سلام: حكومتي لن تكون حكومة متاريس وقد لا ترضي جميع الأطراف

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أكد رئيس الحكومة المكلف تمام سلام أن " حكومته لن تكون حكومة متاريس تعطل العمل او تضم اسماء منفّرة او مستفزة"، مردفاً أنها "قد لا ترضي جميع الأطراف، لكنها لن تكون ضدهم ولن تستهدفهم".

وأشار سلام في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" نشر الإثنين، الى أنه "متمسك بالأمانة وبالاجماع الذي حظي به عند التكليف"، مضيفاً "لن أؤلف حكومة يغيب عنها أي مكوّن لبناني ولن اؤلف حكومة تقصي اي مكوّن لبناني ولن أقوم بعمل يقصي او يطاول أي فريق لبناني طائفي او سياسي، فليس هدف حكومتي استهداف أي فريق أو إقصاء أي فريق".

ولفت الى أن "حكومتي قد لا ترضي جميع الأطراف، لكنها لن تكون ضدهم ولن تستهدفهم"، مردفاً أنه " يجب ان نتحمل مسؤوليتنا ومسؤولية الأمانة التي في أيدينا. وعلينا ان نؤلف الحكومة".

وأوضح " لقد أعطينا الموضوع الوقت الكافي وثبت ان لا نية لتسهيل التأليف، وهذا الكلام لم يأت من لا شيء. وننتظر ان تنضج الامور لكي نمضي في مهمتنا".

وفي غضون ذلك، اشار سلام في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" ، الإثنين، الى أنه "وضع قواعد عامة دستورية وسياسية لعملية تشكيل الحكومة، ولم يضع شروطاً سياسية، لا على نفسه ولا على أي طرف، سواء في ما يتعلق بحفظ موقع مقام رئاسة الوزراء، او في ما خصّ مشاركة كل القوى السياسية في حكومة عمل وانتاج".

ولفت الى ان "حكومته لن تكون حكومة متاريس تعطل العمل او تضم اسماء منفّرة او مستفزة، وهذه كلها قواعد لم اضعها لمصلحتي الشخصية او السياسية، بل لمصلحة ايجاد حكومة تنتشل البلد مما يتخبط فيه من انقسامات وشلل".

وأكد سلام ان "الجو الاقليمي غير مساعد على سرعة التشكيل، بل انه يفرض التعمّق اكثر في أسباب المشكلة وطرق الخروج منها، ما يحتّم، الى جانب الظروف الموضوعية الداخلية، مزيداً من التشاور بينه وبين رئيس الجمهورية (ميشال سليمان) و(رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني") النائب جنبلاط والمعنيين بتشكيل الحكومة".

ورأى أن "التعقيدات المستجدة تفرض في الوقت ذاته ضرورة التنازل عن أسباب التعطيل، وتسريع التوافق على سبل الخروج من الازمات الخطيرة التي تعصف بالبلد، عبر تشكيل حكومة تستطيع لمّ الشتات الحاصل ووضع الحلول لكل الازمات الأمنية والسياسية".

وكلف سلام تشكيل الحكومة العتيدة، بعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في 22 آذار الفائت، حيث يصرّ على أن تشكيل حكومة "مصلحة وطنية" يكون هو نفسه فيها الضامن الوحيد، واعداً أنه سيستقيل في حال استقال أي مكون من مكونات الحكومة.

من جانبها تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية لا تمثيل لحزب الله فيها بسبب تدخله في الصراع السوري، في حين أن 8 آذار تطالب بحكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".

وأشار سلام في تغريدة له عبر تويتر، الى أن "الحكومة باتت طلبا ملحا لا يحتمل التأخير، في ظل قلق اللبنانيين من الاوضاع الحالية، وخوفهم على مستقبل البلاد".

التعليقات 11
Default-user-icon Libnanie (ضيف) 08:30 ,2013 آب 19

Salaam and Suleiman are good men. They will probably end up paying for their positions (ie. Syria & Hezb will put a hit out on them) but these two men have constantly taken positions that are aimed at strengthening Lebanon. They are true patriots.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 08:31 ,2013 آب 19

Salam and peace be upon you Mr. Tammam. I am sure you have finally come to the conclusion after months of exhaustive research and consultations that it is M14 and the blue takfiris who are behind all obstacles to form a new government. We, the Shia of Ali Ibn Taleb want national unity with our brothers and sisters in Lebanon. We want veto power in order to protect the behind of the Islamic Iranian Resistance. Since we represent the sentiment of 99.99% of the free and honorable Lebanese, would that request be too much to ask? You be the judge of that. The resistance is busy now fighting terrorism in Syria and needs all the help internally. Hence, it is advocating calm and less sectarian rhetoric so it can focus on eradicating terror from this planet.

Default-user-icon Kokash Bluzardo (ضيف) 11:48 ,2013 آب 19

Brilliant! The most beautiful solutions are almost always the simplest! All the credit goes to the... well... umm... duh... lack of education and schooling? But then who needs these when you are blessed to follow a guru who knows not what the heck he is talking about, let alone what the heck he does? You go, Drs. Arteena Satleh. You give the word SIMPLE its true meaning.

Missing cleanleb 13:26 ,2013 آب 19

@ banima3roof, I agree.
If Salam had balls, he would form his proposed Gov't and submit it for approval. If Parliament rejects it, he resigns.

@Kokash Bluzardo, you seem to be so smart and well informed. Answer this Einstein: what country in the world gives an elected President/Prime Minister an open-ended period to form a Gov't??

Thumb Senescence 17:42 ,2013 آب 19

"what country in the world gives an elected President/Prime Minister an open-ended period to form a Gov't??"
This is unacceptable, though the constitution dictates the opposite not it seems.

Missing phillipo 15:25 ,2013 آب 19

Considering that the political parties don't want to seem to get together in a government, and the refusal of Parliament Speaker, Mr. Berri, to reconvene to parliament, perhaps the only solution in Lebanon, is for the President to establish a government of bureaucrats, completely ignoring the bickering politicians.
Perhaps once they see that Lebanon can be governed properly as one unit, then they will finally realise that they have to sit down with each other and hammer out their differences.
It may take a week, a month, a year, or 10 years, but at least at the end of the process Lebanon will have a responsible unified government made up of its politicians.

Missing 871x12 15:34 ,2013 آب 19

@cleanleb What you're saying makes sense in theory (submitting a govt proposal, and resigning if it doesn't pass in parliament). However, in practice it could have dangerous consequences. What will happen in that case is that the Hizb will throw a fit. And I'm not talking about a tantrum like the ones Aoun does. I'm talking about a proper nasty violent reaction. The hizb will build on top of it's latest rhetoric following the bombing in Dahye and denounce a supposed conspiracy against it that needs to be addressed by taking to the street like it did in 2007. Given the already volatile situation, this will be disastrous. And I think Salam is aware of that and he doesn't want to lead the country down that path.

Missing cleanleb 16:27 ,2013 آب 19

I think what HA did in 2007 was wrong, and I think they know that as well. I also think that the conditions in 2007 as not the same as today. In 2006, M14 sided with Israel and conspired to delay the cease fire. They were ecstatic that HA was being bombed (along with Dahieh and the South). HA felt betrayed big time.
Also, one of the "surprises" that caught Israel off guard was HA's fiber optic infrastructure that is insulated from Israeli jamming/tapping.
To add insult to injury, in 2007 M14 (on request from Israel and US) "ordered" M14 to remove this fiber infrastructure which HA claimed is important for its defense against Israel.

Missing cleanleb 16:27 ,2013 آب 19

Also, in 2007 M14 decided to overpower HA by removing Shia high-ranking officials from their positions (without consensus).
The above events led to the 2007 mistake (which should never happen again).

Today, the situation is different. Salam should choose a technocrat Gov't for Ministries that are related to services (Electricity, Telecomm...) and strengthen internal security and defense with Generals at Min of Interior and Defense. He (Salam) should handle the politics and communication with political parties (rather than having 30 ministers each coming out with a speech that serves his own political party and sect).

Thumb Senescence 17:45 ,2013 آب 19

ex-progma, you will be saddened to hear that some oil companies have pulled-out of searching for oil and development projects due to the lack of political stability and frustration due to a lack of government. The more the formation of the pertinent government body is postponed, the worse the future prospects in terms of investment and economic harmony. Salam should hurry it up a bit.

Missing cleanleb 06:41 ,2013 آب 20

To the idiot above:
You should learn to write more than one and a half sentences and have more ideas with less insults. But I guess "insults" is all you know. That tells us a lot about your background.