عون يرفض الحديث عن العنصرية من "الإقطاع الإشتراكي": المدبر للتفجيرات خارج لبنان

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أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن الفكر المدبر للتفجيرات في لبنان موجود خارج البلاد، مهاجما "إقطاعية" رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط ومسؤوليه.

وقال عون في مؤتمر صحفي بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "من تكلم عن موضوع النازحين كثر واستوقفني (عضو جبهة النضال النائب أكرم) شهيب و(مفوض الإعلام في الحزب) رامي الريس لأنهما تكلما باسم الإقطاع الإشتراكي عن عنصرية ميشال عون والوزير (الطاقة جبران) باسيل".

وأشار عون إلى أن الشخصين "تكلما عن أمر خاص فينا للمرة الثانية ونحن نسكت كي لا نثير الفوضى والمشاكل والعودة إلى الماضي ولكن الإلحاح بالتعدي علينا لا نقبل أن نتهم بالعنصرية بل العنصرية عن من قال أن "الموارنة جنس عاطل" في كلام "هتلري" في إشارة إلى جنبلاط.

عليه ذكر عون "جنبلاط بمجزرة معاصر الشوف وأذكر الأطفال الذين ذبحوهم وقتلوهم وعددهم 64 عام 1983" سائلا بعد أن أعطى أسماء عدد من الأطفال "أهذه هي العنصرية التي تتكلمون عنها؟ الإقطاع الإشتراكي".

وكان قد طالب التكتل في خطة قدمها الثلاثاء الفائت بوقف إستقبال النازحين السوريين والفلسطينيين القادمين من سوريا وضبط الحدود بشكل كامل باستثناء الحالات الصحية والإنسانية الطارئة التي تتطلب قرارا معللا من وزيري الصحة والداخلية.

ودعا التكتل حينها إلى التنسيق مع الدولة السورية لإعادة النازحين لديارهم لا سيما بالمناطق الآمنة بسوريا مع إعطاء الضمانات السياسية عند اللزوم.

وفي السياق عينه قال عون اليوم الثلاثاء في مؤتمره الصحفي "هناك مناطق آمنة للاجئين مناطق مع الثورة ومناطق مع الحكم آمنة أيضا يمكن أن يختار اللاجئون" أيا منها.

وردا على سؤال أجاب رئيس أكبر تكتل مسيحي في البرلمان اللبناني "كل شيء معقول أن تحصل تفجيرات في المناطق المسيحية لأن الفكر المدبر واحد ولا يفرق بين منطقة وأخرى".

ويأتي كلام عون غداة تفجير استهدف منطقة الرويس الخميس الفائت ذهب ضحيته 27 قتيلا على الأقل وأكثر من 280 جريحا قال بعده الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله أن الفكر "التكفيري" لن يميز في التفجيرات بين سني وشيعي ومسيحي.

إلى ذلك قال عون أن "مراسيم النفط وصلت للحد الأقصى لأنها قد تعطل التلزيم بسبب تعطيل بعض الأطراف ورئيس الحكومة يتجاوب".

عليه أعلن أن الأمر "فضيحة كبرى فنحن شفافون تجاه أنفسنا ولنكمل المشاريع بشفافية وليس بكيدية تؤدي إلى خسارة الثقة بشرفنا وعملنا" معطيا " انذارا قبل أن نبدأ بمعركة جديدة فهذه قضية موارد للبنان يريدون تعطيلها ولن نقبل".

وعن عدم نزول أعضاء التكتل إلى ساحة النجمة لحضور جلسات الهيئة العامة قال " نريد مواد واضحة وجداول أعمال كي ننزل إلى مجلس النواب ولدينا قانون النبيذ منذ 8 سنوات وتخمر النبيذ ولم يصدر القانون بعد".

  • 17:11 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: ليس هناك عوائق حول اللقاء المسيحي إنما تحديد للأمور التي يجب الإجتماع من أجلها

  • 17:10 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: كل شيء معقول أن تحصل تفجيرات في المناطق المسيحية لأن الفكر المدبر واحد ولا يفرق بين منطقة وأخرى

  • 17:10 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: ما زال الوقت مبكرا على عقد لقاء مسيحي مسيحي

  • 17:10 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: هناك مناطق آمنة للاجئين مناطق مع الثورة ومناطق ضد الثورة يمكن أن يختار اللاجئون أيا منها

  • 17:08 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: أهذه هي العنصرية التي تتكلمون عنها؟ الإقطاع الإشتراكي وقتل الأطفال؟

  • 17:07 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: أذكر جنبلاط بمجزرة معاصر الشوف وأذكر الأطفال الذين ذبحوهم وقتلوهم وعددهم 64 عام 1983

  • 17:06 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: البقية تكلموا وقف صحن اليوم الذين يعدونه أما شهيب والريس تكلما عن أمر خاص فينا للمرة الثانية ونحن نسكت كي لا نثير الفوضى والمشاكل والعودة إلى الماضي ولكن الإلحاح بالتعدي علينا لا نقبل أن نتهم بالعنصرية بل العنصرية عن من قال أن "الموارنة جنس عاطل" في كلام "هتلري"

  • 17:04 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: من تكلم عن موضوع النازحين كثر واستوقفني شهيب ورامي الريس لأنهما تكلما باسم الإقطاع الإشتراكي عن عنصرية ميشال عون والوزير باسيل

  • 17:03 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: إذا بقينا في هذا المفهوم بالتعيينات فلماذا نذهب إلى مجلس النواب؟ كي نمرر "كومبينات"؟

  • 17:03 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: هناك أمور لا يجب أن تكون موجودة وعندما يكون لنا رأي لا نسأل وعندما يكون الرأي لغيرنا لا نسأل

  • 17:02 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: نريد مواد واضحة وجداول أعمال كي ننزل إلى مجلس النواب ولدينا قانون النبيذ منذ 8 سنوات وتخمر النبيذ ولم يصدر القانون بعد

  • 17:02 ,2013 آب 20

    عون: أعتبر الأمر انذارا قبل أن نبدأ بمعركة جديدة فهذه قضية موارد للبنان يريدون تعطيلها ولن نقبل

  • 17:02 ,2013 آب 20

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في مؤتمر صحفي بعد اجتماع التكتل : مراسيم النفط وصلت للحد الأقصى لأنها قد تعطل التلزيم بسبب تعطيل بعض الأطراف ورئيس الحكومة يتجاوب وهذه فضيحة كبرى فنحن شفافون تجاه أنفسنا ولنكمل المشاريع بشفافية وليس بكيدية تؤدي إلى خسارة الثقة بشرفنا وعملنا

التعليقات 43
Thumb benzona 17:06 ,2013 آب 20

Pro terror speaking..... Addressing his terrorist fan base.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:52 ,2013 آب 20

says the man who finds excuses for those who bomb civilians.

Thumb benzona 21:47 ,2013 آب 20

Find excuses? NEVER!

Explain the reasons? Akeed! Le terrorisme appelle le terrorisme à l'instar du sucre qui appelle le sucre.

Thumb primesuspect 00:13 ,2013 آب 21

¡ Hola todos !

¿Guess how one can differentiate normal naharnet users from a paid mouthpiece? The answer is ez. The mouthpiece returns with hyphens, dots and underscores.... not because they're masochists but because they're ordered to do so by their employers...

¡Don't pity them; Never negotiate with the terrorism apologists !

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:32 ,2013 آب 21

lol benzona, you say you dont find excuses and in the same sentence you do it again. by saying "this called that" you're justifying it, you're saying it's normal that they blew up a street full of civilians because "it had a reason". the minimum decent thing would be to denounce the murder of innocents under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, it is NEVER justified to deliberately target civilians.
and despite your wettest dreams, reality shows that in every confrontation they were involved in, HA exclusively targetter combatants, whether in the 2006 war or in the quseyr battle.

primesuspect > no that only shows how much our comments disturb your narrow minds and how little you're able to answer, so you frenetically press "report" on every post and naharnet eventually gives in to censorship.
but you want know how to detect attention _____ ? they use lots of silly symbols to attract attention.

Thumb primesuspect 00:27 ,2013 آب 21

tiger, y do u have to insult people?

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:35 ,2013 آب 21

banikharoof: yea, i agree with roar that joumblat is the slickest "diplomatist", but he is also one of the biggest thieves and turncoats. what's the problem with that? do you only see things in total black or total white?
actually it makes sense, that would explain how little nuanced your views are

Thumb benzona 17:09 ,2013 آب 20

LOL they never do! They think the outside word is crazy...

Thumb benzona 21:53 ,2013 آب 20

roar : you disappoint me. I'm deeply disappointed because your manipulative, deceptive and twisting my words? Where did I write that I own a building? The tale was about my flat and my second floor Amal neighbours which I (and my family) truly respect.

The friend I was talking to? Is a fact...l I know you don't like fact.... You napoleaounists attack people personally when you're out of arguments. It's your loss.

FlameT: I Like your humour, you can say anything it doesn't matter ca me glisse sur la peau. It only do I have Jewish friends, but I also have Jewish blood flowing in my body. I'm not sectarian, and when I do say sectarian things, it's only to shock. I enjoy shocking people.... But the fact is I love everyone except people who have blood on their hands.

Allahū Akbar ;-)


Thumb benzona 17:14 ,2013 آب 20

Oooooooh! Beady eyes!!!! I like it!

Thumb benzona 17:15 ,2013 آب 20

Hahaha you're about it kill me. NapoleAoun? Man, I'm ROTFL!

Thumb lebanon_first 17:19 ,2013 آب 20

People are full of blind hatred of GMA because of the MOU with hezb Iran. Snap out of it people. See what he is saying today:New elections-oil exploration- close borders to refugees...
You are so slow that you don't see that he' is speaking sense.

Thumb EagleDawn 17:21 ,2013 آب 20

Yeah, and what's the use of all of this if we have a terrorist organization ruling the country?

Thumb lebanon_first 17:32 ,2013 آب 20

Can't do a trying abt HA eagle. Until lebanese state get rich enough to buy weapons and to hire lobbyists to allow us to buy weapons.
Or until Syrias Assad falls or Iran implodes.
Meanwhile we still have to live!

Missing karim_m1- 17:22 ,2013 آب 20

God bless General Aoun for his staunch patriotism, defense of Lebanon's democracy, and opposition to February 14-sponsored Wahabism.

Thumb proudlebanon 17:50 ,2013 آب 20

i wonder how karim's face is going to look like when Aoun finally declares himself independent of hizb iran as it seems he is getting closer and closer to doing so...

Thumb proudlebanon 21:40 ,2013 آب 20

Lebanon's big picture? Going back to the time where if I went down right now to Gemayzeh I would see people from all over the world here to spend money in my country. Looking at the Beirut Exchange and seeing green arrows. Not feeling like I have to shave my saksookeh before going on the airport road LOL. Go away FT.

Thumb proudlebanon 21:42 ,2013 آب 20

but really, seeing the gymnastics you and all FPM'ers will have to do after Aoun heads off to Riyadh in the not so distant Future will be hilarious. Future capitalized on purpose, wil sama zar2a ;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:55 ,2013 آب 20

i'm an atheist so your statement is wrong, but even as an atheist i know there is nothing wrong with religious, so your statement is pointless. the problem with religions is when they want to burn "heretics" and slaughter "kufars"

Thumb primesuspect 00:28 ,2013 آب 21

Kam once said 'Everything has a beginning and an end. Hizbullah apparently decided to take a short cut to its own demise.'

this also applies to fpm ''leader''

Thumb Bandoul 21:51 ,2013 آب 21

@Mowaten, your answer suggests you might be an Agnostic rather than an Atheist. The practitioners of the three principle religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam worship God thus if you are an Atheist you would see everything wrong with religion. No criticizing, just pointing out that you might be using the wrong term.

Default-user-icon 3sha (ضيف) 17:23 ,2013 آب 20

keep talking all you want,your heads will always be step on.you guys dont even exist sorry thats the truth

Thumb proudlebanon 17:53 ,2013 آب 20

I hate being forced to agree with the deranged enabler of Hizb Tehran but....Jumby and co. need to cool it with the anti-Christian behavior. Because if we are forced to make a choice, it is Hakim 100%...

Thumb proudlebanon 21:46 ,2013 آب 20

shu 5assak wle. i am discussing m14 business im sure you have some ba'ath and SSNP friends go practice your hitler salute with them eheheh. mazboot, won't Qanso be upset with Aoun for using hitler in a negative light in this speech?

Thumb benzona 23:02 ,2013 آب 20

Proudlebanon. You're mistaken about FT.

Actually, he was expected to show up to stop cars at hezbi checkpoints on the airport highway they need is intelligence and wisdom to bother tourists before picking up who's going to get abducted and who isn't..

Default-user-icon veronique (ضيف) 18:06 ,2013 آب 20

Why does Napo-Aoun retire, he has no added value to Lebanon & never did

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:57 ,2013 آب 20

go figure, takfiris are slaughtering christians in syria, kidnapping priests and bishops, and bombing churches, yet they support them..

Default-user-icon mehdi (ضيف) 19:18 ,2013 آب 20

go figure, the Syrian regime was slaughtering Christians (not to mention Shiites, Sunnis, Druze, Palestinians) in lebanon, kidnapped priests and bishops (not to mention Sheikhs and Imams), and bombed churches (not to mention mosques, hospitals), yet you never stopped supporting it.. Hell Hassan was so impressed he even thanked it!

Default-user-icon boujamrah (ضيف) 19:47 ,2013 آب 20

Feudalism, funny that's what all the ex-FPM officials including the four wise men gave as the reason for leaving the FPM.. that and the corruption of comisyangeh bassil.

Default-user-icon mo waten (ضيف) 20:05 ,2013 آب 20

MPs should be paid on basis of attendance, this guy is almost never there and he's always in the country, you'd see much less of these if it was the case

Thumb proudlebanon 20:23 ,2013 آب 20

M11'er, that's because he didn't understand your post. the_squeak doesn't know the differences between the legislative or the executive much less the finer points of why they shouldn't be confused with each other.

Thumb proudlebanon 22:52 ,2013 آب 20

Realistically the cabinet should have representatives from FM, FPM, Amal, LF, and PSP. Hizbullah excluded due to obvious reasons and its ministers given to Amal.

Thumb proudlebanon 23:12 ,2013 آب 20

Why were Flame's posts deleted? Now it looks like half of us are schizo talking to ourselves...

Thumb smarty 23:53 ,2013 آب 20

I finally know who's eyes Mr Aoun has. He's a replica of famous German actor Horst Tappert.

Thumb primesuspect 00:21 ,2013 آب 21

I miss Slash, I miss Jabbour, I miss Bandoul.

Thumb Bandoul 23:00 ,2013 آب 21

@I am here prime...rest assured I read everything and I know who the agitators are and how to avoid them...thanks for the shout out tho.

Default-user-icon Tchaddd (ضيف) 02:28 ,2013 آب 21

if he wasn't a crazy puppet, syrians would have assasinated aoun before he left lebanon to france when he was surrounded in the embassy..But they knew they gonna use him 2o years later so they left him alive. good job, great puppet, dreaming of being one day lebanese president, and always drunk of power. Aoun u are tarnishing the Christians in lebanon and the mid east. Take ure pills and relax, its better like that!!!!

Missing cedars 02:44 ,2013 آب 21

You can't teach stupid. If a tree is 45 degree how can you make it 90?

Missing blacksheep 05:48 ,2013 آب 21

It seems Mr Aoun dementia is reversed. He lost his long term, not his shiot term memory. 1976 Kataeb and Syrians massacred the Druze family in Salima, women, elderly and children. Keep on living in the past Mr Aoun. All parties have satanic history. Kataeb, PSP, Syrian army, Amal, Hizbullah, Kuwwat, PLO, IDF, and it was topped by you in 1989; killing your own sect. Your history is not any better than your present. Allied with hizbsatan to kill Hariri. bye bye Aoun.

Thumb habib 08:18 ,2013 آب 21

Ma3kol e7tirami la lkol aoun sar kharfan bi ekher eyemo wa men ba3dihi sawfa yata7awwal tayar la tayarat lianna tayar mozayyaf

Missing -_-wolf-_- 08:35 ,2013 آب 21

I have to admit that GMA has & is the only politician that speaks his mind without been diplomatic . The only other person that spoke his mind without any regards to any warlord friend or foe just as he saw it was Bachir ( god bless his soul ) . Now we have a similar true blood Lebanese wanting to control the influx of Refugees into our already over populated Palestinians Refugees who instigated the 1970's civil war & still are to this very day playing a major role in destabilising our country into chaos add another 1.3 million Syrians into the mix then we have a Powder Keg about to explode !
GMA is on the right track with our Refugee problem but should take it a bit further with his policy , place ALL refugees on the Israeli / Lebanese borders, I say we should have a Referendum ! Get rid of them & let the Israelis / UN handle the problem that they have created !
Signed Wolf.

Default-user-icon paladim (ضيف) 15:31 ,2013 آب 21

Naharnet, where are the other comments on this story? Ramadan has come and gone. Get back to work please.

Thumb beiruti 16:15 ,2013 آب 21

Aoun went to Lebanon as a "Change and Reform" agent allegedly, to end the corruption in Lebanese politics. In reality, he did not want to end the corruption, but to become the leader of it and its main benefactor for himself and his family, as the other "feudal" leaders had. His intent is to become the heir to feudal leadership. Aoun's actions have taken all credibility away from anything he has to say. He is not apart from that which he criticizes, rather he is enmeshed into the corruption. He is the kettle calling the skillet black.
And in an effort, he says to withhold responding to PSP reps "so that we don't stir chaos and problems and invoke the past", in the next breath he drags up events from 30 years ago in 1983. He really needs to go home and get on his medicine.