الحريري لنصرالله: ليشاور حزب الله الشعب قبل محاربة التكفيريين والقتال لمصلحة الاسد

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رد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري على خطاب الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله والذي اعلن خلاله استعداده للذهاب الى سوريا لمحاربة التكفيريين، معتبرا ان على نصر الله ان "يتشاور مع سائر اللبنانيين قبل القتال لمصلحة الاسد"

وقال الحريري خلال رده على نصرالله اليوم السبت عبر تويتر: "لا اعلم كيف يمكن لرجل مسؤول ان يتناقض مع نفسه بهذا الشكل وينتقل من الدعوة لضبط النفس الى اعلان استعداده للذهاب الى سوريا شخصيا".

واعتبر لحريري:انه "اذا كان حزب الله يريد محاربة التكفيريين عليه ان يتشاور مع سائر اللبنانيين ، وان لا يفتح على حسابه حربا لمصلحة بشار الاسد"، لافتا الى ان "خطاب نصرالله ياخذ لبنان لمزيد من التورط في الحريق السوري ".

وأضاف: حرام التفريط بدماء اللبنانيين بهذا الشكل

كما أكد الحريري أن "التكفيريين لا مكان لهم في سوريا بعد سقوط بشار "، سائلا في هذا الاطار "لكن ماذا سيفعل الحزب بعد السقوط".

وأردف "جميل ان يتحمس الأمين العام لمحاربة الارهاب ، ولكن لا نفهم حتى الان لماذا وضع خطا احمر في نهر البارد"، سائلا "ألم يكن السلاح الذي حارب الجيش تكفيريا"؟

وإذ أكد ان "ما حصل في الرويس هو جريمة بشعة"، رأى الحريري أن "حرب الله في سوريا هو جريمة أيضا، مشيرا الى أن "الارهاب هو ارهاب مهما تنوعت وجوهه لكن حزب الله يفسر الارهاب وفقا لمصالحه".

ودعا الحريري "الجميع إلى التحلي بالحكمة وضبط النفس وعدم الانجرار الى ما يريده أعداء لبنان الذين يتحيّنون الفرص لوقوعنا في شرك الفتنة".

وكان نصر الله أعلن أمس السبت في خطاب له بمناسبة "انتصار حرب تموز 2006 "، انه مستعد هو وكل حزبه للذهاب الى سوريا لمحاربة التكفيريين، قائلا: "أيدينا ستصل اليكم إن لم تستطع الدولة ذلك".

وإذ رجح نصر الله أن تكون الجماعات التكفيرية وراء انفجار الرويس والذي اوقع 27 قتيلا على الأقل ، قال "احد ردودنا على اي تفجير من هذا النوع، سيكون انه اذا كان لدينا الف مقاتل في سوريا سيصيرون الفين ، واذا كان لدينا 5 آلاف مقاتل في سوريا سيصحبون 10 آلاف".

ودعا نصر الله أيضا الى محاصرة الجماعات التكفيرية، وتفكيكها والقضاء عليها.

التعليقات 33
Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:10 ,2013 آب 17

Mr. Harrir don't blame Nassrallah because he knows beyond any doubt that the toppling of Assad is the end of his party. he's now stuck between two hard places; that's why he's acting irrationally. He's lost in a jungle of thoughts that is taking him back and forth and blaring his vision. Nassrallah used to be very good at being composed and rational but recently he's been very unconvincing and disoriented. I really hope he returns to his senses because he could play an important role in building lebanon after the toppling of the Syrian regime.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:11 ,2013 آب 17

I wish Nasrallah would go himself and fight in Syria.

Thumb Maxx 23:48 ,2013 آب 17

LOL. Alright, you beat me to it...

Thumb scorpyonn 07:45 ,2013 آب 18

I think Nasrallah should take all of his followers and the women in hideous looking headscarves and move to Iran- they can go back in time and all live in the 12th Century.

Thumb proudlebanon 19:13 ,2013 آب 17

It was your boss Assad who was behind Fatah Islam and it was our FM prime minister who charged the military with destroying them. Nasrallah on the other hand gave the terrorists political cover with his red lines. Stop with your filthy lies.

Missing cleanleb 15:05 ,2013 آب 18

Fath Al Islam were funded by Hariri.
The problems started when the US requested that Hariri stop funding them.
That is when they forced their way into Med Bank and "took" their monthly payment (not more - since they are religious and do not steal).

Get you facts straight before spilling poison publicly :)

Default-user-icon Pilados Bunty (ضيف) 19:19 ,2013 آب 17

Thank you to Sanni First for funding, supporting, sheltering and shielding al-Qaeda terrorists from Syria and other Sanni dumps, and to Farts 14 for being loyal slaves and loud mouths in service for the "minnakom" as Dr. Arreet 7akeh proudly calls your buddies of al-Qaeda. Keep it up defeated belated warriors whose only achievable success is that of jumping right into the arms of all occupiers. takbir.

Thumb insideman1 19:24 ,2013 آب 17

Im glad he gave up on his PS3 playing to give us a moment of his precious time.
I am also surprised he was able to put together a complete coherent sentence. Good for him :)

Thumb proudlebanon 22:45 ,2013 آب 17

lol...ps3...look at insideman making fun of hariri while he has a guy fawkes avatar...LOL. insideman did you grow up in canada or something man. did you ever step a foot inside lebanon. maybe you are a SSNP as they like to use signs and symbols that they don't understand as well.

Missing greatpierro 19:30 ,2013 آب 17

Not résistance but TERRORIST

Thumb lebanon_first 20:12 ,2013 آب 17

Saad is right. Can't disagree with that. I say come to Lebanon already, group your people and resist against the resistance.

Missing cleanleb 15:06 ,2013 آب 18

Saad Hariri, we do not want a leader who has the Saudi nationality (or any other nationality than the LEBANESE one). We do not want a leader who has more than 5% of his assets outside of Lebanon.
Either become fully Lebanese or leave us alone!!!

Missing nuetral 20:48 ,2013 آب 17

Why cant Saad Hariri have the balls to come to Lebanon!!!!!

Thumb proudlebanon 20:59 ,2013 آب 17

I promise you ya nuetral he is number one on their hit list and iza da3as ijro bi libnen he will be gone not long after. he cannot be here for security reasons and that is the whole truth.

Thumb general_puppet 21:00 ,2013 آب 17

“catastrophic.” is a good description... Hariri we can understand that there is a danger of assassination but if you want to lead your block now is the time to return. There is common ground for all the blocks that want what is best for Lebanon to stand together.

Thumb benzona 21:38 ,2013 آب 17

Thumb up for you although I disagree. You perfectly know that his plane wouldn't even touch the Tarmac before it gets hit by a rocket.

Thumb wassupmanigga 21:20 ,2013 آب 17

u back in dubai?

Missing abraham 21:21 ,2013 آب 17

I'm not a follower of any party, but Mr. Hariri if you think you are a true leader of your people, how come you are not in Lebanon, sharing the grief and sorrows of your people.
A true leader stands by in his house, with the people, with the Institution that he represents and( if he loves) his country.

Thumb wassupmanigga 21:25 ,2013 آب 17

He said he will go himself to fight in Syria, right on, go diaper man, go fight in Syria and when you come back let us know how it went, really brilliant idea he go fight himself.

Thumb benzona 21:31 ,2013 آب 17

Que Dieu bénisse Saad Hariri et le protège des terroristes chiites qui ont assassiné son père, un ministre prometteur pour le Liban (pierre), un excellent officier (Wissam) et mon Dieu, la presse libre incarnée par Gebran et Samir.
الله يلعن بشار & نصر الله

Missing coolmec 06:55 ,2013 آب 18

@ Benzona
Ouais mais n'oublie pas que Rafic Hariri a achete Beyrouth pour lui meme via Solidere a tres tres tres bon marche et d'une facon frauduleuse. je te cite un example. Ma famille avait des magasinsa a souk tawile et a souk el joukh a valeur de plus de $5Million et cela depuis 20ans. Qu'est ce qu'il a fait? Il nous a arrache les magasins et de retour il nous donne en echange des stocks pour $20,000. Alors la tu parles si c'etait equitable......

Missing lebnen80 21:59 ,2013 آب 17

Shias go to syria to kill muslims and then they whine when they face the consequences in dahiyeh. You kill in syria, you get killed in lebanon. That is like 1+1=2 Its that simple you hypcrites.

Thumb Maxx 23:55 ,2013 آب 17

No, it's not that simple. Remember that not all Shia in Dahieh support the Iranian Occupation Force (i.e., Hizb), and that it is primarily those type that got killed and wounded in this terrorist explosion. Hizb themselves were not hurt in the attack.

Missing lebnen80 00:51 ,2013 آب 18

The way i see it, its that simple. More than 90 % of lebanese shias support hezballah as studies have shown. In the area of dahyeh where this happened, the number is most likely 100% since that is where hezballah has activity. Dont get me wrong, i didnt say it was a good thing that shia who support hezballah got killed, i am against senseless killing like this, and i prayed for rhe injured so dont get me wrong. All i am saying is dont support hezballah when they murder in syria and then come whine when it happens to you in lebanon. I was referring to the HA supporters who now portray themselves as victims because 24 of their own killed when they support hezballah doing it to syrians on a much higher scale. Shiites have this annoying habit of portraying themselves as victims all while doing worse violations that those they accuse of opressing them.

Thumb cedre 00:38 ,2013 آب 18

its not mate, its an inside job, so he can double troops in syria, and send more shia fanatics in Syria to help alawites and iranians oppress sunnis.

Missing cedars 05:49 ,2013 آب 18

Why would the big Syrian army request the HA militia for help? He who interferes in another Country's business such as in 2006 will bring hell and instability to Lebanon. Nasrallah need to be hanged for dragging Lebanon into a destructive infrastructure war in 2006 and now the 1975 war is returning to Lebanon with the car bombs.

Missing coolmec 07:09 ,2013 آب 18

At the end of the day Hizb has less support than you think and it is becoming les and less gradually.
I don't know what kind of world you live in... Get real dude!! The Hizb with his foolish policy and the arrogance displayed by its chief is certainly making the hizb loose its shining armor and becoming less and less popular

Thumb scorpyonn 07:35 ,2013 آب 18

That Iranian lapdog will get his turn. Let him send all of his fighters to Syria- that way we can get rid of all of them.

Missing VINCENT 10:02 ,2013 آب 18

I will be ready to chop off the long arms of Iran interfering with Lebanon's sovereignty, but will the poison of Wahhabi Saudi Arabia kill us slower?

Missing cleanleb 14:58 ,2013 آب 18

KSA is funding it :)

They played the same gave in Afghanistan during the 80 and 90s.

Missing cleanleb 15:01 ,2013 آب 18

give me the dates when takfiris started their holy war in syria and the date that HA became involved

also add to those dates the Tal Kalakh lebanese who were caught crossing the border

enough twisting the facts

Missing cleanleb 15:03 ,2013 آب 18

Saad Hariri, we do not want a leader who has the Saudi nationality (or any other nationality than the LEBANESE one). We do not want a leader who has more than 5% of his assets outside of Lebanon.
Either become fully Lebanese or leave us alone!!!

Default-user-icon Speedy (ضيف) 17:28 ,2013 آب 18

Very soon HA they are not going be able to control the out come what going to happen in near future if they do not change low down the volume.