Airport Security Thwarts Cocaine Smuggling Operation into Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Customs agents at Rafik Hariri International Airport succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle cocaine into Lebanon, announced the National News Agency on Saturday.

It said that a Lebanese national was arrested after 9.2 kilograms of cocaine were found hidden in his luggage.

It was later discovered that he was traveling with two passports, an American one under the name of Elian A. and a Lebanese one under the name of Adel A.

He was traveling to Lebanon from Brazil via Abu Dhabi.

Comments 7
Missing phillipo 02 November 2013, 12:01

Has anyone ever thought, and this is the same at all airports all over the world, if one consignment is caught, how many have got through?

Default-user-icon Druglord (Guest) 02 November 2013, 14:50

9.3 kg of cocaine is worth about $2.5 million.

Missing nuetral 02 November 2013, 16:15

Come on guys its the week end lets have a truce.

Thumb primesuspect 02 November 2013, 17:06

or the truth!

Missing helicopter 02 November 2013, 17:18

Competition is not allowed in this market. Drug dealing is reserved only for those tasked with the duty of protecting welayat elfaqih and any revenues from drug dealing must be employed in the fight against the mortal enemy of welayat elfaqih (M14, and maybe Israel). If one must deal with filth at least the reaped benefits should be put to good use and only HA has the mandate and sharaf for such.

Thumb primesuspect 02 November 2013, 17:42

mayday i'm going down.....

engine 1 critical


Thumb general_puppet 02 November 2013, 23:26

Souther villager, I am not inciting... I am only stating that your English writing skills (or rather lack off) make you sound like a foolish child. If you post in your native Farsi you would have a better chance of getting your idiotic comments across.