اسرائيل تحذر من ضرب دمشق بحال اي اعتداء من "حزب الله"
Read this story in Englishحذرت اسرائيل سوريا، الخميس، من انها ستتحمّل المسؤولية في حال رد "حزب الله" على الضربة الغربية المفترضة لسوريا عبر توجيه ضربات لتل أبيب، وفق ما نقلته صحيفة "جيروزاليم بوست" عن مسؤول اسرائيلي.
ويتابع المسؤول قوله أنه من الواضح جداً أن "حزب الله" مرتبط بشكل وثيق بنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، وان ايران تدير تعاونهما.
وأضاف، موضحاً أنه وفي حال تم الاعتداء على اسرائيل من قبل حزب الله فإن تل أبيب سترد "بقوة". وأردف أن حزب الله يتعاون مع ايران وسوريا بشكل كامل، ولا يمكن لأي منهم الادعاء ان كل طرف يتصرف منفرداً.
يُذكر أن رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو، أكد الثلاثاء ان اسرائيل "سترد بقوة" في حال مهاجمة سوريا لها، بينما تدرس الدول الغربية بقيادة الولايات المتحدة شن ضربة عسكرية ضد نظام الرئيس السورية بشار الاسد.
وسمحت الحكومة الاسرائيلية الاربعاء باستدعاء عدد محدود من جنود الاحتياط بينما تتحضر الدولة العبرية لاحتمال توجيه ضربة عسكرية غربية الى سوريا، بحسب ما اعلنت اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي.
يُشار الى أن التلويح الغربي باحتمال شن ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري، يتصاعد، ردا على هجوم مفترض بالاسلحة الكيميائية قرب دمشق في 21 آب الجاري، بعد أن صعدت القوات النظامية من هجومها على مناطق في محيط العاصمة ابرزها الغوطة الشرقية ومعضمية الشام (جنوب غرب) في محاولة للسيطرة على معاقل للمقاتلين يتخذونها قواعد خلفية لهجماتهم تجاه دمشق.
وكثفت العواصم الغربية اتصالاتها على اعلى المستويات في الايام الماضية، في حين افادت الصحافة الاميركية ان الرئيس باراك اوباما يدرس شن ضربة قصيرة ومحدودة ضد سوريا.
LOL @ Israel.....!!!!! The Syrian regime and the Mullah's of Iran will defend Syria with every drop of Lebanese blood. The Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) is already at defcon 2 and its military assets are being readied for any eventuality that you zionists might be thinking of. HA leadership alone will decide the appropriate punitive response to any US-Israeli-Takfiri attack on the pulsating heart of the Arab World. A few days only separate us from what will be the end to the state of Israel and the liberation of Palestine. The USS Nimitz will witness its final journey in the high seas, mark my words!
yea sure, if HA fights israel and israel chooses to take revenge by killing lebanese civilians, it's HA spilling lebanese blood, not israel taking lebanon hostage.
Israel does not exist according to the Holy Scriptures ,
Only until the Wrath of our Lord Jesus is Proclaimed the Eternal King !
So until then no matter what threat Israel has said it will do it shall be to no avail ie it shall be at the receiving end of an attack & loose !
Simply put Israel does not exist ! It is only "Man Made"
I would discount any threat made by the so called Israelis , these are only threats made by man not by our creator according to the book of Revelations .
Signed Wolf !
Israel does exist, according to the United Nations, according to well over 130 countries which have diplomatic relations with it, and even according to the Arab League which has set out a peace formula with it.
In the New Testament, Israel is not a state. It represents the people of God. The apostle Paul describes Israel like an olive tree. Those who are racially Jews and do not believe in Christ are cut off, and those who are not racially Jews and follow Christ are grafted into it.
Wait, it doesnt exist? Then what the hell are we resisting?
Any political comment that has to rely on any kind of religious document is not even worth reading. Reading it is actually bad for you.
I am glad you decided that everyone on this forum is hanging on every word of Revelations. Even being a Catholic, I can't get over the stupidity. No wonder our country is in constant shit.
PS: No this isnt one of the usual posters using a guest account, this is a casual reader who couldnt get over how stupid what you wrote sounded.
Phillipo... Israel exists according to the united nations as a country that is a quarter of its current occupier size. Israel is illegal under the united nations! It's in breach of dozens of u.n. resolutions including security council resolutions! The current Israeli nation is illegal under the united nations and international law!! Only an amateur would mention the united nations when justifing the Zionist state of Israel!
OK, lets put the Zionist against he Islamist in Iran and whoever wins put then against the Islamist from the Gulf countries. If you take out Israel from the formula, the Arabs/Muslims will kill each other (just look at Syria) even with greater numbers (just remember what Saddam Hussein did). Don't give the Lebanese any b.s. about Zionist or Shaitan Mullahs from Iran. Neither Iran nor Syria gives the damn about the Palestinians and/or their issues, specially not the ones in Lebanon. The Lebanese need to find a way to rid themselves of the Israeli threat directly targeting Lebanon arising from the armed Palestinian camps at our boarders. Not Syria and definitely not Iran.
Just as Moses used his staff to part the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus 13:17-14:29, and in the Qur'an in Surah 26: Al-Shu'ara' (The Poets), so will Sayyid Hassan part the Mediterranean this time but instead using his waving finger. The Med will part into two, the Nimitz will hit dry ground, and the Hussain warriors will come roaring on their black horses to destroy what will be left over from the ailing Nimitiz. The flag of Hussain will rule over of the Sixth Fleet and the Resistance will claim yet another divine victory.
RFT... what is even more impressive is that the Iranian stooge while do all that from the safety of his bunker.
RFT this is so funny! The sad thing there is a lot of truth to what you say. HA followers believe it could actually happen!
flamethrower, u almost defend all hezbollah action in every bloody article, it gets annoying.
What makes me laugh is that Israel has been flying over Lebanon everyday in the past weeks..... And I was told the divine victory of 2006 put an end to this.
Quel baratin!
je t'ai laisse un commentaire hier soir a propos de la vente de tropretes. Tu devrais le lire si tu l'as pas encore lu.
En vain.... Je ne retrouve pas le sujet. ;-(
Je me souviens que j'avais écrit que mes biens étaient mis en vente car je n'ai aucun espoir pour ce pays. Et sincèrement, je ne pense pas me tromper.
salamtak man
je voulais seulement te dire que j'habite en Califonie. Neanmoins je garde une maison a Beyrouth et je fais constamment la navette entre les 2 places, juste pour preserver mes racines Libanaises malgres tous les problemes qui defient mes visites au Liban. Je garde des souvenirs precieux du Liban d'antan et je crois fermement que ma presence a Bey ainsi que celles de mes amis d'avant guerre est un geste a faire afin de garder l'espoir et d'aider notre cher pays a se redresser
C'est bizarre car je n'arrive pas non plus a retrouver cet article. c'etait l'article ou le premier minister Syrian dit que la Syrie est prete a repousser toute attaque.
Enfin je repete ici"
j'avais dit que vendre tes propretes n'est pas la solution car en faisant cela tu multiplies le probleme au Liban.
J'ai dit aussi que tu devrais te rappeller l'histoire du Liban qui fait face continuellement a des tempetes mais le Liban et les Libanais naviguent ces tempetes et on s'en sort.
Je respecte ton point de vue et applaudi ta métaphore.... Mais je trouve que le Liban a déjà trop pris de mon enfance, et de la vie de ma famille. Quand je vois certains membres de ma famille qui ont émigré aux USA dans les années 50 et qui ne reviennent à leurs racines que tous les 20 ans et qui ne s'en portent pas plus mal.... Je me dis qu'il y a de quoi méditer.
Et me battre pour un leader politique comme certains crétins le font pour Aoun ou nasrallah (la liste est longue)'... 'over my dead body.
Et puis, le mode de vie au pays du cèdre me déplaît fortement, les gens sont archi fake.... C'est un monde d'apparences....
Enfin, c'est mon point-de-vue.
Bon apreme. Je vais en ville, baddak chi? ;-)
This Middle East scenario has been planned
The KSA, M11er, is trying and succeeding in influencing LEBANESE politics quite significantly. The NEXT SYRIA is the KSA and ALL politicians who are sponsored by the KSA should be boycotted. Do you not know of the KSA's ambition of being a major influencing power on the entity of the ME? Do not dare pass the KSA as a benevolent or at the very least benign force, it is in fact very much the opposite. We LEBANESE should look within for answers, deep introspection, reflection, and the cutting of any sort of political dependence from ALL outside influences. I'm extremely opposed to Hariri for that reason exactly, and because his position is not worthy, but the continuation of the same despotic extension of all 'Lebanese' politicians; also the fact that in parliament he couldn't read a sentence without stuttering--meaning either his speeches are written FOR him or he's really in actually illiterate; either way, KSA should not be packaged as something benignant.
M11er, what stronger force would you expect there to be than money?
Who, in Lebanese parliament, is resistant to millions and billions of dollars showered on them from the outside? Maybe, maaaybe the kataeb, but that's because they're radical nationalists and hold their notion of the 'Lebanese entity' as close as possible to their core being and image. No one else does this, and all of them are not but your typical scoundrel of a politician.
Agreed that the Syrian threat is a larger one in practice, of course. But what's more effective and lucrative in providing necessary momentum for ideological applications? What's more likely to incite unrest and unease regarding political influence? bombs or money? Bombs no doubt. Money's more effective than death threats in providing a cohesive, uninterrupted, unnoticed application of political agendas. You'd perhaps hear of someone blaming the other of succumbing to pressure, but who in parliament today would talk of another's susceptibility to bribery and the influence of pecuniary interests? None, because they're all guilty, making any hinting of the public to their ordeals even more cryptic if the KSA is welcomed in -politics-.
Syria will be out of our hair soon hopefully, and hopefully indeed they may resolve their problems on their own, but to so foolishly welcome yet another sheep in wolf's clothing, a Lebanese disinterest, into the country is the absolute, very last thing anyone should ever think of!
M11er, I now after your clarifications understand your position quite well -- and in fact am sympathetic in that regard.
I do, however, expect you to be as impartially vigilant as you are now to massive and focused foreign influence on Lebanese political affairs, lest they start off on the same tract of benignity and amicability as those you mentioned had done and metastasize into another fully blown mess. After all this Syria business blows over, I, well, not being able to do much about it, hope that a few years down the road, we'll be living how we've always been destined to live. And that, friend, as I'm sure you well know, will metamorphose from this sad state of affairs only by, pretty much, public awareness and a healthy mistrust of those in power, and not the blind and shortsighted protagonism to those we ... follow.
"The Israeli Zionist "phillipo": "Israel has diplomatic relations with 130 countries" out of 208 countries."
Here goes another idiot - as soon as someone disagrees with his warped way of thinking, then that person is either an Israeli or a Zionist, or better still both.
If you take the 40 odd Arab and Muslem states who refuse to have relations with Israel, and then the democratic states such as Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea etc. That means over 170, not bad out of 194 UN members. Where did the other 14 come from?
You make a big mistake. I have never said that I am Israeli. The only time I came anywhere near to mentioning that was when someone accused me of being Israeli and working for their Security Services, at which point I asked sarcastically where can I get an Israeli ID Card and Passport.
I am British and I live in Manchester. Just because I have taken an interest in the Middle East ever since my university days over 40 years ago, it doesn't make me a pro-Zionist, pro-Israel, pro-Arab,
Pro-Hizballah, or pro anything. It makes me look into the region from the outside with an open mind.
Who in Lebanon cheers for Israel. I like to say the 4-letter word re. Israel but don't want to offend Naharnet. The Lebanese have been stuck in a sinking mud hole up to their noses, clinging for air and life saver just to stay alive for another day, and you have the audacity to label Lebanese and comment who they cheer for? I take it you not alone cheer for Iran, you kiss their derriers and bend backwards! Have you lately looked at the picture of Ayatollah Khomeini? Does that look like some kind of a Saint that belongs under the wings blessing of God?