بلمار لن يدخل في نقاش في وسائل الإعلام حول مصداقية التحقيق الدولي
Read this story in Englishأكد الناطق الرسمي بالنيابة في مكتب المدّعي العام الدولي في المحكمة الدوليّة الخاصة بلبنان غريغوري تاونساند أن "القاضي دانيال بلمار يسعى وراء كلّ الخيوط التي تتسم بمصداقيّةٍ عالية وسيعتمد فقط على أدلةٍ موثوقةٍ ومقنعةٍ".
وجدّد تاونساند تشديده في حديثٍ خاصّ الى "صدى البلد" يُنشَر غدًا على أن "المدّعي العام لن يدخل في نقاش علنيٍّ في وسائل الإعلام حول مصداقية تحقيقاته أو عملية التحقيق".
وعن إسقاط بلمار الردّ على مسألة المحققين التابعين لأجهزة مخابراتٍ تناصب المقاومة العداء بشكل علني، وعدم نفيه موضوع الكومبيوترات التي تم تمريرها عبر فلسطين المحتلة قال تاونساند: "إذا قرأ أحدهم البيان الصحافي الذي صدر في 4 تموز الجاري، يجد في الواقع، وفي جزءٍ منه، أن المدعي العام أتى على ذكر هذه القضايا التي تحدّث عنها السيّد نصرالله، رغم محاولات إظهار العكس".
وجدد القول أن "المكان المناسب للطعن في التحقيق أو في الأدلة هو جلسة علنية مفتوحة خلال المحاكمة تلتزم المعايير الدولية بشكل كامل".
what are the International standards? are we talking about the same double standards that let NATO bomb Libya after taking Afghanistan, the same International double standards that allowed the US to illegaly invade and occupy Iraq? or is it the standards that let Israel insult all UN resolutions that they dislike while using UN to decide that bombing civilians will help saving other civilians. Another thing, if all is already answered on the US independance aniv. why are we having this press release today??? You should go back to the US embassy this w-e to ask them to help you with your next press release or get a push by Hillary to say again how the STL is important for Justice and that it will help build a new Lebanon... like the new yougoslavia or Iraq maybe! what about like the soon to be new Libya?
Who needs him to deal with the media when we have Le Figaro and Der Spiegel and CBC and Hariri Mafia bwejee2, all Friends-of-Israel? Bozo is insignificant and his STL is a lame farce.
They can run and hide but all will be brought to justice. Even fatso underground who "isn't bothered"
Stronger people barked loader before you and were still caught. The 4 people indicted for this crime will be caught sooner or later unless they "suddenly" commit suicide the way khazi kenaan did!!!!
Moghnieh was not brought to Justice, the US lost 250+ men in suicide bombing attack and no culprit was captured. Sherlcok has probably a strategy to assist in their capture, he already has all the necessary proof to win the case like many others. I repeat, STL is not about bringing Justice to the world or even to Lebanon, I would have preffered a tribunal to deal with the Makhtoufin and the Leb in Soujoun Syria for instance or to deal with massacres we had during the war, here the responsibles are very easy to know about. Bass it's ok, Mr. Homes, TL, peace, marc, and others on naharnet threads have figured everything out. and know the TRUTH.
This is a waste of time talking about STL and Bellemare . All this joke is gone with Saad and the Wind .
Lebanon has a new majority and a new government that refuses to recognise that stupidity and big joke called STL , and are going to ask the UN to repay the Lebanese government , all the " illegal " and false expenses paid for that " illegal " tribunal called STL .
Mabboud and le Pheniciean, mana joz ento el tnen! ya3ne i bet you either work for hizbollah and or more possibly sitting in a cafe in dahye on your slow internet connection bashing every website and news story.
funny thing, nobody cares of what you say or change his opinion. sadly we are divided and since you are now the gov as you say ( even if the gov was taken by force) then you should tell me why i should like u or start to believe u.
Ya3ne this week i have been so on naharnet, and you both are amazing at calling us spies and whatever titles you have that i might start to believe it soon!
Now what do u want?
1- deport us all the 14 march
2- cancel the STL?
3- or simply bow and accept ur rules of the game?
Please share with us, how would you like to deal with us and convince us since for a week now your hatred and bullshit talk have not convinced me to change my mind that this hole joke of a government is simply a bunch of corrupted vengeance hungry freaks!
P.s what you forget boys is that alliances change in Lebanon so fast! people tend to change side weekly, check Jumblatt! he changes next week again!
So do not be so sure that you can do anything in Lebanon without accepting co-existence and accepting the international law, you are simply tiny dots in front of the big powers! you and your hezeb!
Sasi... I never accused you or anyone of being a spy to Israel, and agent or anything else... u r telling me that I should be Hezb, that u read everything I wrote (and I urge u to copy paste anything I wrote that makes me Hezbollah or telling u that u r an agent)... u r saying that I should be in Dahye when just for your info since this is how u classify people, I am agnostic, lived in France a big part of my life and back to Lebanon few years ago... if u read what I wrote the last few days then u should know why I am convinced that the STL isn't good for us and why I think that we should have it through a modified ICC. FYI, I was in the streets of Beirut on the 14th of March and consider myself a free man with a free mind and string critical thinking.... you? Also if u read what I write, I said that all is a game of power and that STL has nothing to do with Justice (it's the only clever thing u wrote by the way when u talked about the big powers)
Sasi... by the way, stop talking about slow internet connections, it is still faster than most of posters brains can compute and it makes u look a little bit stupid like my father is stronger than your father or my cousin is richer.... this doesn't make u richer, stronger or faster. The biggest issue in Lebanon is certainly not the speed of the internet connection which is the last of my concerns. The problem now is more linked to security and stability and bulding a nation and to do that we need to change the whole political class and this can only be done gradualy through time with more and more people gaining in Critical Thinking and losing in classifying people if they don't think the same thing or try to give constructive critics or analysis... I AM NOT IN DAHYE and probably all people in DAHYE don't have the same Coke brand or support the same football teams.
sasi, i do not share the opinions of mabboud concerning some issues, but i think he is worth respect because he clearly explains his point of view and give his arguments . at least he gives his opinion which is respectable.
peace, it's good to see some posters who don't go straigh insulting people... by the way, I just replied on another thread to a post you did yesterday night link it: http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/9906-untso-international-investigation-computers-are-still-in-our-possession I can post it here for easy ref if you want, I am always for constructive argumentation and I hate to be dragged into cheap discussions and I respect posters as well as long as they don't go on amalgamating and accusing without even taking the time ti think (maybe it's because their internet connection is too fast, no time to think :) )
mabboud why did u come back from France?
When u lived there, did u respect the law, did u respect justice, did u pay taxes? If so do you do all these in Lebanon, do you respect the justice, an international court, do u respect other people with different opinions?
I agree that the internet is not the major issue, it is as i repeat how you want that country to be , pro west or pro east? Did we really never benefit from good relations with the west, until last month US aid was given to our army and France has been always good to the Lebanese, remember in cote Ivoire? and many other times. ask GMA that lived on french tax payers money for years!
I see that Lebanon at this point is shifting toward east and the Iranian side. and that i refuse, big powers play and we tiny nations should watch but not take side.
Security and stability never existed my dear since you have an armed militia and many armed hidden militias, the problem as i said remain the Lebanese mentality!
mabboud i share a lot of your points, but tell me still one thing, if international justice is not enough to get rid of your political elite class, what is ?
Should we do a Lebanese spring? last time somebody demonstrated for a secular state a month ago, everybody went against the movement and there was a hell of an issue but the religious lords!
Lebanon wont change, the elite wont go like this as long as Lebanese are divided.
Read again this http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/kuvao.jpg/
and understand it has been the same case forever, nothing will change as long as allah is involved!
sasi, u r making lot's of points, u r correct on most of them but need to nuance things and put them into context. I have integrity and respect all religions though I am secular, I changed some of my way of seing things and living after I came to Leb and learned to nunance things. I am against ALL SPECIAL tribunals (ICTY, Rwanda) not Justice simply because SPECIAL is not compatible with justice. US never meant well for any country axcept when it serves its agenda and its agenda in the region is fetna and controlling nations by having at their head partners who aren't working for their country since they will be working for their own interest. Iran and Hezbollah are there and I think (even if I am not a big fan of him) that Mikati is doing a better job than M14 to handle them and avoid strife. I created a company & have few employees and I guess it's a better thing to do to help your contry than surfing the web with a super fast conect (just teasing u).
Sasi, france is a subject on its own and I think that they are making a mistake in lebanon today like the one in Libya. Concerning cote d'ivoire, I think that u should use your super conection to seek info on the web (I can email u tons of docs on it) and u will learn that Gbagbo was a better person for his country than Ouatar who is the man that when minister of Gbagbo did a lousy job, selling his country assets on the cheap to the west and Gbagbo was working in improving his country and poverty and keeping ressources of Ivory Coast to the people. Gbagbo ain't a saint neither Khadafi but they are not the worst thing for their country and their nation; of course you could have much better people in place but it won't be brought by France, US or any superpower.
Mabboud, please STOP using the word nuance!!! Yes of course we all believe that you are not Hezbollah (wink wink).
Consider the facts..... Not only was Hariri killed, also add to the list, Pierre Gemayel, Samir Kassir, Gebran Tueni, George Hawi, Wissam Eid, Walid Eido, and numerous others (some innocent bystanders). Not even mentioning the attemped murders of May Chidiac, Murr and others. By comparison, in the US, that would be like killing George Bush, John McCain, Katie Couric, Dan Rathers, John Kerry, and Nancy Pelosi. Except in Lebanon, ALL the victims were anti Syrian politicians or journalists.
There is no court in Lebanon capable of bringing justice for these crimes. Look at what extent Hezbollah went through to try to prevent the STL!
Now the STL has gathered evidence against Hezbollah members, and hence Hezbollah is trying to discredit the STL. And you think it's coincidence that you are against the STL? Hah, what a joke! What you call nuance, I call propaganda.
people-power, I answered u on the propaganda thing severa time and I already said what I think of the STL and all SPECIAL tribunals and argied about it and invited people to read more about it... I also said that using a modified ICC would have been much preferable since it's not special. It seems that u r either not reading or too limited to analyse and understand or simply as paranoid as people in the Hezbollah. They claim also that many people were killed from their side, they claim that Israel killed Moghnieh when there is a possibility that Syria did or someone in Syria did. You talkd about STL bringing proof and I say that Special tribunal have shown that they don't care about the truth but do have solid agendas (I suggest u read more about Rwanda and yugo Special tribunals and what one of its prosecutors had to say Del Ponte wrote even a book (The Hunt). Again, I don't question STL outcome but its inception which the Hezb was also too stupid to question objectively.
for people-power, if u want to be sarcastic & think u r clever enough to jump to conclusions at the speed of light, try to take more time in thinking more and be less sarcastic. I never supported any war from any country attacking another sovereign coutry, I do not support the Assad regime or the Iranian regime and know enough about nuance to see that Ahmadinejad is better for his country than the green jerks who are more religious and fanatic in reality. Ahmadinejad is from the people and not corrupted wich is absolutely ot true when we look at the mollas, Khamenei, Rafasanjani and most of the Fakih they got. If u take the time to read, u will learn even how to nuance in Iran. Mousavi did setup the Hezb when he was Khomeini prime minister and Moghnieh was his man and don't think that there is anything of the spring colors in him and that he would have changed the regime. I am mentioning Iran just as an exmple since u have an alergy that stops ur brain from working when I mention STL
p-p. just for the fun of it since u provided lists. In your US list u mix republicains and democrats, who would be in Lebanon represnting Bush (who is stupid enough in your list of Lebanese I think it is a bad eexemple) didn't u have enough time to find a better list? u claim that all people killed in Lebanon were from m14, I think that u r wrong, in that same period, other people not from m14 were killed (u should review ur copy)... Moreover, Hezb didn't do enough in my opinion to prevent STL (they weren't clever enough to see it coming) and what do u expect from an organization on the terrorist list to do when the US is pushing for sa Special tribunal... seriously, don't u think that proof or not they will at least use it to get info, destabilize it, ternish its name????
You see, u have difficulties with Nuances and precision... again, I am just teasing u since trying to reason u seriously doesn't work.
mabboud i think u smell! u smell the rotten smell of a corrupted Lebanese! and you speak in the same way that GMA fans do! special is not good, conspiracy conspiracy!
You know i am a very simple person which sees the world made by the US and the west as perfect and fair even with all the shits they have. after the toppling of the government honestly i think that they deserve whatever the STL will say if it was manipulated.
so i tell u one thing, one stop commenting on each story since you start to act like le phenicien.
P.s even if STL was a fake justice i will be happy as long as they cut the had of the sneak Hezbollah and the murderers in the Syrian regime.
You people speak of crap while only the side of M14 r the true M14 lost people, Pierre, Gebran, anybody that tried to work for a modern civilized Lebanon died!
Lawein wosslit el wa2eha, ya3ne ma anyak min M14 gheir M18, okhtkoun kelkoun mana balad bi arrif. badoun yraj3ouna 3ala el kouroun el wosta el libnenye bi ta3ajrofoun!
Lebanese like Nassrallah are so arrogant that they are fighting an international court, not that the first time they fight anything international.
i don't get it, its a court in a fair country, jump on plane and go prove ur evidence. They keep making it look bad because they are GUILTY and involved. Nassrallah speech was like a damn James bond movie, conspiracies and videos and all kind of crap, fuck how strong they became as intelligence. and the Lebanese government sits and watch, ah actually they run the gov now. Psychological warfare works for the ignorant following him not after what i have seen and tasted as freedom in the west.
The wimp Lebanese people know it and they know that now its too late to do anything.
As i repeat, M8 or M14 keloun anyak min ba3doun we matwekhzoune 3ala hal kalem. bass i trust STL or at least wait till the evidence are shown or given, cant judge them yet based that they hired some experts that worked before for the CIA! HA ridiculous ignorance.
Thanks Sasi for being honest at least. I am not for using Justice and external powers and manipulations to cut the hand of anybody (u speak like HN when u say that). I am for acting rather than complaining and waiting for others to move, m14 people failed to comfront Hezbollah, Hariri went to have dinner with Bashar (not me again). I have never been a Aounist not even when in my 20s 89-91 neither with the FL. You are again insulting me and telling me that I am a corrupt Lebanese when your last message just proves that u r since u r willing to accept corrupted Justice to reach your end. For god sake, don't patronize me from the US, insulting me and other Lebanese who r in their country trying to change things and the bad way of thinking, the one that keeps u posting such posts from the US. I was not happy with the Syrian in Lebanon, I hate USrael policies and I am not selfish or corrupted to think that what pleases me should be done no matter what. Come to leb & try to make a change!!!
Concerning the world made by the US and the west, it certainly is good for the people living there (I was) but it isn't fait at all for most of the planet and as simple as u r, I think that u know that. Only selfish and corrupted people would be happy with that... I might be a stupid humanist and belive that we can have a world a better place for more than a few countries or at least we should think its possible to improve it. US is no better than GMA since they only work for their self interest and will probably change their mind about Syria if it signs peace with Israel and stops ariming Hezbollah... again, think a little bit before insulting people and don't think that better internet connection and US power makes u or them supperior or gives u the ability to impose what u like. As As3ad Abikhalil says: go play in the garden.
Thank you saying the truth! am like you but i cant stand Lebanon like this.
You suffer inside, i suffer outside. I would love to go back, but what for when i see all what i see here and compare it daily to the freedoms, the non corrupted, the civilized, the gay rights, human rights, work labor rights and many other things like human rights, fairness, society and all that.
You only think to say why cant i forget Lebanon, after all these years why cant i stop going to Naharnet? it simply hurts!
I have nothing against any religion, and in my anger i would say such crap you are right but the truth is i am a 29 years old guy living in a foreign culture and world just because Lebanon cannot be the Lebanon i want!
And to be honest, i cannot tolerate this anti west culture. The west might be greedy but still the lebanese diaspora abroad can make lebanon a haven if these fuckin fucktards like berri, jumblatt, nassrallah, aoun leave.
I was never LF or FPM or anything, but i want Lebanon to be GREAT. to be better then where i am. I lived there 20 years of my life, and seen not a single change.
I had a loved one that committed suicide, because of the society, the poverty, the problems of daily life, the unfairness of Lebanon and the feeling of being hopeless and not being able to build a life after being educated simply because of the religion and idiotic mind of the Lebanese.
Lebanon is a beautiful land, but its people are arrogant and a curse on it!
so kindly do not ask me to hate international justice, since the western justice is all what i can see that could put an end to such crap!
Sasi, again u forgot in your list to mention Hariri, Siniora, Murr, Geagea, etc. You are living in a country that kills and burns other countries so you can say I am free.... if u don't have a problem with that then u shouldn't have problem with corrupted minds. If u want to change things in Lebanon u should act and try to change the mind of the people (and as u see, on internet boards it doesn't work at all; not to say that it will work better on the ground but u should give it a try). Gay rights is great but what about the right for people in Irak or Libya not to be bombed with nuclear material?? Read reports about Fallujah? What about the right of people in New Orlean to have gov. help to rebuild after 6 years almost u will still c Katarina prints. What about the rights of native indians who lost a lot... see, the problem is how much harm u r willing to do to others to make ur place a better place to be... I am not for such policy, not at all!!
the world sees US and Israel and the biggest threats for peace (look on the web and see what the WHOLE world thinks and who is on the top list of dangerous states for the world). Iran is not a good regime we all agree unless we are blind and short sided but it didn't invade Iraq after the first war on saddam, it would habe been an easy task, he had almost no more military power. Syria invaded Leb and will do it again as soon as US will give it green light again if it ever happens. These are facts, I don't live in Iran and I can fight from the inside in order to have a seecular regime in Lebanon, it will take time but insulting others and increasing tensions and being a tool for the US won't help, it will end-up like always in history burning our country. I'll probably stop posting on Nahar, I though it could help but discovered that it doesn't, I tried for 3-4days and all I got were insults. Critical Thinking should be ur motto no m14, m8 or m16.
Mabboud, you are mistaken on my location.
I am not in the US, i am in Scandinavia. one of the fairest place on earth! you are welcome to come and see by yourself!
I never said that i supported the way things are done. am talking about that i admire the values of the west. the idea of a fair democratic society with no corruption and with respect to human life, this what Lebanon cannot offer.
The US might be evil as you claim but compared to the horrible syrian regime behavior. they are angels in the west!
Sasi, a last post International Justice won't help in doing anything for your country, to be effective it has to be for everyone and not Special and have to be on the long run not for a specific case or nbr of cases. As you said, the problem in Leb is Secular and corrupted people and STL will leverage one against the other and blind all the people on the real problem. You said it yourself, the problem has nothing to do with the killings, killings could be a conscequence, a symptom and STL won't help at all even in removing the Symptom long-term. What we need is mobilization and action in Lebanon for the right causes not for politicians and sides m8 or m14... u r using the STL as an excuse not to act yourself though it seems u understand things and c reality more than u say; yet you r blinding yourself and do not allign action & vision with ur true beliefes u r in their game of STL vs m8 and "fitna". Take care.
Scandinavia is nice and u should be happy. There is no West and East, cold war is of the past, I like what is happening now in South America, it gives hope for Africa and the ME, the West as u say destroyed many countries and installed dictatorial regimes all over the world just to make money, they are more corrupted than what u can imagine and have much more blood on their hands than the rest of the world... u should stop posting the way u do and post only to try to debate with people who don't share all your opinions and views this is a good start if u want to change Lebanon from its roots not only looking at the finger that shows the moon. Trust me it will be much more effective in reaching your goal of a better Lebanon, it will take time and it starts by refusing outside melting and interventions not by using one against the other because it will only help giving more power to the other. Good luck.
Who killed Hariri and later-on a dozen of March 14 members? How 1 ton of TNT can enter the heart of Beirut in the middle of the day without the complicity of local security agents? All this without the knowledge of the Syrian intelligence while they have been occupying the country since 1991 and deeply incrusted in all the security services of the country? Can such operation be executed by a couple of men, or more likely there are dozens directly involved to insure its logistics? What do March 8 have as an alternative to the STL? they just want to bark that Israel is reponsible and turn the page, awaiting for the next president to be killed? Let the STL says what it wants to say, even bullshits. They may have something interesting to say. What is much more dangerous and scandalous are the voices calling to shut down the STL without any evidence, just based on their feelings and their proud. They cannot accept the idea that they may be wrong, even not for the sake of the country.
I love your last statement: "They cannot accept the idea that they may be wrong, even not for the sake of the country." this applies to bothe parties and this is why yu should accept to debate with arguments. Sept 11 happened in the US, Pentagon was hit, yet u don't say that it proves there is an incide job. 200+ Mossad agents were captured, we are not rue that it was 1000kg of TNT and there are many boats that could effectively bring TNT in Leb and all this not forgetin that South Leb was an Israeli zone and that you might have hidden explosives, tons of them.. and no Hezb is no god to know everything that happens everywhere and the Syrian Moukhabarat are not better than FBI CIA MI5 etc. That said yes, it can be Syria who did it, it's probable and can be Israel, both camps are rejecting options... STL rejected form the first day the Israeli option, never did investigate, it is Spevial, pushed by USrael which makes it also suspect for a hidden agenda (Syria or not being the killer).
Sasi, for your info, Sweden was a string advocate of Rome Status (which is certainly not the case for Syria, US and Israel) and they even aligned few years ago their judicial system with the status and are not affraid to judge their own citizens of war crime. By the way, it is also the biggest advocate for boycotting Israel. I don't know if u live in Sweeden or Denmark or Norway but I have much more respect for those countries and thik they are Nordic rather than Western :) Take care
What irritates me more than anything else is pretentious people, hypocrites, and wolves in sheep's clothing. Mabboud, you present yourself as a neutral person, but EVERY position you take is pro Hezbollah and pro Amadinejad.
Gee what a surprise that you are against M14, against the US, against Europe, against the West, and against the STL. I'm shocked!!!
You showed your true colors when you dissed Mousawi and Khameni and propped up Ahmadinejad. "Ahmadinejad is a man of the people and not corrupted" HAH!! good one!!!! Ahmadinejad is pure evil, and if you are a fan of his then everything you have posted makes perfect sense. And by the way, the VAST MAJORITY of the people in Iran HATE Ahmadinejad.
Regardless of who started Hezbollah, while the recent murders in Lebanon took place, HA were under the control of the Iranian Quds force, who took marching orders under the watch and approval of Ahmadinejad. So all the murders that took place in Lebanon lead back to him.
Mabboud, do a little research yourself and will will easily find that Ahmadinejad approved the hiring of thousands of "propagandists" whose job is to post pro-Iranian messages on Internet websites. Gee, I wonder why you spend all day posting pro-Ahmadinejad positions on Naharnet ALL DAY EVERY DAY?????
The purpose of my list of American politicians and journalists was to show the scale of important people that were killed in Lebanon. I was not trying to pick all from one political party, but you aren't bright enough to understand this. If all those people were killed in the US, it would be the biggest story of the century. Yet in Lebanon, your political allies want the whole thing to go away and be forgotten. Or they threaten strife if justice is pursued. Or morons will try to pick at small details of the STL to say it is not perfect.
The bottom line is this, there is no alternative to the STL, this is what the UN agreed on. Stop criticizing it until you see the evidence.
Also Mabboud, stop twisting my words. You wrote that I talked about "STL bringing proof" and you say that the "Special tribunal have shown that they don't care about the truth but do have solid agendas".
First of all, I said that STL has gathered evidence against Hezbollah members. I did not say they have "shown their proof" because they will do so AFTER the trial begins. So stop trying to win the case before the trial and before seeing the evidence.
As far as your claim of the STL having an agenda. Please do share with us that agenda. Their agenda is to find justice for the murders of Lebanese heroes who were brave enough to speak against the evil Syrian regime and the Iranian backed militia in Lebanon. Wait until you see the evidence they have uncovered before you make judgments.
You are the one with the hidden agenda. EVERYTHING you state just happens to be pro-Amadinejad and pro-Hezbollah. What a coincidence!!!
Mabboud, the big elephant in the room that you are ignoring, is the fact that you are spending ALL DAY EVERY DAY posting your pro-Ahmadinejad comments here on an M-14 oriented website. Seems strange no?
You claim to be neutral, but every position you take is pro-Ahmadinejad. Hmmmmmmm, makes one wonder how neutral you are??? Why are you so passionate about DISCREDTTING the STL, before you have seen their evidence????
A person passionate about justice would know that there is no alternative to the STL, and would not try to discredit the STL before seeing its evidence.
I'm done responding to you. Good luck in your career as a propagandist.
people-power, u r resuming ur cliche and shortcuts, I am not an Iranian and don't realy care about what happens in Iran (which u do and u shouldn't). I mentioned ahmadinejad to try to show tha truth is not what we might think and that it needs a little digging (read the following article: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/01/do-we-have-ahmadinejad-all-wrong/69434/ it might help u, the writer is no propagandist, u will have hard times proving it since he is exhiled and against the regime). Now, that said, I am no propagandist and don't want Lebanon to pay the price for US-Iran-Syria war and I am simply for trying to solve our problems internaly. STL is not UN but Security Council and if US was so eager for Justice why not sign the Rome Statuts. I am not naive and don't realy trust US when they speak about international justice, thus the hidden agenda. Ask yourself why they want to help Lebanon (supposidely) & why not before and why not sue Syria for war crime??
I stated on NN boards that I am for using the ICC (which is the ONLY international criminal court approved by UN) to sue Syria for war crimes. I am not against international justice but question SPECIAL justice. Why not sue Syria for war crime & use the ICC? r u against it? I think it would be more effective than an ersatz of international justice that will be short lived (since specific to a specific crime). This is no propaganda contrary to the propaganda that STL will bring peace & stability to Leb. & the region; how could it, see Iraq.
I never said I was neutral, I am against several things, I am for judging war criminals in Lebanon like Jumblat, Berri, Geagea, Kassem & others (it will be bad for civil peace & security) but also stated that I support the new government. Opinions & Logos ain't propaganda. Propaganda is when u assert things with no material or explanation or relay what u c in mainstream media without questioing it... I question things, how could it b propaganda?
people-power, I will probably stop trying to push people to think since it is clear now that its useless, as I said I did it for the last 3-4 days and will stop (I didn't post on any new thread since yeaterday). U should try to use more you brain instead of jumping to conclusions and beleive everything u read. worse, try not to jump to conclusions and insult people or treat them as agent when u can argue. I am sad to see how much heatred exists in both camps and how blind most of lebanese are. Propaganda works well for bot it seems, since it's often relayed without questioning and trying to find answers. I'll ask a lats question. Let's say that Hezbollah & Syria are condamned by the STL, would it remove arms from teh Hezb, will it stop the killings in Syria? how? without US/NATO military intervention? without civil strife? without many civilians dying? no more bombs like in Iraq? Nice Hezb terrorists will just say sorry, take our arms, put us in jail? Give me the ideal scenario...
That said, I am sorry for disturbing NN boards and try to create some debate; I am probably not good in building constructive discussions, I tend to try and provoke peoples reaction (not only powerful ones ;) ). It ss my style to try tu push people into thinking more but it seems that the propaganda was so good, so Orwelian that it turned everyone into propagandist agains one of the Big Brothers.
A truth’s initial commotion is directlyproportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world beinground that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packedweb of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truthwill seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.-- Dresden James:
All the best for everyone on this board (I don't think there are any agents, ony common people who most of them love Lebanon). And let's all hope that our country will be a better place to live=in, in the near future.
A little blink to the past: 48 hours after the killing of Hariri, the crime scene was backfilled & the road re-opened. Exactly as per the judical investigations standards. :). Assuming the Syrians inncocents, did not they want to open a serious investigation to know how their securtiy forces have been breached?? Some months later Ghazi Kanaan is killed with his brother. 2 days after the governement approved the decision of creating a STL, the Down town is invaded. And among the 10 persons killed from March 14 camp, there is a little guy of 34 years old, Wissam Eid, investigating in Hariri case. How strange. 1 week before his death he was contacted by Hezbollah...This without mentioning the strange killing of Mughniyeh... And yes, Israel killed Hariri and the other dozen victims to ignite strife in the region. They did not kill any official from the armed March 8 because it leads to peace for sure and not to a civil war :).
Mammoud, please enough of your mumbo jumbo bullsh!t. You are pro-Ahmadinejad, you have admitted it. You are not here to promote discussion, you are here to promote your agenda, which is pro-Iran, pro-Ahmadinejad, and pro-Hezbollah. Which makes you anti-M14, anti-US, anti-Europe, anti-West, and probably anti every country in the world except North Korea, Venezuela, Syria and Iran (you won't admit it but it's true).
The STL has mountains of evidence against Hezbollah members committing murder against patriot Lebanese leaders. If Hezbollah is found guilty, there is no possible scenario that Ahmadinejad and Iran were not aware and did not order these murders. So obviously you are ant-STL.
Stop being picayune regarding the STL. We don't care that the murder suspects will be forced to use single ply toilet paper instead of double ply toilet paper while in detention. Who gives a flying f#ck?
The outrage should be against the fact that these Lebanese leaders were murdered.
And BTW Mammoud, most of us on this board don't care about what happens in Iraq, Iran, Syria or Afghanistan, so stop trying to weave that into your lame arguments. The STL has nothing to do with those countries, so give it up.
Your level of outrage against the STL (and qty of posts) is not proportional to the supposed injustice of the STL. Everyone should be outraged that innocent politicians and journalists are murdered in cold blood, and no suspects arrested. And when idiots blame M14 murders on CIA, Mossad and Saudi because they say "look at who benefitted from the murders?" What a stupid argument. As if Hezbollah anticipated the Cedar Revolution.
Besides, do you think M8 would be in power now if Rafik, Pierre, Gebran, Samir, Wissam, Walid, were still alive? So who benefited?
About you leaving, I would say good riddance, don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out, but I know you will reappear under a different name.
people-power, it seems that u r more than just blind and short-sighted, u r also a jerk. u didn't answer to my questions, u r reiterating facts morphed into dogmas. u u r more paranoid than Hezb who sees Israeli agents everywhere, u see people who will b changing their names just to continue posting as if they can't with the pseudo they have. I probably do care much more than u about justice and innocent being killed, I simply use my brain and try to figure why things are happening & the outcome it could lead 2. U refuse to tell me how the STL helped Hezb to reach power (they already had it according to your own posts since it is their weapons), how it failed to stop the killings of journalists & politicians (and please don't tell me that STL came after, STL was already programmed since the Mehlis days). u r in total delusion and will probably stay like that, I don't know if I have 2 b upset of being insulted repeatedly or just pittie u, I'll chose the latter.
by the way power people, u missed the important question in your delirium of insults and torrent of insults...
Let's say that Hezbollah & Syria are condamned by the STL, would it remove arms from teh Hezb, will it stop the killings in Syria? how? without US/NATO military intervention? without civil strife? without many civilians dying? no more bombs like in Iraq? Nice Hezb terrorists will just say sorry, take our arms, put us in jail? Give me the ideal scenario...
instead of insulting me and asking me where is my house in Dahye and why I will change my pseudo just try to take enough time to think and answer the above question, it will be more constructive and help debating and stop insulting and insinuating bad things about people that I don't know, not only miss-reading why they say but using other posters' content to try to discredit and avoid debating. What r u afraid of (this is not a question just a though I have, I don't want u to lose focus, just answer 2 paragraph 2 please)
by the way, I'm not anti anyone, I am for Nationalism for all countries i.e. they do what pleases them at home, all nations can push for their own democracies. I am for the true power to the people to accomplish their own destiny and against any form of intervention, be it US, Iranian or Chinese. But the problem is not what I want or like and putting ideas on a forum to open a debate has to be confrontational else it has no use but unfortunately, brainwashed people will just read what they want, forget about the context and the objectives and will never and I mean never question their beliefs. PP, u should start by answering the above paragraph 2 question not for me but for yourself, maybe it will help trigger your brain power for critical thinking, I doubt it will and this is why I pittie u most.
Have a nice w-e insulting other people & working for a better future and try to be courageous enough to answer the good questions, it's the only way to get the correct answers.
I'll help your brain even further "And BTW Mammoud, most of us on this board don't care about what happens in Iraq, Iran, Syria or Afghanistan, so stop trying to weave that into your lame arguments. The STL has nothing to do with those countries, so give it up." STL if it is about international justice and llaws should and this is the point u miss when u talk about justice, justice needs to be 4 all to be credible and work.
"when idiots blame M14 murders on CIA, Mossad and Saudi because they say "look at who benefitted from the murders?" did I say that, it's better when u talk to me to answer my questions if u want 2 b credible
"do you think M8 would be in power now if Rafik, Pierre, Gebran, Samir, Wissam, Walid, were still alive? So who benefited?" u r using the same argument u sued in the above sentence to discredit people, guess u r discrediting yourself
"I know you will reappear under a # name" no need, this name is already a brand :) u know nada else u would answer to Qs
Since this is an m14 website which obviously I am not, I am a free man with a free mind (which doesn't mean that I am neutral though), I invite everyone to help people-power in finding answering my questions. This is not an open for insults and calumny but a genuine invitation to debate of the best outcome the STL could have for Lebanon, short and long term and for the international justice which all here are proud to support, what the STL will bring.. but let's focus on the best outcome for our country short and long-term, how would the best scenario be... of course, taking as an assumption that it will prove that Syria, Iran Hezbollah r guilty; how will it move forward, what would the international community do to our benefit and would it stop violence, revenge and killings? how? what would be the cost? benefit?
Mammoud, you are like a gnat, still buzzing around annoying people. The purpose of the STL is to find the criminals who killed the M14 martyrs. It is not about disarming Hezbollah or stopping the killings in Syria. Get that into your thick skull.
And when you try to discredit the STL, you are insulting the Lebanese martyrs who died fighting for independence, you are also insulting their family, and insulting their supporters.
Lastly, try to imagine you are on a plane that has just landed. As you are leaving the plane, you try to start a conversation with the pilot. The pilot just wants to get everyone off the plane so he can go home to see his family. And there goes Mammoud..... "I want to talk to you and ask you some questions. I demand you answer my questions!!"
And the pilot says.... "bub bye now"
Waw so now u r a pilot of the NaharNet board and I am asking too many questions. You are not forces to answer, u don't have answers so u attack again by making me say things I didn't but hey, u r the pilot and u choose the direction. U should change your name to me-power or pilot-power.... I know that the STL objective is to find a try the killers, I am just saying that it has a hidden agenda and not insulting anyone who was killed or their family or supporters. But you, you are insulting the intelligence of other people on the board by the pilot story to avoid answering, yet starting with your usual calumny and delusions. I have been polite and patient and answered ur questions while u have just shown how much u r shortsighted at best anti-debate and democracy at worse. But no problem, u can continue to fly high in your rotten mind and your fascist plane, thinking that u can fly higher than anyone else. Answer my Qs if u can but don't insult & find excuses if u can't... poor tartuffe