تركيا تدعو رعاياها الى مغادرة لبنان وتدابير أمنية مشددة رافقت وصول اوزلديز إلى بيروت
Read this story in Englishدعت تركيا رعاياها الى مغادرة لبنان بعد خطف طيارين اثنين من الخطوط الجوية التركية الجمعة من قبل رجال مسلحين على طريق مطار بيروت.
وقالت وزارة الخارجية التركية في بيان نشر على موقعها على الانترنت "نظرا للوضع الراهن، ينبغي على مواطنينا ان يتجنبوا السفر الى لبنان الا في حال الضرورة".
واضاف البيان "ننصح مواطنينا المتواجدين في لبنان بالعودة الى تركيا اذا كانوا قادرين على ذلك، او اتخاذ كل الاجراءات من اجل ضمان سلامتهم الشخصية والتيقظ في حال قرروا البقاء".
واوضح البيان ان انقرة تنتظر من الحكومة اللبنانية ان تتخذ "كل الاجراءات من اجل ضمان امن المواطنين (الاتراك) المقيمين في لبنان".
إلى ذلك وصل سفير تركيا في لبنان اينان اوزلديز في العاشرة والربع من مساء الجمعة الى بيروت على متن الرحلة 826 التابعة للخطوط الجوية التركية قادما من اسطنبول بعد تأخر نصف ساعة.
واتخذت تدابير امنية مشددة في حرم المطار ومحيطه، حيث انتقل بسيارات مزودة بزجاج داكن وحاجب للرؤية تابعة لامن السفارة التركية في بيروت وسط مواكبة من القوى الامنية اللبنانية الى مبنى السفارة التركية.
وكان وزير الداخلية مروان شربل ان مسلحين مجهولين خطفوا طيارين من طاقم الخطوط الجوية التركية فجر الجمعة على طريق مطار بيروت الدولي.
Back to 1985... Good job, hizbushaitan! Cancer indeed, requires surgeryo r chemotherapy.
The Islamic Secular Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) will not be deterred or intimidated by such ridiculous actions that are meant only to cause strife and economic instability. Let those Turks leave, take their Baklava with them, and will not be allowed to smoke at the Airport. Lebanon does not need Turks, Turkish goods, or import/exports from this backward country with real GDP growth over the last five years of over 6%. Our expert "pilgrims" are more important than any other consideration. Tfehhhh
we'll give you a civil war. I promise. keep hating. Either learn to adapt, or get out of Lebanon if you don't like the majority.
Turkish airways is going to have to send a new flight crew to fly back the airplane....
I'd be stressed indeed if I were Türk.
Big mistake, this plays into the rebels hands, turks are very very very very nationalistic people, now they would support any anti shia forces just for the sake of it
Nice try Sab3a. Keep up the arrogance and intimidation. Hopefully any of these countries, especially Turkey, don't join Syria because your precious HA would be finished.
No worries, minibash. The Bash is in Israel getting the 21st century Bash Forces ready for the next disaster, all for the love of... well... umm... duh... amn al moujtama3 al massi7i. But isn't this what Doctor... well... umm... duh... Arreet 7akeh promised the pathetic Christians who found out that it was all art 7akeh bi art 7akeh and was meant to assure amn al moujtama3 al jumblatti al sharik al maghbouni bi watani al loubnani ya jorji 3edwanni? You know how it is cause you went through it before, minibash SIR!
Bashar Al Asaad indeed warn us that if we don't leave him alone the Syrian conflict will have severe regional implications. Though the M.E.'s regional problems do grow on the trees, all they need to do is flick a switch here and there.
Lebanon is plagued with a disease called Hezbollah. Someday we will find our once beautiful country quarantined because of the likes of Hassan Nasrallah, the devil itself in the eyes of most Lebanese.
Wow The Phoenix. Calm down. Actually you should have said you fear Hezbollah. Fearing for someone is a term of care and affection.
At this rate the only visitors to Lebanon will be the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on Pilgrimage to Nasrallah's bunker.
this kidnapping is a mssage from hizbullah to sleiman, salam and to the rest of the country. You cannot do anything without the assertion of hizbullah. Mr Aoun, you have sold this country terrorist ha in return for some favor. Now you are realizing that ha has cannibalized completely this country and there is no more political role for the christians. The moderate sunni have been put ko by hizbullah with your help. and who is the biggest looser : lebanon while iran syria, and terrorist ha are the winner. Thank you mr. Aoun.