"الوفاء للمقاومة" تنبه من "مخاطر" الإجراءات ضد اللبنانيين في دول الخليج

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نبه حزب الله الخميس من "مخاطر" الإجراءات ضد اللبنانيين في الخليج مطالبا الدولة بحل هذه القضية "الوطنية"، مجددا دعوة الجيش والأجهزة الأمنية لحماية الناس في الضاحية.

وقالت كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" في بيان بعد اجتماع لها الخميس أنها "تنبه الى مخاطر التوصيات والاجراءات التي أعلنت في بعض دول المنطقة ضد بعض اللبنانيين المقيميين فيها، والى تداعياتها السلبية التي تطال لبنان واللبنانيين جميعا دون استثناء".

وكان قد أقر وكلاء وزارات الداخلية في دول مجلس التعاون خلال اجتماعهم الاحد الفائت في الرياض توصيات فريق مخصص بمتابعة معاملات حزب الله المالية والتجارية ومكافحة الارهاب، على ان ترفع الى وزراء الداخلية.

عليه حملت الكتلة اليوم الخميس "الدولة اللبنانية بكل سلطاتها وأجهزتها مسؤولية معالجة هذه القضية باعتبارها قضية وطنية ينبغي مقاربتها على هذا الأساس، وليست مجرد قضية فئة أو مذهب أو طائفة".

إلى ذلك رأت الكتلة "أن تراجع احتمالات العدوان الاميركي على سوريا، هو نجاح يسجل لمنظومة القوى الدولية والاقليمية والمحلية المناهضة لمشروع الهيمنة".

وأعربت عن رأيها بأن "الأمم المتحدة مقصرة في تحمل مسؤولية إغاثة ودعم النازحين السوريين" داعية إياها "إلى القيام بواجبها في توفير المساعدات المالية للبنان من أجل هذه الغاية".

وإذ جددت "تأييدها التام لمبادرة دولة الرئيس نبيه بري الحوارية واستعدادها للتعاون الايجابي من اجل انجاحها باعتبارها تمثل اقتراحا واقعيا يستجيب في اللحظة الراهنة للحد الأدنى المطلوب لتحصين البلاد ضد تداعيات أزمة المنطقة".

كذلك كررت موقفها أن "كل محاولة لتشكيل حكومة لا تشارك فيها المكونات السياسية بنسبة أحجامها المتمثلة في المجلس النيابي ولا تتبنى الثوابت الوطنية التي أقرتها كل حكومات ما بعد الطائف، هي محاولة مرفوضة لأنها تطيح النظام العام وتضع البلاد أمام المزيد من التعقيدات والتردي".

هذا وذكرت الكتلة أن من حق المقاومة "المشروع مواصلة جهوزيتها الكاملة مع ما تقتضيه من مستلزمات في المجالات كافة".

وختمت الكتلة المنبثقة عن حزب الله بيانها داعية "الاجهزة الأمنية والعسكرية اللبنانية لتولي مهام حفظ الأمن والاستقرار وحماية الناس في الضاحية الجنوبية الجريحة والمستهدفة من العدو الاسرائيلي وقوى الارهاب التكفيري، وتأمل منها المسارعة الى تنفيذ خطة عملانية متكاملة وجدية".

يذكر ان انفجارين ضربا منطقة بئر العبد في التاسع من تموز الفائت وآخر ضرب الرويس في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت يوم 15 آب الفائت ما أدى إلى سقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى، في حيت تعالت أصوات قوى 14 آذار والمواطنين الرافضين لإجراءات الحزب الصارمة في حفظ الأمن.

إلا أن حزب الله رد على لسان مسؤوليه أنه طلب من الدولة حماية الضاحية فكان الجواب "أنها عاجزة".

التعليقات 28
Thumb lebanon_first 18:13 ,2013 أيلول 19

waow... i thought the resistance didnt care about anything but the fight of israel and its satellites, the so called takfiris...

Missing peace 18:27 ,2013 أيلول 19

he is concerned only to protect chia faithful to hezbollah, otherwise the others he does not care! LOL
and funny how hezbis are calling for the state , usually they do not care about the gvt of lebanon... just a populist move to justify the presence of their shabbihas in dahiye...

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:29 ,2013 أيلول 19

Bless you.... you took the words just out of my mouth!!!!!! The Islamic Iranian Resistance once again demonstrates unequivocally its abidance by the law and calls for the the security forces to protect only Dahiyeh residents. We, the Lebanese also caution those GCC takfiris from harming the resistance and its environment and we call upon the government to assume its full responsibilities. Some of you, but not all of you, will say but the resistance did not consult the government before it waged its war against terror in Syria. To those, I say the resistance does not need to inform anybody when it comes to matters of national security. We, the Lebanese reject forming any cabinet in which the resistance and its allies are not represented according to their weight as per the constitution. In moments such as these, We extend our heart felt wishes to the "traumatized" people in our beloved southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, the capital of resistance!

Thumb justice 18:38 ,2013 أيلول 19

brace yourselves for more kidnappings of GCC nationals this time. We will soon hear of a new military wing representing the "families of those deported from the GCC", demanding compensation and kidnapping GCC nationals.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:12 ,2013 أيلول 19

They call for the state when it suits them. They targeted you because Hasoon spoke against them and against the official Lebanese govt stance. Now you cry and whine? They have a right to target you when you interfere. Besides you can always employ them yourselves in your ever expanding communications network. I hear business is booming. Lol

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:17 ,2013 أيلول 19

because i lived in Dubai.. and i know for a fact, unlike you who just repeats what is told to you, how open, fair and good people they are..
Hasoon talked against them when he had no right to.. it is their country and they are free to expel anyone who is "unfriendly" to them.. go work on some cables now..
p.s. anyone not a follower of your shia islamic revolution is a traitor.. anyone who does not fall in line with HA is a traitor.. ghas bin 3an ra2ibtak i am 1000 times more patriotic than you or even nassy will ever be.. so spare me your hate..

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 21:46 ,2013 أيلول 19

Oh. And I forgot Aoun as well. From what I hear they are kicking out orange Christians as well. He better negotiate better payment terms soon.

Missing helicopter 19:03 ,2013 أيلول 19

LOYALTY to LEBANON warns against the illegal arm of HA.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:51 ,2013 أيلول 19

W2ayya! Loyalty to Lebanon...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 19:09 ,2013 أيلول 19

Saudi business money has been ruling Lebanon for a while now. Early 90s. Did you see them demolish churches? Super night clubs? The casino? Did they stop alcohol? Lebanon is Saudis Las Vegas. They love to come here for the vices. Not the historical heritage. So your comment makes no sense.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:14 ,2013 أيلول 19

and they will do that because you said so? good thing you are called southern cause that is the direction all your talk is coming from.
go stop wasting oxygen.

Missing samiam 21:03 ,2013 أيلول 19

newton's third law

hey, if are going to take actions, they will have consequences. Either MAN UP or shut up. The blame is mostly yours to take.

Missing karim_m3- 21:26 ,2013 أيلول 19

Down with GCC terrorism!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 21:43 ,2013 أيلول 19

Are you Shia? Are you at least a paying or practicing supporter if HA? Then sorry, you are not "Lebanese" (read Farsi) enough to warrant protection. You get the consolation prize. Lebanese govt protection.

Missing samiam 22:55 ,2013 أيلول 19

listen 'been kicked off so many times you can't recall', just because someone doesn't like the farsi alliance, does not make them M14. It just makes them anti-m8. Now I understand that m8 are very simple people who have problems understanding complex issues and are therefore taught that anyone who disagrees with them are automatically M14/zionist/salafist/takfaris/etc, but truth is, they just want to live in a state where the arms are controlled by the state and not by some terrorist organization knows as hizb iran who parades itself as a 'resistance'.

Missing VINCENT 02:26 ,2013 أيلول 20

I think these doorknobs are paid, or otherwise have been given an incentive, to be on this site and dispense nonsense.

Missing samiam 23:33 ,2013 أيلول 19

speak up, but you have to keep in mind that just because you don't support the farsi fascists, it doesn't mean you support the 'US/Zionist project' as you claim. IMO, M8 is hell and M14 are purgatory--neither of them are heaven. Now, you want to use Bush euphemisms, and say that if you aren't with us, then you are against us, then fine. You have taken the American neocon position, and nothing else. It doesn't make it true now, like it did then.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 23:44 ,2013 أيلول 19

And your thick greasy skull is incapable of grasping the opposing IRANIAN PROJECT for the region. Your hypocrisy has reached levels that would put Satan himself to shame. Your Dahia-based ayatollahs are now planning to make the Persian language the second official and mandatory language in schools. Stop picturing IRAN as the God-sent hero, descending from Heaven to fight for the Palestinian cause. Your lies, arrogance and propaganda have reached nauseating levels.

Missing VINCENT 02:29 ,2013 أيلول 20

No country has helped Zionism more than Syria and Iran. In fact, Iran does business with and is engaged in projects with Israeli companies.

Missing VINCENT 02:49 ,2013 أيلول 20

Was it ever Israel's intention to permanently occupy Lebanon? Funny, though they left after their Palestinian problem was solved. Why did Israel enter Southern Lebanon to begin with? Israel invaded Southern Lebanon to deal with the PLO problem lurking in Lebanon by its boarders, remove Syrian influence over Lebanon, and install a pro-Israeli Christian government led by Bachir Gemayel to give Israel the promised "forty years of peace". Yes, the long occupation rightfully gave rise to and created the H.A., but why kiss Iran's behind 24-7-365 instead of strengthening coalitions with all Lebanese parties and getting rid of the Palestinian problem/cancer that led to the Israeli invasion to begin with?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:40 ,2013 أيلول 20

You want us to wake up? All you have is conspiracy theories. While smaha is in your face. This tripoli bombing is in your face. And not a word out of you against Syria and Assad and you still support him. You are a pawn. A blind follower. Nothing more. But can be something less for sure.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:45 ,2013 أيلول 20

Read the article.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 08:53 ,2013 أيلول 20


this article...

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:47 ,2013 أيلول 20

You forgot that our Lebanese judicary also indicted an HA member for the attempt on harb. Who they refuse to hand over. But apparently our judicary is also Zionist.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:50 ,2013 أيلول 20

I for one do not share gabbys point of view. Please stay. I need a laugh. And I love seeing iq challenged people justify the Syrian govt. and saying they love Lebanon.

Thumb falanges 07:52 ,2013 أيلول 20

you will always be a loser living on welfare in a western country you hate so much. never call yourself Lebanese, you are an embarrassment to all of the real Lebanese out there.

Thumb shab 07:59 ,2013 أيلول 20

Filthy militia

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10:23 ,2013 أيلول 20

Looks like he was banned again. All his posts are gone. Not that we are missing constructive arguments in the first place.