تقارير: حزب الله يرفع جهوزيته ويرفض "الوقوف مكتوفاً" ازاء التحرك الغربي ضد سوريا
Read this story in Englishكشفت مصادر قيادية في "حزب الله" أن الحزب رفع جهوزيته واستعداداته لمواجهة الضربة الغربية المفترضة لسوريا، خصوصاً مع اقتراب البوارج الغربية الحربية ودخولها الى البحر المتوسط وفق ما أفادت صحيفة "الراي" الكويتية.
وأوضحت المصادر، الاربعاء، أن "حزب الله مهتمّ بمعرفة حدود التحرك الغربي وفي حال قررت الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا توجيه ضربة عسكرية، فإن حزب الله لا يستطيع الوقوف مكتوفاً".
يُذكر أن مسؤولين أكدوا أن للبحرية الأمريكية اربع سفن حربية مزودة بصواريخ كروز على أهبة الاستعداد في شرق البحر المتوسط.
الى ذلك، اعتبرت المصادر عبر "الراي"، أن "بعض الاطراف اللبنانية تنتظر ضربة غربية للنظام في سورية على أحرّ من الجمر".
ولفتت الى أن هذه الاطراف تتوهم "بأن تطوراً من هذا النوع من شأنه قلب الموازين في لبنان".
يُشار الى أن التلويح الغربي باحتمال شن ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري، يتصاعد، ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية قرب دمشق في 21 آب الجاري، بعد أن صعدت القوات النظامية من هجومها على مناطق في محيط العاصمة ابرزها الغوطة الشرقية ومعضمية الشام (جنوب غرب) في محاولة للسيطرة على معاقل للمقاتلين يتخذونها قواعد خلفية لهجماتهم تجاه دمشق.
وكثفت العواصم الغربية اتصالاتها على اعلى المستويات في الايام الماضية، في حين افادت الصحافة الاميركية ان الرئيس باراك اوباما يدرس شن ضربة قصيرة ومحدودة ضد سوريا.
typical m8 reaction: how does it feel to be a traitor to your country supporting the Iranian terrorist militia?
but but but... i thought the US was on the syrian regime's side!?!? isnt that what the noble beheaders were saying?
@geha don't you feel stupid having made the below comment on June 21?
geha 22 June 2013, 00:35 34
do not bother guys: Syrian agents did this at the request of bashar.
this was to send a message to our president.
and these are the ones hizbushaitan are helping against their people.
I guess it is normal that thugs and murderers support each other.....
if HA did it, they do not need to buy rockets from the Palestinian camps...
Geha, now we know what you are made of... BS
Change your name to Gahesh
that comment stands as it is more and more apparent that most of these attacks and bombings are done by the Syrians. how about you ask hizbushaitan who are the culprits in dahieh bombings? why is it that after they caught a few guys they silenced everyone one about this? why don't you ask hizbushaitan what became of the 2 Iranians in chyah and what they were doing?
no cleanleb, who is neither clean nor Lebanese, you are the gahesh.... and you proved it by your comment
"it is more and more apparent that most of these attacks and bombings are done by the Syrians"
how is it more and more apparent? any proof or is it your crystal ball burning brighter?
and when you say syrians, is it the rebels or the regime? big difference, don't you think? try to add a bit more precision with tarot cards or coffee readings.
either you are not following the news properly or you are in denial!
investigations in Tripoli show clearly the Syrian trace as well as for the rocket firings on the Presidential palace, and this is all over the news. and yes it is the regime that you love that is doing this.
according to my sources, for the dahieh the Syrian regime link has been established but hizbushaitan is covering up.
do not forget the Iranian caught in chiyah, and what he has revealed.
if you do not see all that, then you seriously have a problem.
Checkout: Putin Oders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria / EUTimes.net
the end is not far for the hizb,they will do something stupid to help there masters in Syria .
Maybe all Hizballa should go and wait for these missiles to hit, that would be called resistance, martyrdom etc. If you guys do that we promise not to distribute baklawa...
you farateen guys have been calling for war on syria since 2011, encouraging the jihadis and all sorts of freak to go there on a rampage of blood and death, supporting the war with finances, weapons and lies, and now that fire you wanted is raging next door. you should be satisfied, shouldnt you?
but please, don't tell me you really thought the fire would burn your neighborhood without touching your house, did you?
No true and patriotic Lebanese opposing Iran/H.A. agenda is a Zionist. We want Lebanon free from despots and tyrants including those from the Gulf countries. As far as Israel is concerned, they can join, marry the Palestinians, live together and keep their squabbles inside the family and outside the sanctity of Lebanon. No reason to resort to name calling. But I won't give you a thumb down.
Bashar al-Assad is a version of Sadam Hussain hurting innocent people and infringing on their rights. It's impossible for people like him to survive long as we're living in a world with greater numbers of empowered individuals who won't give their power to characters like this. This man is a biological robot not truly human. He can try, and along with Hizbullah but they have a limited shelf life by the sheer fact they are outnumbered. It's just ashame and saddening that innocent civilians and good intentioned yet brainwashed soldiers are harmed along the way. No one is going to be able to defeat the U.S. The U.S. is quite likely not to be hesitant to get involved in another combat since weapon production is likely to be a positive for their economic woes. Yes there's China, Russia etc but never underestimate the U.S. since they historically rank high with ingenuity and are likely to have right connections with the 'behind the scenes' powers in the world who pull the real string.
I think Obama regrets establishing the "red line". Assad has been playing the U.S. for a very long time for the sake of Israel, and was appeased by the U.S. to Lebanon's detriment. Principally and to a certain extent, I tend agree with Southern above as to: "H.A., believes that all Lebanese sects belong to this land, and the land belong to them, but the Takfiris do not." Having said that, we all know what Syria really wants which is Lebanon for herself and under her sovereignty and control. So, H.A. is either speaking from both sides of its mouth or is stuck between a rock and a hard place because they are the captains of the mob boss, and they have no choice other than to do what the boss says. I think it is the latter.
Well heres some info for u guys if nahanernet dont delete this post alot of HA supporters r gonna be shocked....houssam al mouri died as a hero because syria asked him to smuggle bombs into lebanon even though he was a member of HA he refused and they took him out but he gave the names of the pple that contacted him also members of HA and a syrian soldier now all u pple who talked bad abt him its ok now u guys know somewhat of the truth another thing if ur a none lebanese then get off this sight and stop creating hatred against lebanese pple we wont go down like that cuz we r all one if u are lebanese open ur eyes wat good r u getting from all this in the end u are not getting any personal gains and the HA and regime u support will never look twice at u cuz u r a slave ro them and masters dont give a damn abt slaves
“If the U.S. and Britain decided to military intervene in Syria to turn the balance of powers in Syria, then Hizbullah rejects to stand idle............
No mention of the Army/People/Resistance formula, only HA decides. Nothing new, this is just the latest demonstration of the arrogance of HA.
Thank you phoenix, for being one of the few reasonable commenters on this website. Everything else I read (including the news itself) makes me feel like Lebanon is a country of idiots, or scoundrels, or both.
Arrogance without limits, with a severe case of delusion.. Now HA wants to take on the U.S. fleets. Well, good luck...a lot of people are wishing they do.
All this BS talk on both sides, especially M14's side, is going to get us nowhere...Lets just wait and see what happens...
I mean, we all know it going to happen, war is inevitable...
So lets just watch and see HA in action. Let their work speak for itself.
This posturing is really disturbing. HA has a might that could be destroyed in seconds by the USA and Israel. Nassrallah himself said during 2006 war with Israel that had he known that Israel would be this destructive he would not have attempted to kidnap a few of their army members. I for one would be joyful if they really get into war with the American and the Israelis; at least like this we could get rid of them in Lebanon. They really have kidnaped Lebanon and are acting as if they are the country.
because the Afghan rebels were hiding behind the innocent people like HA is doing in Lebanon. Their leader is under ground for more than 7 years. If he is a man like he says why not be amongst his fighters and people. Quit this stupid mantra of yours and admit that Lebanon is not HA. Lebanon in its majority is not with HA taking its command by force. We are fed up from wars and destruction. If you and your HA want war, go to Iran and fight the Israelis from there. Isn't Iran that wants to destroy Israel? Here you go, let HA go there and together with the Iranian let them destroy Israel. I will the first one to support them. But destroying my Lebanon for the sake of Iran or whoever is not ACCEPTABLE FULL STOP.
You took me wrong. Israel is the cause of all Evil and I want it to disappear from the face of this earth not tomorrow but yeaterday. What I want to tell you is Lebanon is done with wars. We want to live in peace. Let Iran or Bashar go to go you nut head. lebanon is not HA. It's all its people. But HA hijacked it.
This is what you get when countries are run by Mullahs and the sheep, sorry I mean, the people let them. Iran. Good for the Egyptians who had the resolve to oust the idiot Morsi before he did irreparable harm to a county that has been devastated already. Saudi Arabia is not too far, specially vis-a-vis their Middle Eastern policy.
I can't help but laugh evry time I hear these clowns talk about the "axis of resistance." Yeah we in the US are shaking in fear from you hezboshaitan.
get lost loser....you are so obsessed with race and "colonialism" it is pathetic....you can't talk about anything without bringing up the "evil white man" blah blah blah
Ignorance kills... You think people are behind you in Syria? Go watch the news.... With all Assad might in the past their army (Abou Shahata) Tanks panes etc ... are falling as if they are fighting an established army. Give and take few months the initiative in the hands of the Free Syrian Army will demolish what is left from the generals and soldiers of the Assad close net clan... 20 mil 1.5 to 2 mil are assad supportes ... lets see who can stand till the end.
yeah and "big" john is a phony name since you are obviously a very small and petty little man. The problem is, race has nothing to do with the situation we're talking about. Are the saudis white? Are the Turks white? Are the FSA white? You talk nonsense as if this is some white people vs brown people? You are stuck in the past. I guess it's not enough that millions of "brown" people want to kill your friends in syria and iran and hezbollah...
Hizbullah have no idea what the local warriors are going to do with them. They already formed the essential brigades to confront the forces of evil and of Wilayat al Faqih, and do not need the support of USS Cole or the other two destroyers, USS John McCain and USS Joseph Lieberman. They could have used the inflatable balloon USS Graf-Connelly for a view from the top, but the warriors will do fine without that. The attack will be on three solid fronts with the deadliest weapons of mass distraction: one led by NostraGabbyMarch14; another led by NostraGehaMarch14 and the third and deadliest will be lead by NostraBenZonaMarch14 with his mom, the mother of all Zonas, on his side. ya rabbi tnajjina min al a3zam
nassougha shall retaliate the US ghagha through mohammad raad's usual fasouliya gasses
quite a victoghy, similagh to 2006's