صقر يوقف 2 بقضية اطلاق صواريخ على اسرائيل و4 سوريين بملف صواريخ بلونة

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أوقف مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر سته أشخاص بينهم سوريين، متورطين بقضيتي صواريخ بلونة والصواريخ باتجاه اسرائيل.

وعمد صقر الى توقيف أربعة سوريين من خلية بلونة، الذين أطلقوا الصواريخ على باتجاه منطقة اليرزة، في شهر حزيران الماضي.

يُذكر ان ليل 20-21 حزيران الفائت، تم اطلاق صاروخين من بلونة، أصاب أحدهما كابلات كهربائية في منطقة الجمهور في قضاء بعبدا، في حين عثر على الصاروخ الآخر على المنصة، وهما من طراز غراد عيار 122 ملم، ويبلغ مدى كل منها نحو 40 كيلومتراً.

من جانب آخر أمر صقر بتوقيف شخصين متورطين بقضية اطلاق الصواريخ من جنوب لبنان باتجاه الشمال الاسرائيلي.

يُشار الى أن طائرة حربية اسرائيلية نفذت في 23 آب الجاري غارة على موقع لفصيل فلسطيني موال لسوريا جنوب بيروت، رداً على سقوط صاروخين من أصل اربعة اطلقت في 22 آب في مناطق مأهولة في شمال اسرائيل ما ادى الى تسجيل اضرار بدون وقوع ضحايا، بحسب الجيش الاسرائيلي.

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon antiwar (ضيف) 14:42 ,2013 آب 30

Southern, HA terrorists are involved in fighting in syria. Why do you have double standards?

Default-user-icon Antiwar (ضيف) 15:47 ,2013 آب 30

Yes they are terrorists by the same definition that you refer to others as terrorists. They are also occupiers of lebanon.

Thumb geha 17:00 ,2013 آب 30

by all accounts and reports: hizbushaitan is an Iranian terrorist militia, nothing more, nothing less. get it in your heads.

Missing zahle_nights1 17:55 ,2013 آب 30

I can't help but to put this again and again,,, For those who have seen this before, sorry for the repetition..
This is what Bachir Gemayel said about Syria almost 30 years ago... Bachir was so right and saw things differently. He is the greatest leader of all. Bachir lives in us.

Thumb Senescence 19:30 ,2013 آب 30

I've watched it some 30 times now. Love his stuff, very patriotic indeed.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:59 ,2013 آب 30

southern- have you checked the EU terrorist/black list?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:59 ,2013 آب 30

Thanks FT- since it is not credible then why were they and their allies including mr always right and it's always someone else's fault so upset with it?
BTW- good point on the taliban though.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:50 ,2013 آب 30

Southern- the EU is not my enemy. As a matter of fact, they are the furthest thing from an enemy. My enemy are the people that hijack my country and prevent it from being a strong, independent state. My enemies are the people who continue to kill and torture my friends, family, and fellow countrymen. My enemy are the people who assist in the continued massacre of my beautiful country. My enemies are the ones that aid foreigners in conducting terrorist acts in my country. I can go on for a very long time but I believe you got my drift.

Thumb insideman101 21:48 ,2013 آب 30

HA is equal to AlQeada????
Then why do you support Al Qeada?????

Missing VINCENT 00:34 ,2013 آب 31

We bring armed Palestinians on our soil across the boarder from their arch enemies, and our government says we have no jurisdiction inside their camps. Wallah helue. So, you've done a favor to Israel or deliberately painted a bull's eye on your forehead for positioning armed Palestinians across the Lebanese/Israeli boarder? Which other country has lifted a finger for the Palestinians? The Iranians? If so, where is it? If Lebanon has the military power and funds to bitch slap any of our neighbors around, let us know. We'll run or help run the campaign.

Missing VINCENT 00:41 ,2013 آب 31

Has the Taliban ever committed terrorist acts against foreigners outside Afghanistan? Don't get me wrong, I think if aliens from outer space came to Earth and landed amid the Taliban, they might fuel one-way gas tank back to outer space.

Thumb Senescence 05:13 ,2013 آب 31

If A is similar to B and B similar to C, therefor A is similar to C; the relation of "similar" is not transitive/is intransitive; a common fallacy/Analogic syllogism/dishonest use of the transitive law.

This is a favorite method in the "informal reasoning" used by lawyers.

Default-user-icon Larry (ضيف) 08:59 ,2013 آب 31

You lebanese are amazing! I cant think of another "country" beside the former yugoslavia where everyone hats everyone else the way you people do. Every group of three people is a different religous, national, ethnic , or subordinate faction of such. You will never be a nation because you clearly do not have any identification with lebanon as a national entity. Lebanon to you, is simply a geographical area. Not one of you would fight for the same lebanon. You will only fight eachother.

Thumb Senescence 01:11 ,2013 أيلول 02

Keep believing your media then, you seem to have quite a predilection in believing we hate each other and never intend to live together.