قتيل باطلاق نار من سوريا باتجاه العريضة والاهالي يعتدون على مركز الامن العام

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أقدم عدد من أهالي بلدة العريضة الشمالية الحدودية على التعدي على مركز الامن العام في المنطقة، احتجاجاً على اطلاق النار الذي حصل صباح الاحد من الجانب السوري والذي ادى الى سقوط قتيل سوري الجنسية.

وأوضحت المديرية العامة للامن العام أنه وعلى اثر سماع اطلاق نار من الجانب السوري المقابل لمركز الامن العام في العريضة، قامت عناصر المركز بالكشف على محيط المركز للاطلاع على ما يجري.

فتبين وجود جثة في النهر الكبير، مضيفة الى ان مجموعة من اهالي بلدة العريضة تقدمت باتجاه مبنى الامن العام وعملت على رشقه بالحجارة وتكسير زجاج السيارات العابرة والمتوقفة الى جانبه.

واقدم الاهالي على قطع الطريق الدولية بالاطارات المشتعلة، لبعض الوقت مما أدى الى تضرر المبنى وعدد من السيارات.

ولفتت الى أن الاجهزة المعنية في الامن العام تقوم بإشراف القضاء المختص بإجراء التحقيقات اللازمة لكشف ملابسات الحادث وملاحقة المرتكبين.

وقد عبر اهالي بلدة العريضة عن استيائهم من تكرار انتهاكات الجيش السوري الدائمة واطلاقه النار باتجاه البلدة، مطالبين الجيش بالانتشار وحماية الحدود.

التعليقات 12
Thumb zahle1 16:16 ,2013 آب 04

I agree. And why did they do this? Because the Syrian guy was from the same sect. Shame! With all sincerity, I ask the following because I have not lived there for a little while, and there was a period years ago, where I could not stand to read Lebanese news, but in the last 5 years, has their been any christian villages that attached the army or burned tires?

Missing pureleb 18:22 ,2013 آب 04

Only in Lebanon hizbshaytan die in Syria and they claim to be martyrs. Only in Lebanon that some Lebanese are more loyal to Iran than their own country. Only in Lebanon you patriots of Khomeini rather than their own president. Only in Lebanon a militia is stronger than the state

Missing helicopter 19:00 ,2013 آب 04

Lebanon is a puzzle and each of the above posts is speaking only to one piece of the puzzle. Sadly enough all the posters are correct because it is all those pieces put together makes the tragic situation we see in Lebanon.
Yes people get angry seeing relatives and/or people of same sect being killed nearby our borders (Isn't this why HA claims to be fighting in Syria to protect the Shiites there?).
It is also true there is lack of patriotism in Lebanon: too many Pro-Palestinians, Pro-Syrians, Pro-Iranians, Pro-KSA but not enough Pro-Lebanon.
And finally people take there anger out at the weakest link which happens to be our ISF and LAF (they can not aattack the Syrian army or HA or Israel). Like it says "2haytna wati" .... our wall is too low.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:40 ,2013 آب 04

I agree about ur paragraph 2 and 3 chopper.

Thumb cedre 20:35 ,2013 آب 04

which borders ? With ethnic cleansing yugo-style ?

Default-user-icon Lavon Bikkard (ضيف) 01:03 ,2013 آب 05

Minibash, I can almost hear the Bash through your deep analysis especially vis-a-vis the Lebanese who love Syria more that their own country. Now I am not sure if, to you, that annoying love is one that goes on within a limited time-frame or may have been but now "ain't no more, SIR" or what. Of course, your elaboration, with examples, can be very helpful to understand your depth. Otherwise, I guess we will have to wait for the Bash's return from Israel. alla yer7amak ya bassel, not to mention alla yer7amak ya Rafic Syria ya Syria's best Rafic, SIR.

Thumb zahle1 02:13 ,2013 آب 05

Because I say shame on these Lebanese citizens because they fire upon our army I am an idiot ya bani? You can call me names? Maybe the army should fire back on the Syrian army if they fire on our land. I wouldn't be mad if we did that. This would put the army against HA. This type of military response will not work unless all sects gave up their arms and fell under the army. Because this is not the case, the LAF firing on Syria for shelling Lebanese land is not very likely. Who knows who we are letting in from Syria, was it a innocent refugee or a takfiri? Too bad ya bani we don't have secure borders with our "brotherly" neighbor.

Thumb zahle1 02:16 ,2013 آب 05

I still pose the same question. Given the diversity of political views of the Christian community in Lebanon, name a christian village in the last 5 years that has fired upon our army, killed a soldier and or shut down a road with burnt tires. This is not rhetorical, I really would like to know if I missed it. Maybe it is about who wants to live life and let others live, and those who want to die. Ya Phoenix that is interesting insight.

Thumb cityboy 09:34 ,2013 آب 05

Zahle1 you really need to get a clue, have you forgetting the behavior of some in the Christian community during the civil war, some of you acted as if you were God's chosen people and that it was your right to kill and slaughter other Lebanese at will. Is that your idea of wanting to live life. You preach this myth that muslims don't want to live, get off this high horse of yours.

Thumb natasha 21:27 ,2013 آب 05

he said the last five years , not 25 years ago. u need to read carefully before u make remarks to others. just saying the way it is.
yes in the civil war all the sects committed crimes, but what zahle1 is talking about is the past 5 years ...

Thumb zahle1 14:10 ,2013 آب 05


I am not talking about 30 years ago. The civil war was a very bloody war no doubt for all sects. I was very clear in my question and you are struggling with it. I am asking about the last 5 years in which we have not been in a state of civil war among Lebanese. Go ahead and answer the question. I am looking for examples of how our fellow Lebanese live under non civil war circumstances. I never preached that Muslims don't want to live; I was commenting on Phoenix's statement who brought up a good point. In recent years I have not seen indigenous Christians in the Middle East doing such things as I asked about. I was asking for examples where they have done these things as other sects. It is not about my high horse.

Thumb zahle1 14:11 ,2013 آب 05

We are a country of many sects. We have penis's being cut off, we have power being stolen, we have drugs being grown all over, we have organized car theft rings, we have roads shut down with burning tires in some areas every time certain folks don't get their way, and we also have certain areas shooting our precious LAF soldiers on a regular basis. Lets talk about the elephant in the room. I was hoping for a good dialog based on specific facts without name calling.