14 آذار: خطف الطيار التركي ومساعده يعرّض مطار بيروت لتصنيفه على لائحة "المطارات الخطيرة"

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رأت الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار أن "حادثة اختطاف الطيار التركي ومساعده تضرب ما تبقى من مصداقية الدولة اللبنانية في الحفاظ على أمن لبنان وعلاقاته مع الدول العربية والأجنبية"، مردفة أن "الحادثة تعرض مطار بيروت لتصنيفه على لائحة المطارات الخطيرة".

وأشارت الأمانة العامة في بيان لها الجمعة، الى أن "هذا حادث إختطاف المواطنين التركيين العاملين في الخطوط الجوية التركية يهدف أولا وآخرا إلى ضرب ما تبقى من مصداقية الدولة اللبنانية في الحفاظ على أمن لبنان وعلاقاته مع الدول العربية والأجنبية".

ولفت البيان الى أن " هذا الحادث "بالع الخطورة" لأنه يعرض مطار بيروت، لما يمثله من شريان حيوي ورئيسي للبنان، لتصنيفه على لائحة المطارات الخطيرة والغير آمنة مع ما يستتبع ذلك من تداعيات على جميع المواطنين اللبنانيين المقيمين والمغتربين".

وتطلب الأمانة العامة من الدولة اللبنانية "الإستنفار الفوري على كل المستويات من أجل وضع حد لهذا التمادي والعمل على كشف عن من دبر عملية الإختطاف وتسليم المواطنين الاتراك إلى سفارتهم في بيروت فورا".

وخطف طيار تركي ومساعده صباح الجمعة على جسر كوكودي وذلك عقب قطع مجموعة مسلحة طريق باص للركاب كانا موجودين فيه.

وتبنت مجموعة أطلقت على نفسها اسم "زوار الامام الرضا" عملية الخطف، مطالبة بـ"إعادة مخطوفي أعزاز الى ذويهم من أجل تحرير المخطوفين التركيين".

التعليقات 21
Thumb mobious125 14:18 ,2013 آب 09

Just cancelled my holiday to Lebanon, why do this? What is the point. One more step closer to Hell for Lebanon.

Missing zwilliamfarhat@gmail.com 17:15 ,2013 آب 09

could not agree more... Thank the hordes of terrorists in Beirut's southern suburbs... or more like Mogadishu of lebanon...

Thumb bananasplit 00:15 ,2013 آب 10

This is truly a pathetic response.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 14:35 ,2013 آب 09

The kidnapping of the Turkish Zionist pilots by the heroes of Zuwar Al Immam Rida was necessary to show the west the Islamic Secular Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) is not deterred by their blacklisting.
Call us terrorists, Call us rejectionists, Call us criminals, Call us whatever you like, Kill us under every stone and on every front and at the door of every Hussainiyeh, WE the shia of Ali Ibn Taleb will never give up our sorely missed "Pilgrims"....!!!

Thumb cedre 15:27 ,2013 آب 09

LOOOOL, rft rules, and btw its Ali Ibn ABI Taleb, r.a.

Thumb cedre 15:22 ,2013 آب 09

M14,the protectorate/failed state of lebanon does not have any credibility...

Thumb eli-g 15:22 ,2013 آب 09

Credibility....What credibility? Never had it, never will. With weapons in the hands of every khara, who would give credibility to Lebanon? Failed state, no credibility. And these bastards all they think about is war, jihad, killing, Israel,..... look around the world and see how prosperous other countries have become. wlak veitman is better off than Lebanon. I hate your war mentality.

Default-user-icon Tha Avenger (ضيف) 17:17 ,2013 آب 09

hardly any difference between Somalia and lebanon... Mogadishu and beirut... Thank these pigs in Beirut's southern suburbs...

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 16:10 ,2013 آب 09

It's about bloody time the majority of Lebanese woke up to the fact your country has taken ten steps back with this incident. Your country will have the same legitimacy given to Afghanistan and Pakistan, states of lawlessness. Wake up to yourselves before its too late!

Thumb shab 16:42 ,2013 آب 09

Tak down the poster of the criminal pretending to care about Palastians.

Missing helicopter 17:23 ,2013 آب 09

March 14 Says Kidnapping of Turkish Pilots Hits Lebanon's Credibility.............
Helicopter says All kidnappings of innocents by any group is a lawless act and must be punished.

Thumb benzona 17:24 ,2013 آب 09

Bunch of Shiite terrorists. They're going to behead the two Turks for their 1 day late 3eid.

Missing helicopter 17:28 ,2013 آب 09

With the driver being a Zoaiter and it happening in a HA stronghold, I think that road is leading to Jerusalem:
additionally Your friend tigertony thinks HA did it also.... here is his other post directed to bani...
how does it feel hasaballah boy? you like it? one upper cut on the southern border and a jab on the airport road. i know you can't hear me you still dazed.

Missing helicopter 18:44 ,2013 آب 09

Why don't you teach me to become like you ft? A peaceful, loving and secular mind who believes in one flag and one army (not the Lebanese flag or LAF of course).

Missing greatpierro 08:02 ,2013 آب 11

FT are you so stupid or your love to aoun is making you so blind? last time passing by the airport road to chouwayfat, i saw an iranian air force transport plane taking off. 3Ala aynak ya tager. What about all the mobile phones being channeled through the airport without passing customs. what about the bomb on the airport road planted while hariri junior was going to flee lebanon? what about the genuine false passport being handed to some lebanese? what about the surete general of the airport being controlled by ha?

Thumb scorpyonn 17:49 ,2013 آب 09

With all of these Islamic fanatics we are sliding back into the stoneage. I wish they would all move to Iran and coexist with the nasties that run that country.

Missing helicopter 18:47 ,2013 آب 09

Now that is what I call non-hateful and non-paranoid mind, thanks for lesson one ft. The more you post the more I can learn your uniting ways.

Thumb benzona 20:51 ,2013 آب 09

Hassan said that Ariel Sharon ordered it from his coma.... Through telepathy!

Thumb benzona 20:52 ,2013 آب 09

Stop smoking Chinese crack. I meant baalback crack....

Missing greatpierro 07:24 ,2013 آب 11

FT, M14 have been calling for a strong state, no weapons, loubnan awalan while M8 are calling for arms in the hands of militias, destroying israel, fighting in syria, supporting terrorist assad who sends bombs to lebanon (not to forget the hundreds or thousands lebanese in the syrian jails). Now tell me who is harming lebanon's credibility. Even your beloved Aoun is uneasy about the m8 alliance as terrorist ha has completely cannibalized the lebanese state and reduced the role of christians and democracy to zero. Your beloved general was summoned in dahyé by nasrallah who told him that if he does't continue supporting ha he will be a dead man. Ha has put the sunni moderate ko killing their leaders and evading their noughbourhood. the same is awaiting aoun is he doesn't behave.

Missing greatpierro 08:19 ,2013 آب 11

m14 are no jihadist supporters; you are just using jihadist as an excuse to your support for ha and the rest. jihadist as much as HA are terrorist, undemocratic organizations using religion to rule over ordinary citizens and seek power. the kidnapping of the turks is just a message from ha to salam, souleiman and jumblatt who are seeking for a neutral government which terrorist ha cannot control. we are in lebanon without a government as HA cannot accept a government without totally controlling it. The reality is that HA wants to turn lebanon into a shiite military autocracy ruling all its institutions. It has managed to neutralize moderate sunnis by killing its leaders (or banning them from the country) and invading their neighborhood. It has neutralized the christians who thanks to Aoun are completely in the pocket of HA. Welcome to hizbustan and bye bye lebanon.