المحكمة تستغرب كلام نصرالله عن كاسيزي: لقد أراد تشويه سمعته وسمعة المحكمة
Read this story in Englishاستغربت مصادر في المحكمة الدولية الخاصلة بلبنان ما نسبه الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله الى رئيس المحكمة انطونيو كاسيزي السبت الماضي من انه "صديق اسرائيل" واعتبرت انه أراد بذلك "تشويه سمعته وسمعة المحكمة".
وقالت المصادر لصحيفة "النهار" إن القاضي كاسيزي لم يحضر المؤتمر (في هرتزليا باسرائيل) لانه لم يكن موافقا على الكلام الذي قيل فيه واعتبره منحازا".
وأضافت ان "ثمة مقالة قال نصرالله إن الرئيس كاسيزي كتبها، وهذا غير صحيح (...)".
وخلصت الى "ان نصرالله يريد ان يدمّر سمعة الرئيس كاسيزي وسمعة المحكمة في الوقت نفسه (...) والمدعي العام دانيال بلمار لديها وهو غير قادر على ان يفرّق بين الثلاثة وأهمل كل ما فعله الرئيس كاسيزي من أجل جملة واحدة لا دليل عليها ولا اثبات".
الى ذلك لفت مصدر قضائي لصحيفة "الشرق الأوسط" الى أن القضاء اللبناني لم يتلقَّ أي طلب رسمي من مكتب المدعي العام، أو من المحكمة نفسها، لإيداعه الأفلام والمستندات التي عرضها نصر الله في مؤتمره الصحاف.
وأضاف المصدر أنه عندما يرد طلب كهذا تتعاطى معه السلطة القضائية وفق الأصول، ومن ضمن اتفاقية التعاون الموقعة بين المحكمة ومكتب المدعي العام.
وأشار المصدر إلى أن "الإجراءات التي يتبعها القضاء اللبناني في ما خصّ مذكرات التوقيف ستبقى سريّة طيلة المهلة الزمنية المعطاة للسلطات اللبنانية لتنفيذها، وهي ثلاثون يوما".
وفي سياق متصل، نقلت صحيفة "الديار" معلومات قضائية تفيد بان محققين دوليين قد يزورون لبنان في 15 تموز ويسلمون لائحة بأسماء 12 متهما جديدا ينتمون الى "حزب الله".
لكن اوساط بلمار توضح ان الاخير تريث في ارسال اسماء الـ 12 متهما لمعرفة كيفية تعاطي قوى الامن الداخلي في عمليات الدهم لاعتقال المطلوبين الاربعة.
This is very funny, he says that he is with a Palestinian state... Sharon Netanyahou Bush, the whole US admin are also for a palestinian state... problem is not in what you say Mr. Cassese since your credibility is being questioned but rather in what you do and your ACTS. Small resume, Cassese received a price from Mr. Wiessel himself, he is a strong anti-resistance advocate in Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, etc. when he was on the Yugoslavian special tribunal (ICTY) he covered miss information, fabrication and lies about the Serbian concentration camps and their media manipulation, ICTY covered also for Kosovo REAL camps where Serbs were killed and organs were taken to Israel (yes, it's true you can read about it on the web, Carla Del Ponte former prosecutor of ICTY wrote about it "the hunt") Carla also wrote about the manipulations of the Special tribunal of Rwanda by the US/UK. All is Google-able easily, you can search on cassese own website for "on_some_merits_of_the_israeli.pdf"
I can provide links if it is approved by Naharnet (please approve, I am not insulting anyone or anyone's intelligence, just trying to advance some arguments, not against anyone and NO SPAM) I think that it is good to help people make their own mind. Judge on acts and facts is the best thing I guess:
http://wn.com/Serbian_Concentration_Camp_fabrication# (watch the videos u will learn a lot)
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10818.htm (about tribunals, falsifications and mossad/cia being involved)
Worst of all, Judge Cassesse personifies an interpretation of international law that causes division in the Middle East. Although his official curriculum vitae obscures it, he took part in the 2005 negotiations between member states of the European Union and those bordering the Mediterranean Sea (“Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean”). His definition of terrorism blocked the discussions. According to him, terrorism is exclusively the act of individuals or private groups, never states. It follows that a struggle against an occupying army would not be considered to be “resistance” but rather “terrorism”. In the local context, this juridical view is consistent with a colonial framework and disqualifies the STL.
The STL farce discredited itself a long time ago. Nasrallah is just rubbing it in where and when it hurts. The joke is over. Time to pack and go, losers.
mabboud, the turbaned rat should hire you, although you are mistaken in your argument and in fact prove nothing you at least appear intelegent which is something Nasrallah will never be accused of.
Look up logical falacies, you will find one called 'Poisoning the well'.
Unfortunately for your side International Law will never accept Nasrallah's fantasy.
bashir, I 'm not trying to prove anything, I'm just saying that if people try to take a stop and investigate about international justice, Katyn or Racak massacres both of which were manipulations in Nuremberg and Yougoslavia tribunal, if you take the time to investigate about Mehlis and Cassese and their links to Israel and US/NATO (Mehlis links to CIA & Mossad in the Berlin discotheque affair is more tangible than Cassese articles and international justice views and manipulations in the Special tribunal for Yougo)... We can talk a lot about international justice manipulations (more recently with accusations rel 2 Khadafi, I can give interesting references and reports to read on that if you want. All that proves nada but helps forge opinions, the burden of proof is not on me but on Cassese and on his team, to restore credibility, they should clearly address issues brought by Jamil S., Mehlis manipulations (chouhoud al zour), leaks, PCs via Israel, etc.
The most important problem is that International Justice has proven so far that it is only used for manipulations and political reasons and strongly manipulated by war winners and big nations US, UK, NATO, etc. Wat makes the STL even more dangerous is that it is also being financed by KSA, US and other nations that haven ratified the Rome Statute for International Criminal Court. It is comparable to the Court for Yougoslavia financed by Georges Soros. By definition a court that is set-up for special purpose has nothing to do with Justice, the term "Special" alone is simply not compatible with justice and heavily linked to politics. Any man of law with integrity will tell you that the basic principle of justice is Independence; STL is not, its financing is not, its constituents are not (Cassese and manipulations for NATO!!!) + true international courts have to be defined through UN general assembly... Security Council can push cases to ICC but not create international courts!!!!
So Cassese is not a member of Friends-of-Israel! His writings which clearly show his hatred towards all kinds of resistances are not clear enough! And Cassese is unaware of the existence of criminals, crooks, corrupt investigators and spies working for the STL farce. There is no need for anyone to discredit Cassese because even my 9 year old neighbor knows about him.
There is I guess a more than reasonable doubt that the STL and its constituents are biased and political instruments, for that reason justice can't be addressed by such entity, let's take the whole case to the ICC (who has much more legitimacy), sure we will have to amend such court to take this case since it can't be considered at the moment in the ICC scope (all efforts should be put on that. It is the only way to restore credibility to international justice and serve as a way to stop political assassinations). What if tomorrow, Iran starts killing people in Iraq to impose its agenda or KSA in Bahrain, will the STL help stop such crimes? what about new crimes in Lebanon in 2020, will the STL still be there. Wake-up, NO ONE cares about stopping political assassinations!!! Stop the Specials and push for Justice, for all anything else couldn't be called justice. What about the thousands of people who died in Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere, don't they deserve justice or they aren't Special!
Since Hezbollah as such good intel on everything, why haven't they caught the killers???
Mowaten Z- time to collect your $ 100 bill for tuning in yesterday. Whilst the poor Iranians suffer, hezbollah get richer
Civil peace is only achieved through justice, equality before the law, and not yielding to a bunch of criminal bullyers, who have turned masters in blackmail. STL is the only road to justice, unlike the local circus we have witnessed on the days following the assassination of RH: the admission of the interior minister ( Sleiman Frangie) of his lack of means to investigate the case, the hastily set up inquiry showcase made up by the locals with abou adass, and a few unfortunate lebanese-australian pilgrims, visiting lebanon then. Add to that that competent and honest lebanses judges are either dead, exiled, or at best, if lucky, retired.STL is the only path to uprooting the vilains. Well done Bellemare!
Truth... you are correct in one way that justice has to be rendered but you are totally wrong on the fact that Justice could be achieved with "Special Tribunals"; this has been proven by history and 4 out of the 5 tribunals that were setup as "Specials". The 5th one is for Sierra Leone who were more confident than the lebanese in our country ability to framework their own justice. The special tribunal for Sierra Leone is in.. Soerra Leone. Your opinion on Judges in Lebanon shows your little faith in your country, I have more faith than that and claim that we could achieve better justice in a non STL framework. What about Justice after the STL, what about Justice for the girl who lost her eye in Maison Blanche, what about justice for you tomorrow if one of our kids is killed by the US ambassador convoy? I suggest you read the above posts and strat Thinking about justice and what it means and about truth being achieved through Special Tribunals for Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Germany/Tokyo...
I am not a lawyer Mabboud, but I can read, and especially remember. I prefer a Milosevic type of outcome, to that of the countless blunt uncovered assassinations we have witnessed over the past 30 yrs: selim laouzi, riad taha, sheikh hassan khaled, sheikh sobhi saleh, pres rene moawad, etc.... Etc....indeed I do not ask from local judges dealing with huge criminal cases to be superheroes! It is not a question of trust them on my part, but a basic self preservation instinct on their part. One thing is to deal with an illegal construction file, another is to tackle a serial killing machine, whilch they're clearly unable to perform.
the outcome for the Yugo tribunal is not only Milosevic, it has been devastating for Yugoslavia, this was the US German plan and NATO and the Tribunal were the tools; one of the first and most noticeable outcome of the Tribunal was a series of massacres all over a partitioned ex-Yugo.... by the way, Milosevic was not proven guilty of anything, he died in prison of non-access to medical care at best or poisoning (the worst theory sustained by some). Milosevic wanted a strong and unified country close to Russia, this was his biggest crime. I am not asking you to trust me but to take some time and read on the web to learn the TRUTH (since it's what u aim for)... let's hope that History is not going to repeat itself, for the sake of all of us!!! Last thing, please go through my previous post, read in details, search the web and seek for another truth that the one it seems you have been programmed for. STL has nothing to do with stopping the Killings... don't be naive!
I dont think uncovering the truth and subduing the criminals will be detremental to lebanon, even if they think they're untouchables. Milosevic, mladic, all have and will pay for their actions, no matter what the medical cause of their death is. That the result of the investigatuon is and will be used politically against the criminals might be true. But that's the risk they took when they established assassinations as a tool of political managment. The world is changing fast. This time , i hope we will not have to grieve on judges in the same way we did in Saida ( when 4 judges were assasinated) a few years ago...
The TRUTH few years ago was 4 generals & Syria, now it's Hezbollah & 4 of its members... TRUTH for international community has only one thing that does not vary through time and it's called political manipulations. People should learn about how to read and analyze in order to evolve and invest on growing their critical thinking skills instead of repeating things like parrots and cliches. TRUTH hides behind reality and history is the best way to understand what are the realities of things; I don't know if the NEW 4 are guilty, I have my doubts but what I do know for sure is that Serbia/Kosovo manipulations lead to more mass killing & political cover for the NATO/US/German camp, that Qaeda and other lies were used to invade Afghanistan & Iraq that Kosovo militias killed much more than Serbian people, that in Libya the worst people aren't the ones we think, etc. Lies & media manipulations & "international community" r dangerous and US support never bodes well for TRUTH & the Cha3eb never!
The fact that the Criminal Iranian street gang Hezb Ebola are trying in vain to discredit Judge Cassesse (a very reputable Judge indeed), is just one more indication that the STL is catching up with Nasrallah and his criminal zombie Iranian/Syrian militia, and all this crap that Nasrallah is throwing up as smoke screens is more implicating, his erratic behaviour remebles more and more the behaviour of a criminal that's about to be caught.
What alternative are you providing us for finding the truth?
How could you discredit a tribunal before thecstart of court proceedings?
Under what logic you judge something before it is declared?
The only way for the accused to defend themselves is in front of the court and not on TV?
The only way for us to know whether the STL is biased is by watching it work and letting it work, not by obstructing it, especially when the accusedvis doing all the obstruction?
We all know that the STL did release the generals just before the 2009 elections, who benefited from this release?
We all know that the STL ordered Bellemare to give Jamil Sayed his requested docs.
How do you say they are biased after all this?
Your allegations about the STL are all unfounded:
Mehlis and the bribed investigator existed before the STL and for your information , whenBramertz came he discarded all the evidence that was gathered by them and started from scratch.
The false witnesses can only be prosecuted in court, not on TV. This can only be done AFTER the main business of the court, i.e. The prosecuting ofvthe criminals.
The same can be done about the injustices done for the generals, if this is true.
The same should be done about the leaks and the leakers.
The fact that the above issues happened never means that the STL is unreliable.
It is not up to you or Hizbullah to discredit a court. We all submit tobthecrule of law.
Unfortunately, it seems that Hizbullah is acting more as a guilty party rather than an innocent one.
The innocent party has nothing to fear, no matter how biased a court is?
Why do you presume that the Lebanese seeking the Truth would accept that the STL will fool them into accusing an innocent party?
They are seeking the true criminal.
Believe me, most of them are praying that Hizbullah is innocent because it is less painful than if the criminal is foreign.
I hope that this logic will convince you.
True Lebanese... your arguments are nice and could be true in a perfect world but we don't live in such world. ALL Special International tribunals are by definition far from justice and have proven to be more than biased with Cassese being part of some. If you read my comments above and on other boards about the STL, you will probably better understand. I am not talking about Hezbollah but the tribunal and since day one because of the way it was set. In the world you talk about, Saudi Arabia, USA and other countries who dislike Hezbollah should be forbidden to finance the tribunal. The whole procedures are biased, for example, accusation can have hidden witnesses and the defense could only question such witnesses thru letters with Cassese as a buffer (read the rule and procedure document, it is on the STL website).. There are plenty of reasons for anybody not to support such special tribunals because by essence, it won't help stop political killings in Iraq, Iran, Syria or elsewhere
Political killings will continue all over the wold since they can't be stopped by short lived STL.Jamil Sayed didn't got anything yet, the 4 generals were released after everything was tried not to (wikileaks) that STL consults with embassies and uses media and TV more than anyone. The Special tribunal for Yugoslavia allowed testimony to be anonymous (covered face) didn't go as far, it also accepted well known rumors as proof!!! and in Cassese court it is called justice. Imagine if DSK was accused and that the defense couldn't investigate the past of the plaintiff, case would be sealed and DSK would go to prison for 70 years (not that I wouldn't be happy with that)... but justice is not here to serve me and make me happy neither in DSK case nor in STL case(s). Cassese and Special tribunal record show that they can't be trusted and by definition justice and tribunals can't be "Special" except in a "Special" world shaped by political agenda & specific goals, can't be credible by def.
Dear mabboud,
I respect your skepticism about the STL and the possible conflicts of interests it might have. However you did not tell us what courts can do the job of reaching the truth and under which laws?
A court has to be financed. Lebanon should be putting 50% and I wish it would put 100%, this way we would have addressed your concerns, however the present government will not even pay the 50% share.
Any person in the world including you and me have our personal opinions about various issues. Can you find me a judge in Lebanon or in the world who you would find absolutely impartial to head this court or any other court of your choice that would honestly lead us to the Truth, no matter how painful it is.
mabboud, I think your problem is that many Lebanese including Hizbullah are afraid of the truth. This is why they are ferociously fighting the STL. I cannot find any other reason, especially that the court proceedings have not started and we have not yet seen the evidence that judge Francine who is independent from Bellemare has judged to be valid.
It is a fact that if the prosecutor Bellemare made mistakes in his investigation, it will weaken his case against the criminals. We will never know that until the court proceedings start and the defendants come to the court with their lawyers and crush his arguments.
Therefore whatever Nasrallah is saying in his speeches, he should present his case in court and deliver all teh evidence in his possession to the STL to make his case.
I am sure that if they are innocent, they surely know who did it. Let them say who it is? Throwing it at Israel is simply an attempt to tell us to forget about the issue as nothing can be done about it.
True Lebanes, you are again talking as if we were in a perfect world, I'll make things clearer, ANY Special Tribunal is doomed from its inception and this is what history has proven each and every time excep for Sierra Leone where Sierra Leone keeps the control of the tribunal. Chapter 7 is also something that shouldn't exist since it will always be there to make legitimate what Bog Powers want. UN established Israel and still no Palestine, US attacked Iraq with no UN resolution, this should help you understand that there is nothing of substance in having a Chapter 7. I will repeat again that International Courts have to be set by UN assembly and ratified by at least more than half of the countries, else it is by definition biases (US, KSA, Israel, UAE, Syria, Russia, China, etc.) did not ratify the International Criminal Court basis defined in Rome. But we could work on having a better ICC encompassing political killings targeting even USrael. Good and fair judges exist everywhere...
you had mafia judges who risked their life (Italy/Mafia)... what makes it impossible to find fair judges is bad and political justice and I will even go further by saying that Judges who accept and make is as their profession to work for "Special" courts (Cassese for Yugo and now Leb) and prosecutors who pose themselves as expert in "international justice" are just buffoons working for super powers behind such Courts. What is even more funny is that in the case of STL we are talking about political assassination and not usual "International Courts" affairs and yet we say that we need specialists for something SO special that there is no specialists used to work in international courts. Ask yourself why so many people stopped working for the STL, why such a churn in the employees. I repeat that the ONLY way to deliver Justice is strengthen the ICC and empower it to deal with political crimes such as Hariri, Salvador Allende, Che Guevara, Ahmed Yassin, etc.
TL, u are asking how could justice be rendered, I will reply by saying that justice should be for all and that it should treat drug dealers and Mr. S. GM of a bank in Lebanon who is responsible for shooting on innocent people but who is living as if nothing happened and no one talks about it. Justice should be the same for Iranian nuclear scientists being killed, for Iraqis, Afghan, Libyan, Palestinian, Pakistani people being killed by drones. No Chapter 7 will ever help in those cases except imposing more and giving the right to kill innocent people. I suggest you do some research and read about the ICC and learn why it should be a better platform than Special tribunals who are an aberration. ICC can't deal with Hariri case because so special but could have been altered to do so. Finally, Hariri is dead and nothing will bring him back and when the STL will finish serving US interest, it will stop existing and killings will resume in Lebanon, be it Syria, Israel, CIA, M8, M14 or M16.
TL, I will now comment on your opinions concerning the fact that the Hezb can defend himself and that the Hezb knows who killed Hariri but he is lying about it by saying Israel. The Hezb knows who killed JFK but will accuse the mossad. I am not in such logic, I read. analyse and take history into consideration and I noticed that, in several cases before, in fact, in All cases, the defense simply couldn't work effectively & that wrong & manipulated judgment made it through (e.g. Katyn massacre, Berlin Discotheque (though not Special but with Mehlis and CIA mossad involved). If you have time, I can email you material and you will see that Special Tribunals are not US TV show like. Even more, the STL rules and procedures are so biased that it will make any trial almost as fair as the one that Romans gave to Jesus (visit the STL website, download the document and read it, it will take time but u will learn a lot & change your mind based on facts). Read what the defense had to say for ICTY
You keep avoiding to answer my questions:
What is the alternative?
What do you propose to find the truth?
Do you want justice to be served?
It is not enough to say that all International Courts are biased and untrustworthy even before hearing the court proceedings.
At least wait for the court to start before making a pre-judgement on it.
Last but not least, you ask who the STL could fool if..... I think, in fact I am convinced that it is already fooling many people like you and that you should seek for the truth about STL and other ICTY before seeking the truth about what the STL has to say. STL fulled everybody even the fools from m8 and the Hezb, it didn't fool people who know more about history and who are true intellectuals (though bad at doing politics and managing affairs) like G. Corm. It didn't fool people who are well aware about laws and who specializes in teaching it (I can also email you several ref. if you want). Hezbollah, a listed terrorist group will go to court and the whole world will get feed through news outlets who cover USrael crimes and you think that it can be a fair trial??? When a killer is punished it is to avoid other crime and you think that the STL who waged a war against Israel is afraid from STL outcome!!! STL is only there to trnish its image guilty or not does not matter for either one
TL... I answered I think most of your questions I'll make it simpler since it seems that you're not reading in details. I judge a Judicial System on its rules, procedures, objectives, sustainability and fairness not on its judgments and outcome (unlike you). To do that, I don't need to even know what will be presented by the prosecution, you have bad, good, fair and unfair trials in any court system and can have guilty people being released and innocent people being killed. The STL fundamentals and paradigm is simply wrong, bad, unfair, its rules and procedures are not good and its transparency, media leakage are not there to help (but even this is just an anecdote). I am not as you say prejudging the court, I have all the elements and papers in hands to see how it articulates, what are its constituents, objective, initial roadmap (though it changed) and it doesn't comply with my standard of Justice in fact it has nothing to do with a system of law...
.. Laws are here to stay and rules and procedures as well which by definition makes the STL and all other special tribunals incompatible with what the law should be. To make it simple, international law should be for everyone not only Lebanon and people being killed in Africa or in other places in the world for political reasons should be treated the same way as Hariri. Now, I'll make it even simpler, if tomorrow Mr. Fneish is killed in a bomb, will the STL search for who killed him? it seems that you like questions so I will continue: Do you think that the STL will stop the killings in Syria? Iran? Political leaders to be killed in Egypt? Palestine? Do you think that the STL will help stop the killings & tortures of political leaders in Africa? do you believe in Justice for ALL? I do, I am a big believer and I think that I am much more than you justice to be served. It seems that you want a "certain" justice to be served, a "special" one. Me I am for justice as a whole if not for no 1
TL... Now, concerning your other question, how could justice be served, it could be served and I repeat, the only way to do so is to give back to Justice its meaning first and thus, have it in an existing system which is the ICC (International Criminal Court) but it has to encompass terrorism and political assassinations with foreign interference or groups linked to foreign interference. Simply said, it will cover acts committed by Syria, Israel, Hezbollah, US, Iran freedom fighters, etc. I am even for having laws that jail any political party who accepts money from foreign powers (like in Cuba or the US). I am against politicians meeting with ambassadors (government members or team members yes but not more except president and its team). But this is not the subject, we don't live in my world unfortunately. By the way, I never said all International court are biased I said "Special" ones and mentioned the ICC several times. I suggest you go again thru my posts and refs. SLOWLY.
Last point for True Lebanese: ask yourself WHY US/France and others pushed for such a biased Justice, why Mehlis, why the 4 Gen? why the leaks? why Hillary Clinton and Bush take so much time to mention this subject that should be of such insignificance taking into consideration all what is currently happening in the world and all the wars, financial crisis, USD collapse, etc. why? and tomorrow, when Syria will be back again in the equation and Iran (like Israeli news paper are anticipating for the next STL indictments). Why the indictment is anticipated since the Der Spiegel article, almost 2 years ago prior to the 2009 elections if not to counter the bad effect of the 4 generals having to be released? I have answered your questions, you should try to answer the ones above, not for me but for yourself to develop your critical thinking and analysis skills. Sorry to be blunt but it's for your own good.
mabboud, one question, why did Jamil Sayyed order the swift cleanup of the scene of the bomb other than to destroy the evidence. Is Jamil part of the US/French/Israeli/UN/Mehlis/Bush/Clinton/Decepticons conspiracy? I thought he was a Syria/Hezbollah robot.
majd, for your info, many scenes for later crimes were also cleaned or altered, we have no professionalism on forensics and a french team came and trained our police in 2006-2007. Cleaning a crime scene does not make you guilty, you can simply be trying to do your best to please your master though it's not your master who did the shit but you just do the job you've been best trained for. Second, I never said that it's not Syria or that Sayed was not linked, I say that the STL and the International investigation didn't prove anything related to Sayed but you seem to have more info... I think you should assist them in using rumors and bad logic as Truth. You probably think that Milosevic ordered all those killings in Kosovo and you will be wrong, rumors were proof in the Yugo tribunal but not Truth. Court can accept proof that aren't the truth and reject some truth and people can think that they know the truth while they are merely (to say the least) questioning what they are fed. with
and majd, please don't use the word conspiracy as an argument, you're only discrediting yourself. No one says that there is a conspiracy against Palestinians yet Israel rules and UN can do little, Berlin Discotheque case mixed Mehlis/Mossad/CIA, tribunal and innocent were jailed and then released, false witnesses is not a conspiracy... US blocking any resolution that could hurt Israel, US invaded Irak on non existing WMD, Afghanistan to clean their Qa3ida Taliban mess and now they are talking again with Taliban... Those are not conspiracies but lies and politics, power being used as an abuse rather than as a responsibility and all far away from ethics, truth and justice and yes, the STL is an ersatz of justice. No conspiracy, a tool just another tool and only idiots could trust US to work for Justice and not their own interest. Take the time to read and think, use your critical thinking and not "cliche", STL can't bring justice but ICC could judge Syria for war crime and more why not?
Don't think that you can drown us with your irrelevant rhetoric linking all the crimes in the world to Lebanon and the injustices of the US actions and their protégé Israel. This has nothing to do with this subject.
Your reference to the ICC is also irrelevant, since Lebanon did not yet sign the international treaty, and someone should submit a case to the ICC, it does not move to investigate matters on its own. Who told you that the rules of procedure and the laws governing the ICC are much different than the STL. If you do not like the STL procedures and you do not trust the outcome in advance even without seeing it, tough luck for you. There are more than 2 million Lebanese that do trust the STL, and they are the people that matter.
The criminals who killed Hariri, Tueni, Gemayel, Kassir, Eido, etc. should be caught and they will be caught inshalla. Justice will be served whether you like it or not.
In response to your other questions.
We don't know whether the 4 generals were wrongly accused or not. The only way to find out is to let the STL address the issue and they obviously cannot look at it before the start of the court proceedings and their priority for the moment is the major crime, not its byproducts yet.
Mehlis was never part of the STL. He resigned before the STL was formed and the first prosecutor rightfully threw all his investigation in the bin. This is a known fact that you should have known.
Wissan Eid had given Mehlis the telecom evidence and it was disregarded for almost a year, until Bramertz discovered it by mistake and started investigating the evidence with Wissam. Two weeks later Wissam was assassinated by Israel... according to your logic. He unfortunately uncovered the people who were watching Hariri and shadowing his movements for months. They had phones registered with addresses in Dahie and other Hizbullah related towns. What a coincidence?
To illuminate you further mabboud
According to your logic, Abou Adass is probably an Israeli invention. He was probably killed by Israel in a Syrian prison. Jamil Sayed did not promote the Abou Adass tape at all. I hope we will soon know his role in this.
Trying to justify the behavior of Sayyed and cohort as stupid behavior is a naive way of covering them. Only a decent investigation can uncover their incriminating behavior.
We all know the False witnesses fallacy. Even the people who brought down the Hariri government because of the so called "false witnesses" file, forgot about it for the past 5 months and did not even bother to mention it in the ministerial statement.
Since you are such a reference in court proceedings, I will bring to your attention that only the court can judge false witnesses. They have first to witness in court for us to determine whether they have given false testimony. You must know that almost all investigative testimonies are retracted later in court
I was looking for this excellent letter of Hassan Hamade addressed to Cassese, it's in french, it's a must read though I don't agree on the nice things he says on Cassese positioning in the ICTY since no one with integrity could accept such job. Here is the reference link: http://jacques.tourtaux.over-blog.com.over-blog.com/article-tribunal-hariri-lettre-ouverte-a-antonio-cassese-president-du-tribunal-special-sur-le-liban-hassan-hamade-68676057.html
True Lebanese, you are gaining in a perfect world, repeating what you have read here and there with lot's of contradictions... I think that I was clear enough on my view on the STL, the STL was a consequence of the investigative committee and was setup by the same people in the same spirit and please don't insult my intelligence (and yours). Obviously you don't want to read, learn and listen and I can't do much more in such debate where your arguments are facts and truth just because you read it and you know it. This fact alone should give you a hint about how serious is this tribunal. Jamil Sayed, Hezbollah, politics seems to be your concern not mine, mine is justice and I am not vindictive. In my logic, Abou Adaas is not even mentioned, US also had strange 11 Sep investigation, they found passports in the ruins of the twin towers, they cleaned the scene, etc. I am not in such logic, it proves nothing and I am not saying that Israel did it I even said that it might be Syria.
TL, I will just give you few options, it could be false, just trying to widden your horizon, for me such issues are details (as I told you): CIA did kill Hariri and they used phones that they gave to people in Dahye and called the hospital to ask for Mr. Pink and no Mr. Pink with there (2) Files have been manipulated and poor Wissam as well, someone made it simple enough for him to think he discovered something (3) Abu Addas tape could be the alibi for anyone (4) 4 rogue CIA agents decided to kill hariri (this one is just for fun).. my point is that options are open and of course it could be Hezbollah with IRAN or Syria or even NK (for fun also)
TL, u want to educate me & tell me about Bramertz.. you should then know that certain countries were not cooperating with Brammertz and then Russia even asked for their name at UN ssembly and that we never knew who they was except that it's neither Iran nor Syria. You should also question the wikileaks info, the fact that Bramertz stopped working long before he resigned almost 1.5y & no report. Finally, how do I know about the "Special" Rules & procedures differences between ICC and STL, it's simple, I read them and asked you to do so but you prefer to base your assumption on preformatted truth not questioning anything and taking the opinion of 2,000,000 Lebanese as a proof that it's good. You're funny, I try to talk on the principle of justice and it's way of working and you go for let's vote without knowing anything, no details junk newspapers & TV ... but don't worry this is what Special tribunals are for, confirm what people were prepared 4 by media. This is no justice to me.
TL, I am sorry, I did my best to help you not to change your mind but understand that Truth is not what we are being fed with and that history has proven that Special tribunals are not fair and don't bring justice or even make the world a better place to be or the country targeted by such tribunal. The problem is that you felt corned and started arguing on the details of the case, sometimes using falacious arguments even. This is I hope your denial phase :) just joking. I understand your way of seeing things but my integrity of true justice makes it hard for me to adhere and follow such logic. Sorry. I hope that some of what I tried to explain will make it through with time. One last thing for the road, don't infer what people say or don't want to say, read carefully and understand the main message: STL is structurally fake justice all the rest are details simple details, trees to hide the forest. All is for balance of power this is what is "Special". Take care.
mabboud again, please answer one simple question, why did Jamil Sayyed order the swift cleanup of the scene of the bomb other than to destroy the evidence. Interior minister Sleiman Frangieh thought Jamil Sayyed's actions so egregious he ordered him to immediately stop. Noticen I did you use the term conspiracy anywhere this time, except to say that I did you use the term conspiracy anywhere and expect to say except to say that I did you use the term conspiracy anywhere and... you get the point
Mabboud, you have made clear that you do not trust the outcome of the STL. I have read all of your comments, and you have no legitimate argument. Obviously you are a paid propagandist for Hezbollah.
The STL has a mountain of evidence implicating members of Hezbollah in the assassinations of Hariri and others. The bulk of evidence has not yet been revealed, but it will be revealed in court. If the suspects are innocent, then they have nothing to fear, because the public will not accept a guilty verdict without proof. The problem for Hezbollah is that there is so much evidence against their members, that by appearing in court would remove all doubt about their guilt. The prosecutors would like to question the suspects with regards to the evidence that they have, and if the suspects appeared in court, they would not be able to explain the incriminating evidence against them.
Therefore Hezbollah's only choice is to try to discredit the STL before the trial begins. Hence your propaganda
TL, I had issues with my pc and connection earlier today and missed your comments concerning ICC. I told you that it could have been amended for us, political crime is not covered by international court for your info, moreover, Security Council can refer cases to the ICC for concerning countries who haven't signed the treaty for countries who sign the treaty, complains can come without having to go through the Security Council. Also, why Lebanon doesn't sign, we can sign either we believe in justice or not, we did much more anti-constitutional efforts to setup the STL. Further, Security Council can't setup courts the way it pleases them, this is not in their list of responsibilities (even though they do it). You say that STL is not linked to ICTY, it is: all started about Cassese and thus the link + both are Special rules and procedures limiting Defense capabilities.
One of the many big problems for you and Hezbollah is to explain Ahmad Abu Adas. As you recall, he claimed responsibility for the bombing, and EVERYONE, including Hezbollah, now admits Abu Adass had nothing to do with the bombing.
So it would be fair to deduce, that whoever presented Abu Adas as the perpetrator was possibly involved in the murder. For example, if Israel killed Hariri, then why would anyone but Israel promote Abu Adas as the bomber? So one of the keys to finding the killer is to find who had promoted Abu Adas. It is not proof of who killed Hariri, but it is a good bit of evidence. Do you agree with this?
few examples of such rules: in the ICTY case common rumors could serve as proof (u will love it with your 2M vote of confidence), both had rules and procedures settled after the facts which shouldn't be, court should be present prior to facts to be able to provide Justice (else it will be tailored made and can't be considered as fair), also, financing of both is questionable, handling of witnesses is against all principles of justice, no proper counter interrogation possible, etc.. Please read the rules & procedures and then we can talk. Your Truth and what u read is not the truth and your judgment are as consistent as the STL if not to say dogmatic. Sophism seems to be what you like, me it's the logos, search, analysis and facts. Try to look at the global picture not details which neither you nor I know how true they are except that you state them as such, Focus on the STL, how it was created & why (Hariri is a detail, main reason is different) like Yugo, Rwanda look @ hidden agenda
The other problem for you and Hezbollah is the evidence uncovered by Wissam Eid. Yes I know you will say that Israeli spies were found at the phone companies. But the most they could have done is copied information and provided it to Israel. You will see when the trial begins that any infiltrators at the phone company would not be able to manipulate the data as you have suggested. The telephone companies systems have been examined by the investigating committee, and corroborated the conclusion of Wissam Eid.
To suggest that Israel somehow gave the phones to unsuspecting Hezbollah members is not credible. The data shows where the phone calls were made from, who they called, and where the persons lived (all in Dahiye). The records show that the people who carried the first circle phones followed Hariri wherever he went. The second and third circle of phones were known Hezbollah members.
Why would Israel kill Wissam Eid if he found evidence against Hezbollah?
people-power, u are accusing & manipulating what I write. I am no agent, u are as paranoid as Hassan Nassralah is with Israel, I don't trust "Special" justice and thus the STL (if u read this is in essence what I say). I didn't argue on details except for answering TruLeb and u r using same arguments though TrueLeb is not attacking and insulting. Propaganda is not coming from me, I am not protecting Hezbollah but attacking STL credibility. But it seems from reading u & others on the web that u know everything about the truth as published & don't have your own argumentation. You are talking as if the STL was my problem when I am telling u that it's the problem of all Lebanese u r ridiculous to try to say that I have no argument on the credibility of STL when I provided much details & when u haven't even read 5% of it and don't know anything about how Justice should work. I never said that Israel killed anybody & push for ICC rather than STL why does it bother you?? learn how to read!!!
leik mana joz! shou elkoun jlede. Its not about STL you fools, you regular citizens that claim to be international political experts. Its about the future of Lebanon.
No court, no justice, no solving of crimes, power for Iran, war in Lebanon! STL is now what is holding the war from the streets.
Hezbollah are not playing fair or by the logical laws of humans, they are living in a paranoid mind that they are haunted by all!
Sick Lebanese conspiracy mind while reality is simple, we live in a perfect world!
Thanks Sasi for the insight, u bring a lot to the debate with your wisdom. Keep living in your "perfect" world :)