Intensified Security Measures in Hizbullah Strongholds After Nasrallah’s Revelations
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Hizbullah leadership is taking unprecedented security measures in Beirut’s southern suburbs, the Bekaa and the south, a French strategic news website has said.
TTV site said Friday that around 100 Iranian explosives experts have arrived in the suburbs accompanied by trained dogs over fears that Hizbullah would be targeted by explosions.
The fears rose after Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah claimed that U.S. and Israeli intelligence agents had penetrated the party’s ranks.
March 14 general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid reiterated on Saturday that Beirut’s southern suburbs are outside the control of the state.
“Or else let them deny what the French website TTV said about 100 explosives experts had entered the area with their police dogs,” he told LBC TV network.

Wlik take down the Lebanese flag and rise the Hezbollah one over the saraya and get done with this joke! this way we will be done and we know the truth!

Is this the same Fares Soaid who used to crawl to Anjar and lick Syrian boots to become MP? Did you notice that since his masters left Lebanon he failed to become a MP? Of course now he has a much more important position as the coordinator of the General Israelitariat of March 14 and Mafia Hariri.

Hombre stay in your dirty sewers with your master the big fat dirty pork coward mzster of yours hassouni and say hello to your zionist ''spy'' agents friends whove been all along among you and to your knowledge of course. You dont need bomb experts you need insectand rats exterminators to get you out of your disgusting underground holes

Lebanon should be split in 2. One for the democratic state of Lebanon and the South for the repressive regime of Hizthrowup. The Lebanese must know they will never have complete control over their gret country. Wise up now before Hiz starts another war.

A MILLION Iranians this time won't help to protect them here we go.

ohh!! funny isn t it! they ask the help of a foreign country? not to the legal bodies of their own state? they really want to reinforce the power of the state as they claim!
ah, yes i forgot, their zones are independent from lebanon!

Congratulations Ben-USA. This is the most intelligent comment I have read in months.
There are many successfull splits : Tchequia and Slvokia. North and South Sudan. Not to mention the 15 countries split fo the Soviet Union.
However our split will be like the two Koreas. The Hizb dominated area will face what is Syria facing today in a maxium of 5 years. And the Shiites will join again a completely free country.

bubbaman until when this hate campaign is gonna continue. are you really that full of hate and anger simply because we want you to join the army and be in the army and open your areas to the army and develop and become modern and brake Ur alliance with Syria and Iran and look at them as nations that we could have excellent ties with through the state.
am i wishing you something wrong by telling u i want u to pay electricity and get it 24/7 and that i want you to believe in what you want but to respect a state and a law and contribute for the respect of humans you live with, is it so hard to accept that we share powers and try to build a country and benefit from the wealth of our land, booming tourism and work and economy and good welfare for all the people.
I call for that. if you call me a dog for asking all these good things for me and you, then you are simply mentally ill and have no logic and blind by your own power!

if bubbman finds it normal to call iranian experts to deal with security matters in the hezbi areas then i m sure he will not oppose if usa experts come and do the same thing if called by a lebanese party...
am i right bubbaman, this defines your logic doesn t it? this is your logic of sovereignty!