مقتل ثلاثة اشخاص احدهم من انصار حزب الله برصاص مسلحين في طرابلس
Read this story in Englishقتل ثلاثة اشخاص احدهم ناشط مع حزب الله في طرابلس برصاص مسلحين مجهولين فجر اليوم الخميس.
وقال مصدر أمني لوكالة "فرانس برس" بعد ظهر الخميس "اطلق مسلحون مقنعون كانوا على دراجات نارية فجر اليوم بالرصاص حسن الموري وعنصرا في قوى الامن الداخلي وشخصا ثالثا اثناء وقوفهم امام منزل الاول في حي الزاهرية في وسط طرابلس".
والموري معروف في طرابلس بقيادته مجموعة مسلحة صغيرة تتعاطف مع حزب الله.
وقد تورطت مجموعته في السابق في اشتباكات في المدينة مع مسسلحين آخرين.
وتعرض الموري (اربعيني) من قبل محاولات اغتيال عدة.
واوضح المصدر الامني ان الجيش انتشر في حي الزاهرية ومناطق مجاورة.
من جانبها أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" عن إطلاق نار في منطقة الزاهرية في طرابلس أثناء تشييع الموري.
كذلك قالت شبكة طرابلس الإخبارية أن القتيلين الآخرين هما عبود عكاري شيّع في مسجد حربا في التبانة و الرقيب في قوى الأمن الداخلي فياض عبدالله.
Enough is Enough!!!!! We the shia of Ali Ibn Talib and the Alawis of Bashar Assad will not stand still watching our blood being spilt by the Takfiris in Tripoli. A world of pain is going to open up for you Nusra boys! Operation Northern Storm on its way.
You're absolutely correct, Mr. Southern. ..."the resistance are there to save Lebanon." Even if they have kill and assassinate every opposing leader or citizen to save Lebanon. Ok, you can insult me now.
Seriously Grow up! "A world of pain is going to open up for you Nusra boys!" You sound like a child honestly. BTW you all suck M8 & M15 all same crap.
first it's two distinct people, the HA supporter and the official, and second i never heard you complain when rifi referred to M14 as "our political camp"
and now watch the "free thinking" M14 supporters here finding all sorts of excuses for this shameful murder based on political opinion.
Of course no excuse for this. But you Have found so many excuse for the chemical attack yesterday.
what is funny is that mowaten and FT have always denied any presence of hizbushaitan in Tripoli :)
look at the picture and see his weapon behind him, then stop saying killing him for his opinion.
anyone part of or supporting this Iranian terrorist militia is fair game.
greatpierro: you shameless liar. what excuse are you talking about? i condemn this false flag terrorist attack by the rebels in the harshest possible terms. killing thousands of people to force an international intervention in their favor is disgusting beyond anything words could convey.
have you seen HA executing people on basis of their beliefs? religious or political (as in this case here)?
if not please dont place them on the same level.
no need to apologize phoenix, it is your opinion and i respect it, even if i do not agree.
for me the reason of their presence is in the interest of lebanon. letting al qaeda's franchises take over syria would be the doom of lebanon, and a certain end to our sovereignty and freedom, be it at the hands of the extremists who announced 3 years ago that they were coming for us next, or be it at the hands of israel who is just waiting for HA to be weakened to reoccupy south lebanon or more.
this is not even mentioning the continuous rocket attacks, kidnappings, and massacres against lebanese people, on both sides of the border, to which HA did not respond for over two years.
as much as i respect you and often feel the same as you, i know we disagree on the existence of HA, maybe we will never agree, but just let me say that i really appreciate that we are able to disagree courteously, and this is why i have a profound respect for you. cheers :)
Ok fair enough. But m14 is tired of hizbullah state within a state siphoning customs duty and imposing its will in the national scene with its arms and not abiding by the laws and rules of this country.
I like how when you talk reason and be patriotic you get more thumbs down than thumbs up...
tells you a lot about the people in this country...
of course ice-man. dont you know? only FT has the right to post any claim without any shred of evidence.
everyone else is lying or spewing bs or propaganda or dreaming or etc etc.
phoenix, do you realize you just said the same as Nasrallah, when he said that those who want to fight assad can go do it in syria, and called for leaving lebanon outside of the conflict?
i think you have more in common with the sayyed than you think ;)
then we agree, maybe the only remaining difference between us is the timing, i think there is still a need for an armed resistance movement, the israeli threat is still too real, and we have no other solution for the moment, whether political settlements or a defense strategy. i think one day they will have to disarm, but not yet...
I thought Tripoli was an open-minded city? Now they go around shooting and killing people?
Tripoli deserves its reputation as a Wahabist-terrorist infested rathole.
Even though he was on the wrong side allah yir7amon killon childhood friends all of them enough hatred ba2a we r all actimg like a bunch of kids that wany candy sorry guys bass enough is enough while we should be safegaurding r beloved country we r killing each other i dont care if husseim supported HA or not he was like a brother to me and allah yar7amak ya khayi Fayyad who died as a true protecter of lebanon and hisham wyf did u get urself into
i never said it was justified anonyme! why do you guys always have to invent things i supposedly said instead of answering what i say?
i said that the person who was with him who pulled out a gun and opened fire is the one to blame for what happened next.
in the case here, if the guy had a gun and opened fire (or his friends next to him had done it) and then he got gunned down, that would be comparable and i'd say it was the fault of whoever fired first. but here it is a coldblooded execution, not the same.
no, you're giving the type of silly justifications & excuses that you want to think M8 supporters come up with
i always condemned every single murder assassination and bombing, i only disagree with the way M14 has of pinning it on who they want 30 seconds after it happens. does not falling for blind accusations means i'm justifying the attacks?
HA allegiance to Lebanon ? U must be joking...
Like I told u before, u speak like that because its not christians getting bombed and massacred in Syria. If it was the case, and u were helping them, I would not condemn u, au contraire, I would help u if I could.
The problem is not only that HA kill sunnis in Syria, but it is taking control and oppressing sunnis in Lebanon.
Funny how everyone is representing the Lebanese flag, yet none of you possess the simple ability of having a rational discussion based on facts. Allah yer7am all Lebanese who have fallen victims to political violence.
It's sad how you people defend politicians who couldn't care less about anyone of you. While you fight, they earn big cash and destroy ancient cedar forests (of the irony) for weddings.
We, you and me, the people, are smart, educated, cultured and friendly. But I guess politics for "a greater Lebanon" makes people forget what makes our nation great.