الحريري يدين مجزرة الغوطة: المشكلة في المجتمع الدولي وفي من يغطي جرائم الاسد ويشارك فيها
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دان رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد االحريري بشدة المجزرة التي وقعت في ريف دمشق، معتبرا ان المشكلة ليست في "بشار الاسد بل في المجتمع الدولي وفي من يغطي على هذه الجرائم في صفوف العرب والمسليمن"، منبها في هذا السياق "بعض اللبنانيين الذين يصرون على التورط في المحرقة الجارية على ارض سوريا من أن التاريخ لا يرحم القتلة".
وقال الحريري في بيان صادر عنه عصر اليوم الأربعاء: "لا يوجد وصف أسود يمكن ان توصف به المجزرة التي أوقعتها قوات بشار الاسد بمئات الاطفال والنساء والأبرياء من ابناء الشعب السوري في ريف دمشق".
ووصف الحريري المجزرة أانها "أبشع ما يمكن ان يصدر عن عقل بشري في التاريخ الانساني ، من ايام هولاكو وهتلر ومجازر رواندا وبروندي والبوسنة الى مذابح العاغانا في فلسطين وصبرا وشاتيلا" .
وراى الحريري أن "المشكلة هنا ليست فقط في بشار الاسد الذي فقد اي إحساس انساني تجاه شعبه وابناء ملته ، بل هي تكمن أيضا في المجتمع الدولي الذي يتيح لمجرم دمشق التمادي في ارتكاب المجازر والتدمير المنظم للمدن السورية وتاريخها العريق".
وأضاف: "الأسوأ من ذلك كله ان هناك في صفوف العرب والمسلمين ، من يغطي على هذه الجرائم ويشارك فيها ، ولا يريد ان تتحرك فيه ذرة واحدة من الأخلاق ومشاعر الأخوة حيال المشاهد الرهيبة التي تناقلتها وسائل الاعلام من غوطة دمشق الى كل أصقاع الارض" .
وإذ اعرب عن تضامنه "مع الشعب السوري المظلوم"، وإدانته "لجرائم بشار الاسد "، دعا الحريري "المجتمع الدولي الى تحمل مسؤولياته لمرة واحدة وأخيرة ووقف سياسات التقاعس تجاه ارتكابات النظام".
كما نبه الحريري "بعض اللبنانيين الذين يصرون على التورط في المحرقة الجارية على ارض سوريا، بان التاريخ لن يرحم المجرمين والقتلة"، غامزا م قناة حزب الله الذي يشارك في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري في سوريا".
وأكد الحريري في بيانه أن التاريخ "بالتأكيد لا يمتلك صكوك براءة أخلاقية وإنسانية لشركاء بشار في إحراق سوريا" .
ولقد وقعت فجر اليوم الأربعاء مجزرة في منطقة الغوطة في ريف دمشق قال المرصد ان ضحاياها تجاوزوا المئة، بينما اكدت المعارضة السورية ان عددهم يفوق 1300، وذلك نتيجة قصف من قوات النظام السوري استخدمت فيه اسلحة كيميائية بحسب ناشطين.
من جهته أعلن رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة أن "ما شهدناه وسمعناه اليوم من نتائج مجزرة مروعة استهدفت منطقة الغوطة الشرقية في سوريا عن طريق قصف المدنيين بالاسلحة الكيميائية، لم يسبق أن سمعنا أو شهدنا مثله الا في حالات نادرة في تاريخ الانسانية حين انقلب الانسان الى حيوان مفترس لا رحمه في قلبه ولا شفقة، حيث تم قتل المئات من الاطفال والمدنيين والعزل الأبرياء من دون اي تردد".
ورأى السنيورة في بيان أن "هذه المجزرة هي أبشع حدث يمكن أن يخطر على البال، والمصيبة أن هذه المجزرة تمت على مسمع من اللجنة الدولية للتحقيق باستخدام الاسلحة الكيميائية التي بدأت عملها في سوريا منذ أيام".
وقال "كفى استهتارا بأرواح السوريين، فالصمت العالمي المطبق على جرائم النظام السوري (..) هو الذي سمح لهذا النظام السوري بالوصول الى هذه الدرجة من الاجرام واللامبالا".
عليه طالب السنيورة أولا بـ"موقف لبناني حازم وصريح من كافة القوى السياسية اللبنانية من هذه الاعمال الارهابية".
كذلك دعا السنيورة إلى "تحرك عربي ودولي عاجل لوقف المجازر ومحاسبة هذا النظام المجرم، على ان يسبق ذلك تحقيق سريع وشفاف واجراءات عقابية رادعة".

When two sides are killing in war .There Is No Good Side .Killing is killing !

Typical napoleaounist, when they're out of arguments they attack people personally.

Saad Hariri, if diplomacy fails.... You know what's left? Arm us so we can defend ourselves against the assassins and their 80k rockets that are used on the real Lebanese people.

Don't count on Saad to arm us, but there is enough weapons in Syria.
Just wait for Bashar to fall and u'll see that HA will change or get changed...

You are a remarkably smart at stratagem (sarcastic).
If/when Bashar falls, kiss Lebanon and Syria good bye.
Take the Afghan example when the regime (backed by USSR) fell in 1990. All the Islamists that where fighting the regime, turned on each other because each wanted their own Islamic state. The most radical of the was The Taliban who where (ironically) HEAVILY funded and supported by the US. In fact, a delegation of Talibans where in the US negotiating with Unocal and Haliburton for a gas/oil pipeline that will pass through Afghanistan when 9/11 attacks. This proves that Islamists have no loyalty except to an Islamic state and all people (except them) are kafirs

cleanleb, agreed. When the largely out-powering terrorist elements that have invested a good deal in Syria refuse to leave, the scenario you've described seems likely, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Syria.
The US is not getting involved because everywhere it has gone it has destroyed and received largely negative views by the public. This again comes to the Israel-Palestinian conflict really. In any case, the US knows this quite well and also the cost of going to war. It's already 11trillion dollars in debt, another 1 or 2 trillion is out of the question.

What a tragedy! It is always innocent people who suffer the most in wars. Regardless of who did it, it is still a human tragedy and I feel for all those who have been affected by it. God bless their soulds.
Why are you all arguing about this. I truly don't understand. There is a time for arguments and a time to be humbled. Whether chemical agents or not and whether it was Bashar or not. Who cares? All these people lost their lives and that is heart-aching plain and simple.

very heartbreaking they are human like any one of us,, there only children innocent in this terrible game of war.. i hate all wars so not necessary. god is watching us all , shame on the human race for allowing so many dictators, rulers, presidents..in authority to do this to all innocent human beings all wars are bad past and present. what a tragedy for human civilization

President, Mubarak Hussein Obama, was briefed. He'll take care of things soon with his premature Nobel Peace Prize.

What I mean is, the first U.S. President with family ties and background in Muslim religion, after accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and giving that emotionally charged speech in Egypt, Arab cousins are still killing each other in Syrian and now Egypt. The message communicated by giving him the prize was that he would not engage the U.S. in questionable wars in the Middle East like his predecessors and put the emphasis towards meaningful engagement in promoting peace and stopping the killings. Syria's war is still going, and whether you are Sunni, Shiite or Christian, as human beings we need to stop these senseless killings and take the necessary actions to topple these despots and tyrants and allow the people to replace them with civilized human beings who are not predisposed with religious divisions which clearly he has not done so. So what is the meaning of handing over a peace prize and accepting it?

VINCENT, I think it's quite clear the mistake regarding the Nobel Prize.
He has done good things at home, but nothing internationally to warrant a Nobel Peace Prize. Just some months after receiving it, he intensified operations in Afghanistan, and we all know about the NSA, among many other things.
I think they should give the next one to Snowden for his passion for the freedom of information and the exposure on gross government overreach.

I think you Mr. Harriri is a laughable stock. Our brethren Sunni should fired yo long time ago from being a mouthpiece for them. Our Sunni brethren deserve better than this. Fire him!

shocking. this shia lebanese officer and his whip are like the talibans of kandahar.... shocking!

what's more, he's playing the sectarian cards but forgetting what the talibans are, and who's ideology (and oil money) they are following...

Yah Harriri , politics does not suit you at all .
Go to Monaco & lay for several weeks at a time spending money from your Saudi Family & enjoy the sun with your " male" friends !
Every time you open that mouth of yours your IQ sinks further .
Use your mouth wisely ! Do use it to satisfy your addiction .... You know what I mean ?
Signed Wolf !!!!.......

Mr. Hariri,
Syria is none of your business. You and your goons were involved early on two years ago by arming and supporting the opposition. You have dragged Lebanon into this war out of revenge for your father's alleged Syrian involvement in his assassination.
You have failed as a Lebanese politician (you are not even Lebanese), what makes you think you can be a successful regional politician?

So you mean you and your Islamic terrorists are better, cleanleb? Move to Iran you ignorant fool. Yourresistance is the cause of our strife. Wake up and smell your Lebanese coffee.

Unlike you and all idiots here, i am neither M14 or M8.
which makes me more credible than all of you.
When you start your sentence with "so you mean..." and make wrong deductions, you would be the ignorant fool.
Again I ask you, what business does M14 have in Syria. But this time try to answer exactly that question... if your IQ permits

moreover, you can apply your one-sided argument to either party. Move to Saudi you ignorant fool.
Your leadership's selfish shortsightedness is the cause of our strife. Wake up and smell the Regional coffee.

Until your reach a point when you can be objective to mistakes on both sides of the spectrum, do NOT mingle with others who can.

that's all you can think of in your reply?
well, that settles the IQ riddle.
hint: when you call people that you don't know fools... you might risk upsetting them

Again I ask you, what business does M14 have in Syria. But this time try to answer exactly that question... if your IQ permits

Again I ask you, what business does M14 have in Syria. But this time try to answer exactly that question... if your IQ permits

this is why this country is messed up!!!!!!!!!
when i challenge you with a valid question: what business does M14 have in Syria, instead of using your brain and that maybe it is worthwhile putting some thought into M14's action you reply by calling me a fool.
@scorpyonn, if you live in Lebanon, you can rot in it because your approach leads to more stupidity by our leaders. if you live abroad, that is because our leaders' mistakes have made the country unlivable.

I think it was a choking agent rather than a nerve agent. Otherwise there would be no way those who had contact with the victims could be immune to the agent. Choking agents are more volatile and evaporate more quickly, and so a more effective choice in terms of detection. Then again they're not really effective for that very reason, but in light of any lack of blood/defecation/self-urination it seems more likely than not the agent was a pulmonary one.

Speaking of Sabra and Shatilla, those Iranian boys surely learned from their Israeli buddies. When they stormed into Qusayr and found that there were no men of fighting age left to kill (the rebels had withdrawn), Baschar's barkers lined up the rest against walls and jizzed bullets at them. The Iranian Occupation Force, being more economically astute, decided not to waste those expensive bullets, and finished off the job with machetes. Reminds you of something?