النائب الحريري تعيد أكثر من 520 مليون ليرة تقاضتها من الشعب "كأجر لا تستحقه"
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أعلنت النائب بهية الحريري أنها ستعيد مبلغا قدره أكثر من خمسمائة وعشرين مليون ليرة لبنان إلى الشعب "كأجر لا أستحقه" وقدمته لـ"حساب بحبك يا لبنان 2020".
وقالت الحريري في احتفال بالذكرى الـ93 إعلان دولة لبنان الكبير"اليوم هو يوم المواطن اللبناني الذي يشعر أني قصرت بالوظيفة التي كلفني فيها كنائب في الرقابة والتشريع والمساءلة عن الأمة جمعاء حسب الدستور".
أضافت بحضور رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان "ليس هذا فقط، هذا المواطن يتعب ويشتغل لكي يدفع لي راتبي الشهري، وهنا أوجه تحية لكل زملائي النواب وكثر منهم اخترب بيتهم لأن أكلاف الحياة العامة غالية كثيرا وأعرف أن معظمهم يحاول فوق قدرته أن يخدم وطنه وأهله، ولكن كثر أيضا من الزملاء النواب الذين أنعم الله عليهم".
أضافت: "بالنسبة لي وفي الأول من أيلول 2013 يوم المواطن اللبناني يوم إعلان لبنان الكبير وفي حضرة المواطن اللبناني الكبير فخامة رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان وبوجود رموز العمل والإجتهاد والإنتاج يتوجب علي كمواطنة لبنانية أن أعتذر من كل الشعب اللبناني لأني لم أقم بواجبي الوظيفي منذ عام 2009 حتى الآن".
واعترفت الحريري أنها تقاضت "من الشعب اللبناني أجرا لا أستحقه ولأننا بدأنا نعرف ومع أحفادي أن ما أعز من الولد إلا ولد الولد وأن ما أعز من الوطن إلا المواطن، فإنني أتشرف أن أعيد للشعب اللبناني كل ما تقاضيته من هذه الدورة النيابية حتى الآن وقيمته خمسماية وخمسة وعشرون مليون ومئتان وإثنان وثمانون ألف وخمسماية ليرة لبنانية لنؤسس من خلاله صندوق القيم الوطنية "حساب بحبك يا لبنان 2020".
وأعربت عن اعتقادها أن "العديد من الزملاء النواب القادرين سيشاركوننا في هذا الصندوق ويعيدون للشعب اللبناني ما أخذوه منهم لنشرع بإعداد الدراسات والإستراتيجيات والتشريعات الضرورية التي نريدها لكي يكون لبنان عام 2020 وطنا يليق بمواطنيه المبدعين والمنتجين والخلاقين وبشراكة مع شبابنا المتفوق بالشهادات والجامعات، وكذلك إحياء مناسبات الذكرى السبعين للاستقلال الوطني هذا العام".

Not a bad salary $350,000 for 5 years work(?) Do all Lebanese MP's get $70,000 a year? No wonder they want to extend the period of the present parliament instead of having to face elections and possibly lose their seats.

This is not a big salary. I make this salary in a year as a certified accountant working in saudi Arabia.

So only at least $60 billion USD to go that your family still owes the Lebanese people.

Yea i know that it might just be a political PR move and getting ready to elections and stuff. But hopefully this will push other political factions to do something similar and maybe more

$70k is much? I am not sure where you live but I get paid more than that and i only work in IT. This is merely a publicity stunt nothing more nothing less. Do you really believe this is all they make? Be sure mate their pockets are so deep the $70k is only for the sake of saying they are getting paid.
After all, lebanon is being robbed by these MPs day and night. They all need to go!

Merci Sit Bahia. Finally someone honest. All MPs should return their salaries since June 2013, no elections were held, none can justify his salary because they aren't working. 19.000$/ month each under the M8 government. Previously it was 11.000$ and it was already too much. Obama's salary is barely higher than this.

Oh Bahia, you and your clan owe the people alot more than that.

What about the billions Lebanon owe saudi arabia because of the hariri family who are saudi arabian in the first place who bought their nationality on the first place, and what about the solidere that you build for your kin on top of priceless Phoenician treasures you bastards,
Partition please.

and the billions that hizb iran destroyed with its 'war' with israel, and not to mention all the land, electricity, and other resources it has stolen throughout the years.
why aren't they paying that back?

Yes and no.... Your friend Gaby Layoun allowed the construction of the Venus Towers on Phoenician heritage last year. Downtown Beirut is a jewel, if you condemn it sincerely, don't set a foot in it and boycott it. The same applies to Beirut Rafic Hariri international Airport or hospital. Next time, take a boat ;-) hehehe

I swear this country will never be. Just read some of the comments here and you get convinced. Regardless of whether you politically support Mrs. Harriri or not, it is a welcomed gesture and should be applauded. Haram this country!

I think the Harriri clan owe a lot more to the Lebanese people, this amount is only mere change accumulated at the bottom of her hand bag that she needs to get rid of due to the weight on her shoulders. Instead she should have stood by the LAF that have sacrificed themselves defending our country against terrorism during the Asir incident & personally looked after their families they left behind, but instead she & her colleagues defamed, degraded & undermined their efforts by defending a criminal & his supporters. In reality a poor person that donates only One Dollar & has no home or savings against his name has given more than her when she is worth more than $3 billion , would she be willing to give her life savings ? A person that does a good deed to others should not advertise it. But anyway maybe it might be that a heavy Burden is off her guilty conscious ...who knows .
Signed Wolf .

How did Aoun launch OTV? Or Berri NBN? We know Future TV comes from KSA petrodollars..... But the two I mentionned before come from theft and crime!

Yes, she took a salary she doesnt deserve, now she's trying to take the credit that she doesn't deserve. Sick.

well if she admits she was elected and did not do her job, she should be tried and jailed

Returning the 525 million LP is certainly a good gesture and we thank MP Bahia Hariri for it.
But what about DOING something concrete for Lebanon, besides giving back that money?
We hope, for instance, that MP Hariri will make sure that that the future Minister of Education will think of exhumating the Education Plan of Minister Hassan Mneimne from the archives and arrange to start implementing it as soon as possible. This would benefit Lebanon TEN THOUSAND TIMES MORE than the check that she returned to the Treasury.

kteer hiek walla.....3njad kteer....shes looking for a way to look good after ASSIR came and gone ..bass 525mill la2 too much hiek ya bahia

What about 3ammo Fouad (Saniora) and his bunch? They could also follow 3ammto Bahia's example to help reduce the financial deficit!!