عون: هناك أشياء خطرة تحصل في الوطن وفكرة حكومة الأقطاب "جيدة"

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أعرب رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون عن اعتقاده أن سبب المراوحة في تشكيل الحكومة هي الوصاية الخارجية، مبديا إيجابية تجاه حكومة الأقطاب وملقيا اللوم على جميع المسؤولين رغم أن هناك أشياء "خطرة تحصل في الوطن".

وقال عون عن موضوع الحكومة بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية عصر الثلاثاء "نحن لا نعلم بالتأكيد لماذا ولا نعتقد أن تعطيل الحكومة يأتي بوصاية خارجية ولا يعلم المسؤولون عندنا لماذا (..) هذا أبشع الأمور أن الذين لدينا ينفذون ولا يعلمون لماذا".

أضاف "أشياء خطرة تحصل في الوطن من اللاوعي بين المسوؤلين الذي يجب أن يتكلموا مع بعضهم واليوم يعتقدون أن لكل شرطه وممنوع التنفيذ".

وإذ رأى أن البعض "يقول (تشكيلة وزراء) "8-8-8" وآخر يقول غير شيء وهذا لعب أولاد صغار ويتسلون بالشعب" متابعا "فكرة حكومة اقطاب فكرة جيدة".

وتابع "لا أعلم ما هو الوصف الذي يمكن أن أعطيه للمسؤولين".

وفي الإطار عينه رأى عون "أنهم يتباكون أمام موضوع اللاجئين (السوريين) لأن هنك رؤوسا فارغة أمام مشكل كبير وعندما يتكلم شخص يهجمون عليه ويفترسوه وهكذا تصادمنا معهم لأننا لسنا من القطيع".

وعن كلام قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي أنه سيتم التشدد في العلاقة بين العسكريين والقادة السياسيين تمنى عون "ألا يتعاطى السياسيون مع الجيش ونعلم من يتدخل معه".

وختم رئيس أكبر تكتل نيابي مسيحي قائلا "لا أحد يقدر ان يحرك الوضع السياسي وعندما أكون في مركز المسؤولية اطلبوا مني مبادرات أما أنا فاليوم خارج الأكثرية المتجمعة ضدنا في الحكم رغم أننا أكثرية مع الشعب (..) تنفيذ المبادرة ليس بيدنا وبذلك تبقى المبادرة مبادرة".

  • 17:14 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: تنفيذ المبادرة ليس بيدنا وبذلك تبقى المبادرة مبادرة

  • 17:13 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: لا أحد يقدر ان يحرك الوضع السياسي وعندما أكون في مركز المسؤولية اطلبوا مني مبادرات أما أنا فاليوم خارج الأكثرية المتجمعة ضدنا في الحكم رغم أننا أكثرية مع الشعب

  • 17:11 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: حملة "بكفي كذب" عشوائيين لأن الإعلام يضللهم

  • 17:11 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: أتمنى ألا يتعاطى السياسيون مع الجيش ونعلم من يتدخل معه

  • 17:11 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: يتباكون أمام موضوع اللاجئين ورؤوس فارغة أمام مشكل كبير وعندما يتكلم شخص يهجمون عليه ويفترسوه وهكذا تصادمنا معهم لأننا لسنا من القطيع

  • 17:10 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: لا أعلم ما هو الوصف الذي يمكن أن أعطيه للمسؤولين

  • 17:09 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: كل يقول "8-8-8" وآخر يقول غير شيء وهذا لعب أولاد صغار ويتسلون بالشعب

  • 17:08 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: أشياء خطرة تحصل في الوطن من اللاوعي بين المسوؤلين الذي يجب أن يتكلموا مع بعضهم واليوم يعتقدون أن لكل شرطه وممنوع التنفيذ

  • 17:08 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: هناك موضوع مراوحة الحكومة ونحن لا نعلم بالتأكيد لماذا ولا نعتقد أن تعطيل الحكومة يأتي بوصاية خارجية ولا يعلم المسؤولون عندنا لماذا وهذا أبشع الأمور أن الذين لدينا ينفذون ولا يعلمون لماذا

  • 17:08 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: زارتنا حملة "بكفي كذب" ويبدو أننا نحتاج إلى إصللاح وان شاء الله المفاعيل قريبة جدا

  • 17:06 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: أوقف 23 شخصا من الوطني الحر في 7 آب 2001 وجميل أن يتذكر العالم من نحن

  • 17:06 ,2013 آب 06

    عون: نعايد المسلمين بعيد رمضان وان شاء الله خير على الجميع

  • 17:04 ,2013 آب 06

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في مؤتمر صحفي بعد اجتماع التكتل: أصبحنا في مستنقع هادٍ ولا أحد يرمي بحصة

التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon Mohamed Fawaz (ضيف) 17:43 ,2013 آب 06

sab3a-ayar and Southern are right, time for a true democracy were people vote for open tickets. No sect held seats, no religion limits... Time for a Shiite president as the numbers dictate we have bee sitting on the fence watching the Maronites ruin the country for too long.

Thumb bigsami 18:00 ,2013 آب 06

Yes....and you seem to know men. lololol

Thumb makhaleh 19:33 ,2013 آب 06

She sure does lol

Thumb bigsami 18:07 ,2013 آب 06

Whlak get a real job and out of politics. Everything about this character is LAME! Even the picture says it all. Belongs with Ringling Bros. Circus. To see/know (and read above) he has followers is insane!

Thumb benzona 18:17 ,2013 آب 06

Micho à encore fumé de la mauvaise herbe. (je ne te vise pas BigSami)

He's lost his mind and his hair again, I recommend him to try the He Shou Wu cure. It's works!

Long live the free Syrian army, and a peaceful and democratic Lebanon débarrassé de ses parasites hezbollahi et des copycats déglingués aounistes.

Thumb makhaleh 19:35 ,2013 آب 06

When did he ever have a mi d to lose in thw first place lol this clown is power hungry

Thumb benzona 21:00 ,2013 آب 06

Eh walla, ou Allah yikhalilak wlédak iza 3andak 3aylé

God bless you FT, unlike you I love everyone as long as they don't have blood on their hands.

Thumb benzona 22:46 ,2013 آب 06

Walla, hala2 dahar. Il est allé dormir... Dans son nid douillet.... En attendant que ses foutus papiers soient faits pour retourner avec ses parents à Londres. (pas Shengen)

Bonne soirée à toi et à tout le monde.

Thumb benzona 18:19 ,2013 آب 06

Ho are you to address the president? You're a freaking terrorist wanabe..... Yalla, barra barra. Rja3 to Iraq and Iran.

Thumb geha 18:57 ,2013 آب 06

News flash for fpmers:
check the declaration of Salim Aoun attacking (in an unprecedented manner) hizbushaitan, accusing them of dilapidating the interests of Christians.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:41 ,2013 آب 06

Are you for real? Can someone love Berri?

Missing samiam 19:47 ,2013 آب 06

Commenting on Army chief Genral Jean Qahwaji's remarks that no politician will be allowed to harm the army, Aoun called on politicians not to "interfere in the army."

"We know who's trying to interfere," Aoun added.

Dude, you were the only leader that didn't want his mandate extended--your action is interference and we know you want another family member at another undeserved post....

Missing samiam 20:42 ,2013 آب 06

no--ACTIVELY being against the mandate is interference when people have been questioning whether or not his SIL will be assigned to the post. Again, if he wanted to leave an impression that he is not doing this for his self interest, his SIL should have removed himself from the running for a while. Additionally, remember when the general was saying a few months ago the christian leaders should appoint the new general since it is a position held be a christian. How do you defend that statement?

it just seems that the general is trying to do things in his self interest instead of the interest of the country.

Missing samiam 21:09 ,2013 آب 06

roar, the position is a STATE institution, not a religious one--it's not the frikken crusades. it should be based on merit and decided by relevant STATE authorities not some hodge podge group of religious scholars.

two wrongs don't make a right--when will this cycle of doing wrongs by points at other groups to rationalize it end.

Missing samiam 21:11 ,2013 آب 06

*edits* position is AT a state

cycle of doing wrongs by pointing at other groups to rationalize ITS LEGITIMACY end

Missing samiam 21:26 ,2013 آب 06

I don't defend the indefensible, nor would I attempt to like you do with the 20ish posts you have on this article already. I give credit to people for saying something smart and hammer them when they say something stupid. Period end of story.

I have praised those I hammered and hammered those I praised, although a few will never get praise based on what they say. I don't sit here and idolize and come to the defense of somebody because he is my leader--I don't have a party here because all of the parties are corrupt.

Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 20:22 ,2013 آب 06

ya haram shou ghasheemi

Missing rudy 20:42 ,2013 آب 06

Anon, now ft will talk about how you change the subject and never answer what he asks, and how that makes you argumentatively bankrupt, and then say nothing to answer you

Missing rudy 20:46 ,2013 آب 06

Well i have an actual question.

What does he mean bycabinet of top leaders. I dont knwo if its a naharnet bad translation or if he has a specific idea. That one would be interesting. Not beneficial, but probably fun

Missing rudy 20:48 ,2013 آب 06

As if we are drowning in all the evidence you have ever provided about every politician you hate and accuse every day here

Thumb benzona 21:02 ,2013 آب 06

We could say Ft is smart if it wasn't obvious....

But it's crystal clear... We can read him like an open book ;-)

Thumb benzona 22:49 ,2013 آب 06

Cogito ergo Sum..... Mais le problème est que Aoun ne cogite pas, il réfléchit (comme un miroir) les idées d'autrui qui resurgissent par le biais de ses mandibules.

Thumb primesuspect 23:51 ,2013 آب 06

full bloom? maybe.

full moon? for sure!

Missing kamal_jamra 03:01 ,2013 آب 07

The roar, you will answer to God for your hate, insults and lies.

Missing kamal_jamra 03:07 ,2013 آب 07

It is in the interest of lebanon to declare the FPM and it's hateful leader michel aoun as terrorists and ban it once and for all. Nobody divided the maronites more than them. Slaughtering LF supporters then running away to france only to return to become an iranian slave, he should be banned from politics. Aoun is a cancer for humanity. Its men like him that cause wars and hate between people.

Missing helicopter 03:47 ,2013 آب 07

Amal and HA are getting there way on all issues (when it suits them they support Aoun and when it does not they don't).
extension of Rifi's term (Mostaqbal and M14 lost this one)
Extension of Parliament (Aoun and Sleiman lost this one)
Extension of Qahwaji's term (Aoun lost that battle)
Cabinet formation (M-14 on the losing side since 2010)
While Amal and HA got all of the above just as they wanted them to be. We know who is running the country.

Default-user-icon Whatever (ضيف) 04:37 ,2013 آب 07

Are Lebanese politicians still getting paid even though they are not doing their jobs?

Missing helicopter 06:52 ,2013 آب 07

Good job army, and moreover I wish that for every Asir supporter they apprehend they also apprehend either an Almoqdad or a Zoaiter guy (and others who at one time or another shot a soldier). We want full justice to protect the unarmed and we need to clean the house of Lebanon from za3raan.

Thumb sophia_angle 09:23 ,2013 آب 07

GMA is the leftover of the state; all the others are either militias n mafias...there won't be a state for neither one of us if GMA won't take full power n fix all...

Thumb ado.australia 16:57 ,2013 آب 07

Phoenix, I almost always agree with your comments... But how can you say that if Aoun was in power there would be no Lebanon left? Khawajie was his choice for army chief after aoun's first choice, the marytre general Francois el hajj was assinated after the Nahr el bard battles. Who assinated him? Ask his son.

Aoun might be the statesman that bashir was... He is stubborn, arrogant and ambitious but his patriotism cannot be denied. All political peers that are alive today in Lebanon have sided and dealt with one way or another with Syria while they were the occupiers of our nation.

I don't want him to be Presidant, coz it will only further divide Lebanon, but he has more integrity than most of the other leaches combined.