عون: شعار المعارضة هو "كلنا عالوطن" وخطة تحريض الدول علينا فاشلة وإجرامية

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أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن خطة تحريض الدول علينا من قبل المعارضة "فاشلة" مؤكدا أن المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان "شيء ظرفي في حياتنا وغيرها يتسم بالديمومة".

وقال عون بعد اجتماع استثنائي للتكتل بعد ظهر الإثنين:"انتقل شعار الحكومة "كلنا للوطن" عند المعارضة "كلنا عالوطن" وهذا يشكل جريمة ويبدو أن العقل الذي حكر وخرب البلد 20 عاما رأى أنه من الفظيع جدا غيابه عن السلطة".

ورأى عون أن "شعارهم أصبح "كلنا أو لا أحد" بعد اتهموا البعض بشعار "أنا أو لا أحد" مردفا:"الوطن لا يتهدد وهذا عمل إجرامي وهذه الخطة الفاشلة".

وعليه حمل عون المعارضة المسؤولية بحال "اتخذت أي دولة أي إجراء تجاه لبنان".

وتوجه إلى المعارضين بطريقة غير مباشرة:"يضبوا لساناتهم ولو "انفتؤوا" لن يهزوا النظام في البلد، كل العالم مفتوح تجاه لبنان وأحد لا يمكنه حجزنا والحمد لله نحن موجودون أينما كان وننصحهم بعدم التطاول "لا باللسان ولا بالإيد".

وإذ سأل عون:"على من ستعود الإغتيالات؟" أضاف:"البحر مفتوح أمام الخائف من الإغتيالات وعندما قلنا لهم "one way ticket" زعلوا".

وأضاف في السياق عينه:"هم يعلمون من ارتكب الجريمة والأشخاص الأمنيين لا زالوا هم أنفسهم ولم يكتشفوا أي خيط فهل يعتقلوا أنفسهم؟".

وأوضح رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" أن المحكمة الدولية هي "التي تحدد موقف الحكومة ما إذا كانت منفذة لما تطلبه أم لا ولكن أن يهددوا رقابا قبل رؤية التعامل مع المحكمة من يقبل بذلك؟ من يقبل أن يهددوا بدول ضد مواطنيهم؟" مذكرا أن "لا رأي من المحكمة حتى الآن تجاه علاقة الحكومة معها".

وكانت قد دعت قوى "14 آذار" إثر اجتماع عقدته في فندق البرسيتول مساء أمس الأحد تحت عنوان "المحكمة طريقنا إلى العدالة"، دعت إلى "إطلاق حملة سياسية عربية ودولية لإخراج الجمهورية من أسر السلاح".

كما طلبت "من الحكومات العربية والمجتمع الدولي عدم التعاون مع هذه الحكومة في حال عدم تنفيذها مندرجات القرار 1757".

  • 17:17 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون خاتما: هناك أشياء كثيرة أكثر أهمية من المحكمة الدولية والأفضلية لبناء الدولة لكي لا نتكل على الخارج، هناك أناس صدر بحقها دعاوى وما زالت في منصبها

  • 17:15 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: عملنا مع المحكمة وهي التي تحدد موقف الحكومة ما إذا كانت منفذة لما تطلبه أم لا ولكن أن يهددوا رقابا قبل رؤية التعامل مع المحكمة من يقبل بذلك؟ من يقبل أن يهددوا بدول ضد مواطنيهم؟ لا رأي من المحكمة حتى الآن تجاه علاقة الحكومة معها

  • 17:14 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: على من سترجع الإغتيالات؟ البحر مفتوح أمام الخائف من الإغتيالات، هم يعلمون من ارتكب الجريمة والأشخاص الأمنيين لا زالوا هم أنفسهم ولم يكتشفوا أي خيط فهل يعتقلوا أنفسهم؟

  • 17:11 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: جميع الوزراء صحتهم جيدة وعقلهم سليم والدول التي نتعامل معها لا تجهل القوانين الدولية ومن يعرف المحكمة الدولية يعلم أنها لا تحوي شيئا من المواثيق الدولية

  • 17:09 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: كل التحركات هي ضمن حق التظاهر ولكن يجب ان نعلم ما هو مأخذهم على الحكومة

  • 17:09 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: نلاحظ أن هناك لا مسؤولية ولا وعي وبالفعل فقدان الأعصاب وربما لم يقرؤون ما كتب على باب السراي الحكومي "لو دامت لغيرك لما آلت إليك" يضبوا لساناتهم ولو "انفتؤوا" لن يهزوا النظام في البلد، كل العالم مفتوح تجاه لبنان وأحد لا يمكنه حجزنا والحمد لله نحن موجودون أينما كان وننصحهم بعدم التطاول "لا باللسان ولا بالإيد"

  • 17:06 ,2011 تموز 04

    عون: انتقل شعار الحكومة "كلنا للوطن" عند المعارضة "كلنا عالوطن" وهذا يشكل جريمة ويبدو أن العقل الذي حكر وخرب البلد 20 عاما رأى أنه من الفظيع جدا غيابه عن السلطة، أصبح شعارهم "كلنا أو لا أحد" بعد اتهموا البعض بشعار "أنا أو لا أحد"، الوطن لا يتهدد وهذا عمل إجرامي وهذه الخطة الفاشلة وأي دولة تأخذ أي إجراء تجاه لبنان سنحمل المسؤولية إلى المعارضة

  • 17:03 ,2011 تموز 04

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع استثنائي للتكتل من الرابية: بعد الأزمة التي طالت 5 أشهر أصبحت رغبة المواطنين بتأليف الحكومة لاستمرار حياتهم اليومية أما المحكمة الدولية فهي شيء ظرفي في حياتنا وغيرها يتسم بالديمومة

التعليقات 38
Thumb shab 17:14 ,2011 تموز 04

More entertaiment from #1 clown

Thumb Marc 17:15 ,2011 تموز 04

MP Aoun: It appears that the opposition that monopolized power and ruined the country for 20 years..... Don't know about that Mr. Aoun, when Omar Karami had a one colour government, everything fell apart and the assassinations started?

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 17:32 ,2011 تموز 04

The General now does not insist on having the 1/3 veto power....!!! In the past he vehemently claimed he represented the majority of the maronites and as such he was entitled to majority representation in government. What about the Sunnis Sergeant Aoun??? Does Saad Harriri and his Mustaqbal represent the majority of the Sunnis or it does not apply???? What an impolite double faced politician.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 17:41 ,2011 تموز 04

Mr. Aoun,
You hallucinate.
In the past 5 years, you have said nothing new apart from spreading hatred every day.
Keep dreaming....
Pack up because your master in Syria is packing himself.

Missing hiram-of-tyre 17:44 ,2011 تموز 04

It seems that not both parties can play the same game.
When the 8s were the opposition they were allowed all dirty tricks, now when the 14s play dirty, the 8s are squealing!

Missing penisien 17:47 ,2011 تموز 04

GMA is a master of the game ......of lying and taking antipsychotic meds

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 تموز 04

problem with people in this country is that alegences to one group or another blinds them to the truth. Being M14 does not mean hating and despising Aoun and rejecting outright everything he says. same for the other camp. Grow up people and use your brains! M14 threats are not criminal?? of course they are, if they carry out these threats they should be tried for treason. France, the civilized, executed traitors by fire squad for far less than what M14 are threatening to do..

Thumb canaanite 18:16 ,2011 تموز 04

Michel Aoun said: any "plan to incite countries against Lebanon as criminal ".
How about the Hezbollah-Israeli war you incited in 2006?
How about the impossible unwinnable war against the Syrians you incited in 1990?
How about all the Israeli wars incited by rogue groups and Hezbollah rockets into Israel that you support?

Criminal indeed...


Complete Bafoon... But thats okay,.. A bafoon is allowed to be a bafoon. What is worse are people worshipping this bafoon.... Double the idiots they are.

Default-user-icon reaper (ضيف) 18:21 ,2011 تموز 04

does anyone remember when mr aoun mr nasrallah occupied downtown turning into tent city? i wonder if this falls into the category of "criminal" ??

Missing aounophobia 18:22 ,2011 تموز 04

soon to be thrown in as ashes in the mediterranean with your friend hassoun

i pity the fish

Default-user-icon arz10452 (ضيف) 18:25 ,2011 تموز 04

This guy is beyond a bafoon - he is the embodiment of "LEBANESE GREED" - he is and people like him why LEBANON will never be a nation. A nation cannot be sold to the highest bidder

Thumb canaanite 18:26 ,2011 تموز 04

Aoun is becoming more marginalized with every passing day....
He is quickly losing his christian support base...

Busy brushing Gibran Bassil's hair,...
Grooming him for the tayyar...
**Spit and comb the hair****
Good boy!!

Default-user-icon me (ضيف) 18:28 ,2011 تموز 04

Did he say: " We warn them against targeting us through their words or actions ”

Can someone please give this guy a democracy 101 lesson?

Default-user-icon Aoun's a tool said the wise Patriarch (ضيف) 18:41 ,2011 تموز 04

"Aoun's Plan to Incite Countries against Lebanon is Criminal" is what his current allies said about his testimony before the US congress, his endorsement of the Syrian Accountability Act and his support for UN resolution 1559. Poor little general all he does now is repeat his master's old rhetoric, they did not even allow him to do this after his block's regularly scheduled meeting tomorrow but rushed him into an extraordinary one today. I sure hope they pay him the time and a half of overtime.

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 18:41 ,2011 تموز 04

he's wrong...it's treason. Why is he so polite suddenly?

Missing startrip 19:19 ,2011 تموز 04

Aoun the Clown...This man will do anything for personal gains. In any self respecting democracy he would be relegated as a sideshow.

Default-user-icon Hala (ضيف) 19:24 ,2011 تموز 04

It is so telling, that those who oppose the General Aoun still use sectarian labels. Their mother ship is Saudi Arabia, or the Vatican, but never Lebanon. Herein lies the divide, the mother ship of nationalists IS Lebanon. This happens every time a country finally decolonizes; its native discover their national identity, but a few old colonial puppets would rather belong to their old overlords than Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 19:32 ,2011 تموز 04

There is no need for M14 to incite other countries against the usurped government of Lebanon. It's mere existance, the means by which it came to power, and the latest statement of Nasrallah in defiance of the whole world is enough without a word spoken by m14.

The criminals, those who put themselves against the state and who made war against, this is the league that has occupied the Lebanese government and its institutions.

Default-user-icon Bashir (ضيف) 19:40 ,2011 تموز 04

So NOW Aoun cares about crimes against Lebanon. Where was that concern back when he was slaughtering the Lebanese people and hiding like a coward in the French embassy?

Default-user-icon reaper (ضيف) 20:08 ,2011 تموز 04

lets see..... mr aoun and allies opposition last government : 10 political assassinations, war with israel ( 1000 deaths, billions in infrastructure damage), burning tires, closed roads, occupied downtown for one year, taking over of west beirut over 100 dead, constant threats, intimidation, and this was a government that was supposedly a unity government ..... any of this criminal mr aoun?

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 20:14 ,2011 تموز 04

This guy is embarrassing ... someone should tell him that he is embarrassing himself and his followers, or whats left of his followers...
I think that he is trying to imitate Qaddafi... Same stupid look, same attitude, and same sarcasm...

Default-user-icon Gebran.sons@gmail.com (ضيف) 20:32 ,2011 تموز 04

Aoun is speaking but the voice coming out of his mouth is unmistakably that of Assad and the Basij. The only relevant thing he has to say is in front of a judge when the Silent Majority will bring him, his pirates and click of profiteers to court to answer for their crimes against Lebanon's sovereignty, freedom, democracy and prosperity.

Default-user-icon zizo (ضيف) 21:01 ,2011 تموز 04

Unfortunately, people cannot disagree or have a different opinion than others in Lebanon without beeing called names.... I understood that part a long time ago but, for few to encourage other countries to harm all the Lebanese, that i dont understand.

How cheap M14 turned out to be. What do you expect when a large group of what they call themselves leaders, are following a teenage leader (or boy) that will drive the country to its knees - this is called herding (mi3zeh following the me3azz). There is no patriotism in this country. Shame on you all.

Missing arze1964 23:47 ,2011 تموز 04

remain bitter until you meet your God ..Khoumeini that's in Hell..
You will never be President in this life and not as long as the Doctor is alive..

May I recommend few pills of Zoloft.. might help calm you down

Missing hmorsel 00:06 ,2011 تموز 05

Aou Aou Aou Aou, this guy does nothing but barks at people day in and day out. he forgot that he was the biggest chicken ever by leaving his soldiers to get massacred by the Syrians now he's here talking like he's some sort of a hero

Missing peace 00:20 ,2011 تموز 05

thiis little very little general seems to forget that he did the same thing....and he even went to the USA to lick the shoes of georges bush!
now he is criticizing people to do the same?

how laughable, he is losing credibility day after day!!!

"opposition that monopolized power for 20 yrs"???? has he smoken? the syrians were in power, his new friends were in power as well as hariri! who gave the orders? the syrians!

he himself told to the US that anyone who didn t want to obey the syrians were killed!

he himself declared to the US that syria has organized the large scale corruption system in lebanon... is he going to accuse his friends too?

better go and grow your flowers general instead of showing us day after day that you suffer from alzheimer...

Missing peace 00:27 ,2011 تموز 05

M14 is using the same methods as the M8 when they were in oppositon except they don t threaten with weapons against lebanese!

for M8 it was right for M14 it is criminal?


Missing peace 00:40 ,2011 تموز 05

"Madame Chairwoman, the true nature of the Lebanese people is love of freedom and affection for America; and the true nature of America is support for those aspiring to freedom. A Lebanon dominated by a Syrian terrorist-sponsoring dictatorship is inconsistent with the nature of Lebanese people and does not serve their interests. And looking the other way while a democracy is being turned into a repressive satellite state is inconsistent with the American nature and interests." "I come before you today to urge you to be true to America's nature, to aid those aspiring to freedom, to strike a blow to terrorism, and vote to pass the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003."
"Lebanon must be saved, because it is right to save Lebanon; a nation which cherishes American principles and human values that we all believe in. To save Lebanon is to lend credence to what President Bush declared in
his speech on September 11, 2002 ..."
aoun at the US SENATE, no comment!

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 03:11 ,2011 تموز 05

If M14 act like SLA, they will be treated like SLA!

Missing mansour 05:24 ,2011 تموز 05

I swear this guy shouldn't be given any podium to talk from he should just find a hole and DIE!.Do all of us Christians a favor.thank you

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 07:05 ,2011 تموز 05

GMA is today the strong man in Lebanon with 12 ministers to himself on 30 , and with the largest bloc in the majority , that makes him the head and the political leader of that majority .

GMA is today in power as he prmised , he always does what he says , and amways says what he does , like Sayed Hassan .

Saad Hariri is hiding in Paris with a number of his close entourage . The rest of March 14 are on the trottoir by themselves ; waiting to be judged by GMA and his ministers , than jailed .

Insulting GMA like YOU do here in your reactions and comments , will not cover up your failure and corruption that led you out of power and out of the country for good this time " one way ticket " . Lebanese people and the World , know now who you really are .

Al-Mustakbal is finished and the game is OVER for Saad Hariri and Fouad Siniora . What is coming next is important , stay connected and watch the news .

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 07:06 ,2011 تموز 05

GMA is today the strong man in Lebanon with 12 ministers to himself on 30 , and with the largest bloc in the majority , that makes him the head and the political leader of that majority .

GMA is today in power as he prmised , he always does what he says , and amways says what he does , like Sayed Hassan .

Saad Hariri is hiding in Paris with a number of his close entourage . The rest of March 14 are on the trottoir by themselves ; waiting to be judged by GMA and his ministers , than jailed .

Insulting GMA like YOU do here in your reactions and comments , will not cover up your failure and corruption that led you out of power and out of the country for good this time " one way ticket " . Lebanese people and the World , know now who you really are .

Al-Mustakbal is finished and the game is OVER for Saad Hariri and Fouad Siniora . What is coming next is important , stay connected and watch the news .

Default-user-icon Haidar (ضيف) 11:25 ,2011 تموز 05

Nabil, you mean treated to a cushy MP position by Hezbollah vote on a Aounist list like SLA's Ziad Aswad?

Missing mansour 12:04 ,2011 تموز 05

Le Phenicien im sick of your repeated B.S since you are a devoted sheep follower i want you to explain to me the following facts and don't run away from them like your so called great general:
1. promised to stay in Lebanon and fight to end and does midnight bolt.
2.trotted around the globe accusing the same people who tired to kill him of war crimes in Lebanon from 1990-2005
3.went to U.S congress and accused Syria of crimes
4.France 2005 accused Syria of Hariri murder
5.finally allies with the so called people who tired to kill him ,accused of murder .
And after all this you still have the nerve to call him a great man???I call him a deranged old man who really needs to be taken out the back and shot like an old dog.
please add to this if i left something out.Thank you

Thumb bashir 14:12 ,2011 تموز 05

Does the disgraced former general hear birds tweeting in his head?

Missing mansour 15:45 ,2011 تموز 05

Bubbaman gotta love your B.S "His tone has never changed and has always been a leader. Unlike those other monkeys Nurse lady gaga and the uneducated harriri." please stop talking like a sheep and answer everyones questions and stop saying Aoun never changed his mind cause you have

Missing mansour 15:47 ,2011 تموز 05

Bubbaman gotta love your B.S "His tone has never changed and has always been a leader. Unlike those other monkeys Nurse lady gaga and the uneducated harriri." please stop talking like a sheep and answer everyones questions and stop saying Aoun never changed his mind cause you have to have a mind first which he anit got!!.Thank you

Default-user-icon Nabil (ضيف) 20:24 ,2011 تموز 05

Haidar, those who are wise enough and change will be forgiven...it includes you also.