ليبرمان: لا مصلحة لحزب الله وسوريا باستفزاز اسرائيل

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رأى وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلية السابق ورئيس لجنة الخارجية والأمن التابعة للكنيست أفيغدور ليبرمان أن لا مصلحة لـ"حزب الله" ولا لسوريا باستفزاز بلاده.

وفي حديث لاذاعة "الجيش الاسرائيلي"، الثلاثاء، أعلن ليبرمان أمنه لا يعتقد أنه "توجد مصلحة لدى حزب الله بإستفزازنا، ولا توجد للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد مصلحة كهذه أيضاً".

ولفت الى ان الفريقين يعلمان "العواقب إذا دخلت إلى إسرائيل إلى الصورة، ولذلك فإنه لا يوجد الآن لدى أحد مصلحة بأن تدخل إسرائيل إلى الحلبة وتلعب دورا نشطا فيها".

وأضاف أن "لا مصلحة لإسرائيل بالتدخل في الصراع في سوريا، إلا أنها قد تكون مضطرة إلى ذلك إذا حدثت تطورات خطيرة، كما ان لا مصلحة لإسرائيل بالدخول إلى الدوامة التي تعصف بالعالم العربي".

وتابع "ما يمكن أن يجرّ إسرائيل إلى داخل الصراع في سوريا هو هجوم كبير لن نتمكن من تحمله، أو إذا رأينا أنه يتم نقل أسلحة كيميائية إلى حزب الله، ولا يمكننا أن نفكر في جميع السيناريوهات، والواقع أقوى من أية مخيلة لأكبر الخبراء في العالم".

يُذكر أن بريطانيا وتركيا كانتا قد اعلنتا، الاثنين، أن "الرد على الكيميائي بسوريا ممكن حتى دون اجماع مجلس الامن.

وكان مسؤول اميركي كبير في وزارة الخارجية الاميركية رفض الكشف عن اسمه اصدر اعلانا مساء الاثنين قائلا ان الارجاء سببه "مشاورات جارية من اجل القيام برد مناسب على الهجمات الكيميائية التي وقعت في 21 اب في سوريا".

كما يذكر ان حزب الله يشارك في القتال القائم في سوريا منذ آذار 2011، الى جانب النظام السوري، وقد اعلن عن تشييع عدداً من مقاتليه "قضوا خلال قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي" على حد قول الحزب.

التعليقات 11
Thumb Lebanese_Templar 13:41 ,2013 آب 27

Whether they are Rebels or Syrian Regime who committed Chemical attacks, massacres and War should end, blood should not be wasted anymore. The syrian regime and the dictature in it are responsible for all this mess. This where the non liberty of expression leads.


Thumb geha 15:07 ,2013 آب 27

this is a serious message being sent by Israel to hizbushaitan, as well Feltman delivered the same message to iran yesterday.
if the Iranians have any common sense, they will not get involved in this.
the Syrian regime is going to be crushed, whatever they try to do. what remains to be seen is will they be stupid and get involved? I hope so, so that we will be delivered finally from the Iranians.

Missing plantmorecedar 19:17 ,2013 آب 27

I wish you would fact check the information, before trying to stir up conspiracy theories. First of all,the document being used by the video was an injected file. The I.P adresses and clock time on the files are identical, meaning that unless the whole file, including the emails, reports, pdfs and documents were sent all at once, in some 5d land where 2 years for them could happen within a second of our world's time, then it's impossible.

Missing plantmorecedar 19:20 ,2013 آب 27

Secondly, if you crossed reference with applicable information of where "checmical weapons" landed, it would imply that there were atleast three other actors. The information you provided only brings up one, and I should say, they mentioned the wrong munitions from what the reports are saying landed in Eastern Damascus. It doesn't assess the fact that the area was bombarded, all projectile trails originated from Regime controlled areas. I could keep going, but I think it would be smarter for you to take what I wrote and look it up.

Thumb insideman101 23:18 ,2013 آب 27

@Geha weather HA is involved or not, How stupid are you to think that if the US, Israel and their Saudi dogs start a war with Syria that Libnan wont get effected???? Are you really that coked up???
Im really starting to believe your not even Lebanese...disgusting
Saudi intelligence or something, your a disgrace.

Thumb geha 07:11 ,2013 آب 28

actually the ones supporting the Iranian terrorist militia are a disgrace and traitors to their country.
as for being affected:
- don't you think we are affected daily by the actions of this occupying Iranian terrorist militia?
- do you think our economy is flourishing due to their actions?
- ...
yes I believe we will be affected, but positively if we are rid from these Iranian terrorist militia.

Default-user-icon quadom (ضيف) 19:38 ,2013 آب 28

down with the Iranian terrorist militia. up with the sanni terrorist militia, aka minnina

Missing VINCENT 00:29 ,2013 آب 28

I listened and watched the video. Wondering who is the source of this published material?

Missing formerlebaniz 02:49 ,2013 آب 28

LOL They removed the video because of obvious discrepancies in the video. They commented on their facebook page why they removed the video because they doubt the accuracy of some of the facts displayed. There are hundreds of discrepancies in the document.

Missing george710 03:43 ,2013 آب 28

Stop speculating it makes you come off as an ignorant war monger. Only God knows what will happen.

Default-user-icon Arturio Belligoze (ضيف) 18:31 ,2013 آب 28

Call it wishful thinking! And when the Israelis get to this point it means that they are out of good options and so they flock to the wailing wall in droves, and this is always a good thing.