أهالي المخطوفين يهددون بخطف "أي تركي متواجد في شوارع بيروت" ما لم يفرج عن صالح
Read this story in Englishهدد أهالي المخطوفين اللبنانيين التسعة في أعزاز بخطف أي تركي يتواجد في شوراع بيروت، وذلك بعد عدم الإفراج عن الموقوف محمد صالح المشتبه به بالارتباط بخاطفي الطيارين التركيين.
وقالت الحاجة حياة العوالي: "اي تركي يتواجد في شوارع بيروت أينما كان هو هدف لنا، وسنقوم بخطفه".
وجاء تهديد الاهالي بعدما كانوا قد التقوا وزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل، الذي اعلن بحسب الأهالي ان "محمد صالح ليس عليه اي التباس".
وأضافت العوالي: " شربل قال أن ليس على صالح أي التباس وحتى الساعة لم يتم الافراج عنه ".
ويطالب أهالي المخطوفين منذ الأمس بالافراج عن محمد صالح، تحت طائلة تصعيد تحركاتهم.
ولقد تم توقيف صالح أمس الأحد للاشتباه به بالارتباط بخاطفي الطيارين التركيين.
و قال الشيخ عباس زغيب المكلف من المجلس الاسلامي الشيعي الاعلى متابعة قضية المخطوفين، بعد اللقاء بحسب الـ LBCI: "شربل ابلغنا ان محمد صالح لا علاقة له بعملية الخطف، ويتم التحقيق معه على خلفية اتصال التهنئة الذي تلقاه".
وأضاف زغيب أيضا: "اذا لم يفرج عن محمد صالح اليوم سنعتبره مخطوفا لدى فرع المعلومات ونتصرف وفق ذلك".
وقال عضو لجنة متابعة ملف المخطوفين دانيال شعب: "إن شاء الله تكون الامور ايجابية وعلى خير ما يرام، وبالنسبة الى محمد صالح، فإن توقيفه إجراء روتيني"، مضيفا: "تركنا الاجهزة الامنية تقوم بمهماتها الاجرائية ولكن سيتم الافراج عن محمد صالح لان التصال معه كان للتهنئة".
و لقد خطف طيار تركي ومساعده صباح الجمعة على جسر كوكودي، وذلك عقب قطع مجموعة مسلحة طريق باص للركاب كانا موجودين فيه.
وتبنت مجموعة أطلقت على نفسها اسم "زوار الامام الرضا" عملية الخطف، مطالبة بـ"إعادة مخطوفي أعزاز الى ذويهم من أجل تحرير المخطوفين الترك
وحول مخطوفي أعزازا أعلن زغيب أن "الاجتماع مع الوزير شربل كان للبحث في آخر التطورات، وقد أطلعنا على الصورة الاخيرة للمخطوفين التسعة وكانت الاجواء ايجابية".
وأشار الى أن "الدولة التركية هي المسؤولة عن عودة المخطوفين التسعة الى لبنان".
ولقد تم الافراج عن إثنين من المخطوفين الـ11 في سوريا وهما حسين علي عمر، اواخر آب، وعوض ابراهيم في ايلول الفائت، وذلك بعد خطفهم في 22 ايار الفائت مع تسعة آخرين في منطقة أعزاز بسوريا اثر عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران.
ومنذ ذاك الحين، يقوم أهالي المخطوفين بسلسلة تحركات مطالبة بعودة أبنائم، بما فيها اعتصامات ، وقطع طريق المطار، وعرقلة المصالح التركية في لبنان.
After the meeting, these persons advised that any turk on Lebanese soil is a target for them!
these persons have lost any support I had for them once they started kidnapping and threatening through hizbushaitan, instead of pushing for the Syrian regime to free the women.
This terrorist party called HA and its followers have destroyed the state of Lebanon... SAD!
As our fearless leader SHN said : "Call us terrorists, Call us rejectionists, Call us criminals, Call us whatever you like, Kill us under every stone and on every front and at the door of every Hussainiyeh, WE the shia of Ali Ibn Taleb will never give up our sorely missed "Pilgrims"....!!!"
There we go again, just like in the mid eighties when they kidnapped Westerners so Iran can get arms from Israel, the Shi3a Iranian terrorists are turning any Lebanese citizen traveling into a pariah and a leper.
Southern. Your leadef nasrallah says he is sayid, that means he is from mecka from the same land whos people you hate :)
But if you are from mecka, why are you occupying lebanon? Go to saudi arabia to your homeland. Lebanon is not your homeland, you just admitted to being from mecka.
honestly, at this point in time, i am hoping the 'pilgrims' get killed--it would be a favor to them if they have to come back to these thugs and criminals they call 'family'.
you are a tool--they were kidnapped in SYRIA by SYRIANS--their grievance should be with the SYRIAN embassy. hizb iran is just trying to divert the blame elsewhere for its mindless minions.
ok--the rebels are a bunch of brainless thugs, what's your point? It doesn't change the FACTS that the so called pilgrims were kidnapped in SYRIA. Additionally, when you compare the behavior of the kidnappers to those of the families, it becomes more and more difficult to figure out which group is the eviler of the two.
I wish the ISF would use the same kind of effort and enthusiasm to try to release its own citizens being held by these al qaeda rats in Syria, instead of bowing down to Saudi and Ottoman demands.
Just saying...
The ISF stands for: INTERNAL Security Forces. Their job is to protect civilians INSIDE of Lebanon, not in Syria, not in Israel not in ChingChangChong.
I wish we have less of you in Lebanon but that's the level of intelligence we have to live with. How about Nasrallah frees the Lebanese prisoners that been in Syria since Hafez days, or they don't count?
of course they count. all Lebanese should be free. Our government doesn't seem to want to do anything except bow down to the demands of other nations.
Iran against Lebanon. Please enlighten me? Tell me some examples of how Iran directly interferes with Lebanon beside re-building the jnoob and offering the LAF with anti aircraft weapons.
ummm is that a typo??? M14 against Israel/Al Qeada/Nusra???? ok your against them yet your leaders sit and drink tea with them, and supply weapons to them in Syria. Good one.
Yes, all your evidence is quite overwhelming as well. We dont need evidence to know that Hariri, lady Geagea, sinoria, assir and many more are Saudi funded. and when someone is Saudi funded you know they do not have the right intentions and they definitely have blood on their hands. if you even try to deny this fact then its pointless to even argue with degenerate like yourself.
Lebanan cannot go without a government much longer. Hezbollah is not government, it cannot maintain order, it is only meritorious when compared to a void I government and Hezbollah and its ally Michel Aoun is well on its way to create that void
@insideman1: Year 2005, at least 14 political anti-Syrian figures assassinated, those financing FSA have the right to do so for their martyrs. Year 2006, HA unilaterally and forgetting the Army-People-Resistance statement they dance with, brought massive destruction to the entire Country, Iran's reimbursement were rejected by the Leb state so that history does not repeat itself and HA does another 2006 on everyone. We want to live with the Shia only if they follow the state and abide by the latter policy FIRST, then follow Iran or Assad.
Naharnet read your posts and decided you are better off being quiet and be thought of as a fool then let you rambler on and remove all doubt. It is in your interest they deactivated your account.
Let the Shi3a stand back from the syrian situation.
You cannot expect the opposition to treat the shi3a normally as if nothing is happening
ı am Turk and ı am wondering why are you kidnapped and threatening our people ı dont understand.
ı tought that we were friends.
“If Mohammed Saleh is not released today, we will consider him to be kidnapped by the Intelligence Bureau and we'll act accordingly." Then go kidnap members of the Intelligence Bureau you schmucks and quit dragging the name of our country through the mud on an international scale! The Israeli government is laughing all the way to the bank, since before they needed to payroll its Mossad agents to spread such propaganda, but here the Lebanese are doing it themselves. Malla joursa...