كبارة: لن ننجر للكونتونات الطائفية والتفجيرات تستكمل مخطط مملوك سماحة

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أعلن رئيس "اللقاء الوطني الاسلامي" النائب محمد كبارة أن " التفجيرين الارهابيين في طرابلس يصبان في تحقيق اهداف النظامين السوري والإيراني، وهما استكمال لمخطط مملوك – سماحة"، مردفاً أن " أبناء طرابلس لن ينجروا إلى المشروع التقسيمي".

لمتابعة الوضع في مدينة طرابلس اثر التفجيرين الارهابيين اللذين استهدفا المصلين والمواطنين الأبرياء يوم امس.

وأشار كبارة في بيان عقب اجتماع لأعضاء اللقاء، الى أن "أبناء طرابلس لن ينجروا إلى المشروع التقسيمي من خلال انشاء كانتونات طائفية ومذهبية مغلقة، لأنهم بذلك يحققون هدف الإرهابيين"، مؤكداً ان "خيار طرابلس بكل شرائحها، هو مرجعية الدولة بمؤسساتها الأمنية وتدعوها للقيام بواجباتها".

وثمن كبارة"سلوك المواطنين الطرابلسيين في التعاطي مع تداعيات التفجيرين لتفويت الفرصة على الساعين الى الفتنة"، معتبراً ان "اندفاعهم في عمليات الإنقاذ شكل مثالا للمسؤولية المدنية والانسانية رغم تقصير الأجهزة الرسمية المختصة".

ورأى المجتمعون "ان التفجيرين الارهابيين يصبان في تحقيق اهداف النظامين السوري والإيراني، وهما استكمال لمخطط مملوك - سماحة الذي اراد تفجير لبنان وإشعال الفتنة".

ودعوا "أبناء المدينة كافة إلى التعاون مع الإجراءات الامنية للجيش وقوى الأمن الداخلي التي انطلقت اعتبارا من هذه الليلة".

التعليقات 17
Thumb kanaanljdid 22:53 ,2013 آب 24

4) Remove all yellow traitor flags from the area, and of course all Nasrallah brainwashed supporters.
5) Once 4) is done, the three first mesures will prove unnecessary

Missing cleanleb 08:43 ,2013 آب 25

In many countries, false accusations of treason lands you in jail... of course, do not worry, you are on Naharnet where these types of comments are encouraged as the bigger plan calls on Lebanese people to kill each other rather than solve their problems.
Lebanese people have mass myopia and forgot that after 15 years of civil war, they sat down and made peace... well they were paid for it by Saudi, but...

Thumb cedre 23:58 ,2013 آب 24

U dream, wait for bashar to fall, arms to pour into lebanese sunnis' hands, and u'll see whats gonna happen to ur resistance if they keep trying to control or oppress sunnis. A bon entendeur,...

Missing cleanleb 08:48 ,2013 آب 25

Oppress Sunnis? hahahahaha
I like your humor.

Missing canadianadam 18:03 ,2013 آب 25

That's exactly right. Oppressing Sunnis is what HA has done. Christians as well but to a lesser degree. I have a feeling they will pay dearly for it and urge the Shia community to distance itself from them.

Thumb cedre 00:07 ,2013 آب 25

I forgot about qusayr, homs and halab lads who will want to come and visit Bekaa to thank HA for their killed wives, children or parents.
And then, like said former HA boss Subhi Tufeili, HA will make alliance with Israel...


Missing cleanleb 08:55 ,2013 آب 25

I think you need to speak more to Syrian civilians before making the above remark.
Also, you are promoting Subhi Tufeili??? hahahaha
What exactly is the purpose of this post?
Have you heard of Britel? Where all car thieves are based?
The same Subhi Tiufeili who was wanted by the Lebanese Govt?
You side with him just because he is n HA outcast?
The quality of comments here has degraded considerably.

Thumb Senescence 02:21 ,2013 آب 25

Explain to me then how can you support the opposition in Syria made in large part of these kinds of militants that are the strongest and most capable. If and when Al-Assad falls, do you think they'd simply pack up and go back home, or stay in Syria, making it the next Iraq, and drag Lebanon down in the process?

Thumb cedre 04:29 ,2013 آب 25

since when 3% is a large part ? Thats not pro-fsa figures, but from us/european think tanks.
Don't forget those terrorists where in syrian jails and abu ghraib til recently, when they were freed by Bashar and Maliki so they could say they're fighting alqaeda.
Those pricks u see on the videos were working with bashar moukhabarat in Iraq and Lebanon...

Missing cleanleb 09:14 ,2013 آب 25

us/european think tanks are experts on al qaeda head counts in Syria?
besides, where does al qaeda get the bulk its funding from?
the sources and channels are well know to western spy agencies... and in many cases encouraged (especially in Syria!!)
Read the book GHOST WARS

Thumb rover98 04:28 ,2013 آب 25

Unlike Hexbollah areas there are multipliable political parties allowed in Tripoli including some that are nothing more than Assad Intelligence fronts.

Thumb cedre 16:21 ,2013 آب 25

nothing islamic in hezbollah, mate, or u don't know islam or HA...

Missing canadianadam 18:09 ,2013 آب 25

Aounic gatherings - circus

Missing cleanleb 09:10 ,2013 آب 25

Sick indeed!!
Where are the global/regional/Lebanese Sunni religious leaders?
What do they say of these acts in the name of Sunnis?

Missing cleanleb 09:25 ,2013 آب 25

which idiot gave this a thumbs down??

Missing canadianadam 18:08 ,2013 آب 25

Agreed. Our Sunni leaders need to show more support to the mainstream FSA and speak out against the extremists. Unfortunately, with many countries not supporting the FSA with arms, the extremists have proved highly effective and a vacuum was created.

Missing cleanleb 15:26 ,2013 آب 25

Where did you see a comment from me asking to protect the Syrian regime?... pathetic you are indeed.
So everyone who does not agree with you is a traitor?

Read your Lebanese history before mingling with others... Lebanese slaughtered Lebanese. Over 100,000 during 1975-76; 7arb El Jabal; sharqi saida; the list is endless...

It is ironic that M14 characters forgot that they were all in bed with the Syrians for decades.