باسيل يعتبر أن النزوح السوري "يهدد الكيان اللبناني" ويدعو للحد منه
Read this story in Englishحذر وزير الطاقة بحكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل من "أزمة النزوح السوري"، معتبراً انها "تهدد الكيان اللبناني"، داعياً في الوقت عينه الى الحد من هذا النزوح.
وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده باسيل، الجمعة، أعلن أن عدد النازحين المسجلين "رسمياً في آخر احصاء في آب الفائت، بلغ مليون و300 الف نازح، قائلاً "لقد اصبحنا شعبين في دولة واحدة وليس شعب واحد في دولتين".
واكد أن أزمة النزوح السوري هي "اكبر ازمة تهدد الكيان اللبناني منذ قيامه"، داعياً "لوقف كامل لاستقبال النازحين الا في الحالات الاستثنائية التي في حاجة الى رعاية صحية".
الى ذلك، حذر باسيل من أزمة النازحين السوريين معتبراً أنها "باتت تهدد الكيان اللبناني"، مشيراً الى ان "ما بين 220 الف الى 230 الف لبناني مهددين بالبطالة جراء هذا النزوح"، واوضح الى "ان هناك زيادة على طلب الكهرباء بلغت 213 الى 306 ميغا جراء النزوح".
ولفت الى انه من الناحية الامنية فإن "النزوح يشكل خطرا لان الشباب السوري مدرب في بلاده اثناء الخدمة العسكرية"، موضحا ان "87 في المئة من المحاكمات والتوقيفات هي من السوريين".
واعتبر ان "الخدمات التي تساهم في تأمينها الدولة للسوريين تحفزهم الى المزيد من النزوح"، موضحا ان هناك "اتجاها رسميا للاستدانة من اجل اغاثة النازحين السوريين".
واعتبر أن "طلب التمويل لتحسين ظروفهم يدخلنا بسياسة دمجهم في لبنان".
وحسب الامم المتحدة، فان اكثر من مليوني سوري فروا الى الدول المجاورة كما انتقل حوالى ستة ملايين سوري الى مناطق اخرى في سوريا. ويستقبل لبنان القسم الاكبر منهم وتحدث مسؤولون لبنانيون عن وجود اكثر من 1.2 مليون سوري في لبنان.
والاربعاء، عقد اجتماع دولي في نيويورك، من أجل دعم لبنان فيمختلف المجالات وبالاخص في ملف النازحين السوريين، حيث اعلنت بريطانيا انها ستدفع 160 مليون دولار كمساعدات اضافية للاجئين السوريين.
Yislam Timmak Ya Bassil and this lovely tan you are brandishing! The influx of Syrian Sunni refugees is largely to blame for the shortages in electricity and the heavy burden on the Lebanese atomic-power grid. Said grid was at optimal performance before these refugees started pouring in like ants into our country. Statistical analysis conducted by the FPM clearly indicates that Syrian Christians and Alawis consume less power than Sunni Syrians. This is a conspiracy by Gaegae and Harriri to undermine your achievements in the Ministry that you chair. Bassil: we all know your achievements and qualifications.... Rest assured, we the lebanese recognize you as one of the miracles of lebanese politics and a phenomena rarely seen since the independence and establishment of Lebanon. Bless You....
cut the hypocrisy rft, and the sectarian talk. either answer what he's talking about or zip it. don't go inventing stuff trying to sound smart.
Bless you Mowaten for being the moderator, and telling RFT what to say. We need more patriots like you.
I am sure R-FT cares so much what the "non-sectarian" mowaten of Iran and his twin think:)
your sarcasm is misplaced in this case Roaring. Bassil is right 100%. At least he has the balls to talk about the matter, not like HA who does not care about Lebanon or Mikati who is happy seeing sunnites increase in lebanon.
no offense bud but it does not make sense to commend him on speaking about it and then condemn HA for not caring. HA is in power currently because of his actions. He owns a huge chunk of the responsibility that has brought us to this stage.
BTW- I enjoy reading most of your comments as you are a very reasonable person and truly believe you have Lebanon first at heart whether I agree with your comments or not.
Hulk. this is the biggest mistake of people. They think that HA is in power because of Aoun. This is not true. When March 8 occured, there was no Aoun in M8. It was HA, AMal, palestinian factions, SSNP, Jibril, Baath, and other miscellaneous junk. HA intended to take power with or without Aoun. Aoun came and gave legitimacy to HA true. If he had not given legitimacy to HA, HA would have remained a party of thugs occupying Solidere, and imposing its view by force. HA would have occupied the country by force. At least due to Aoun, HA is tasting the taste of legitimacy, it is learning how difficult it is to control the government. HA today is unmarginalized and our brother chiites are learning (albeit slowly) on how to join the brethen of the state. What brought us to this stage are the Iranian and Syrian instructions to HA. Not Aoun.
There is nothing legitimate about HA. Actually, HA is far less legitimate now then they were in the past. Aoun did not do a damn thing to give them a "taste of democracy" as you put it. The only thing he did was take part in the collapse of the previous cabinet and help them have a major share in this one. He then proceeded to provide them political cover throughout. to use that sort of logic to give aoun credit is a very far reach. Aoun joined them for a single reason. He realized that he was never going to be lead dog with M14 and would never see the presidency. He knew that he would have substantial power if he joined M8 and he went that route. His switch had absolutely nothing to do with making the country better, doing the right thing, or anything that resembles a shred of patriotism. In my opinion, to think that aoun joined HA to avert civil war or legitimize them is a bit gullible.( I hope I don't offend you, not my intent)
I am sure R-FT cares so much what the "non-sectarian" mowaten of Iran and his twin think:)
beware, they're now going to claim that "black shirts" made naharnet remove their article ;)
i'd rather have two people in one nation than a one people in two nations, the latter gave the syrian regime the right to invade and occupy lebanon
the same danger that lead lebanon to war in the 70s is happening now. This time the psp is not siding with this national sovereign danger. The syrians are replacing the Palestinians.
Those that are dismissing Bassil and the many other political parties, are dismissing Lebanon as a republic! The republic of lebanon must control all its territory, must control who comes into the country and must be able to support the citizens of this country. There are people that mock lebanese nationalism and claim we are all arabs... We are lebanese. we are not western or eastern, not arab or persian, we are lebanese! The descendants of the Phoenicians, we are open, diverse, religiously, culturally and linguistically, but we are all Lebanese! Separate to Palestinians and syrians, very different to saudi, gulf arabs, Egyptians and the northern africans!
Control our borders! all lebanese return from syria and end this political corrupt class. Military coup is needed!
so what is the gvt you are part of doing since 2 years for the refugees? nothing... now you cry? LOL
What happened to the news report published this morning stating that Sehnaoui was obstructing justice for STL?
Did the sinister minister pressure our favourite news website?
so according to bassil.... syrian refugees are not welcomed in lebanon but what is welcome are syrian agents, weapons, bombs, assassinations, bribe money, etc etc
Yes I agree with what he said and I also blame him and his government for botching things up to this point.