الشيخ الموقوف "اعترف بعلمه المسبق بتفجيري طرابلس"

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أدت التحقيقات من قبل شعبة المعلومات مع المتهم الاساسي بتفجيري طرابلس، الشيخ أحمد الغريب الى اعترافه بعلاقته بالتفجيرين اللذين أديا الى سقوط أكثر من 30 قتيلاً ومئات الجرحى، وفق ما كشفته المعلومات الصحافية.

وأفادت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الثلاثاء، أن التناقض في افادات الغريب خلال جلسات الاستجواب معه، فضلاً عن تحليل حركة اتصالاته الهاتفية، وتنقله عبر الحدود في اتجاه الأراضي السورية ذهاباً وإياباً، أدى إلى كشف تورّط الغريب بالتفجيرين.

وبعد سلسلة التحقيقات، اعترف الغريب بأنه "كان على علم مسبق بالتفجيرين وبوسائل التفجير وانّ الجهة التي تقف خلف العملية سورية".

الا أن وزير الداخلية بحكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل، لفت عبر صحيفة "السفير"، أن الغريب "لم يدل بأي شيء في إفادته، إنما التحقيقات مستمرة معه ومع آخرين".

وأشار أن "القضاء هو من يقرر إطلاقه او إبقاءه موقوفاً".

يُذكر أن "الجمهورية"، نشرت تقريراً، الاثنين، مفاده أن شخصاً يدعى مصطفى ح.، إتصل قبل شهر بشعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي قائلاً لديه معلومات مهمة جداً، واتخذ صفة "مُخبِر". وبلّغ عن شيخ في طرابلس يُدعى احمد الغريب، يخطط لعمل ما ضد شخصيات في طرابلس.

التعليقات 10
Missing coolmec 09:07 ,2013 آب 27

If indeed he confessed. what are you waiting for? hang him!!!!
Any one who was involved or had knowledge of this atrocious bombing does not deserve to live period...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:10 ,2013 آب 27

no, first we want to know exactly is that "syrian side" who was with him. i suspect it's the rebels who are hoping for the chaos in lebanon to provide them with more recruits and/or a war between lebanese sunnis and shias, to keep HA busy.

Missing people-power 15:39 ,2013 آب 27

From Now Lebanon:

"Following a series of thorough interrogations, Sheikh Ahmad al-Gharib finally confessed to knowing beforehand of the attacks and that the Syrian regime was behind the bombs, the paper said.


“The contradictions in Gharib’s evidence and the contradictory answers he gave in different interrogation sessions… in addition to the analysis of his phone log and his movements back and forth across the border with Syria, implicated him in the two bombing attacks,” the report added.

“It was confirmed that he has links with the Syrian intelligence and that he knew about the explosions and the targets.”"

Default-user-icon Antwan (ضيف) 15:57 ,2013 آب 27

I hate this they never say what party they belong to,WTF. We all have the right to know !

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 09:24 ,2013 آب 27

men of GOD hein?! hang him by the balls in his religeous robe upside down let the people realize who is the real ennemy of Lebanon!!!

Thumb LebCynic 10:15 ,2013 آب 27

I hope he hangs publicly to send a crystal clear message to his thug followers.

Missing cleanleb 10:25 ,2013 آب 27

They are waiting for a big bribe to release him... As usual

Default-user-icon Dashti Pinzalouf (ضيف) 11:25 ,2013 آب 27

Sannis liquidating other Sannis. Great. Peace (although temporary) for the rest of humankind.

Default-user-icon Ya 3ayn (ضيف) 19:33 ,2013 آب 27

Who votes up a comment like this one? The same who pretend to be for unity and anti-secterianism?

Missing people-power 15:39 ,2013 آب 27

From Now Lebanon:

"Following a series of thorough interrogations, Sheikh Ahmad al-Gharib finally confessed to knowing beforehand of the attacks and that the Syrian regime was behind the bombs, the paper said.


“The contradictions in Gharib’s evidence and the contradictory answers he gave in different interrogation sessions… in addition to the analysis of his phone log and his movements back and forth across the border with Syria, implicated him in the two bombing attacks,” the report added.

“It was confirmed that he has links with the Syrian intelligence and that he knew about the explosions and the targets.”"