الجيش الاسرائيلي افرج فجرا عن راعيا سوريا خطف الثلاثاء

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أفرج الجيش الاسرائيلي، فجر الاربعاء عن سوري كان قد خطف الثلاثاء، من بلدة بيت جن السورية، وخضع لعملية استجواب مطولة.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" أن الجيش الاسرائيلي أفرج عن النازح السوري محمد حسين البدوي، بعد احتجازه داخل احد المواقع الإسرائيلية في مزارع شبعا المحتلة لعدة ساعات.

ولفتت الى أنه أخضع لعمليات استجواب مطولة، تركزت حول الوضع في الداخل السوري خصوصا في محور بيت جن، بين الجيش السوري النظامي والعناصر المناهضة.

وطلب من البدوي عدم الإقتراب من الخط الحدودي الفاصل على جبهة الجولان، وفق الوكالة، كما طلب منه، وإبلاغ ذلك الى جميع النازحين تحت طائلة اطلاق النار دون اي سابق انذار.

يُذكر، أن الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، أفادت أن "قوة من الكومندوس الاسرائيلي اجتازت الخط الازرق الفاصل بين جبهة الجولان ومزارع شبعا".

وأشارت الى أنها "تقدمت حوالى مسافة 100 متر في داخل اﻻراضي السورية. وعملت على خطف البدوي وتم نقله إلى داخل الاراضي الاسرائيلية".

التعليقات 8
Thumb Senescence 12:37 ,2013 آب 14

Never heard from again most of the time. Eh.

Thumb Senescence 13:18 ,2013 آب 14

Might someone elucidate on why exactly did they invade 400m inside Lebanese borders? The Lebanese side of border, equipped with UN troops alongside LAF troops, is fully equipped to enforce the law. Israel has absolutely no right to intrude with the rationale of security. In fact, the intrusion was said to be aimed at setting up surveillance systems-- a gross disregard of sovereignty.

Israel only seems to be looking for reasons to intimidate the Lebanese, under the thinly veiled guise of security.

Thumb benzona 15:23 ,2013 آب 14

Chebaa farms are on Syrian territory... They abducted a Syrian. This is none of our business.

Thumb Senescence 15:39 ,2013 آب 14

I was under the impression that it is part of Lebanon, unofficially acknowledged by Syria(Farouq el Shara & Bachar el Assad) with a condition for recognition being the the withdrawal of Israeli forces.

Missing helicopter 15:55 ,2013 آب 14

The Syrian regime is being vague about whose land it is to use it as a chess piece to keep a reason for the Hezb arms and existence and to sabotage the demarcation of borders while they insist on resolving this issue first and start demarcating in the South. I wish Iasrael gave up the famrs just to expose the Syrian and HA game, but they also have a stake in keeping Lebanon destabilized by Syria and Hezb.

Default-user-icon grumpy (ضيف) 17:06 ,2013 آب 14

Just imagine this, an Israeli Sheppard was to cross into Lebanon!My gut feeling will tell me that He won't be going home anytime soon if ever.

Missing sharshaf 04:09 ,2013 آب 16

Tele3 3abelou

Missing ___-wolf-___ 20:31 ,2013 آب 14

Here we go again .
An elite Israeli commando unit specificly trained just to kidnap Shepards in our land !
What a BS of a State, first they steal your land , second they kidnap poor innocent people on their own land
They steal our resources such water oil & gas
They create havoc by creating refugees in our country
They build illegal settlements on " Other " people's property
On top of that they want a peace treaty with us ! "As the saying goes never trust a Yahudi ! What would he steal next ? "
But one thing is good about them , and that is their women , they do have the X factor about them !
Signed Wolf !!