مقتل مسؤول عسكري من حزب الله قرب دمشق

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قتل مسؤول عسكري من حزب الله كان يقاتل في سوريا قرب دمشق ودفن السبت في قريته كفرصير في جنوب لبنان، كما قال سكان الاثنين لوكالة فرانس برس.

واوضح احدهم ان "المسؤول العسكري في حزب الله حسام علي نسر (33 عاما) دفن السبت. وكان يدافع في موقع السيدة زينب (المقدس على بعد 5 كلم جنوب شرق دمشق) حين تعرضت مجموعته لهجوم وقتل".

وقد اعلن الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصر الله الجمعة استعداده التوجه شخصيا الى سوريا وقال "اذا احتاجت المعركة مع هؤلاء الارهابيين التكفيريين ان اذهب انا وكل حزب الله الى سوريا، سنذهب الى سوريا".

وتابع نصر الله "ان احد ردودنا على اي تفجير من هذا النوع (...) اذا كان لدينا مئة مقاتل في سوريا سيصبحون مئتين، اذا كان عندنا الف مقاتل في سوريا سيصبحوا ألفين، واذا كان عندنا خمسة آلاف مقاتل في سوريا سيصبحون عشرة آلاف".

وكان يشير الى التفجير في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت ، معقل حزب الله، الخميس الذي اوقع 22 قتيلا.

التعليقات 25
Default-user-icon The truth (ضيف) 14:27 ,2013 آب 19

Every Lebanese drop of blood should be charged against the leader whose brainwashing them..what a shame..all this because Assad does not want to share his empire with the sunnis...same problem we have in Lebanon when it comes to forming a government or employment in the state...

Thumb benzona 15:04 ,2013 آب 19

The best part is that mr jamiroqai (I'm going deeper underground) promised to go fight on the front line. What a false promise. He never keeps his word....

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:30 ,2013 آب 19

do you even know what a promise is?

Thumb benzona 16:41 ,2013 آب 19

Citizen of Isfahan :

Definition of a promise

A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:46 ,2013 آب 19

Good boy, now compare that definition to what he said.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:47 ,2013 آب 19

Good boy, now compare that definition to what he said.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:08 ,2013 آب 19

Don't threaten with something you dont have. Ayya respect? You keep calling me different childish names (citizen of isfahan and whatever). So how about you start showing some respect if you want to earn mine?

"if necessary" does that ring a bell? it's a hypothetical situation, a figure of speech. the promise is that if they do one more terrorist attack they will feel the full weight oh HA slapping down on them.

Thumb benzona 17:23 ,2013 آب 19

Citizen of Isfahan is cute. I could have used Tehran. But Isfahan is a city of wonders....

Thumb benzona 15:02 ,2013 آب 19

Allahū Akbar, one less terrorist.

Default-user-icon kam (ضيف) 15:45 ,2013 آب 19

Everything has a beginning and an end. Hizbullah apparently decided to take a short cut to its own demise.

Thumb benzona 16:01 ,2013 آب 19

Mort de rire!

Thumb geha 16:16 ,2013 آب 19

many more body bags are on the way.
this terrorist Iranian militia is worth zero, and the sooner they get all killed the better.

Thumb shab 16:20 ,2013 آب 19

More dead filthy militia and their supporters, More good news.

Thumb benzona 16:38 ,2013 آب 19

They're uneducated people..... Bass chou 3alam! They don't value life.... The worst in mankind like al Qaïda or Nosra.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:50 ,2013 آب 19

mort de rire!

Thumb benzona 16:59 ,2013 آب 19

Walla, there's no reason to laugh. It's sad for Lebanon. The day Aoun turns away from them, your stand will be different, and that will be laughable.

Because guess what, alliances can be undone!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:10 ,2013 آب 19

no it's hilarious, you arrogantly call them uneducated but you're the fool here, stuck on an old sectarian image where the shia were the second rank citizens. things have changed more than you could imagine.

Thumb benzona 17:22 ,2013 آب 19

Aha, there I gotcha!

I never mentioned Shia. I know Shias are educated people, actually half of my building in Beirut is occupied by Shias and some are retarded but others are great. I even once related on naharnet how my second floor neighbour (Amal) saved our life during the civil war when other armed Hezbollah terrorists were knocking on our door to abduct us or worse. I never considered them as second class citizens as I get them goods from Europe as presents whenever I go to Beirut.

So the uneducated people my dear Mowaten (or Movaten of Isfahan) LOL are the people going to Syria in order to kill human beings. They're Hezbollah terrorists.

No2ta 3al sater

Thumb benzona 18:35 ,2013 آب 19

Ah non FT!

Hezbollah = Shia


Shia ≠ Hezbollah

And unlike you my friend I have no apprehensions towards ANY sect in the world. I am certainly not a racist......

About info update, the day Aoun, Nasrallah, Berri and all leaders that took part in the civil war get judged, is the day we will finally be able to live together without animosity. Amnesty laws don't work. We have a memory, we don't forget the atrocities committed by the people we see on TV everyday. I do hope you'll understand this because it's in every Lebanese subconscience.

Thumb benzona 20:59 ,2013 آب 19

To2borné FT, ma alazak.

1) I certainly don't seek your approbation and judgement for my credibility for fairly obvious reasons.

2) Michel Aoun is guilty of war crimes. Joke aside about him fleeing the country like Arafat, he killed a lot of people, innocent people and has to answer for his crimes. He belongs to the same bag Berri and the others belong. A life taken is a life taken. How it was taken doesn't matter.

Thumb Marc 17:21 ,2013 آب 19

The guy shouldn't have been in Syria! No Lebanese should go and interfere in Syria civil war; we have had enough misery on our own

Thumb natasha 18:56 ,2013 آب 19

i agree with u Marc, but that goes both ways , the shia, sunnis and others too.
but we are known to worry about others before worrying about our country, we fight for others interests and to the highest bidder. as always i dont follow any political party in lebanon, because i think they are all corrupt and they have been politicians for the past 30 some years and nothing changed.

Missing samiam 19:53 ,2013 آب 19

I was going to add, that goes for every lebanese fighting in syria for either side. it is just hizb iran's 'resistance' guise that gets attention.

Default-user-icon LondonLebo (ضيف) 07:43 ,2013 آب 20

The takfiri and m14 cheerleaders in these threads are always so hostile. You guys need a hug.

Missing coolmec 08:20 ,2013 آب 20

You and I seem to have the same problem. Somehow our comment gets posted 3 times....