بوتين: لست أكيدا أن سوريا ستنجح في إنجاز "الكيميائي" لكن أرى ما يوحي بالثقة

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اعتبر الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الخميس، أن موقف سوريا لجهة الوفاء بالتزاماتها بتفكيك ترسانتها الكيميائية "يوحي الثقة".

وقال بوتين خلال لقاء مع خبراء روس ودوليين في فالداي بشمال غرب روسيا والذي يجمع قادة سابقين وصحافيين وخبراء اجانب وروسا: "لا يمكنني ان اؤكد مئة في المئة اننا سننجح في انجاز (خطة تفكيك الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية) حتى النهاية، لكن كل ما شاهدناه في الايام الاخيرة يوحي الثقة بان هذا الامر سيحصل"، مشددا على ان دمشق وافقت خصوصا على الانضمام الى منظمة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية.

واضاف "حتى الان، يبدو ان الجميع موافقون تماما على اقتراحنا ومستعدون للعمل مع الخطة التي تم وضعها في الامم المتحدة".

وتابع بوتين: "قالت سوريا انها مستعدة للانضمام (...) وتعتبر نفسها انضمت الى الاتفاقية الدولية لحظر الاسلحة الكيميائية".

كما حرص الرئيس الروسي على التذكير بان الترسانة الكيميائية للنظام السوري ظهرت ك"بديل" للسلاح النووي الاسرائيلي، موضحا أن اسرائيل لم تكن "في حاجة" الى هذا السلاح.

وقال بوتين الذي اضطلعت بلاده بدور رئيسي في خطة تفكيك الترسانة الكيميائية السورية: "اريد فقط التذكير بكيفية ظهور هذا السلاح الكيميائي: كبديل لسلاح اسرائيل النووي".

ولفت في المداخلة امام منتدى فالداي، الى ان "التفوق التكنولوجي لاسرائيل في ذاته ينفي حاجة هذا البلد الى سلاح نووي".

واكد ان "قضية انتشار اسلحة الدمار الشامل تظل حاضرة واكثر من حاضرة"، مشددا على وجوب "العمل على نزع صفة النووي عن مناطق معينة، وخصوصا الشرق الاوسط".

التعليقات 23
Thumb Senescence 17:50 ,2013 أيلول 19

From reading the news, it seems the decommissioning of the stockpile requires around $1billion. Simply no way for the regime to allocate that much funds when the fiercest and most brutal guerrilla proxy war of the century is being waged on its grounds, not to mention all the destruction and destitute and the sensitivity of basic commodities that much be secured for the population.

I've read also that Al-Assad is in compliance if any other country would pay for it, and has asked for the US in that regard, though I suspect it cannot do so since Obama's struggling in congress to raise the debt limit and prevent a government shutdown amidst the huge unsustainable debt the US has amassed. The UK can take it on I'm sure.

Thumb Senescence 23:22 ,2013 أيلول 19

I'm relieved you ask, banima3roof.., because it is indeed a veritably valid question to pose. I obviously don't know much about dismantling and disposing of chemical weapons and none of us either, I'd say, so here's the words of an expert who was a pioneer in decommissioning the soviet's NCBs and former U.S. Senator, Richard Lugar:

"We have developed equipment that can go out into the field on fairly short order, set up, and it can move its way through from five to 25 tons of chemical substance a day," Lugar told Reuters."

"These people talking about the fact that this (destruction of Syria's chemical weapons) might take months, years, just obviously are not aware" of the new U.S. equipment, Lugar said.

At most a month or two if the regime cooperates, though the cost of dismantling them, as I said previously, it can't afford, and has therefor asked for assistance in that regard. Therefor, it is doable without more war.

Thumb Senescence 23:25 ,2013 أيلول 19

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/13/us-syria-crisis-usa-lugar-idUSBRE98C0YZ20130913

Thumb Senescence 01:15 ,2013 أيلول 20

banima3roof.., yep, and if they're bound to avoid a US strike then they will comply(and vowed to do), so I think they will. The first inspection date is set to November, I think that by then everything would be clear and going smoothly in that regard since it isn't a time-frame that's pressuring.

Thumb scorpyonn 17:55 ,2013 أيلول 19

I cannot believe the US fell for this-- stalls, delays and smoke screens. Syria should have been blitzed few weeks ago and taught a lesson-

Missing peace 18:13 ,2013 أيلول 19

usa don t want... israel doesn t want... assad is too precious for them to keep the golan quiet... assad is their guy! LOL! which makes M8 accomplices with israel and the USA , see the irony? LOL!

Thumb Senescence 18:20 ,2013 أيلول 19

Well, peace, Israel has made public its inclination and rather wish that Al-Assad be replaced with someone less sympathetic to Iran, someone who will not provide a liaison from Iran to Hizbullah, and someone who will not stand against Israel in defense of Iran militarily when it coerces the US to spill American blood to destroy Iran. Yes, it's high time to replace Al-Assad. The Golan's old news, nobody would dare challenge Israel, no matter who his replacement.

The Israeli ambassador to the US has gone as far as to say AlQaida would be a better alternative to Al-Assad, and that their intention from the start was to oust him. Not to mention AIPAC working 200+ lobbyists in congress for military intervention.

See http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/09/17/syria-crisis-israel-idINDEE98G07Z20130917

Missing peace 18:43 ,2013 أيلول 19

there is the official speech and unofficial position... over the decades, not a single fire shot not a move to aggress israel after 1973 proves how vital assad is to maintain peace... and it is a fact that they made the deal with the assad family "you stay if you do nothing against us!"

Thumb Senescence 18:58 ,2013 أيلول 19

peace, I see, but that dynamic is changing I believe. The Golan is no longer an issue as no one would dare think of attacking Israel, absolutely no country on the face of the earth, so that proposition is I think no longer valid. Israel now wants more since the Golan is secured out of fear by the Arab (and indeed the entire) world. They want someone who's less cooperative with Iran in hopes of eliminating Hizbullah and its conduit from Iran, while also guaranteeing Iran has no regional allies to protect it militarily in face of Israeli-led US invasion or other such operations.

Missing putin1 21:37 ,2013 أيلول 19

True. Israel wants to keep Assad. Imagine if Alqaida took over, Israel will be finished. Look of what Al qaida doing every day to these poor jews in Syria and Iraq: its blowing their lives away specially the jews in Maalola. Now imagin if the FSA took over with its Saudi backing; again toruble to Israel; as we speak, the rockets from Al Saud is landing in Israel. The jews are freaking out of this possibility. Or imagine if Muslim Brotherhood took over Syria. Oh my Lord, haven't we witnessed what Morsi of Egypt did to Israel. If he stayed one more week in power, Israel would had been history.

Missing peace 21:48 ,2013 أيلول 19

therfore putin1 M8 should be happy if FSA or alqaeda take the power in syria, they would do what assad never did: fight israel... isn t what M8 wants? fight and destroy israel!! but rather they choose to defend a regime that protects israel, go figure how twisted and schizophrenic their mind is.....

Missing peace 18:13 ,2013 أيلول 19

usa don t want... israel doesn t want... assad is too precious for them to keep the golan quiet... assad is their guy! LOL! which makes M8 accomplices with israel and the USA , see the irony? LOL!

Missing peace 18:45 ,2013 أيلول 19

why does it bother you? did they ever use nuclaar weapons? they could have over iran when iran claimed they wanted to erase israel...

Missing peace 21:46 ,2013 أيلول 19

poor southern...
1/ i am not bothered because you criticize i am just stating facts... if now stating facts makes you a traitor then you must see a doctor...

2/ assad's syria is as much an enemy as israel but you don t see it... i don t know therfore who is the traitor! LOL
but M8 brainwash minds thanked syria for all the good things they did to lebanon! LOL!

Default-user-icon guestappo (ضيف) 20:15 ,2013 أيلول 19

lol obongo, puting for king of the world!

Default-user-icon guestappo (ضيف) 20:19 ,2013 أيلول 19

lol obongo, puting for king of the world!

Default-user-icon guestapo (ضيف) 20:32 ,2013 أيلول 19

lol obongo, putin for president of the world!

Missing samiam 20:35 ,2013 أيلول 19

or someone who knows you are 12.

Thumb bigsami 21:51 ,2013 أيلول 19

Hey Southern shhhhhh keep quiet. Leave this forum for adults and go play outside.

Missing peace 22:47 ,2013 أيلول 19

seeing zionists everywhee is a sign that you are secretly in love with them but too frustrated to make your coming out! you need a shrink it seems.... friendly advice!

Thumb fero 23:40 ,2013 أيلول 19

I agree with putin the US and its allies don't seem to even want to consider the possibility of the rebels doing this attack, but think about it the rebels were losing on the ground and they knew that a chemical attack would provoke the US into attacking the regime and I have seen these so called rebels kidnap Lebanese pilgrims,kill children and destroy property. so attacking there own people is not beyond them , so why not as the US what they would do if it was in fact the rebels who did this. The last time the UN said it was the rebels , the US simply did not want to hear it so that gives an idea of how they operate

Missing VINCENT 03:01 ,2013 أيلول 20

Whether the Assad regime did it or the so called FSA rebels, Lebanon has thousands of Syrian refugees to deal with! Lebanon needs one strong leader to take control of the entire country under military rule until we oust and cut the legs of our current so called politicians/leaders who have ties with foreign interests, OR PARTITION PLEASE. Look at the Israelis, their economy has boomed, already pumping oil, while our sorry excuse of politicians are on all fours servicing their masters, and the arch enemies of Israel, Palestinians, are still in Lebanon running free. How funny is this. Sad but true.

Default-user-icon guestapo (ضيف) 04:34 ,2013 أيلول 20

vincent, provide some sources about israel pumping oil and its recession hit 'booming' economy or else stop posting unsubstantiated stuff.

I'm for parition, every single lebanese politician top to bottom from all corners of the world should be hanged drawn and quartered
