الضربة المحتملة والجوع والحرب دفعت بأم سورية الى مغادرة دمشق إلى لبنان بعد سنتين من المقاومة

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اضطرت فاديا الى مغادرة دمشق مع ابنها وابنتها الصغيرين بضغط من نجلها البكر المقاتل الذي رفض السماح لها بالبقاء خوفا من الحرب المستمرة في ظل التهديد بضربة عسكرية اميركية وشيكة.

وانضم الثلاثة الى سيل اللاجئين السوريين الذي يتدفق يوميا الى لبنان.

قبل اتخاذها قرار الرحيل، التقت فاديا ابنها المقاتل في صفوف مجموعة معارضة مسلحة في حي برزة في شمال دمشق الذي قال لها بحزم "اذهبي. انا باق هنا".

ووصلت الاربعاء عبر معبر المصنع الحدودي الذي بات يتحمل الجزء الاكبر من عبء اللاجئين السوريين بين دول المنطقة.

وتجاوز عدد اللاجئين السوريين منذ بدء النزاع قبل ثلاثين شهرا، المليونين، وتضاعف ثماني مرات عما كان عليه قبل عام.

وفي نهاية آب، كان عدد اللاجئين المسجلين لدى الامم المتحدة 110 آلاف في مصر، و168 الفا في العراق، و515 الفا في الاردن، و716 الفا في لبنان، و460 الفا في تركيا، بحسب المفوضية العليا للاجئين.

وجلست فاديا في مركز استقبال تابع لجمعية خيرية لبنانية عند معبر المصنع الواقع على بعد حوالى اربعين كيلومترا من دمشق، وروت لوكالة فرانس برس آخر لقاء لها مع ابنها، بعينين دامعتين وغصة واضحة.

وقالت "تمسكت به، وقلت له انني لا اريد ان اتركه بعد اليوم"، لكنه اصر عليها ان تغادر.

وتضيف المراة البالغة من العمر 36 عاما والتي غطت راسها بوشاح اسود "انا لا اخاف الا الله".

وكانت فاديا الوحيدة بين اللاجئين السوريين الذين عبروا المصنع امس التي وافقت على التحدث الى الصحافيين.

اما الآخرون الذين كانوا يصلون تباعا الى مركز الجمعية ويتسلمون حصة من المساعدات تتضمن مواد غذائية واخرى اساسية، فحافظوا على صمت مطبق.

ويقول احد العاملين في المركز "انها خائفون لان للنظام السوري خلايا في لبنان. وهم يخافون ايضا على افراد عائلاتهم الذين لا يزالون في البلاد".

وجلس الى جانب فاديا ابنها محمد (عشر سنوات) وابنتها نغم (11 سنة)، حزينين ضائعين.

وقالت فاديا ان زوجها حمل السلاح اولا، الى ان اصيب في المعركة في ساقه، ونقل الى لبنان للمعالجة وهو يتعافى حاليا. ثم جاء دور ابنها طارق الذي انضم الى مجموعة "احرار الشام" المقاتلة.

واضافت "قاومت لمدة سنتين" الحرب والدمار وقافلة القتلى والصعوبات والحرمان من كل شيء".

وقالت "الا ان الامر اصبح لا يحتمل لا سيما بالنسبة الى الصغيرين"، مشيرة الى انها تشعر بالاسى لترك والدها وابنة في الثامنة عشرة متزوجة ولها طفلان، في سوريا.

وتابعت "هناك، يتم اغتصاب النساء وقتل الابرياء. روائح الجثث المتعفنة المرمية في الطرق تجعلنا نختنق"، موضحة ان معظم سكان برزة هجروا الحي منذ ان تحول الى ساحة معركة بين القوات النظامية و"الثوار" قبل اشهر.

وارتفع عدد اللاجئين السوريين الى لبنان منذ بدء الحديث عن ضربة عسكرية محتملة. ويقول المسؤولون عن مركز الجمعية المستحدث على الحدود ان هناك بين ثمانين الى 120 عائلة تصل يوميا بعدما كان العدد قبل 21 آب بين اربعين وستين عائلة.

وقالت فاديا ان احتمال توجيه ضربة عسكرية اميركية لمعاقبة النظام على استخدام السلاح الكيميائي في ريف دمشق بحسب ما تتهمه المعارضة والغرب، كان السبب المباشر لرحيلها.

واضافت "كان هذا سببا اضافيا، يضاف الى الجوع والخوف والحرمان".

التعليقات 18
Missing hb9z 20:51 ,2013 أيلول 05

allah ykoun ma'ik .....in a few years it will be all worth it...what you suffer now, your children will reap later .....freedom is not free....

Thumb benzona 21:27 ,2013 أيلول 05

May God protect her son, a son of the revolution.

Missing karim_m3- 21:52 ,2013 أيلول 05

Get the hell out of Lebanon. FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists and their families are NOT welcome in Lebanon and you are a drain on Lebanon's economy and society.

Default-user-icon Hitti;-) (ضيف) 00:44 ,2013 أيلول 06

The roar, you have no idea how many 14 year old shia girls and younger there is that have been "sold" in to marriage in lebanon, iraq and iran. Many alawites in syria were married at a very young age as well. So i dont get why you focus on "this sect" and ignore others who do/have done the same. Not long ago, christians as well would marry very young, it still happens in the middleeast and elsewhere among the poor so instead of being a bigoted fool, how about seeing things from its true perspective. Even virgin mary was about 12 years when she gave birth to jesus. Have you ever read the old testament and its views on young girls? Blaming this on one sect is ignorant since it occurs within many religions, sects and cultures. You know this but you saw an opportunity to take a cheap shot at muslims.

Missing samiam 23:53 ,2013 أيلول 05

unfortunately, the times haven't caught up with part of the world. It isn't uncommon to hear of 12 year olds being married, although that has trend has decreased dramatically the last dozen years or so. it is still sad though. :(

Thumb benzona 00:53 ,2013 أيلول 06

The roar attacks Islam. What a shameful behaviour. By attacking this poor woman, he's also attacking the holy virgin Mary, mother of God daughter of Joachim and Anna who married Joseph (who was muuuuuch older) between the age of 12 and 14.

The roar is disrespectful of other's traditions. I don't encourage such things, but it is important not to judge and to respect others.

Missing servant-of-jesus 01:19 ,2013 أيلول 06

benzona, please do show me in the Bible where you have this information?
Unless you are referring to a pseudepigraphical book called the "gospel of James"? That books is widely rejected as a fabricated 2nd century writing, which has not been written by who it claims to be, and very obviously rejected by the early church fathers (since it is not part of the Canon of the Bible). Sadly, people still use it as if it is authoritative. Some of the Catholic theology is based on passages in that book.
Please, read the Bible. There is no mention of Mary's age, or who her parents were.

Thumb benzona 01:39 ,2013 أيلول 06

True, or not, it was the tradition back then to get married around that age. I'm not going to follow the Vatican blindly. If you do, you're free to do so. You may or may not know that the current physical representation of Christ is totally inaccurate. He looks European..... Yet people back then had short hair and beards.

Anyway, all of this is irrelevant. I was saying that the roar was being disrespectful and intolerant towards Islam. It's a shame to have such 'lebanese' among us. He said I quote «you wouldn't waste a spit on this sect». What do you think of this?

Thumb cityboy 03:21 ,2013 أيلول 06

But I wouldn't exactly call her a poor woman, I don't agree one bit her family's tactics to bring change in Syria. Over half the Syrian population is also against what her family is doing.

Thumb cityboy 01:23 ,2013 أيلول 06

The Roar, normally I agree with all your posts but please brother, not really fair to tarnish a whole sect over one families stupidity to marry their daughter at age 14. We should remember that it is very common in the west, Australia included, where 14 year girls are prone to consuming alcohol at a young age and to participate in sexual activity and in many cases with parent knowledge. Is it fair to chastise the whole western community, I would think not. Having said that, I think it is time that the Sunni sect does begin to address the wahabi influence that is tarnishing them. For the critics, yes I know my shia sect needs to look in the mirror as well regarding some issues.

Thumb primesuspect 03:56 ,2013 أيلول 06

Roar's last sentence is disturbing indeed.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:04 ,2013 أيلول 06

what a silly comment banikharoof! nobody is preventing refugees from escaping conflict zones.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:12 ,2013 أيلول 06

regarding the article, i find it cheesy and misleading.
first, rebels have mothers, but soldiers do too, and all the civilians who were slaughtered by the takfiris and alqaeda had mothers and children too. this article make no reference to them or to the tens of thousands of Kurds who had to flee to escape massacres.
second why say the "resisted until the end" ? that would imply she died resisting. actually she resisted until she fled
third, if she is escaping hunger, war, rape, why did she leave behind "her 18-year-old daughter, her two grandsons" !?!?

all this sounds like cheesy propaganda to humanize rebels, who are nothing more than a bunch of fanatical murderers, rapists and looters.

Default-user-icon Samba (ضيف) 14:23 ,2013 أيلول 06

Mowaten, just be honest, are the syrian army soldiers not fanatical murderers, rapists and looters? How can you forget all the lebanese that have been murdered or raped by the assadist soldiers? Supporting the assad clan and his army is worse than supporting the rebels since assads filth have comitted tens of thousands more crimes.

Default-user-icon Samba (ضيف) 14:25 ,2013 أيلول 06

Also did it ever occur to you that her daughter is married and stayed with her husband?

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:21 ,2013 أيلول 06

what's you logic here? are you saying that alleged crimes 30 years ago justify the present ones by the rebels?

and if the daughter is married, does that make her less susceptible to rape than an old woman? are the two grandsons less susceptible to murder and hunger? if she "resisted to end" and "fled" because it became unbearable, how come her young daughter and two toddlers can bear it?

Missing hb9z 18:14 ,2013 أيلول 06

cityboy...all the sects needs to stay at home ...I refuse to be identified by my religion which should a private matter between me and what I believe in....for most of us , our religion is inherited as our name and our ancestors....realizing that most muslims in traq and syria and lebanon were in fact CHRISTIANS before the FATAH of the prophet , isn't that so? some of our ancestors decided to join islam - mostly because thay wanted to keep their head on their shoulders- and other escaped to the mountains because they could or because they lived there...so religion is mostly inherited and the earlier we learn that we should appreciate GOD without adding sunnis, shia's , maronite.orthodox ....to it , the better it would be. I doubt GOD cares much of what sect you are ......

Thumb benzona 01:16 ,2013 أيلول 07

Beautifully said.