الحريري اتصل بقهوجي: لاتخاذ الاجراءات الكفيلة بملاحقة المعتدين على الحجيري

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شدد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري على وجوب "اتخاذ الاجراءات الكفيلة بملاحقة المعتدين" على رئيس بلدية عرسال علي الحجيري، داعيا في الوقت عينه الى عدم الانجرار للفتنة.

ورأى الحريري في اتصال أجراه بقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، ان "هذا الحادث يقع في اطار المحاولات المستمرة لجر البلاد الى مزيد من الاحتقان".

كما حذر الحريري في اتصال أجراه بالحجيري من "الانجرار الى ما يريده الداعون الى الفتنة والعاملون على اشعالها".

ولقد أصيب رئيس بلدية عرسال وقتل شخص آخر بعد التعرض لكمين مسلح عصر اليوم الاحد في بلدة اللبوة البقاعية، وذلك بعد عملية تبادل المخطوفين بين آل المقداد وأهالي عرسال والتي تمت في مركز مخابارت الجيش اليوم في رأس بعلبك.

وقد لفت مصدر عسكري لوكالة الانباء "فرانس برس" الى ان الكمين نصبه افراد من عشيرة ال جعفر بمساعدة اخرين ينتمون الى عشيرة ال امهز، كرد على مقتل مقتل 4 شبان في عرسال في 16 حزيران الماضي.

التعليقات 11
Missing helicopter 20:13 ,2013 آب 11

The problem is the mismatch. My only question why have they not built up the strength of the LAF and then put limits to HA infractions. Even if they had to resort to using private money to e1uip the army and increase its training and numbers.

Missing helicopter 20:17 ,2013 آب 11

Elected MP does not count in Lebanon these days, you must be armed MP to count. If you are well armed you don't even have to be an MP to count, look at SHN (sab3a-ayar supreme leader). To rule, you must be armed and a liar (I meant resistance)

Missing helicopter 20:18 ,2013 آب 11

Elected MP does not count in Lebanon these days, you must be armed MP to count. If you are well armed you don't even have to be an MP to count, look at SHN (sab3a-ayar supreme leader). To rule, you must be armed and a liar (I meant resistance)

Missing helicopter 20:20 ,2013 آب 11

Thugs, bandits, traitors, thieves (traits of HA) and you accuse others of what you are.

Missing abraham 20:53 ,2013 آب 11

where has he been in the last 2 years?
who is he representing?
how come his constituents demanding his return?
If he really believes in Lebanon's future, he stays with his people in good times and bad times
that's is a characteristic of a leader period

Missing abraham 20:55 ,2013 آب 11

helicopter wake up, don't be a dummy and follow people blindly

Missing helicopter 22:31 ,2013 آب 11

unfortunately I am following the news and my instinct as well as some personal and first hand experiences. I wish it was otherwise.

Missing samiam 00:00 ,2013 آب 12

wow, you ever heard of the saying that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones---well the ones for hizb iran are paper thin

Missing greatpierro 05:35 ,2013 آب 12

can you be more explicit and tell us the actions and behavior of hariri that you condemn?

Thumb primesuspect 05:37 ,2013 آب 12

For each poison, there is a antidote....

the dilemma is that there are several poisons at the same time in the lebanese system.....

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 16:46 ,2013 آب 12

Harari's only real distinction is that he had a rich father. In this regard he is similar his backers, the House of Saud. He does not live in Lebanon and obviously doesn't care to. He could at least make an occasional appearance to pretend he really cares but prefers to make a phone call or release a statement instead. He is quiet mediocre ,uncharismatic and not particularly intelligent. You people who like him as a "leader " deserve what you get.