رئيس مكتب الدفاع في المحكمة: نصيحتي إلى المتهمين ان يستشيروا محاميا بأسرع وقت
Read this story in Englishحض رئيس مكتب الدفاع في المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان فرانسوا رو الثلاثاء المتهمين في اغتيال رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري الذين صدرت في حقهم مذكرات توقيف، على استشارة محام "في اسرع وقت"، مؤكدا ان الكلمة الاخيرة في هذه القضية ستكون للمحكمة.
وقال رو في مقابلة خاصة مع وكالة فرانس برس في بيروت حيث يقوم بزيارة "ليكون الى جانب المتهمين"، على حد قوله، بعد ايام على تسليم المحكمة الدولية السلطات اللبنانية مذكرات توقيف في حق اربعة لبنانيين، "هناك مذكرات توقيف، هناك اسماء يتم التداول بها - لن اعلق عليها- (...) انما نصيحتي الى المتهمين ان يستشيروا محاميا في اسرع وقت ممكن".
واضاف "مذكرة توقيف صادرة عن محكمة دولية هي امر مهم جدا. (...) اعتبارا من الآن، اعتبارا من اللحظة التي تصدر فيها مذكرات التوقيف، المتهمون لا يعودون احرارا، بل يتحولون الى هاربين".
وتابع "الشخص الوحيد الذي يمكنه ان يحرر الشخص من الاتهامات الموجهة اليه وان يعيده انسانا حرا، هو محام، لا عائلة، لا حزب سياسي، لا طائفة، انما محام".
ورأى ان "عائلتهم او محيطهم او اصدقاءهم يمكن ان يحموهم، لكن لا يمكن ان يعيدوا لهم صفة الانسان الحر. وحده محام او محامية يستطيع ذلك".
وقال رو "ان المرحلة الآن هي للدفاع".
وردا على سؤال عن تشكيك حزب الله بمصداقية المحكمة، قال "يمكن انتقاد المحكمة في الجامعات، في الاعلام، هذا جيد. انما النقاش يجب ان يتم بشكل اساسي امام المحكمة نفسها، لان المحكمة هي التي ستقرر في نهاية المطاف"، مشددا على اهمية ارفاق الانتقادات ب"حجج قانونية".
وقال "امام المحكمة، يمكن نقض المحكمة وكل العناصر التي اوردها المدعي العام. (...) الحل الافضل بالنسبة الى متهم اذا اراد الانتقاد، ان يكون حاضرا خلال محاكمته، او ان يكون ممثلا".
وتابع "لدي احترام كبير للاحزاب السياسية. الحاجة ضرورية للاحزاب السياسية في المجتمعات الديموقراطية. لكن للاحزاب السياسية اجندتها الخاصة (...) الاحزاب تقول ما تريد والصحافة تقول ما تريد، لا مشكلة عندي، انما الجدل القانوني يتم داخل المحكمة والقرار لن ياخذه الحزب السياسي بل المحكمة".
وشدد رو على ان "التبرئة ممكنة امام المحكمة، حتى في حالة المحاكمات الغيابية"، مضيفا "هناك 25% من القرارات الاتهامية التي قدمت امام المحكمة الدولية ليوغوسلافيا السابقة حصلت فيها تبرئة او اسقاط للتهم، بينها اربعة خلال ترؤس القاضي انطونيو كاسيزي (رئيس المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان) للمحكمة".
ونفى رو ان يكون على اطلاع على اسماء المتهمين او مضمون القرار الاتهامي.
ورفض من جهة ثانية، الرد على سؤال عما اذا كانت حصلت اتصالات بينه وبين حزب الله، مكتفيا بالقول "ان بابي مفتوح، وهاتفي مفتوح، يمكنهم الاتصال بي مباشرة".
وقال "على لائحة مكتب الدفاع، هناك اليوم اكثر من مئة محام من 25 جنسية بينهم لبنانيون وبريطانيون وفرنسيون وسويسريون واميركيون والمان ومن المغرب والكويت والجزائر وغيرها من الدول. وهناك خيار واسع اذا كان المتهم يحتاج الى فريق للدفاع عنه، كما يمكنه ان يختار من خارج اللائحة".
وتسلمت السلطات اللبنانية الخميس من المحكمة الدولية اربع مذكرات توقيف في حق عناصر من حزب الله.
واعلن الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله السبت رفضه المحكمة وكل ما ينتج عنها من قرارات واحكام، مؤكدا ان اي حكومة لن تتمكن من توقيف المتهمين "بعد ثلاثين يوما، او ستين يوما، او ثلاثين سنة، او ثلاثمئة سنة".
وامام لبنان مهلة ثلاثين يوم عمل لتوقيف المتهمين او الرد على المحكمة حول الاجراءات التي قامت بها لتحقيق ذلك، اذا لم تتمكن من توقيفهم.
بعد ذلك، يمكن لرئيس المحكمة ان يقرر نشر القرار الاتهامي واستدعاء المتهمين في الصحف لمدة ثلاثين يوما.
واوضح رو ان هذه المهل تنتهي تقريبا بين 15 و30 ايلول ، مضيفا "عندها نكون قد عرفنا بالتحديد ما اذا كانت المحاكمة ستكون غيابية ام لا وما اذا كان المتهمون اتخذوا لانفسهم محامين ام لا".
وفي حال لم يوكل المتهمون محامين لهم، يكون من مهمات مكتب الدفاع ان يسمي لهم محامين.
ويقول رو "اعتبارا من هذا التاريخ، سيحتاج الدفاع الى وقت لدراسة القرار الاتهامي وتجميع ملفه".
وذكر بان قاضي الاجراءات التمهيدية دانيال فرانسين "اخذ مهلة ستة اشهر لدراسة القرار" قبل المصادقة عليه، و"بالتالي هذا الحد الادنى الذي سيستغرقه الدفاع، علما ان المدعي العام (دانيال بلمار) يقول ان لديه المزيد من المعطيات" التي قد يتقدم بها.
Can Anybody here tell me really...
1- Are you willing to send "Lebanese" to be trial in front of a court that has outstanding behaviours (such as Lehmann accepting bribery, 97 computers sent to Israel, Cassini having bias inclination to Hezbollah's enemy).
2- Would you accept to believe that what the tribunal will do is Legitimate... 100%?
Why not unite to ask the tribunal, a body our government has been paying for (indirectly us the people), to give us proof, or At Least Respond to these allegations with Proof.
I want to believe in the Court, but it needs to give me reasons. We have no choice today but a Tribunal. But they're going to have to work to convince the people.
Yalla Chief.. they are on their way...just wait...hold on...300 more years...they are trying to dig a tunnel to the courtroom.
Lawyers with CV's printed on orange paper will run and beg for this, they want to lick Hassans sandals
The Tribunal said nothing yet. They did not release the indictment publically. It just needs to arrest 4 individuals and interrogate them. I am sure that if there is no proof against them, they will be released eventually, like the 4 Generals. So what's the problem here?
Who is Nasrallah to send us 3 scanned documents and make up theories and draw conclusions, when the tribunal has 300 people working on tens of thousands of documents, pictures, analysis, footage, etc...
Nasrallah wants to play the lawyer...his demo seemed very weak to me...pathetic really...
Seems to me that we have 4 Million Juges in Lebanon...
@more here, Why don't you look beyond your limited contours and realize that you are not the center of the world after all. Let go of all this matchoism man. You are the little guy, play by the rules.
The name of the game is: Your are indicted, you go to court. Your defend yourself with all the proof you got. you prove your innocence in court not on TV, only than you will earn respect. Being a fugitive will not help your cause.
If the Tribunal "showed nothing yet", and you have the defendant that is "showing" proof that the tribunal "may" not be authentic, shouldn't that be taken into account?
Shouldn't the tribunal give counter argument... at least a response to these allegations?
Especially that the ones the tribunal is blaming, are Lebanese?!
The media is not a court and is not a place to exchange evidence that cannot be examined.
It is in a court of law that each side presents its evidence and can question and poke holes in the other side's evidence.
Instead of taking Nasrallah's evidence for granted, let's question it. For example, look at Cassese's (not Cassini) record and what he stands for before making him biased.
@guys, compatriots, Israeli web lobbyists, Syrians, and the world
First I am Not Lebanese Shia but, I am Lebanese x.
What worries me, and should worry "every Lebanese", is that the Tribunal named 4 Lebanese names. Dosen't that worry you?
Does the fact that the ones they are accusing are Shia, and the people killed in Lebanon are from every Other sect?
It's a picture worth a thousand bullet. The same people that where in the Civil war are still in power today!
All I am saying is... Since we Paid for the Tribunal, as Clients, we Lebanese collectively, as Demanding Rigorous Proof on Everything.
Everything should be questioned, time is on our side, even if it takes 10 years.
We should demand evidence, that is what courts and trials are for. As others have said, the press (whish is basically sectarian) is not the place for hearings but the court.
These are not to be secret trials, the types they have in Syria but everything will be public the defense will have to opportunity to question each and every piece of evidence.
Honest people have nothing to fear.
The STL will soon need to hire their own lawyers to investigate and punish the corruptors, the extremely partial and the criminals working for it.
the poor fugitives transported half a tonne of explosives from dahie to st georges,in a truck,under syrian moukhabarat and hizb revolutionary guards watch,so let's finish the game, ur buddy saado is out now.
"But at the end, individuals will be either sentenced or acquitted. It is the tribunal that will make this decision, and not the filthy Shiite militia".
…tells 'Fugitives' to get a bath! Your filth is so stinking up Dahyeh that people are beginning to believe a sewer pipe exploded.
Mowaten: what you are saying is fundamentally wrong. It is not by using a technical word such as RPE(rules of procedures and evidence) that you are convincing us that you did some serious research on the matter.
It is obvious that everyone will be watching such an international institution extremely closely, and everyone expects the highest level of professionalism from it. If all evidence is kept secret for the moment, it is expected and it is for obvious reasons (such as protecting witnesses for example).
Lebanese people are at cross roads and have a very difficult decision to make: Comply with international law and find a place in civilization or dig further into mediocrity
to BIGDIG: what do you think of this before accusing ONLY M14 for corruption?
"The Lebanese people have incurred catastrophic losses and the
Lebanese economy is devastated due largely to the corrupt
Syrian puppet regimes installed in power since the early 1990s."
(aoun at the us senate!)
who also took part in these gvt? no people from the present M8?
stop your propaganda and sweep in front of your door too... if you truly are looking for justice! hypocrit...
this guy is also on drugs. looks like whole cia/mossad/domestic traitors gang is on drugs. poor people. the days of usa empire will soon be numbered and these people won't have money to buy drugs any more. what will they do than?
I know Israeli generals are afraid to going to some European countries afraid of being arrested for war crimes. I guess the four defendants will be doing the same. The international community is tough.
The International criminal court has ruled against Israel for stealing occupied land by building an apartheid wall, and in the 1980's ruled against the USA for mining the harbors of Nicaragua. Do you know what happened to these international court rulings? Here is a clue, the same thing what is going to happen with this "court".
TO MOWATAN THE UNEDUCATED: Nobody is convicting anyone. in a democrocy there are rights, laws, and courts. These four people are under arrest for the murder of hariri and co. when you are arrested you are innocent until you are proven guilty in a court of law(STL) So the hezbollah memebers who are not guilty yet, are not going to get hung as you say unless they are proven guilty of the crime. If the STL is corrupt or can prove they did not do the crime, they can use this as a defense and be dismissed of all charges brought against them. Now if they run like they are doing now, they will be considered fugitives in the eyes of the international community and will have to run forever and hide with your master nasrullah in his rat hole. maybe he's sick of his boyfriend and needs new penatration down in his hole.
Ok Mowaten, let's stop the bshit and let's do it scientifically. Here is the RPE of the STL, can you please indicate the page number and the paragraph you are referring to? More precisely: where do you see that the accused can be convicted without being shown evidence?
I am ready to admit that i am wrong. Prove it!
For the moment, after reading the RPE i can confirm that the tribunal is based on the highest international standards of criminal justice.
RPE link:
"Someone took a dump in the restroom and didn't flush! Who did it?!"
"Isreal did it!"