ريفي : ما زلنا في بداية العاصفة ومن يقوم بالجهاد عليه أن يتوقع جهادا مضادا

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رأى المدير العام الأسبق لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي" تعليقا على انفجاري طرابلس أن "هذه فرصة كي نعي كلبنانيين مسؤولياتنا في حماية أهلنا، سواء في الضاحية أو في طرابلس أو أي مكان آخر".

وقال ريفي في حديث لقناة الـ"LBCI" بعد ظهر الجمعة "أنا نبهت قبل سبعة أشهر كل المسؤولين ان لبنان انفتح على العاصفة، ويا للأسف، كل واحد انخرط في مشروع حتى وصلت الأمور الى هنا".

وقتل وجرح العشرات في تفجيرين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس بعد ظهر الجمعة وأحد المسجدين يقع قرب منزل ريفي الذي طمأن انه بخير.

ورأى "أننا ما زلنا في بداية العاصفة، وأعود وأحذر مجددا من أننا يجب أن نستدرك كيف نحمي هذا الوطن من العاصفة التي أصبحت خطرة جدا وكبيرة".

وبناء على ماذا حذر المسؤولين أجاب: "بناء على معلومات، ونحن خبراء في الأمن".

وشدد على أن "من يقوم بالجهاد في كل مكان، عليه أن يتوقع جهادا مضادا، كل فعل له رد فعل".

عليه أضاف المدير العام الأسبق لقوى الأمن الداخلي وهو ابن مدينة طرابلس "من أجل ذلك نقول للبنانيين، ولكل المسؤولين، المخاطر تطال الجميع وما زلنا في بداية العاصفة، ويجب أن نستدرك هذه المخاطر جميعا، لا أحد يفرح لموت الآخر، والخطر سيطال الجميع. أقول للمسؤولين يجب أن نعي المخاطر التي أتينا بها الى البلد، وأن نعمل لدرئها".

التعليقات 18
Thumb ado.australia 17:29 ,2013 آب 23

Ex-gma... For the first time, I agree with you 100%!

Default-user-icon Kashton Punzer (ضيف) 17:51 ,2013 آب 23

Arrest this terrorist.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 17:51 ,2013 آب 23

easier said than done when you have extremist on both sides

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:13 ,2013 آب 23

Did you read the article? What did he say that is wrong or just a knee Jerk reaction to anything Rifi says.

Missing appleorange 18:55 ,2013 آب 23

Sure you do. Except you believe their martyrs will end up in hell since they died not believing in the concept of imamah which makes one a kafir and hell bound according to shia belief. Taqiya doesnt fool many people anymore.

Default-user-icon Freedom (ضيف) 19:34 ,2013 آب 23

Apple orange... You should put religion aside for now.. This is about humanity do u know what that means.. Do your bit and please stop spreading hate..

Thumb Senescence 22:17 ,2013 آب 23

I believe you're referring to Al-Qaida/ISIS/Nusra/et. al who are fighting alongside the FSA so they can pay us a visit next when they get kicked out, or consolidate power in a lackluster state like Iraq.

Thumb benzona 00:18 ,2013 آب 24

Rifi is a competent man, I hope they'll carefully listen to him.

Thumb benzona 00:23 ,2013 آب 24

Israel did a lot of harm to Lebanon but didn't kill Hariri. Hariri's assassination was perpetrated by Hezbollah on the orders of Bachar. If it wasn't true, they'd have escorted the four wanted terrorists to the Hague.

Who broke hariri's arm a few months before blowing downtown Beirut? Was it Natanyahu or Assad?

Thumb benzona 00:34 ,2013 آب 24

Why not! Never thought of it.

Default-user-icon shikshakshok (ضيف) 01:38 ,2013 آب 24

A good lesson to Nasrallah that what he did in Syria and is still doing will only bring problems to Lebanon. Very short sighted of you Nasrallah! Your leadership is starting to disappoint and may get you out of the Hizballah leadership.

Missing VINCENT 02:40 ,2013 آب 24

It is time to speak our minds and not worry about offending anybody, religion or horse manure. For Lebanon to survive, we need to stay away from this deadly feud that has reached a boiling point amongst the Muslims and rid ourselves from the toxic chains of religion. Unless the implicated parties can achieve this, all three branches of the government, including the military must be bestowed and intrusted to a neutral party, the care takers of the Country. No implicated sect or religion should hold seats in the Parliament and must accept what is decided for them which will be better than the current situation. Otherwise, Lebanon will be another Iraq, Syria or Palestine. Since the alleged "civil war", you've taken Lebanon and its people to the gates of hell and back numerous times, and it must be stopped

Missing davids90 02:53 ,2013 آب 24

Independents will one day rule this country in full accordance with the constitution and work ethics!! May the day come soon!!!!!!!!!!!


Missing helicopter 02:50 ,2013 آب 24

We tell the Lebanese and all officials that the threats will target everyone … We must all realize the presence of these threats and no one should rejoice for the death of the other as danger will target everyone...........
WHat is wrong with this statement Mr. "theresistance"? I can see how a non-lebanese mind warped mind might read this as unpatriotic.

Missing VINCENT 04:29 ,2013 آب 24

There we go blaming others for our bad deeds. I do declare that the misplaced Palestinians and their weapons inside Lebanon is "a root" cause of Lebanon's demise, and, therefore, I blame Israel's existence and position as an indirect cause and effect. Israel's implication in our demise is furthered by their relentless pursuit to keep the Palestinians at bay and keep their boarders safe. Israel will not hesitate to attack Lebanon again if they fear any inclination of Palestinian aggression from Lebanese soil.

Missing VINCENT 04:30 ,2013 آب 24

But Lebanon's hands are not clean, we were the ones who ultimately allowed this to happen. We allowed Palestinian victims who are sworn enemies of Israel to camp on our lands directly across their arch enemies, thereby painting a huge bullseye on our foreheads. It is time for us to ask whose interest did the armed Palestinians serve in Lebanon? If tomorrow Israel is wiped off from the map, these internal religious feud amongst the Arab in the Middle East will still go on, and, if I might add, it would be deadlier. If others are to be blamed for our failures, is it because we are already weak and divided and easy to take advantage of. So, our failures is a preexisting condition.

Default-user-icon Fidelio Zungala (ضيف) 08:02 ,2013 آب 24

Arrest this terrorist NOW.

Default-user-icon Cathering Gleeson (ضيف) 01:13 ,2013 آب 25

I say this with respect, but as a 7th generation Australian I am always perplexed by people from all countries i.e. UK, Ireland, Lebanon, Syria and so on. If you came here for a better life and no doubt you have, then why not embrace your new country which has given you safety and wealth which far exceeds all your expectations. I married a German migrant and til the day he died he was full of praise for this safe haven we know as Australia. He was very glad he had been given a second chance.

If you heart truly lies in the homeland you left, then why not go back there and help to save you motherland. We, have little tolerance for people who come to our motherland and just take all the benefits which they cannot find in their lands, and set up their lives to mimic what they could not acquire in Lebanon. We feel your are just using us and we are not amused.