is good!... If we boycott blood diamonds, hundreds of thousands will lose the dollar a day payment. Blood diamonds are good!...

Eventually when the governments you control are no longer able to pay back their interest loans, they will turn on you. Like so many times in history, you will brought from the shadows, and disbursed throughout the earth.

Missing phillipo 17:45 ,2013 تموز 26

I suppose that you suggest giving the 2013 Peace Prize jointly to Nasrallah, Assad and Morsi ?

Thumb Senescence 18:28 ,2013 تموز 26

He speaks from a realistic perspective, while you go on a tangent into hypotheticals and sarcasm.

Missing beirutbastard00 01:53 ,2013 تموز 27

No Phillipo ur right, it should either go to Peres (the president of the biggest terrorist state in the world), or to nasrallah Assad n morsi... There are no people in between, in this whole world, who deserve the Nobel peace prize more than them. Good job Phillipo.

Thumb phoenician 17:51 ,2013 تموز 26

Look what the Palastinians did to your country after the entire Arab world spat at them after their exile from Jordan, so called brothers.
Partition please.

Thumb benzona 19:10 ,2013 تموز 26

Va jouer gamin!

Thumb benzona 19:17 ,2013 تموز 26

God sent his holy son 2000 years ago, yet they manipulated the Romans to get rid of him. And for our muslim friends, god sent his messenger, they had him poisoned as well...

Ma khtalafna. But are today's Jews responsible for horrors of the past? All of our ancestors worldwide regardless of their religion committed similar crimes.... Nobody's clean.

To me, the only people that should get punished are the ones that stole lands (instead of purchasing it) from the locals. And these people are still alive... But they dont deserve death, nobody has the right to take another man's life.... Unlike Hezbollah and Bachar are doing on a daily basis.

The Sursok family sold a HUGE chunk of land to the zionists a century ago.... Yes, they are Lebanese. This is how Israel should have been created.

Thumb benzona 19:35 ,2013 تموز 26


Missing beirutbastard00 02:03 ,2013 تموز 27

I don't believe in religion. All I know is that Jews have been hated by, and accused of betraying every country/society they belonged to. They're always in charge of the money and the banks. Palestine was promised to Barron Rothschild, one person, got a signed letter from the queen/uk gov, promising him Jewish possession of Palestine! How much power does this small group wield?

Plz google...

How Hollywood was created.
How ww1 was won by uk.
How that created ww2.
How Jews have been portrayed throughout history, from the Greeks to the Romans to the Christians to the Muslims, and to how they are still acting today.

If God sent you all those prophets, it's because you are the most evil, and the most in need of such intervention.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:26 ,2013 تموز 27

Phoenix I agree. Sara7a I think if they all, Israel Syria ksa Iran, left Beirut alone, we would be the economical capital of the mena.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:36 ,2013 تموز 27

Texas, like Phillipo said, in the end it will hurt the Palestinians, so the Israelis don't care if the settlement factories are boycotted. South Africa used to say the same thing.

Default-user-icon nutsflipped (ضيف) 03:08 ,2013 تموز 27

Blah Blah Blah...Israel says jump and Lebaboonese say "how high?".

Don't censor this naharnet or you will get my fury on Twitter