جنبلاط غادر لبنان: إذا لم تتمكن الأكثرية من ضبط الوضع وحماية الإستقرار فستخسر
Read this story in Englishأفادت صحيفة "الأنباء" الكويتية أن رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط "غادر السبت لبنان ، من دون الحصول على معلومات حول الوجهة التي قصدها".
ونقلت مصادر مقربة من جنبلاط أن الأخير "أعطى توجيهاته لممثليه في الحكومة من وزراء جبهة النضال، بعدم القبول بأي صيغة بيان من شأنها تفجير الحكومة بعد وقت من خلال بيانها الوزاري".
وأشارت الصحيفة عينها الى أن جنبلاط أكد "استمرار الجهود عبر خيارات سياسية تحمي البلاد من أي مشكلات"، رافضا "السير في خيارات تؤدي الى الفتنة وتفجير صراعات مذهبية تغير المسار الطبيعي للبلد".
كما لفتت الأوساط الى أن جنبلاط "يقبل باستخدام العبارات السابقة التي وردت في البيان الوزاري السابق بالنسبة للمحكمة الدولية".
وأكد جنبلاط أنه "إذا لم تتمكن الأكثرية من ضبط الوضع وحماية الاستقرار فستخسر"، على ما نقلت أوساطه.
if he was a real man he will not travel in any situation
but seems like a coward to me...
not any different than others in leb through history
Way to go Walid. Run. Yeah, that's what you father Kamal would have done. He'd have run too in order to save his backside, right? Wrong. Kamal Jumblatt bucked efforts by Syria to exercise hegemony over Lebanon knowing who and what he was bucking and stayed in Lebanon to pay the ultimate price that any Lebanese nationalist has had to pay at the hands of the murderers across the border and their retainers inside of Lebanon.
The death toll of Lebanese nationalists leadership is staggering, and from all confessional groups:
Musa Sadr - Shia
Bashir Gemayel - Maronite
Kamal Jumblatt - Druze
Rafiq Hariri - Sunni
Walid, has always aspired to be the leader that his father was. The message he has left his deputies is the correct message. If only the messenger had the courage of the people that he leads.
i would add to beiruti's list (although not a martyr) samir geagea who faces his fate, and across the spectrum of patriotism michel aoun who ran away leaving his own family behind, and his generals being massacred
He is the only man among the lebansese politicians..........and the way he read things is way infront all of the others.although i di-s-agree with the side he took now
Yes, Beiruti, I agree with you. Kamal Junbalt was a great nationalist leader who I always liked more than his son. You have an interesting list: Musa Sadr was one of Syria's Assad closest ally. Bashir Gemael would have been excuted by Jumblatt in 1976, if it wasn't for Syria intervention to save the Right wing Christians from PLO and LNM defeat. And, Rafiq Hariri who was installed by the Syrian Moukhabarat would never have become a prime minister if Syria never intevened in Lebanon. Don't you hate the Assad regime? Incredible!