المخبر في تفجيري طرابلس كشف أن شيخاً يخطط لاستهداف شخصيات بالمدينة
Read this story in Englishأظهرت التحقيقات الجارية في انفجاري طرابلس، عن علاقة المشتبه به، بمخطط يطال النائب عن كتلة "المستقبل" خالد الضاهر، والشيخ السلفي سالم الرافعي والمدير العام السابق لقوى الامن الداخلي اللواء اشرف ريفي، وفق ما كشفته المعلومات الصحافية.
وأفادت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الاثنين، أن شخصاً يدعى مصطفى ح.، إتصل قبل شهر بشعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي قائلاً لديه معلومات مهمة جداً، واتخذ صفة "مُخبِر".
وبلّغ عن شيخ في طرابلس يُدعى احمد الغريب، يخطط لعمل ما ضد الضاهر وريفي والرافعي، مضيفاً أن الشيخ يسعى باهتمام شديد الى جمع معلومات تتعلّق بهم، وأوضح أن الغريب "يريد تصفية الضاهر وريفي والرافعي".
وقتل 45 شخصا واصيب 500 بجروح الجمعة في انفجارين استهدفا مسجدين في طرابلس ذات الغالبية السنية، وذلك بعد اسبوع من انفجار مماثل اوقع 27 قتيلا في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، معقل حزب الله.
وتتابع "الجمهورية"، كاشفة أن مصطفى ابلغ شعبة المعلومات قبل يومين من انفجاري طرابلس أن "هناك انفجاراً أو أكثر سيحصل في طرابلس وأن الغريب قد يكون متورّطاً فيه".
ولفتت الى أن الشعبة كانت ترصد حركة الغريب عن كثب تحوّطاً لأن تكون معلومات مصطفى صحيحة، وبعد الانفجارين، تم توقيف مصطفى والغريب على ذمة التحقيق لجلاء الحقيقة وكشف ملابسات الجريمة الإرهابية.
الى ذلك، لفتت الصحيفة الى أنه وأثناء التحقيق الأولي اعترف الغريب بصلته بمصطفى وأنهما كانا على علاقة عمل في سوريا، الا أنه أضاف انّ مصطفى احتال عليه وأخذ أمواله في العمل بينهما وانه على علاقة بالمخابرات السورية.
وتابع أن مصطفى هو الذي ذكر الضاهر وريفي والرافعي "وأنا في حياتي ما جبت سيرتهم على لساني". من هنا، أشارت الصحيفة الى أن مصطفى لم يكشف في افاداته واستجوابه قصّة الدَين الذي عليه للغريب وعلاقته بالمخابرات السورية.
وقامت شعبة المعلومات باطلاع مفوّض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر على مضمون افادات الغريب ومصطفى، فأمر بابقائهما موقوفين الى الاثنين لاستكمال استجوابهما.
All the so called religious clerics have no business in politics. They should be banned from politics as they are stirring dissent and chaos
You're so right, FT. Lebanon would be much better off, especially for the Sunni, Christians, and Druze, being run by a purely Shi'ite militia getting orders from Iranian clerics based on a moving-target agenda. That's the Lebanon I, for one, dream of for my children and I. Now, if as you stated, we can get the likes of al-Daher and Rifi out of the way, we would be one step closer to our goal. Why oh why can't there be more FTs in the world, because it would certainly be a much better place to live in.
in that case they should be sued, stripped from their ill-acquired wealth, jailed and publicly shamed. that way they go down the drain of history, whereas assassinations would make them martyrs and heroes...
That is what is referred to in clinical psychology as "Aoun-phobia". It normally hits people who have no real arguments on any issue. This is mostly due to their lack of vision and narrow sighted minds. these people start to see Aoun in everything/everybody around them.
Greatpierro, try Xanax whenever you have these attacks.
sorry FT but i'm with lebanonforever here, can't support assassinations, even if it's scum like those. they are useless and toothless, alive they are nothing, but their deaths however would promote them to the ranks of martyrs and be pinned (as usual, within 27 seconds of the explosion) on HA and used for inciting strife.
and that's probably what the sheikh was thinking, looking for a spark to blow the whole of lebanon up...
not just the address, but addresseS (meaning offices, secondary houses etc) "movement, the cars they use and the safety precautions they adopted"
could be that the informer realized what kind of horror it really is when he saw the friday bombings, and decided he would not take part in it and blow the whistle instead...
having said that i dont think we can be sure of anything, he could be fabricating the story because he has a personal feud with the sheikh, or it could be a diversion.. we dont know anything for sure at the moment
So it seems if anyone has the audacity to think outside the box and dare take an objective approach like mowaten appears to be taking this morning, his normal allies will give him a tongue lashing and an obvious shaming. @ mowaten hats off to you sir for being neutral and analytical. The rest of you, with the exception of the1 of course, especially the individual who always advocates violence and breeds contempt with insults, shame on you, you are all so predictable. Ma ra7 tokhlass hal estweneh eh? Anyone who has evidence against any M crooked politician should present it to the magistrate and let the law take its course. Here is the place for debate, not insults which lead nowhere.
i'm not neutral Bandoul, and never claimed to be. and i dont see what "tongue lashing and an obvious shaming" you're talking about, we each have our way of seeing things and we can disagree sometimes, it's just normal debating, no offense given or taken.
@anonyme, bless you for your tireless campaign to educate the people about security cameras and and bomb detecting k9's as well as pointing out the scam about the bomb detecting device. Ya3tik alf 3afieh.
Now, how do we convince our warring political M corrupt thugs to divert funds from their pockets to fund this legitimate project?
nchallah...I wish this is the way it is...but I know all too well, those who have access to a politician's ear, are too busy asking for personal favors to care about other people's well being and safety. I am old enough to know how they do...they trade favors for votes.
and i answered you here anonyme
well i dont know roar, as i said maybe he had a conscience call, maybe it's a hoax, but the sheikh was named and apparently interrogated by security forces.
i dont think they would invent the whole story with all those details just to victimize, it's usually enough for them to make a declaration saying they were "informed" by "intelligence agencies" that their lives are being threatened... like oqab sakr who supposedly had three teams of assassins dispatched to turkey to kill him. wonder what ever happened to those, maybe they got lost on the way ;)
He is a Shia Sheikh and was in fact arrested on the same day as the bombings. These rumors go in line with the grand plan of Sunni-Shia clash within Lebanon... the whole purpose behind planting bombs in Shia and Sunnis parts of the country.
If there is indeed a plan to incite inter-Muslim strife, then the same person is behind these bombings... the big question that our great politicians have yet to ask is WHO? and WHY?
By elimination:
-NOT the Syrian Regime as this will drain the resources of HA who is helping it in its internal war
-NOT HA as it does not want to be distracted from its war in Syria
-NOT Lebanese Sunnis (Future and co) as they do not have an appetite for a civil war
-Who is left then???
If there is indeed a plan to incite inter-Muslim strife, then the same person is behind these bombings... the big question that our great politicians have yet to ask is WHO? and WHY?
By elimination:
-NOT the Syrian Regime as this will drain the resources of HA who is helping it in its internal war
-NOT HA as it does not want to be distracted from its war in Syria
-NOT Lebanese Sunnis (Future and co) as they do not have an appetite for a civil war
-Who is left then???
texas. Yours is the first sensible comment. I dont really care about who put the bomb, nosra or assad. I care about building the state. Now Imagine all businesses and buildings have cctv cams, LEBANESE intelligence work would be greatly improved, and LEBANESE state would be reinforced. and bombs killing LEBANESE would be much more difficult to put with impunity.
Security source to al-Manar: The truck seized on the Riyaq-Baalbek highway did contain explosives.
Military source to OTV: The truck stopped while en route to Baalbek contained no explosives.
I love lebanese medias and their sources
You are one of these guys that are totally brainwashed with all do respect.
Man Dont say what you hear.
We all used to follow Politicians. But its about time to wake up man WAKE UP.
They dont care about u or me.
They care about their pockets!!!!