نصرالله يعلن أن عملية اللبونة ضد الاسرائيليين "مقصودة": لن تكون الاخيرة وسنواجه أي خرق جديد لارضنا

Read this story in English W460

تبنى الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله التفجير الذي استهدف جنودا اسرائيليين تسللوا الى منطقة اللبونة الجنوبية قبل اسبوع، مؤكدا أن العملية "مقصودة وليست بالصدفة"، معلنا الاستعداد "لمواجهة أي خرق بري جديد".

وقال نصر الله مساء الاربعاء في مقابلة عبر قناة "الميادين": "كانت لدينا معلومات مسبقة ان الاسرائيليين سيمرون في هذه المنطقة".

وأوضح "تم زرع عبوات هناك وعندما جاؤوا هم في ليلة مظلمة تم تفجير العبوات"، مؤكدا ان ما تم تفجيره "عبوات جديدة وضعت قبل مدة وليست لغما من مخلفات الجيش الاسرائيلي".

وأضاف: "نحن لم نقم بعلمية اللبونة لتوجيه رسالة، بل لاسباب دفاعية".

وشدد نصرالله على ان هذه العملية "لن تكون العملية الاخيرة"، مؤكدا "نحن لن نتسامح مع الخروقات البرية الاسرائيلية لارضنا".

وأردف بلهجة حازمة "الاقدام التي ستدخل الى ارضنا عندما نعلم بها سنقطعها ان شاء الله". وتابع "اي مكان يدخل اليه الاسرائيليون داخل الاراضي اللبنانية ونعلم به، سنواجههم".

وكان الجيش الاسرائيلي اعلن في السابع من آب اصابة اربعة من جنوده على الحدود مع لبنان، بينما قال الجيش اللبناني انهم جرحوا في انفجار بعد توغلهم بعمق 400 متر في الاراضي اللبنانية.

وإذ لفت الى أن "هناك مجموعة في لبنان لا تعتبر اسرائيل عدوا اساسا ولا تتصرف معها على هذا الاساس"، وصف نصر الله

طلب سليمان تقديم شكوى ضد خرق اسرائيل باللبونة الى الامم المتحدة الموقف بالـ"ضعيف".

وحول حرب تموز 2006 ، قال نصر الله: "كنا على استعداد خلال حرب تموز لمعركة طويلة ليس اقل من ستة أشهر"، مشيرا الى أن "ما ضرب من صواريخ في حرب تموز كان اقل من إمكانيات المقاومة"ز

واوضح: " كنا باستطاعتنا ان نضرب عددا اكبرا من الصواريخ"، مشددا على أن من حمى بيروت هي المقوامة وليس القرار السياسي.

كما أعلن نصر الله أن المقاومة حصلت قبل حرب تموز "على سلاح بشكل مباشر من سوريا"، مشيرا الى أن "جزء كبير من جهوزية المقاومة كان يعتمد على السلاح من سوريا".

وتابع: "كثير من الصواريخ التي استخدمناها في حرب تموز كانت بصناعة سورية"، كاشفا أن "اثناء حرب 2006 ومنذ بدايتها فُتحت مخازن الجيش السوري للمقاومة اللبنانية".

  • 22:52 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: لم ننقل سلاحا خلال حرب تموز من ايران لأننا لم نكن بحاجة اليه

  • 22:52 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله:أثناء الحرب صار اتصال مع الرئيس الأسد بالقناة المختصة ونُقلت رسالة من الاسد لي تؤكد استعداد سوريا للانخراط في الحرب ضد اسرائيل ولكن قلت للأسد ان وضعنا ممتاز ونتجه الى نصر وقلت لا نريد ان تحصل حرب اقليمية في المنطقة وقادرون ان ننتصر بهذه المعركة

  • 22:44 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: اثناء حرب تموز ومنذ بدايتها فُتحت مخازن الجيش السوري للمقاومة اللبنانية

  • 22:40 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: حصلنا على سلاح بشكل مباشر من سوريا قبل حرب تموز وجزء كبير من جهوزية المقاومة كان يعتمد على السلاح من سوريا وكثير من الصواريخ التي استخدمناها في حرب تموز كانت بصناعة سورية

  • 22:20 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: من حمى بيروت هي المقاومة وليس القرار السياسي

  • 21:58 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: من اهم نقاط القوة في المقاومة هي العلاقات العاطفية الصادقة في ما بين المقاومين

  • 21:51 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: كنا على استعداد خلال حرب تموز لمعركة طويلة ليس اقل من ستة أشهر

  • 21:49 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: ما ضربناه من صواريخ في حرب تموز كان اقل من إمكانياتنا فنحن كنا باستطاعتنا ان نضرب عددا اكبرا من الصورايخ

  • 21:46 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: خلال حرب تموز كان الاصرار في بنت جبيل على القتال للآخر

  • 21:44 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: نقطة ضعف العدو هو في الخسائر وما يحسم المعركة ليس سقوط بلدة او أخرى بل في حجم الخسائر

  • 21:42 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: عندما حصل خطف الجنديين الاسرائيليين كنا مستعدون على المستوى البشري واللوجستي لاي حرب ورأينا خلال حرب 33 يوم ان المقاومة لم تكن مرتبكة او تائهى ميدانيا او حتى في ادارة المعركة لان هذا كان محضر مسبقا منذ سنوات

  • 21:40 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: للاسرائيلي ثأر تاريخي على المقاومة لانها الحقت هزيمة كبرى به عام 2000

  • 21:39 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: نحن بعد 25 ايار 2000 احتفلت الناس بالتحرير ومنذ اليوم الثاني اعتبرنا انه يجب ان نتهيأ لحرب تشنها اسرائيل على لبنان

  • 21:37 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: نحن لم نقم بعلمية اللبونة لتوجيه رسالة بل لاسباب دفاعية

  • 21:37 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: نقبل ان يساوي المجتمع الدولي بين الضحية والجلاد ونقبل ان يدين اسرائيل ويديننا

  • 21:36 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله عن طلب سليمان تقديم شكوى ضد خرق اسرائيل باللبونة الى الامم المتحدة: موقف ضعيف

  • 21:35 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله: من حقنا ان لا نسكت على أي خرق وهذا ليس خرق سيادي فقط بل خروقات عملاتية لها اهداف والامر لا يمكن السكوت عنه

  • 21:31 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: هناك مجموعة في لبنان لا تعتبر اسرائيل عدوا اساسا ولا تتصرف معها على اساس العدو

  • 21:28 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: لا يوجد اي نص يقول هذا ليس من حقنا ان نواجه كل من يخترق ارضنا

  • 21:27 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: على الارض حيث نعمل وحين نعلم ان الاسرائيلين دخلوا الى الاراضي اللبنانية سنواجه هذا الامر والاقدام التي تأتي الى ارضنا سنقطعها وهذا حقنا

  • 21:26 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: بنينا قرار استهداف الاسرائيلين في اللبونة على أن هذه الحدود هي بعهدة الجيش اللبناني والدولة

  • 21:21 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: فالعملية التي حصلت هي عملية مقصودة ولم تكن بالصدفة

  • 21:20 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: ما حصل في اللبونة كان تحت مرأى المجاهدين من المقاومة وكنا على علم مسبق ان الاسرائيلين سيمرون وتم زرع عبوات هناك من قبلنا وتم تفجير العبوات وهي عبوات جديدة وليست من مخلفات الجيش الاسرائيلي

  • 21:19 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله حول انفجار اللبونة الذي أوقع اربعة جنود اسرائيليين: يقولون ان ما حصل ان هناك مجموعة اسرائيلية حاولة الاختراق وبالصدفة انفجرت فيهم قنبلة وانا اريد القول ان ما جرى هو خرف اسرائيلي واضح دخلت خلاله مجموعتان اسرائيليتان

  • 21:17 ,2013 آب 14

    نصر الله: المشكلة الحقيقية معنا هي اننا مقاومة ومصرون ان نبقى مقاومة واذا فتحت خط مع الاروبيين والاميركان ستتغير كل الامور ولن يطلبوا نزع سلاحنا فهم يريدون ان تمتلىء كل البلدان العربية بالسلاح من اجل الاقتتال بالداخل وبالنسبة لنا هذه قصية ايمان

  • 21:14 ,2013 آب 14

    نصرالله:دائما كان يعرض علينا من قبل الكثير من الجهات الخارجية فليبق سلاحكم معكم ولكن قدموا التزاما ضمنيا حول التخلي عن فلسطين

التعليقات 65
Thumb benzona 21:19 ,2013 آب 14

Terrorist speaking....

3, 2, 1....

Unleash !

Default-user-icon Yourmom Zona (ضيف) 21:41 ,2013 آب 14

You are more powerful than your masters in Israel! Wow.

Thumb benzona 22:11 ,2013 آب 14

Typical M8er.... If someone disagrees with him he's a Mossad agent or CIA spy. Then, we are 3 million Mossad agents in Lebanon and we're proud of it!

Missing castro 01:46 ,2013 آب 15

@FT: Go back to your hole; you keep bringing down the level of conversation. Shallow-man.

Default-user-icon Shondo Balkiri (ضيف) 22:23 ,2013 آب 14

All the Israelis (6 million, NostraBenzona?) did not and will not count. What's three million (another prediction, as usual) Lebanese "Mossad" agents (I didn't know the Israelis employed that many idiots) belated warriors and jumpers into the arms of all occupiers, be they Syrian or Israeli, are going to do? Call then Ben Zonas, to be nice.

Thumb J_Sarkis 15:19 ,2013 آب 15

Go home and shut up, you dont know what you're saying.

Thumb bigsami 23:35 ,2013 آب 14

WTF.....who let him out of the chimp cage?

Thumb benzona 23:44 ,2013 آب 14

Le terroriste prend de l'assurance! À l'instar d'Icare!

Ne t'en fais pas va, comme Icare, sa chute est amorcée.... Et attends-toi a voir sa dépouille dans un jardin quelconque d'un jour à l'autre.

Allahū Akbar ;-)

On n'aime pas les terroristes ici !

Thumb smarty 01:19 ,2013 آب 15

mi7ideen, natto 3ale al sa3adeen

Missing formerlebaniz 21:27 ,2013 آب 14

They probably are trying to limit your damage to only Lebanon

Thumb benzona 21:48 ,2013 آب 14

Dakheel rabbak, Spare us this terrorist.... Man don't even read what naharnet reports on him. He's not worth our time. We're just waiting for someone to drag him to the Hague so he can finally answer for his crimes.

Default-user-icon Toe (ضيف) 22:07 ,2013 آب 14

The why are commenting? Leave.

Missing ___-wolf-___ 21:49 ,2013 آب 14

You seriously should consider & use your influence to place ALL Palestinians Refugees currently in Lebanon & placing them all along the Israeli / Lebanese border , you will apply massive pressure on the Israeli & on the international community to act by pressuring Israel to accept Palestinians into the West Bank & also to stop all illegal settlement already built as well about to be built . The other benefit would be the camps along with the 1.3 million Syrian Refugees would act as a buffer zone between the two countries, they would not dare to fire a bullet or try to invade our country but instead it will be in their face applying pressure without rest or peace ! Give it a thought for a moment the Israelis would not have a moment of peace but anarchy even within their own state & amongst their people !
Signed Wolf !

Missing VINCENT 07:38 ,2013 آب 15

Well said and spot on.

Thumb general_puppet 07:40 ,2013 آب 15

Mr ___-wolf-___, If you keep typing the same mindless comment, you will end up as Aoun's room-mate in a military insane asylum.
Signed general_puppet!

Thumb benzona 22:08 ,2013 آب 14

lol. Man, your humour is deadly. I love it.

Missing coolmec 22:11 ,2013 آب 14

@ anonymetexasusa
Well Said Bro!!

Missing coolmec 22:17 ,2013 آب 14

@ Southern
well I read your intellect earlier
Honestly, I am not impressed. I stick to anonymetexasusa's intellect.
Sorry man

Missing coolmec 23:08 ,2013 آب 14

@ Southern
You can call me what you want.
I know I am Lebanese. I know I love Lebanon and want to see its democracy, freedom and prosperity returning. the only impediment to the above is simply HA who thinks it is above the law and actually created a state within the state thus preventing the country to return to its former glory

Missing coolmec 23:15 ,2013 آب 14

@ anonymetexasusa
I replied above..
Thanks for your advice. I agree C'est peine perdue..

Default-user-icon Farid (ضيف) 22:24 ,2013 آب 14

Israelis traitor thats exactly wat you are

Thumb EagleDawn 22:25 ,2013 آب 14

Nasrallah: Foreign powers have offered to accept that Hizbullah keeps its weaponry in a deal in which we agree to abandon the Palestinian cause.

Who who? As if you and your fake resistance are really fighting Israel. What a propagandist scum.

Thumb J_Sarkis 15:24 ,2013 آب 15

Sorry about those

Thumb benzona 15:31 ,2013 آب 15

That's what happens when you type with your heart ;-)

Emotions take over the spelling

Thumb EagleDawn 22:30 ,2013 آب 14

Stop your heroics thug: In 2006 war Israel would have destroyed every meter of lebanese soil had it not been for the Pro West M14 government at that time. You and your ministers were kissing the behind of Saniora to call for a cease fire. Arrogance has a limit. Yours is limitless and that is why you are going to fall so hard.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:33 ,2013 آب 14

his whole speech seems nothing more than a pathetic desperate attempt to hide the fact that recent events and actions are rendering him useless and far less relevant by the day.

Thumb insideman1 22:44 ,2013 آب 14

M14ers cant contain their anger. SHN makes them so mad, it's actually quite comical. I know you guys yearn for the day that your PS3 playing, war crime committing, Saudi loving leaders can be as smart and charismatic and truthful as SHN. Keep yearning, it aint going to happen.
he said it perfectly. "smile and watch them die of rage!!!!"

Default-user-icon Captagon Ali (ضيف) 23:27 ,2013 آب 14

Oh look Hans Christian Andersen in a turban, I love fairytale.

Missing samiam 23:39 ,2013 آب 14

wow--taking 'questions' from an iranian owned station. almost as brave as living in a cave.

if he wants to be serious, step in front of the mike and take real questions, otherwise go on al manar because there is no difference (al manar is banned in many countries, so that may be why he chose this 'news' station)

Missing tourettes 23:58 ,2013 آب 14

The positive economic news
pathetic ideological maggot
murderer,ugly face

Default-user-icon Thunder Flintstones (ضيف) 00:03 ,2013 آب 15

Aoun: 'Dispute with Hizbullah is over Building the State'
Tuesday August 13 2013

So Hizbullah is the one hindering the building of the state

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 00:21 ,2013 آب 15

With all honesty, I think if HA enters into another war like the one of 2006 the Israelis will destroy them once and for all. It's very wise of Nassrallah to realise that he's very small compared to Israel's might and it would be a great adventure to out lebanon through another destructive war that would destroy its economy as well. Enough of postering from HA because the reality is very dire for them. I hate the Israelis, but this doesn't stop me from assessing the risks that HA is putting Lebanon under through its irrational postering.

Thumb Senescence 18:12 ,2013 آب 15

The similitude in strength I think comes from the fact the Israelis value the lives of their citizens quite highly.

Thumb primesuspect 00:31 ,2013 آب 15

He's sellfish... like all hizbacrap terroristas. Their personal interests come before the Nation's!

Thumb primesuspect 00:32 ,2013 آب 15

plz draw it for him. The pendejo won't get it otherwise.

Thumb primesuspect 00:33 ,2013 آب 15

God Bless any hero that will take down the assassin of Gemayel Jr, Hariri Sr, Tueni, Assir, and the other matyrs of Lebanon.

Thumb beiruti 00:48 ,2013 آب 15

Again, making state decisions of war and peace in complete disregard of the state, and then turning around and complaining of the weakness of the state. Nasrallah is like the child who murdered his parents and then cried that he is now an orphan.

He claims justification under international law when it suits him and completely disregards international law with regard to violations on the Syrian borders when violation of the law suits his interests. His "legal" justifications, whereby he poses as a civilized man, mask the completely uncivilized manner in which Nasrallah acts and is dragging Lebanon unless the Lebanese can cut themselves loose from this barbarian

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 00:56 ,2013 آب 15

HA knew they were coming, and planted a new mine. In 2006 you risked crossing the border to kidnap Israeli soldiers. Why didn't you set an ambush in coordination with the army and capture the intruders. Can you imagine the humiliation the Israeli army would have suffered and the bargaining chip you would have had.
But, you can't help yourself, you have to lay it out thick for your brainwashed horde to gobble.

Thumb scorpyonn 01:54 ,2013 آب 15

This is worse than having the PLO around....

Thumb Senescence 18:13 ,2013 آب 15

You don't know what you're talking about.

Thumb scorpyonn 02:03 ,2013 آب 15

You goddamn ignorant fool- take your resistance and your mullahs and move to Iran where you belong- then maybe you can all fight amongst each other and cancel yourselves out.

Missing helicopter 07:22 ,2013 آب 15

She will be arrested and stoned if she was to step in Tehran, look how she is dressed ........ the Moral police will have her jailed in no time.

Thumb smarty 02:19 ,2013 آب 15

this man is plain nutts

Thumb scorpyonn 02:59 ,2013 آب 15

You should change your screen name to thepersianpatriot.

Missing VINCENT 04:33 ,2013 آب 15

OK, I don't want my enemy to cross my boarder. If I were in charge, I would face my enemies eye to eye, pull my rifle, shoot if necessary and subdue the aggressors. Why just place bombs? If you had prior information and knew that the enemy was going to pass through the targeted zone, why not position your troops to confront the aggressors in addition to placing bombs? It does not make much sense.

Missing VINCENT 07:49 ,2013 آب 15


I know my friend, Nassrallah is a graduate of Iran-101. I present my views and target my statements to those Naharnet viewers who are "on the fence" regarding the alleged "Resistance".

Thumb beiruti 05:32 ,2013 آب 15

If m14 had any balls, if the government had any balls, they would form a government without Hezbollah having a veto, and if Hezbollah goes to the street, then Lebanon goes to the street too and takes them on. Now is the time, over 20,000 of their fighters are OC in Syria. Attack the cancer when it is weakest. Now is that time!!

Missing cedars 05:48 ,2013 آب 15

Do you swallow?

Default-user-icon Phejelio Bissalad (ضيف) 17:00 ,2013 آب 15

No. You?

Missing coolmec 06:38 ,2013 آب 15

typos sorry

Thumb general_puppet 07:11 ,2013 آب 15

You are 100% correct cedars... in 06 with all the destruction Lebanon suffered, Nasrallah babbled his "if only I knew" crap. Now it is a Diving Victory, that they planed... pathetic.

Missing helicopter 07:23 ,2013 آب 15

Go get dressed to meet the standards of your benefactors the persians.

Thumb general_puppet 07:31 ,2013 آب 15

Another load of BS coming out of the sewer.

Nasrallah out did himself this time... "The regime was even ready to fight with us" yeah I am sure Assad was just about to make his move... "Foreign powers have offered to accept that Hizbullah keeps its weaponry in a deal in which we agree to abandon the Palestinian cause." the Palestinians abandoned you and the Foreign powers that want you to keep your armament are your Axis partners the Assad and Iranian regimes.

Thumb tareksheen 09:24 ,2013 آب 15

naharnet is not free as they say why when i say something against nasershayateen and his militia u suspend my account iam shee3ee and sayed and iam one of the vitims of abo nos lsan and his lies

Thumb scorpyonn 10:17 ,2013 آب 15

The scary thing is that most of his followers do! That is a frightening reality.

Thumb scorpyonn 10:18 ,2013 آب 15

Keep sending your fighters to Syria so that we can relieve ourselves-- I am sure the Israelis are loving this--

Thumb Machia 10:21 ,2013 آب 15

Mr. Nasrallah needed this incident to reclaim Hezbollah's resistance role. Israeli media barely noticed it while Hezbollah's media, including Al Manar and Al Akhbar, made it into something big, an act of heroism.
Mr. Nasrallah who used to head the party's propaganda division knows the value of a heroic tale, (he actually succeeded in persuading his audience that he won the war in 2006, although it was a crushing strategic defeat for Iran and its proxy). This tale of Labbouneh is to cover the political disaster of the party's intervention in Syria.

Default-user-icon dateam (ضيف) 11:58 ,2013 آب 15

israeli media made no mention because there was an enforced media blackout...question we lebs should be asking and demanding questions to is what is unifl doing there? All the points of potential entry on the border should be monitored and manned to stop prcisely what happened from happening...the rest is dribble.

Default-user-icon Amido Belkhosh (ضيف) 15:12 ,2013 آب 15

This is a big lie. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah wants to take credit, as usual, for what others have done. Here's what happened: Field Marshal Ahmad Fatfat, a prominent Sanni of Hariri's al-Qaeda Northern Brigades, sent his warriors to the area dressed up like tea servants with trays, cups, spoons, sugar, tea (of course), propane gaz... the whole chabang to fool the Israelis. Some of the propane tanks were used to ignite the explosives. Some of the trays were highly-explosive C4. Some of the spoons were used in these explosives to maximize the collateral damage. Some of the servants' watches were remotely-controlled triggers that were planted in the explosives. This is exactly what happened, we7yet saksouket cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil. takbir.

Thumb beiruti 16:17 ,2013 آب 15

In a civilized country, if troops from a neighboring country cross the border, a warning is given, warning shots fired and then if that doesn't work, maybe you fire on the soldiers to get them to retreat back to from where they came.

In Hezbollah occupied Lebanon, they are simply blown up without any warning. And then the Hezbollah rushes to the microphones and cameras to preen and pound his chest over the act of bravery of killing people without warning by land mine. What act of courage is that to kill by surprise?

Thumb scorpyonn 17:22 ,2013 آب 15

It is called cowardice

Thumb beiruti 19:45 ,2013 آب 15

The point, FT, which your myoptic view surely does not allow you to see, is that if Hezbollah is to claim fighting superiority and prowess against the Israels, they should poi t to occasions when they have met on a file of battle and showed more mettle and fighting spirit that Israeli soldiers. Only a coward kills with hidden bombs. In fact it is a sign of weakness, the tactics of the weak and cowardly to kill by planting bombs. This is not something to be proud about. Kill Israelis in a fire fight, yes, but this way, this celebrates weak ess and cowardness. If this is your thing FT, then by all means celebrate it, in fact, wallow a out in it.

Thumb scorpyonn 17:23 ,2013 آب 15

... and please make sure you start paying homage to your new masters from Iran,you ignorant creep.

Missing pureleb 18:26 ,2013 آب 15

Anyone think that Hizbshaytan cares what happens to Lebanon is a shallow person. It's as clear as crystal that they are nothing more than agents to Iran

Thumb beiruti 03:06 ,2013 آب 16

@ft. Still calling it a divine victory, I see. None are so blind as those who refuse to see.